changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Offers the always online functionality for the Presence Engine
    15 *                and the Chat application
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp.h"
    22 #include "CPEngAOPluginTimer.h"
    23 #include "CPEngAOCallObserver.h"
    24 #include "IMPSCommonUiDebugPrint.h"
    25 //#include "PresenceErrors.h"
    27 #include "CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler.h"
    28 #include "CPEngAONwStatusObserver.h"
    29 #include "cimpsconnuiconnectionmodenotifierng.h"
    30 #include "cimpspresenceaaconnectionng.h"
    31 #include "CIMPSSharedDataFactory.h"
    32 #include "MIMPSSharedData.h"
    33 #include "CIMPSReconnectNoteHandler.h"
    34 #include "IMPSUIDDefs.h"
    35 #include "impspresenceconnectionuiconstsng.h"
    37 #include <PEngAOPluginNG.rsg>
    38 #include <flogger.h>
    39 #include <PEngPresenceEngineConsts2.h>
    40 #include <avkon.hrh>
    41 #include <errorui.h>
    42 #include <e32property.h>    // RProperty
    44 #include <APGCLI.H>
    45 #include <APACMDLN.H>
    46 #include <aknglobalmsgquery.h>
    47 #include <bautils.h>
    49 #include "cpengaodialogmonitor.h"
    50 #include "impscommonuibuilddefinitions.h"
    52 // CONSTANTS
    54 // after first 12 connection tries is shown global note for continuation
    55 // if user accepts continuation then 8 new tries and after that note
    56 // is shown again user accepts again then 8 new tries and so on....
    57 const TInt KFirstReconnectionRetryCycleLength( 12 );
    59 const TInt KRestReconnectionRetryCyclesLength( 8 );
    62 //wait time after changing from offline to not offline state, in microseconds
    63 const TInt KWaitTimeFromOfflineToNotOffline = 22000000;
    65 // the wait times are from IMPS Service Settings UI specification and they are
    66 // in minutes. They are also relative to the previously waited, not
    67 // absolute wait times. For first fife tries are defined values and after that
    68 // reconnection is tried after 15 minutes intervals
    69 const TInt KMaxNumberOfDefinedWaitTimes( 5 );
    71 const TInt KLoginWaitTime[KMaxNumberOfDefinedWaitTimes] = { 0, 2, 3, 5, 5 };
    73 const TInt KDefaultLoginWaitTime = 15;
    75 _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS( KIMPSSharedReadPolicy );
    76 _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS( KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
    78 _LIT( KAOPluginResourceFile, "PENGAOPluginNG.rsc" );
    79 _LIT( KAOPluginResourcePath, "\\Resource\\" );
    82 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    84 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp
    86 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    87 // might leave.
    88 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp() :
    91         iNetworkOpsAllowed( ETrue ),
    92 //iPreviousEvent( EPEngPresenceServiceSAPChanged ),
    93         iLoginCount( 1 ), // first attempt
    94         iPluginState( EIMPSAOPluginRunning ),
    95         iRoaming( EFalse ),
    96         iScheduledLoginOk( EFalse ),
    97         iUserControlledConnection( EFalse ),
    98         iEventInQueue( EFalse ),
    99         iQueuedLogoutIsScheduledLogout( EFalse ),
   100         iCurServerDisconnectDenied( EFalse )
   101     {
   102     }
   104 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::ConstructL
   106 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   107 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::ConstructL()
   110     {
   111     iAutoLogin = iKeys.LoginManualEnum();
   113     // client for notice setting changes
   114     iSettingChangesNotifier =
   115         CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreateTemporaryKeyHandlerL( this,
   116                                                             KIMPSServSettNotifyUid );
   118     // create shared data client
   119     iSharedDataServiceSettings =
   120         CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL( this,
   121                                                             KIMPSServSettUid );
   123     iNwObserver = CPEngAONwStatusObserver::NewL( *this );
   125     // Create monitor for roam ing warning dialog
   126     iDlgMonitor = CPEngAODialogMonitor::NewL( *this );
   128     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   130     TFileName resourceFileName;
   131     resourceFileName.Zero();
   132     TFileName drivePath;
   133     Dll::FileName( drivePath );
   134     resourceFileName.Append( TParsePtrC( drivePath ).Drive() );
   135     resourceFileName.Append( KAOPluginResourcePath() );
   136     resourceFileName.Append( KAOPluginResourceFile );
   138     if ( resourceFileName.Length() > 0 )
   139         {
   140         // when baflutils gets an empty string, it returns "C:",
   141         // which breaks things
   142         BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iFs, resourceFileName );
   143         }
   145     iResFile.OpenL( iFs, resourceFileName );
   146     iResFile.ConfirmSignatureL();
   147     }
   149 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::NewL
   151 // Two-phased constructor.
   152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 //
   154 CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp* CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::NewL()
   155     {
   156     CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp* self = new( ELeave ) CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp();
   158     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   159     self->ConstructL();
   160     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   162     return self;
   163     }
   165 // Destructor
   166 CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::~CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp()
   167     {
   168     FreeMemory();
   169     delete iSettingChangesNotifier;
   170     delete iSharedDataServiceSettings;
   171     delete iNwObserver;
   172     delete iRoamingQueryText;
   173     delete iRoamingQueryTitle;
   174     if (	iGlobalMsgQuery )
   175         {
   176         iGlobalMsgQuery->CancelMsgQuery();
   177         }
   178     delete iGlobalMsgQuery;
   179     delete iDlgMonitor;
   180     }
   182 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   183 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::DoLogin
   184 // Logs out from the wv server
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   186 //
   187 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::DoLogin()
   188     {
   189     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "DoLogin" );
   190     // if already in doing login state or
   191     // if the call is active, just return when the call ends, we get a notify->
   192     // just return (a possible leave can be ignored)
   193     if ( iCallObserver->CallActive( this ) )
   194         {
   195         // if call is active, this is set as the call observer
   196         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Call is active, cannot do login currently" );
   197         return;
   198         }
   199     else if ( iPluginState == EIMPSAOPluginDoingLogin )
   200         {
   201         // emptying event queue,
   202         // because is currently doing login, and we
   203         // want to be in logged state after login is done
   204         iEventInQueue = EFalse;
   205         return;
   206         }
   207     else if ( iPluginState == EIMPSAOPluginDoingLogout )
   208         {
   209         // currently doing logout, adding login action to
   210         // event queue
   211         iEventInQueue = ETrue;
   212         return;
   213         }
   215     // start login procedure and set correct state
   216     iPluginState = EIMPSAOPluginDoingLogin;
   217     iReconnectNoteHandler->CancelNoteShowing( this );
   219     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::DoLogin try[%d]" ), iLoginCount );
   220     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   221     TInt err( KErrNone );
   223     iTimeBeforeLoginTry.HomeTime();
   225 #ifdef DEBUG
   226     TDateTime loginTime;
   227     loginTime = iTimeBeforeLoginTry.DateTime();
   228     IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Time before login try: " );
   229     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "year [%d] " ), loginTime.Year() );
   230     // +1 added to get human readable form of day and month on debug print
   231     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "day [%d], month [%d]" ), loginTime.Day() + 1,
   232                 loginTime.Month() + 1 );
   233     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "hour [%d], minu [%d]" ), loginTime.Hour(),
   234                 loginTime.Minute() );
   235 #endif
   238     TRAP( err, retVal =  iConnectionUI->LoginL( EIMPSConnClientIM ) );
   240     iPluginState = EIMPSAOPluginRunning;
   242     // regardless of the result of login, if there came a logout event during
   243     // the login, call DoLogout
   244     if ( iEventInQueue )
   245         {
   246         iEventInQueue = EFalse;
   247         DoLogout( iQueuedLogoutIsScheduledLogout );
   248         iQueuedLogoutIsScheduledLogout = EFalse;
   249         return;
   250         }
   252     // handle leaves with memory related errors
   253     CheckMemoryErrors( err );
   255     if ( err < KErrNone )
   256         {
   257         IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "LoginL leaved with code [%d]" ), err );
   258         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "All leaves are handled as retval KErrCouldNotConnect" );
   259         // if the LoginL-call leaves set the return value to normal
   260         // return value when connection could not be made, to get reconnect
   261         // later working.
   262         retVal = KErrCouldNotConnect;
   263         }
   265     switch ( retVal )
   266         {
   267         case KErrAlreadyExists: // fallthrough
   268         case KErrNone:
   269             {
   270             // Login succeeded, reset the plugin states and counts
   271             IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::DoLogin successful try[%d]" ), iLoginCount + 1 );
   272             Reset();
   273             break;
   274             }
   275         case KErrNotFound: // fallthrough
   276         case KErrArgument:
   277         case KErrNotSupported:
   278             {
   279             // wrong password, don't try to relogin, ConnectionUI shows the note
   280             Reset();
   281             // reset because we can't retry the login if the username and / or
   282             // password are incorrect
   283             break;
   284             }
   286         case KErrAccessDenied: // fallthrough
   287         case KErrGeneral:
   288         case KErrCouldNotConnect:
   289             {
   290             // login failed with some network failure (time out or other network error) ->
   291             // wait and try again, show confirmation query if needed
   292             if ( iLoginCount == KFirstReconnectionRetryCycleLength )
   293                 {
   294                 iReconnectNoteHandler->ShowNote( this );
   295                 }
   296             else if ( ( iLoginCount > KFirstReconnectionRetryCycleLength ) &&
   297                       ( ( ( iLoginCount - KFirstReconnectionRetryCycleLength )
   298                           % KRestReconnectionRetryCyclesLength ) == 0
   299                       )
   300                     )
   301                 {
   302                 iReconnectNoteHandler->ShowNote( this );
   303                 }
   304             else
   305                 {
   306                 StartWaiting();
   307                 iLoginCount++;
   308                 }
   309             break;
   310             }
   311         case KErrCouldNotDisconnect:
   312             {
   313             // there was connection to different server than default
   314             // and user denied disconnecting
   315             iCurServerDisconnectDenied = ETrue;
   316             }
   317         break;
   318         default:
   319             {
   320             // something else, undefined return value
   321             // these errors don't affect reconnection functionality
   322             // For just in case checking memory related errors
   323             CheckMemoryErrors( retVal );
   324             break;
   325             }
   326         }
   327     }
   329 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   330 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::DoLogout
   331 // Logs out from the wv server
   332 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   333 //
   334 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::DoLogout( TBool aIsScheduledLogout /* = EFalse */ )
   335     {
   336     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "DoLogout" );
   338     // do logout only if we are logged in
   339     TBool loggedIn( EFalse );
   340     TInt err( KErrNone );
   341     TRAP( err, loggedIn = iConnectionUI->LoggedInL( EIMPSConnClientIM ) );
   343     // Checking memory errors
   344     CheckMemoryErrors( err );
   346     if ( ( !loggedIn ) || err )
   347         {
   348         // not logged in just return
   349         // errors are handled as not logged in.
   350         return;
   351         }
   352     else if ( iPluginState == EIMPSAOPluginDoingLogout )
   353         {
   354         // emptying event queue,
   355         // because is currently doing logout, and we
   356         // want to be in logged out state after logout is done
   357         iEventInQueue = EFalse;
   358         iQueuedLogoutIsScheduledLogout = EFalse;
   359         return;
   360         }
   361     else if ( iPluginState == EIMPSAOPluginDoingLogin )
   362         {
   363         // currently doing login, adding logout action to
   364         // event queue
   365         iEventInQueue = ETrue;
   366         iQueuedLogoutIsScheduledLogout = aIsScheduledLogout;
   367         return;
   368         }
   370     iPluginState = EIMPSAOPluginDoingLogout;
   372     TInt retVal( KErrNone );
   373     TRAP( err, retVal = iConnectionUI->LogoutL( EIMPSConnClientIM,
   374                                                 aIsScheduledLogout ) );
   376     // checking memory related errors
   377     // other errors are  ignored, because want only forward most
   378     // importand errors to framework
   379     CheckMemoryErrors( err );
   381     if ( retVal == KErrAccessDenied )
   382         {
   383         iCurServerDisconnectDenied = ETrue;
   384         }
   386     iPluginState = EIMPSAOPluginRunning;
   388     // regardless of the result of logout, if there came a login event during
   389     // the login, call DoLogout
   390     if ( iEventInQueue )
   391         {
   392         iEventInQueue = EFalse;
   393         iQueuedLogoutIsScheduledLogout = EFalse;
   394         DoLogin();
   395         }
   396     }
   398 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   399 // CIMAlwaysOnlinePlugin::CheckPluginNeed()
   400 // Checks if the autologin option is set.
   401 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   402 //
   403 TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CheckPluginNeed()
   404     {
   405     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "CheckPluginNeed" );
   407     TInt readValue( KErrCouldNotConnect ); // initialize to an error value
   409     TInt err( iSharedDataServiceSettings->GetIntKey( iKeys.LoginTypeKey(), readValue ) );
   410     if ( ( err != KErrNone ) ||
   411          ( readValue < iKeys.MinLoginTypeEnum()  ) ||
   412          ( readValue > iKeys.MaxLoginTypeEnum() ) )
   413         {
   414         return EFalse;
   415         }
   417     iAutoLogin = readValue;
   419     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckPluginNeed" );
   420     if ( iShowRoamingWarning )
   421         {
   422         return ETrue;
   423         }
   424     else
   425         {
   426         return ( ( readValue == iKeys.LoginAutoAlwaysEnum() ) ||
   427                  ( readValue == iKeys.LoginAutoInHomeNWEnum() ) );
   428         }
   429     }
   432 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::SetShowRoamingWarning( TBool aShowRoamWarning )
   433     {
   434     iShowRoamingWarning = aShowRoamWarning;
   435     }
   438 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   439 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CheckAllConnectionVariables
   440 // Checks the plugin variables and makes a login or logout
   441 // if needed.
   442 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   443 //
   444 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CheckAllConnectionVariables()
   445     {
   446     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "CheckAllConnectionVariablesL" );
   448     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "iNetworkOpsAllowed = %d " ), iNetworkOpsAllowed );
   449     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "iUserControlledConnection = %d " ), iUserControlledConnection );
   450     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "iAutoLogin = %d " ), iAutoLogin );
   451     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "iScheduledLoginOk = %d " ), iScheduledLoginOk );
   452     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "iCurServerDisconnectDenied = %d " ), iCurServerDisconnectDenied );
   453     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "iRoaming = %d " ), iRoaming );
   455     // network operations not allowed
   456     if ( !IsNetworkOperationsAllowed() )
   457         {
   458         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "NetworkOps NOT allowed" );
   459         IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckAllConnectionVariablesL" );
   460         return;
   461         }
   463     // autogin not set
   464     // -> don't do anything
   465     else if ( ( iAutoLogin != iKeys.LoginAutoAlwaysEnum() ) &&
   466               ( iAutoLogin != iKeys.LoginAutoInHomeNWEnum() ) )
   467         {
   468         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "autologin NOT set" );
   469         IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckAllConnectionVariablesL" );
   470         return;
   471         }
   472     // we already know that autologin is set -> no need to check that
   473     // check if scheduled login not ok
   474     else if ( !iScheduledLoginOk )
   475         {
   476         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Scheduled Login NOT on" );
   477         DoLogout( ETrue );
   478         }
   480     else if ( ( iAutoLogin == iKeys.LoginAutoAlwaysEnum() ) ||
   481               ( !iRoaming && ( iAutoLogin == iKeys.LoginAutoInHomeNWEnum() ) ) )
   482         {
   483         // If its Alwayslogin, roaing and roaing warning flag is enabled
   484         // then ask user if wants to login
   485         if ( ( iAutoLogin == iKeys.LoginAutoAlwaysEnum() ) &&
   486              iRoaming &&
   487              iShowRoamingWarning )
   488             {
   490             TBool isUserLoggedIn( EFalse );
   491             TRAP_IGNORE( isUserLoggedIn = IsUserLoggedInL() );
   492             // If the dialog is not displaying now then show it
   493             if ( !( iDlgMonitor &&
   494                     iDlgMonitor->IsActive() &&
   495                     !isUserLoggedIn ) )
   496                 {
   497                 TBool isRoamingDlgShown( EFalse );
   498                 RProperty roaming;
   499                 TInt error = roaming.Get( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid, EIMPSSharedKeysRoamingDlgShown, isRoamingDlgShown );
   500                 if ( !isRoamingDlgShown && !error )
   501                     {
   502                     TRAP_IGNORE( HandleRoamingL() );
   503                     }
   504                 }
   505             }
   506         else
   507             {
   508             DoLogin();
   509             TBool isLoggedIn( EFalse );
   510             TRAP_IGNORE( isLoggedIn = iConnectionUI->LoggedInL( EIMPSConnClientIM ) );
   511             if ( iIsToLogoutForRoaming && isLoggedIn )
   512                 {
   513                 iIsToLogoutForRoaming = EFalse;
   514                 DoLogout();
   515                 }
   516             }
   517         }
   518     // check the roaing is on and we are in autologin state
   519     else if ( ( iAutoLogin == iKeys.LoginAutoInHomeNWEnum() ) && iRoaming )
   520         {
   521         DoLogout();
   522         }
   523     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckAllConnectionVariablesL" );
   524     }
   526 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   527 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandlePresenceEventL
   528 // Handles the presence event change
   529 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   530 //
   531 #if 0
   532 void HandlePresenceEventL( CIMPSConnUiPresEventNotifier* /*aNotifier*/,
   533                            const CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& /*aSessionSlotID*/,
   534                            TIMPSConnectionClient /*aClient*/,
   535                            TIMPSPresenceServiceEvent aEvent )
   536     {
   537     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandlePresenceEventL" );
   538     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aEvent [%d]" ), aEvent );
   540     // check the previous state before deciding what to do?
   541     if ( ( aEvent == EPEngEventAppNWPresenceSessionClosed ) &&
   542          ( iPreviousEvent == EPEngPresenceServiceNetworkDown ) )
   543         {
   545         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   546         }
   547     iPreviousEvent = aEvent;
   549     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandlePresenceEventL" );
   550     }
   551 #endif
   553 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   554 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL()
   555 //
   556 // (other items were commented in a header).
   557 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   558 //
   559 void  CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL( const TUid /* aUid */,
   560                                                              const TIMPSSharedKeys /* aKey */ )
   561     {
   562     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL" );
   563     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL" );
   564     }
   566 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   567 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL()
   568 //
   569 // (other items were commented in a header).
   570 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   571 //
   572 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL( const TUid aUid,
   573                                                             const TIMPSSharedKeys aKey )
   574     {
   575     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL" );
   576     if ( ( aUid == KIMPSServSettNotifyUid ) &&
   577          ( aKey == iKeys.LoginTypeChangedKey() ) )
   578         {
   579         CheckPluginNeed();
   580         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   581         }
   582     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL" );
   583     }
   585 #if 0
   586 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   587 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleEventNotifyError
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandlePresenceEventNotifyError(
   591     CIMPSConnUiPresEventNotifier* /*aNotifier*/,
   592     TInt aError )
   593     {
   594     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleEventNotifyError [%d]" ), aError );
   595     // check memory errors, other errors ignored
   596     CheckMemoryErrors( aError );
   597     }
   598 #endif
   600 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   601 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleScheduleEvent
   602 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   603 //
   604 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleScheduleEvent( TBool aIsScheduledLoginOk )
   605     {
   606     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleScheduleEvent" );
   607     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aIsScheduledLoginOk [%d]" ), aIsScheduledLoginOk );
   608     iUserControlledConnection = EFalse;
   609     iScheduledLoginOk = aIsScheduledLoginOk;
   610     if ( !aIsScheduledLoginOk )
   611         {
   612         iReconnectNoteHandler->CancelNoteShowing( this );
   613         }
   614     CheckPluginNeed(); // just in case that login type has changed same time
   615     CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   616     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleScheduleEvent" );
   617     }
   619 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   620 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleNwStatusChangeL
   621 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   622 //
   623 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleNwStatusChange( TBool aNwAvailable )
   624     {
   625     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleNwStatusChange" );
   626     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aNwAvailable [%d]" ), aNwAvailable );
   628     if ( aNwAvailable )
   629         {
   630         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   631         }
   632     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleNwStatusChange" );
   633     }
   635 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   636 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleNoteAnswered
   637 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   638 //
   639 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleNoteAnswered( TInt aAnswer )
   640     {
   641     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleNoteAnswered" );
   642     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aAnswer [%d]" ), aAnswer );
   644     if ( aAnswer == EAknSoftkeyYes )
   645         {
   646         iLoginCount++; // competing login "round" to
   647         // avoid note showing too early next time
   648         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   649         }
   650     else
   651         {
   652         Reset();
   653         }
   654     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleNoteAnswered" );
   655     }
   657 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   658 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleNoteCancelled
   659 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   660 //
   661 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleNoteCancelled()
   662     {
   663     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleNoteCancelled" );
   664     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleNoteCancelled" );
   665     }
   667 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   668 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleRoamingChangeL
   669 // Handles network change event
   670 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   671 //
   672 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::SetRoaming( TBool aRoamingStatus )
   673     {
   674     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "SetRoaming" );
   675     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aRoamingStatus [%d]" ), aRoamingStatus );
   676     iRoaming = aRoamingStatus;
   678     CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   679     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "SetRoaming" );
   680     }
   683 //----------------------------------------------------------
   684 // Checks if setting is Auto login in home n/w
   685 //----------------------------------------------------------
   686 //
   687 TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::IsLoginAutoInHomeNW()
   688     {
   689     if ( iAutoLogin == iKeys.LoginAutoInHomeNWEnum() )
   690         {
   691         return ETrue;
   692         }
   694     return EFalse;
   695     }
   698 //----------------------------------------------------------
   699 // Checks if user is logged in or not
   700 //----------------------------------------------------------
   701 //
   702 TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::IsUserLoggedInL()
   703     {
   704     if ( iConnectionUI )
   705         {
   706         return iConnectionUI->LoggedInL( EIMPSConnClientIM );
   707         }
   708     return EFalse;
   709     }
   712 //----------------------------------------------------------
   713 // Handles the roaing status
   714 // Handles roaing status
   715 //----------------------------------------------------------
   716 //
   717 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleRoamingL()
   718     {
   719     if ( !iGlobalMsgQuery )
   720         {
   721         iGlobalMsgQuery = CAknGlobalMsgQuery::NewL();
   722         }
   723     iGlobalMsgQuery->CancelMsgQuery();
   724     iDlgMonitor->Start();
   726     if ( !iRoamingQueryText )
   727         {
   728         iRoamingQueryText = ReadResourceLC( R_QTN_NOTE_ROAMING_ORANGE );
   729         CleanupStack::Pop();
   730         }
   732     if ( !iRoamingQueryTitle )
   733         {
   734         iRoamingQueryTitle = ReadResourceLC( R_QTN_NOTE_TITLE_ROAMING_ORANGE );
   735         CleanupStack::Pop();
   736         }
   738     iGlobalMsgQuery->ShowMsgQueryL( iDlgMonitor->iStatus, *iRoamingQueryText,
   739                                     R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO,
   740                                     *iRoamingQueryTitle ,
   741                                     KNullDesC );
   742     }
   745 //----------------------------------------------------------
   746 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CommonDialogDismissedL()
   747 // Handle user action for roaing warning dialog.
   748 //----------------------------------------------------------
   749 //
   750 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CommonDialogDismissedL( const TInt aStatusCode )
   751     {
   752     // Handle user action for roaing warning.
   753     switch ( aStatusCode )
   754         {
   755         case EAknSoftkeyNo:
   756             {
   757             if ( iConnectionUI->LoggedInL( EIMPSConnClientIM ) )
   758                 {
   759                 DoLogout();
   760                 }
   761             else
   762                 {
   763                 iIsToLogoutForRoaming = ETrue;
   764                 }
   765             break;
   766             }
   767         case EAknSoftkeyYes:
   768             {
   769             // Set the key that warning is shown once for session
   770             User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
   771                                                 EIMPSSharedKeysRoamingDlgShown,
   772                                                 ETrue ) );
   774             // Do nothing if user is already logged in. Else login
   775             if ( !iConnectionUI->LoggedInL( EIMPSConnClientIM ) )
   776                 {
   777                 DoLogin();
   778                 }
   779             }
   780         default:
   781             {
   782             break;
   783             }
   784         }
   785     }
   788 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   789 // CPEngAlwaysOnlinePlugin::ReadResourceLC()
   790 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   791 //
   792 HBufC* CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::ReadResourceLC( TInt aResourceId )
   793     {
   794     //Own resource reader for AA plug-in environment (no CONE facilities available)
   795     TInt plainResourceId = 0x00000fff & aResourceId; // Remove offset from id
   797     HBufC8* rawDataBuf = iResFile.AllocReadLC( plainResourceId );
   799     //raw data buffer is actually unicode text ==> treat it so
   800     TPtrC16 rawData( ( TUint16* ) rawDataBuf->Ptr(),
   801                      rawDataBuf->Length() / 2 );
   803     HBufC16* resourceData = rawData.AllocL();
   804     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rawDataBuf );
   806     CleanupStack::PushL( resourceData );
   808     return resourceData;
   809     }
   812 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   813 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleTimeWaited
   814 //
   815 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   816 //
   817 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleTimeWaited()
   818     {
   819     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleTimeWaited" );
   820     CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   821     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleTimeWaited" );
   822     }
   824 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleTimeWaitedError( TInt aError )
   825     {
   826     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleTimeWaitedError [%d]" ), aError );
   827     if ( aError != KErrCancel )
   828         {
   829         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   830         }
   831     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleTimeWaitedError" );
   832     }
   834 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   835 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleConnectionModeEventL
   836 //
   837 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   838 //
   839 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleConnectionModeEventL(
   840     CIMPSConnUiConnectionModeNotifier* aNotifier,
   841     TIMPSConnectionModeEvent aEvent )
   842     {
   843     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleConnectionModeEventL" );
   844     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aEvent [%d]" ), aEvent );
   845     if ( aNotifier == iConnectionNotifier )
   846         {
   847         if ( aEvent == EIMPSCMEUserLevelLogin )
   848             {
   849             iUserControlledConnection = ETrue;
   850             // reset connection count and stop timer
   851             Reset();
   852             // no need for checking connection variables in this case --> return
   853             IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleConnectionModeEventL" );
   855             if ( iIsToLogoutForRoaming )
   856                 {
   857                 iIsToLogoutForRoaming = EFalse;
   858                 DoLogout();
   859                 }
   860             return;
   861             }
   863         if ( aEvent == EIMPSCMEUserLevelLogout )
   864             {
   865             if ( iCurServerDisconnectDenied )
   866                 {
   867                 // logout from different server than default
   868                 // because current server disconnect was denied
   869                 // free to open connection to default server
   870                 iUserControlledConnection = EFalse;
   871                 }
   872             else
   873                 {
   874                 // logout from default server, user controlled
   875                 // logout, because cannot make new login default
   876                 // server until next connection start time.
   877                 iUserControlledConnection = ETrue;
   878                 }
   879             iCurServerDisconnectDenied = EFalse;
   880             }
   882         else if ( aEvent == EIMPSCMELastSSClientStop )
   883             {
   884             iUserControlledConnection = EFalse;
   885             iCurServerDisconnectDenied = EFalse;
   886             }
   887         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   888         }
   889     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleConnectionModeEventL" );
   890     }
   892 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   893 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleConnectionModeEventNotifyError
   894 //
   895 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   896 //
   897 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleConnectionModeEventNotifyError(
   898     CIMPSConnUiConnectionModeNotifier* aNotifier,
   899     TInt aError )
   900     {
   901     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleConnectionModeEventNotifyError [%d]" ), aError );
   903     CheckMemoryErrors( aError );
   905     if ( ( aError != KErrCancel ) && ( aError != KErrServerTerminated ) )
   906         {
   907         // must be trapped as the inherited method isn't leavable
   908         // leave can be ignored as there's nothing we can do about it
   909         if ( aNotifier == iConnectionNotifier )
   910             {
   911             TRAPD( err, iConnectionNotifier->StartL() );
   912             CheckMemoryErrors( err );
   913             }
   914         }
   915     }
   917 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   918 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::AllowNetworkOperations
   919 //
   920 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   921 //
   922 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::SetNetworkOpsAllowed( TBool aAllowed )
   923     {
   924     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "SetNetworkOpsAllowed" );
   925     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aAllowed [%d]" ), aAllowed );
   927     TBool previousNetworkOpsAllowed( iNetworkOpsAllowed );
   928     iNetworkOpsAllowed = aAllowed;
   929     // wait for a while before checking the variables after setting this on
   930     // because the network isn't available immediately
   931     // and only do it if we changed from offline to not-offline
   932     if ( !previousNetworkOpsAllowed && iNetworkOpsAllowed )
   933         {
   934         iWaitReason = EIMPSAOPluginWaitingForLogin;
   935         if ( iTimer->IsActive() )
   936             {
   937             iTimer->Cancel();
   938             }
   940         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 wTime( KWaitTimeFromOfflineToNotOffline );
   941         iTimer->After( wTime );
   942         }
   943     else
   944         {
   945         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
   946         }
   948     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "SetNetworkOpsAllowed" );
   949     }
   951 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   952 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartPluginL
   953 //
   954 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   955 //
   956 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::InitializePluginL()
   957     {
   958     if ( !iReconnectNoteHandler )
   959         {
   960         iReconnectNoteHandler = CIMPSReconnectNoteHandler::NewL( EIMPSConnClientIM );
   961         }
   962     if ( !iCallObserver )
   963         {
   964         iCallObserver = CPEngAOCallObserver::NewL();
   965         }
   967     if ( !iScheduler )
   968         {
   969         iScheduler = CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::NewL( iKeys );
   970         iScheduler->SetObserver( this );
   971         }
   973     if ( !iTimer )
   974         {
   975         iTimer = CPEngAOPluginTimer::NewL();
   976         }
   978     if ( !iConnectionNotifier )
   979         {
   980         // get notifys when the connection mode changes
   981         iConnectionNotifier =
   982             CIMPSConnUiConnectionModeNotifier::NewL( EIMPSConnClientIM );
   983         iConnectionNotifier->AddObserverL( this );
   984         }
   986     iConnectionUI = CIMPSPresenceAAConnection::NewL( EIMPSConnClientIM );
   988     if ( !iErrorUI )
   989         {
   990         // error ui for error notes showing
   991         iErrorUI = CErrorUI::NewL();
   992         }
   993     }
   995 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   996 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::InitializePluginL
   997 //
   998 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   999 //
  1000 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::FreeMemory()
  1001     {
  1002     delete iTimer;
  1003     iTimer = NULL;
  1005     delete iCallObserver;
  1006     iCallObserver = NULL;
  1008     delete iConnectionNotifier;
  1009     iConnectionNotifier = NULL;
  1011     delete iConnectionUI;
  1012     iConnectionUI = NULL;
  1014     delete iScheduler;
  1015     iScheduler = NULL;
  1017     delete iErrorUI;
  1018     iErrorUI = NULL;
  1020     delete iReconnectNoteHandler;
  1021     iReconnectNoteHandler = NULL;
  1022     }
  1024 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1025 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::InitializePluginL
  1026 //
  1027 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1028 //
  1029 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartPluginL()
  1030     {
  1031     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StartPluginL" );
  1033     // start listening the shared data key events
  1034     User::LeaveIfError(
  1035         iSettingChangesNotifier->SubscribeSet( KIMPSServSettNotifyUid,
  1036                                                iKeys.LoginTypeChangedKey() ) );
  1038     // check need of plugin
  1039     if ( CheckPluginNeed() )
  1040         {
  1041         InitializeSharedKeysL();
  1042         InitializePluginL();
  1044         // set this as the timer's observer
  1045         iTimer->SetObserver( this );
  1047         iConnectionNotifier->StartL();
  1049         TRAPD( err, iScheduler->StartSchedulingL() );
  1050         if ( err )
  1051             {
  1052             IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Scheduling start failed --> autologin NOT on" );
  1053             iAutoLogin = iKeys.LoginManualEnum();
  1054             Reset(); // reset reconnect functionality
  1055             }
  1056         iScheduledLoginOk = iScheduler->IsScheduledLoginOk();
  1057         }
  1058     else
  1059         {
  1060         IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "AutoLogin NOT on --> stopping scheduling" ) );
  1061         if ( iScheduler )
  1062             {
  1063             iScheduler->StopScheduling();
  1064             iScheduledLoginOk = iScheduler->IsScheduledLoginOk();
  1065             }
  1066         Reset(); // reset reconnect functionality
  1067         }
  1069     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StartPluginL" );
  1070     }
  1072 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1073 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StopPlugin
  1074 //
  1075 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1076 //
  1077 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StopPlugin()
  1078     {
  1079     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StopPlugin" );
  1081     if ( iScheduler )
  1082         {
  1083         iScheduler->StopScheduling();
  1084         }
  1086     // stop listening to presence events
  1087     if ( iConnectionNotifier )
  1088         {
  1089         iConnectionNotifier->Stop();
  1090         }
  1092     iSettingChangesNotifier->UnSubscribe( KIMPSServSettNotifyUid,
  1093                                           iKeys.LoginTypeChangedKey() );
  1094     if ( iCallObserver )
  1095         {
  1096         iCallObserver->StopObserving();
  1097         }
  1099     if ( iTimer )
  1100         {
  1101         if ( iTimer->IsActive() )
  1102             {
  1103             iTimer->Cancel();
  1104             }
  1105         }
  1107     iNwObserver->StopObserving();
  1109     if ( iConnectionUI )
  1110         {
  1111         DoLogout();
  1112         }
  1114     FreeMemory();
  1115     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StopPlugin" );
  1116     }
  1118 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1119 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::Reset()
  1120 // Resets the plugin
  1121 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1122 //
  1123 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::Reset()
  1124     {
  1125     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "Reset" );
  1127     iLoginCount = 1; // first login
  1128     iPluginState = EIMPSAOPluginRunning;
  1129     if ( iTimer )
  1130         {
  1131         if ( iTimer->IsActive() )
  1132             {
  1133             iTimer->Cancel();
  1134             }
  1135         }
  1136     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "Reset" );
  1137     }
  1139 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1140 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartWaiting
  1141 //
  1142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1143 //
  1144 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartWaiting()
  1145     {
  1146     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StartWaiting" );
  1148     TTimeIntervalMinutes waitInMinutes( KDefaultLoginWaitTime );
  1150     // then add the wait time according to what login try it is
  1151     if ( iLoginCount < KMaxNumberOfDefinedWaitTimes )
  1152         {
  1153         waitInMinutes = KLoginWaitTime[iLoginCount];
  1154         }
  1157     TTime timeToKickIn;
  1159     // get the what the time is right now
  1160     timeToKickIn.HomeTime();
  1162     if ( timeToKickIn >= ( iTimeBeforeLoginTry + waitInMinutes ) )
  1163         {
  1164         // login attempt has
  1165         // taken more time than defined wait time
  1166         // --> starting new login immediately
  1167         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Login attempt has taken more time than wait time" );
  1168         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Check all connection variables immediately" );
  1169         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
  1170         IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StartWaiting" );
  1171         return;
  1172         }
  1174     if ( timeToKickIn <= iTimeBeforeLoginTry )
  1175         {
  1176         // clock turned backwards during login attempt
  1177         // so current time used as base for calculations of new login attempt
  1178         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Clock turned backwards during login attempt" );
  1179         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Using current time as base for new login attempt calculations" );
  1180         timeToKickIn += waitInMinutes;
  1181         }
  1182     else
  1183         {
  1184         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Normal situation" );
  1185         IMPSCUI_DP_TXT( "Using time before login as base for new login attempt calculations" );
  1186         timeToKickIn = ( iTimeBeforeLoginTry + waitInMinutes );
  1187         }
  1189     // and start waiting
  1190     iWaitReason = EIMPSAOPluginWaitingForLogin;
  1191     StartTimer( timeToKickIn );
  1192     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StartWaiting" );
  1193     }
  1195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1196 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartTimer
  1197 //
  1198 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1199 //
  1200 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartTimer( TTime aTime )
  1201     {
  1202     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::StartTimer" ) );
  1204     if ( iTimer->IsActive() )
  1205         {
  1206         iTimer->Cancel();
  1207         }
  1209     TDateTime launchTime( aTime.DateTime() );
  1211     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "Waiting for [%d] at:" ), iWaitReason );
  1212     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "year [%d] " ), launchTime.Year() );
  1213     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "day [%d], month [%d]" ), launchTime.Day() + 1,
  1214                 launchTime.Month() + 1 );
  1215     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "hour [%d], minu [%d]" ), launchTime.Hour(),
  1216                 launchTime.Minute() );
  1218     iTimer->At( aTime );
  1219     }
  1221 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1222 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleCallEnded
  1223 //
  1224 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1225 //
  1226 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::HandleCallEndedL( TBool aEnded )
  1227     {
  1228     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleCallEndedL" );
  1229     IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aEnded [%d]" ), aEnded );
  1231     if ( aEnded )
  1232         {
  1233         CheckAllConnectionVariables();
  1234         }
  1236     IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleCallEndedL" );
  1237     }
  1240 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1241 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CheckMemoryErrors
  1242 //
  1243 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1244 //
  1245 TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CheckMemoryErrors( TInt aError )
  1246     {
  1247     TInt retval( EFalse );
  1248     if ( ( aError == KErrNoMemory ) || ( aError == KErrDiskFull ) )
  1249         {
  1250         // Leaves on errornote showing are ignored, because
  1251         // cannot do anymore if errorhandling itself fails.
  1252         TInt ignore;
  1253         TRAP( ignore, iErrorUI->ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( aError ) );
  1254         retval = ETrue;
  1255         }
  1256     return retval;
  1257     }
  1259 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1260 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::IsNetworkOperationsAllowed
  1261 //
  1262 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1263 //
  1264 TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::IsNetworkOperationsAllowed()
  1265     {
  1266     TInt retval( ETrue );
  1268     // Network operations are not allowed
  1269     // the user controlled login / logout event is active or
  1270     // network is not available
  1271     // or with previous login attempt disconnect from previous
  1272     // server ( other than default, which ao plugin is using )
  1273     // was denied
  1274     if ( !iNetworkOpsAllowed ||
  1275          iUserControlledConnection ||
  1276          !iNwObserver->IsNetworkAvailable() ||
  1277          iCurServerDisconnectDenied )
  1278         {
  1279         retval = EFalse;
  1280         }
  1281     return retval;
  1282     }
  1284 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1285 // CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::InitializeSharedKeysL
  1286 //
  1287 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1288 //
  1289 void CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::InitializeSharedKeysL()
  1290     {
  1291     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1292                        EIMPSSharedKeysServSettLoginTypeChangedPEC,
  1293                        RProperty::EInt,
  1294                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1295     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1296                        EIMPSSharedKeysServSettLoginTypeChangedIM,
  1297                        RProperty::EInt,
  1298                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1299     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1300                        EIMPSSharedKeysServSettScheduleChangedPEC,
  1301                        RProperty::EInt,
  1302                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1303     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1304                        EIMPSSharedKeysServSettScheduleChangedIM,
  1305                        RProperty::EInt,
  1306                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1307     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1308                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMClientLoginLogoutStateChannel,
  1309                        RProperty::EInt,
  1310                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1311     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1312                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMLoginLogoutEventChannel,
  1313                        RProperty::EInt,
  1314                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1315     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1316                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMSSClientReqistrationChannel,
  1317                        RProperty::EInt,
  1318                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1319     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1320                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMGlobalOperationSignalChannel,
  1321                        RProperty::EInt,
  1322                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1323     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1324                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMRemoteUiNotificationsChannel,
  1325                        RProperty::EInt,
  1326                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1327     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1328                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECClientLoginLogoutStateChannel,
  1329                        RProperty::EInt,
  1330                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1331     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1332                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECLoginLogoutEventChannel,
  1333                        RProperty::EInt,
  1334                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1335     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1336                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECSSClientReqistrationChannel,
  1337                        RProperty::EInt,
  1338                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1339     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1340                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECGlobalOperationSignalChannel,
  1341                        RProperty::EInt,
  1342                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1343     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1344                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECRemoteUiNotificationsChannel,
  1345                        RProperty::EInt,
  1346                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1347     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1348                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonClientLoginLogoutStateChannel,
  1349                        RProperty::EInt,
  1350                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1351     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1352                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonLoginLogoutEventChannel,
  1353                        RProperty::EInt,
  1354                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1355     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1356                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonSSClientReqistrationChannel,
  1357                        RProperty::EInt,
  1358                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1359     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1360                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonGlobalOperationSignalChannel,
  1361                        RProperty::EInt,
  1362                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1363     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1364                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonRemoteUiNotificationsChannel,
  1365                        RProperty::EInt,
  1366                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1368     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1369                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMClientLoginLogoutStateData,
  1370                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1371                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1372     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1373                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMLoginLogoutEventData,
  1374                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1375                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1376     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1377                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMSSClientReqistrationData,
  1378                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1379                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1380     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1381                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMGlobalOperationSignalData,
  1382                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1383                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1384     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1385                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMRemoteUiNotificationsData,
  1386                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1387                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1388     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1389                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECClientLoginLogoutStateData,
  1390                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1391                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1392     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1393                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECLoginLogoutEventData,
  1394                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1395                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1396     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1397                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECSSClientReqistrationData,
  1398                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1399                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1400     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1401                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECGlobalOperationSignalData,
  1402                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1403                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1404     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1405                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECRemoteUiNotificationsData,
  1406                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1407                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1408     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1409                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonClientLoginLogoutStateData,
  1410                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1411                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1412     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1413                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonLoginLogoutEventData,
  1414                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1415                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1416     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1417                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonSSClientReqistrationData,
  1418                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1419                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1420     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1421                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonGlobalOperationSignalData,
  1422                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1423                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1424     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1425                        EIMPSSharedKeysCommonRemoteUiNotificationsData,
  1426                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1427                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1429     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1430                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMGlobalChannel,
  1431                        RProperty::EInt,
  1432                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1433     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1434                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECGlobalChannel,
  1435                        RProperty::EInt,
  1436                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1439     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1440                        EIMPSSharedKeysIMGlobalData,
  1441                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1442                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1443     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1444                        EIMPSSharedKeysPECGlobalData,
  1445                        RProperty::EByteArray,
  1446                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1448     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1449                        EIMPSSharedKeysRoaming,
  1450                        RProperty::EInt,
  1451                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1453     RProperty::Define( KIMPSConnUiTemporaryUid,
  1454                        EIMPSSharedKeysRoamingDlgShown,
  1455                        RProperty::EInt,
  1456                        KIMPSSharedReadPolicy, KIMPSSharedWritePolicy );
  1457     }
  1459 //  End of File