changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Logger manager with read access to history files.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __CCALOGGERMANAGER_H__
    20 #define __CCALOGGERMANAGER_H__
    22 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <f32file.h>
    25 #include <s32file.h>
    27 #include "MCALoggerReadInterface.h"
    28 #include "MCALoggerWriteObserver.h"
    32 class MCALoggerMessageFactory;
    36 /**
    37  *  Logger manager with read access to history files.
    38  *
    39  *  @lib CALogger.dll
    40  *  @since 2.1
    41  */
    42 class CCALoggerManager : 	public CBase,
    43             public MCALoggerReadInterface,
    44             public MCALoggerWriteObserver
    45     {
    46     public:
    48         /**
    49          *	Destructor.
    50          *	Closes filesession. Resets toc and write arrays.
    51          */
    52         virtual ~CCALoggerManager();
    54     protected:
    56         /**
    57          * Two-phased constructor. Creates instance to CCALoggerManager
    58          *	Can leave if there is no enough memory.
    59          *	Can leave if Dll::SetTls call fails.
    60          *	@return Instance to CCALoggerManager
    61          */
    62         static CCALoggerManager* NewL();
    64         /**
    65          * C++ default constructor.
    66          */
    67         CCALoggerManager();
    69         /**
    70          * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
    71          */
    72         void ConstructL();
    74     private:	//new methods
    76         /**
    77          *	Get instance of CCALoggerManager
    78          *	If instance is not yet created, creates instance.
    79          *	Sets message factor if passed.
    80          *	Reads toc file if not yet read and if messagefactory is set.
    81          *	@since 2.1
    82          *  @param aMessageFactory Factory which is used for message and header
    83          *							creation.
    84          *  @param aCreate tells if instance should be created or not if not exists.
    85          *	@return Singleton instance of CCALoggerManager
    86          */
    87         static CCALoggerManager* InstanceL(
    88             MCALoggerMessageFactory* aMessageFactory,
    89             TBool aCreate = ETrue , TBool aNotFirstTime = ETrue );
    91         /**
    92          *	Get suitable filename. Check situation and updates suitable
    93          *  filename.
    94          *	If latest filename is checked before, just add one to current
    95          *	number. Otherwise check out directory contents and see which
    96          *	is last file number used.
    97          *	@since 2.1
    98          */
    99         void SuitableLogFileNameL();
   101         /**
   102          *	Read header information from toc file and updates toc file
   103          *	to contain only those headers that points to files that exists.
   104          *	If message factory does not exists. This call does nothing.
   105          *	Leaves if some other error than KErrNotFound in file open rutine.
   106          *	Leaves if error happens when header is tried to append to array.
   107          *	Leaves if toc filename rename fails
   108          *	Leaves if leaves if new toc file creation fails.
   109          *	Leaves if memory check fails with KErrDiskFull
   110          *	@since 2.1
   111          */
   112         void ReadTocFileL( TBool aFirstTime );
   114         /**
   115          *	Append new header to toc file. Creates file if not exists.
   116          *	Leaves if file open and creation fails.
   117          *	Leaves if memory check fails with KErrDiskFull
   118          *	@since 2.1
   119          *	@param aHeader New header information which will be written
   120          *  @param aTemporary ETrue, and we are saving temporary toc file.
   121          *                    EFalse and we are saving real toc file.
   122          */
   123         void WriteTocFileL( MCALoggerMessageHeader& aHeader,
   124                             TBool aTemporary = EFalse );
   126         /**
   127          *	Read information from message file.
   128          *	Leaves if message factory is not set with KErrNotReady
   129          *	Leaves if history file cannot be opened.
   130          *	Leaves if message append to array fails.
   131          *	@since 2.1
   132          *	@param aMessageArray Client provides array for messages read from
   133          *			file. Messages are appended to array.
   134          *	@param aKey File to be read is recognized by header. Pointer to
   135          *				aKey reference is used for task.
   136          */
   137         void ReadMessageFileL(
   138             RPointerArray< MCALoggerMessage >& aMessageArray,
   139             MCALoggerMessageHeader& aKey );
   141         /**
   142          *	Checks if header already exists
   143          *	Users aHeaders FilenameL method for key to check
   144          *	@since 2.5
   145          *	@param aHeader Checked header
   146          *	@return ETrue if exists, EFalse if not.
   147          */
   148         TBool CheckIfHeaderExistsL( MCALoggerMessageHeader& aHeader );
   150         /**
   151          *
   152          */
   153         void PopulateTocArrayL( RPointerArray< MCALoggerMessageHeader >& aArray,
   154                                 const TDesC& aTocFilename
   156 #ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE
   157                                 , TBool aFirstTime
   158 #endif
   159                               );
   160         /**
   161         *    Leave if file operation return code is KErrDiskFull.
   162         *    @param aErrorCode is file operation return code.
   163         */
   164         void LeaveIfDiskFull( TInt aErrorCode );
   168     public:	//new methods
   170         /**
   171          *	Get read interface to history data. Client cannot delete instance.
   172          *	Leaves if instance call fails.
   173          *	@since 2.1
   174          *  @param aMessageFactory Factory which is used for message and header
   175          *							creation.
   176          *	@return Pointer to instance of CCALoggerManager
   177          */
   178         static MCALoggerReadInterface* ReadInstanceL(
   179             MCALoggerMessageFactory* aMessageFactory, TBool aFirstTime = EFalse );
   181         /**
   182          *	Creation of write instance to history data
   183          *	Leaves if instance call fails.
   184          *	Leaves if creation of CCALoggerWriter fails.
   185          *	@since 2.1
   186          *  @param aMessageFactory Factory which is used for message and header
   187          *							creation.
   188          *	@return Pointer to new created CCALoggerWriter. Ownership is
   189          *					transferred to the caller.
   190          */
   191         static MCALoggerWriteInterface* WriteInstanceL(
   192             MCALoggerMessageFactory* aMessageFactory );
   194         /**
   195          *	Releases instance. This is only for testing purposes.
   196          *	Sets Dll::Tls to NULL.
   197          *	Leaves if instance call fails.
   198          */
   199         static void ReleaseInstanceL();
   201     public:	//	Inherited from MCALoggerWriteObserver
   203         /**
   204          *	Add file to write buffer. TFileRelation contains two pointer.
   205          *	MCALoggerMessageHeader and MCALoggerWriteInterface
   206          *	Ownership of MCALoggerMessageHeader is transfered to this class
   207          *	Ownership of MCALoggerWriteInterface will stay in caller.
   208          *	Calls first RemoveFileL with MCALoggerWriteInterface parameter
   209          *	to be sure that there is no other file in write array for
   210          *	MCALoggerWriteInterface. Then appends TFileRelation parameter to
   211          *	array.
   212          *	Leaves if TPointerArray::Append fails.
   213          *	@since 2.1
   214          *	@param iFile File information
   215          */
   216         void AddFileL( TFileRelation aFile );
   218         /**
   219          *	Remove file from write array and append it to toc array.
   220          *	After that header is written to toc file.
   221          *	Leaves if TPointerArray::Append fails.
   222          *	Leaves if header file write fails.
   223          *	@since 2.1
   224          *	@param aWriter File to be removed
   225          *		   is recognized with file writer pointer.
   226          */
   227         void RemoveFileL( MCALoggerWriteInterface& aWriter );
   229         /**
   230          *	Creates new filename for writer. Ownership is transfered to caller.
   231          *	Leaves if HBufC::NewL fails.
   232          *	Leaves if SuitableLogFileNameL fails.
   233          *	@since 2.1
   234          *	@return Pointer to new filename.
   235          */
   236         HBufC* CreateNewFilenameL();
   238 #ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE
   240         /**
   241          *	Creates new filename for writer. Ownership is transfered to caller.
   242          *	Leaves if HBufC::NewL fails.
   243          *	Leaves if SuitableLogFileNameL fails.
   244          *	@since 2.1
   245          *	@return Pointer to new filename.
   246          */
   247         HBufC* CreateNewFilenameMDL();
   249         /**
   250          *	Creates new filename for writer. Ownership is transfered to caller.
   251          *	Leaves if HBufC::NewL fails.
   252          *	Leaves if SuitableLogFileNameL fails.
   253          *	@since 2.1
   254          *	@return Pointer to new filename.
   255          */
   256         TBool GetDriveStatusL( const TDriveNumber aDriveNumber );
   258 #endif
   260         /**
   261          *	Checks memory situation. Check if there is enough memory to write
   262          *	file.
   263          *	Leaves if SysUtil::FFSSPaceGBelowCriticalLevelL fails.
   264          *	@since 2.1
   265          *	@param aMemoryRequired Memory required in bytes.
   266          *	@return ETrue if there is enough memory and EFalse if not.
   267          */
   268         TBool CheckMemoryL( TInt aMemoryRequired );
   270     public:	//Inherited from MCALoggerReadInterface
   272         /**
   273          *	Client gets pointer to message header array trough parameter.
   274          *	@since 2.1
   275          *	@param aHeaderArray Pointer to message header array is set to this
   276          *						parameter. Ownership of array does not change.
   277          */
   278         void GetLoggerMessageHeaderArray(
   279             RPointerArray< MCALoggerMessageHeader >*& aHeaderArray );
   281         /**
   282          *	Client asks logger to create messages to array concerning one header
   283          *	Leaves with KErrNotFound if history file does not exists.
   284          *	Leaves if history file read fails.
   285          *	@since 2.1
   286          *	@param aMessageArray Client provides array for messages read from
   287          *			file. Messages are appended to array.
   288          *	@param aKey File to be read is recognized by header. Pointer to
   289          *				aKey reference is used for task.
   290          */
   291         void CreateLoggerMessagesL(
   292             RPointerArray< MCALoggerMessage >& aMessageArray,
   293             MCALoggerMessageHeader& aKey  );
   295         /**
   296          *	Delete one history file recognized by header.
   297          *	Leaves if MCALoggerMessageHeader::FileNameL fails.
   298          *	WARNING: header passed will be deleted and removed from header
   299          *	array. Array is same that client has been given to with
   300          *	GetLoggerMessageHeaderArray so removal will be seen directly in
   301          *	client side too.
   302          *	@since 2.1
   303          *	@param aKey File to be read is recognized by header. Pointer to
   304          *				aKey reference is used for task.
   305          */
   306         void DeleteHistoryFileL( MCALoggerMessageHeader& aKey );
   308         /**
   309          *	Set message factory. Factory is used to create messages and message
   310          *	headers for logger and client use.
   311          *	@since 2.1
   312          *	@param aMessageFactory Pointer to message factory.
   313          */
   314         void SetLoggerMessageFactory(
   315             MCALoggerMessageFactory* aMessageFactory );
   317     private:
   319         /**
   320          *	Reference to message factory for creation messages and files
   321          *  when needed. Does not own.
   322          */
   323         MCALoggerMessageFactory* iMessageFactory;
   325         /**
   326          *	List of those files which have been created for writing, but not
   327          *	yet ready ones.
   328          */
   329         RArray< TFileRelation > iWriteFileArray;
   331         /**
   332          *	List of those files which have been created for writing, but not
   333          *	yet ready ones.
   334          */
   335         RPointerArray< MCALoggerMessageHeader > iFileTocArray;
   337         /**
   338          *	Temp list for toc file. Member variable for leave simpler error management.
   339          *  eg. leaves.
   340          */
   341         RPointerArray< MCALoggerMessageHeader > iFileTempTocArray;
   343         /**
   344          *	We have checked latest possible file name number to give FileWriter.
   345          */
   346         TBool iWeHaveLatestFileNameNumber;
   348         /**
   349          *	Latest file name number to give FileWriter when asked.
   350          */
   351         TInt iLatestFileNameNumber;
   353         /**
   354          *	File Session for handling files.
   355          */
   356         RFs iFileSession;
   360         /**
   361          *	Table of contents. Header information of history files.
   362          */
   363         TBool iTocFileRead;
   364     };
   366 #endif      // __CCALOGGERMANAGER_H__
   368 // End of File