changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Resource file of Blocking Dialog
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // dialog resource for contact selection dialog
    21     {
    22     flags = EAknDialogSelectionList
    23     		| EEikDlgItemCtlMinSizeOrLess
    24             | EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect;
    25     buttons = r_chat_softkeys_options_back__contextoptions;
    26     items =
    27     {
    28     DLG_LINE
    29         {
    30         type = EAknCtSingleListBox;
    31         id = ESelectionListControl;
    32         itemflags = EEikDlgItemCtlMinSizeOrLess 
    33 					| EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect;
    34         control = LISTBOX
    35 			{
    36 		//	flags = EAknListBoxMarkableList;
    37 		 	flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
    38 			};
    39         }
    40     ,
    41     DLG_LINE
    42         {
    43         itemflags = EEikDlgItemNonFocusing
    44         			|EEikDlgItemCtlMinSizeOrLess 
    45 					| EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect;
    46         id = EFindControl;
    47         type = EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind;
    48         }
    49     };
    50     }
    52 //----------------------------------------------------
    53 //   
    54 //    r_chatclient_menubar_friendslist_view
    55 //    Menubar definition for friendslist-view
    56 //
    57 //----------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_chatclient_menubar_blocking_dialog
    60 {
    61     titles=
    62     {
    63 		MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_chatclient_general_menu; txt="General"; },
    64 		MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_chatclient_menupane_blocking; txt="Blocking"; }
    65     };
    66 }
    68 //----------------------------------------------------
    69 //   
    70 //    r_chatclient_menubar_friendslist_view
    71 //    Menubar definition for friendslist-view
    72 //
    73 //----------------------------------------------------
    74 //
    75 RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_chatclient_menubar_blocking_dialog2
    76 {
    77     titles=
    78     	{
    79 	MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_chatclient_menupane_blocking; txt="Blocking"; }
    80     	};
    81 }
    83 //--------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 //   
    86 //   Items in friendslist-view's blocking submenu
    87 //
    88 //--------------------------------------------------
    90 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_chatclient_menupane_blocking
    91 {
    92 	items=
    93 	{
    94 	MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientBlockingUnblock; txt = qtn_chat_blocked_unblock; },
    95         MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientBlockingSubmenu; cascade=r_chatclient_blocking_submenu;
    96         	txt = qtn_chat_blocked_add_new;}
    97 	};
    98 }
   100 //--------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 //   
   103 //   Items in friendslist-view's blocking submenu
   104 //
   105 //--------------------------------------------------
   107 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_chatclient_blocking_submenu
   108 {
   109 	items=
   110 	{
   111 	MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientBlockingBlock; txt = qtn_chat_blocked_add_from_contacts;},
   112 	MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientBlockingBlockEnter; txt = qtn_chat_blocked_add_manually; }
   113 	};
   114 }
   116 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_empty { buf = qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_empty; }
   117 //chatng
   118 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_empty_secondary { buf = qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_empty_secondary; }
   120 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_title { buf = qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_title; }
   122 RESOURCE DIALOG r_qtn_chat_unblocking_confnote2
   123     {
   124     flags = EAknConfirmationNoteFlags|EEikDialogFlagWait;
   125     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_EMPTY;
   126     items=
   127         {
   128         DLG_LINE
   129             {
   130             type=EAknCtNote;
   131             id=EArCnoteOff;
   132             control= AVKON_NOTE
   133                 {
   134                     layout = EGeneralLayout;
   135                     singular_label = qtn_chat_unblocking_confnote2;
   136                     animation = R_QGN_NOTE_OK_ANIM;
   137                 };
   138             }
   139         };
   140     }    
   141 // End of File