changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Container class for search view
    15  *
    16 */
    23 /* Dialogs for selection service implementation.
    24  *
    25  */
    27 #include <aknform.h>
    28 #include <aknview.h>
    29 #include <aknutils.h>
    30 #include <aknpopup.h>
    31 #include <avkon.rsg>
    33 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    36 class CCAStatusPaneHandler;
    38 /** CCABlockingDialog is the actual interface to the applications.
    39  *
    40  * Use this class to get a full screen list.
    41  *
    42  * This class only works in whole main pane. Do not try to use
    43  * this directly for other places.
    44  *
    45  * resource definition for this class:
    46  * RESOURCE DIALOG r_res_id_for_a_dialog
    47  *   {
    48  *   flags = EAknDialogSelectionList;
    49  *   buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK;
    50  *   items =
    51  *	{
    52  *	DLG_LINE
    53  *	    {
    54  *	    type = EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox;
    55  *	    id = ESelectionListControl;
    56  *	    control = LISTBOX
    57  *		{
    58  *		flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
    59  *		};
    60  *	    }
    61  *     // the next dlg line is optional.
    62  *	,
    63  *	DLG_LINE
    64  *	    {
    65  * 	    itemflags = EEikDlgItemNonFocusing;
    66  *	    id = EFindControl;
    67  *	    type = EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind;
    68  *	    }
    69  *	};
    70  *   }
    71  *
    72  * The listbox type can be one of the following: (avkon.hrh and aknlists.h)
    73  *   EAknCtSingleListBox                (See CAknSingleStyleListBox)
    74  *   EAknCtSingleNumberListBox          (See CAknSingleNumberStyleListBox)
    75  *   EAknCtSingleHeadingListBox         (See CAknSingleHeadingStyleListBox)
    76  *   EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox         (See CAknSingleGraphicStyleListBox)
    77  *   EAknCtSingleGraphicHeadingListBox  (See CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox)
    78  *   EAknCtSingleNumberHeadingListBox   (See CAknSingleNumberHeadingStyleListBox)
    79  *   EAknCtSingleLargeListBox           (See CAknSingleLargeStyleListBox)
    80  *   EAknCtDoubleListBox                (See CAknDoubleStyleListBox)
    81  *   EAknCtDoubleNumberListBox          (See CAknDoubleNumberStyleListBox)
    82  *   EAknCtDoubleTimeListBox            (See CAknDoubleTimeStyleListBox)
    83  *   EAknCtDoubleLargeListBox           (See CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox)
    84  *   EAknCtDoubleGraphicListBox         (See CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox)
    85  *
    86  * The type field while defining find can be one of the following:
    87  *   EAknCtSelectionListFixedFind
    88  *   EAknCtSelectionListPopupFind
    89  *
    90  * The menubar you give for selection list dialog should have
    91  * one of the following as one of its menu panes: (avkon.hrh)
    94  *
    95  * RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_res_id_for_a_menubar
    96  * {
    97  * titles =
    98  *     {
    99  *     MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = R_AVKON_MENUPANE_SELECTION_LIST; }
   100  *     };
   101  * };
   102  *
   103  * C++ Usage:
   104  *    TInt openedItem = 0;
   105  *    MDesCArray *array = ...;
   106  *    CCABlockingDialog *dialog = CCABlockingDialog::NewL(openedItem, array, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
   107  *    TInt result = dialog->ExecuteLD(R_RES_ID_FOR_A_DIALOG);
   108  *    if (result) { ...use openeditem here... } else { ...canceled... }
   109  *
   110  * Alternatively, you can use:
   111  *    TInt openedItem = 0;
   112  *    MDesCArray *array = ...;
   113  *    CCABlockingDialog *dialog = CCABlockingDialog::NewL(openedItem, array, R_RES_ID_FOR_A_MENUBAR);
   114  *    dialog->PrepareLC(R_RES_ID_FOR_A_DIALOG);
   115  *    // do some operations here, for example fill icon array
   116  *    TInt result = dialog->RunLD();
   117  *    if (result) { ... } else { ... }
   118  *
   119  * Often it is also useful to derive from CCABlockingDialog and implement OkToExitL(), constructors and the NewL() methods.
   120  * OkToExitL() implementation helps with providing navigation with other dialogs; OkToExitL() is ideal place to launch
   121  * new dialogs when a list item is selected. This way when backstepping, the state of the first dialog is preserved...
   122  */
   123 class CCABlockingDialog : public CAknDialog, public MEikListBoxObserver
   124     {
   126     public: // operands for selection lists
   127         /** CCABlockingDialog::NewL()
   128          *
   129          * aOpenedItem   Variable to be modified when user selects a list item.
   130          * aArray        Content of list items; A tab-separated string with texts and indexes to icon array
   131          * aMenuBarResourceId Menu items to be shown in options menu
   132          * aCommand      Callback for state changes. EAknCmdOpen command is send by listbox. Options menu commands come here too.
   133          * @param aDontShowTabGroup For navipane control.
   134          */
   135         static CCABlockingDialog *NewL( TInt &aOpenedItem,
   136                                         MDesCArray *aArray,
   137                                         TInt aMenuBarResourceId,
   138                                         TInt aOkMenuBarResourceId,
   139                                         MEikCommandObserver *aCommand = 0,
   140                                         TBool aDontShowTabGroup = EFalse );
   141         static CCABlockingDialog *NewLC( TInt &aOpenedItem,
   142                                          MDesCArray *aArray,
   143                                          TInt aMenuBarResourceId,
   144                                          TInt aOkMenuBarResourceId,
   145                                          MEikCommandObserver *aCommand = 0,
   146                                          TBool aDontShowTabGroup = EFalse );
   148     public: // different options
   149         enum TFindType
   150             {
   151             ENoFind,
   152             EFixedFind,
   153             EPopupFind
   154             };
   155         /** SetupFind() provides a way to enable and disable find and find popup
   156          *  on runtime.
   157          *
   158          * You still need entry with id EFindControl to resource file for the find, this is only for disabling
   159          * existing find element.
   160          */
   161         void SetupFind( TFindType aType );
   164         /* GetFindBoxTextL() returns the text in the FindPane, if the FindPane is empty
   165          * returns KNullDesC;
   166          * @return const TDesC&
   167          */
   168         const TDesC& GetFindBoxTextL() ;
   170         /** Icons: IconArray(), SetIconArrayL()
   171          *
   172          * Icons, images and thumbnails are in this array.
   173          *
   174          * The list items are tab separated strings with fixed format. Some of the numbers
   175          * in the list item strings are indexes to this array.
   176          *
   177          * This array can be modified by MDesCArray::MdcaPoint() method or at construction of
   178          * dialog; after PrepareLC() call.
   179          */
   180         CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* IconArray() const;
   181         void SetIconArrayL( CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* aIcons );
   183         /**
   184          * refresh the block dialog title
   185          */
   186         void RefreshDialogTitleL();
   188         /**
   189          * To handle the deletiontem to the list box
   190          */
   191         void HandleItemRemovalL();
   193         /**
   194          * To handle the addition of an item to the list box
   195          */
   196         void HandleItemAdditionL();
   198         /**
   199          * Returns pointer to the listbox being used.
   200          */
   201         virtual CEikListBox *ListBox() const;
   203         // Destructor
   204         ~CCABlockingDialog();
   206         void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
   208         /*
   209          * Set the iExitEnable a new value
   210          * @param aValue The new value to be set
   211          */
   212         void SetExitEnabled( TBool aValue );
   214     protected:
   215         CCABlockingDialog( TInt &aIndex,
   216                            MDesCArray *aArray,
   217                            TInt aMenuBarResourceId,
   218                            TInt aOkMenuBarResourceId,
   219                            MEikCommandObserver *aCommand,
   220                            TBool aDontShowTabGroup );
   221     public: // Customisation from derived classes
   222         /** SelectionListProcessCommandL() handles selection list and markable list
   223          *  default commands.
   224          *
   225          *  For markable lists, this method handles EAknCmdMark, EAknCmdUnmark, EAknMarkAll, EAknUnmarkAll
   226          *  defined in options menu pane R_AVKON_MENUPANE_MARKABLE_LIST.
   227          */
   228         virtual void SelectionListProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
   230     protected:
   231         /** IsAcceptableListType(): Detection of list and grid layouts
   232          *
   233          * The CCCABlockingDialog only works with certain list and grid
   234          * layouts.
   235          *
   236          * You will get Panic() if you use your own list/grid layouts and
   237          * you do not have this method implemented!
   238          *
   239          * If you add new list layouts, you should implement this method to
   240          * publish the type of the layout using this method. This is especially
   241          * the case where you use CAknSelectionGrid with your own grid layout.
   242          * (as there are no predefined grid layouts, you need to do this
   243          * every time you use a selection grid)
   244          *
   245          * The following aControlTypes are already implemented and requires
   246          * no action:
   247          * EAknCtSingleListBox
   248          * EAknCtSingleNumberListBox
   249          * EAknCtSingleHeadingListBox
   250          * EAknCtSingleGraphicListBox
   251          * EAknCtSingleGraphicHeadingListBox
   252          * EAknCtSingleNumberHeadingListBox
   253          * EAknCtSingleLargeListBox
   254          * EAknCtDoubleListBox
   255          * EAknCtDoubleNumberListBox
   256          * EAknCtDoubleTimeListBox
   257          * EAknCtDoubleLargeListBox
   258          * EAknCtDoubleGraphicListBox
   259          * EAknCtSettingListBox
   260          * EAknCtSettingNumberListBox
   261          *
   262          * Any other layout requires you to inherit from CCCABlockingDialog
   263          * and implement the following methods:
   264          * TBool IsAcceptableListBoxType(TInt aControlType, TBool &aIsFormattedCellList)
   265          * {
   266          *   if (aControlType == EMyCtGridLayout)
   267          *   {
   268          *      // CAknGrid is-a formattedcelllistbox.
   269          *      aIsFormattedCellList = ETrue;
   270          *      return ETrue;
   271          *   }
   272          *   else
   273          *      return EFalse;
   274          * }
   275          *
   276          * See also CreateCustomControlL(). IsAcceptableListType() and CreateCustomControlL() forms a pair that should
   277          * be implemented together.
   278          */
   279         virtual TBool IsAcceptableListBoxType( TInt aControlType, TBool &aIsFormattedCellList ) const;
   281         /**
   282          * Second phase constructor.
   283          */
   284         void ConstructL( TInt aMenuBarResourceId );
   286     protected:
   288         /**
   289          * Processes user commands.
   290          * @see MEikCommandObserver
   291          */
   292         void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
   294         /**
   295          * From CEikDialog : Prepare for opening dialog.
   296          */
   297         void PreLayoutDynInitL();
   299         /**
   300          * @see CAknDialog
   301          * @since S60 v3.1
   302          */
   303         void SetSizeAndPosition( const TSize &aSize );
   305         /**
   306          * @see CAknDialog
   307          * @since S60 v3.1
   308          */
   309         void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
   311         /**
   312          * From CEikDialog. Called when dialog is dismissed
   313          * @see CEikDialog
   314          */
   315         TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
   317         /**
   318          * Handles list box event
   319          */
   320         void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
   322         /**
   323          * From CoeControl, Returns the number of control contained by this
   324            * class.
   325          * @see CCoeControl
   326          */
   327         TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   329         /**
   330          * From CCoeControl, Returns handle to control pointed by aIndex
   331          * @param aIndex Wanted control's index [0..n]
   332          * @return Handle to wanted control
   333          */
   334         CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
   336         /**
   337          * From CCoeControl. Handles the keyevents
   338          * @param aKeyEvent The key event.
   339          * @param aType The type of key event: EEventKey,
   340          *              EEventKeyUp or EEventKeyDown.
   341          * @return Indicates whether or not the key event
   342          *                   was used by this control
   343          */
   344         TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
   346         /** CreateCustomControlL() creates own list or grid layouts.
   347          *
   348          * Normal implementation of this method is:
   349          * SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType)
   350          * {
   351          *     CCoeControl *control = NULL;
   352          *     if (aControlType == EMyCtGridLayout)
   353          *     {
   354          *        // CMyOddStyleGrid should be derived from CAknFormattedCellListBox or CEikColumnListBox.
   355          *        control = new(ELeave)CMyOddStyleGrid;
   356          *     }
   357          *     SEikControlInfo info = {control,0,0};
   358          *     return info;
   359          * }
   360          * See also IsAcceptableListType(). CreateCustomControlL() and IsAcceptableListType() forms a pair that should
   361          * be implemented together.
   362          */
   363         SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType );
   365     /**
   366      * From CoeControl. Called when focus changed
   367      * @see CCoeControl
   368      */
   369     void FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow); 
   371     private:
   372         /**
   373          * ResetFindBoxL : clear all character from findbox
   374          */
   375         void ResetFindBoxL();
   377         /**
   378         * Layouts current components according to AVKON LAF
   379         */
   380         void SetLayout();
   382     protected:
   384         // Returns the type do findbox being used.
   385         CAknSearchField *FindBox() const;
   387         TBool IsFormattedCellListBox() const;
   389         void Draw( const TRect& ) const;
   391         /**
   392          * From MEikMenuObserver, Called by framework before
   393          * constructing menupane
   394          * @param aResourceId Resource to be constructed
   395          * @param aMenuPane Pointer to menupane being constructed
   396          */
   397         void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
   399         /**
   400          * Show context sensitive menubar
   401          */
   402         void ShowContextMenuL();
   404     protected:
   405         TBool iEnterKeyPressed;
   406     private:
   408         TFindType iFindType;
   409         TInt *iSelectedItem;
   411         //Does not own
   412         MDesCArray *iArray;
   414         //Does not own
   415         MEikCommandObserver *iCmdObserver;
   417         TInt iDialogResourceId;
   418         TInt iMenuBarResourceId;
   419         TInt iOkMenuBarResourceId;
   421         //Handle to titlepane. doesn't own
   422         CCAStatusPaneHandler* iTitlePane;
   424         // ETrue if findbox is enabled
   425         // else EFalse
   426         TBool iFindBoxEnabled;
   428         /// ETrue if we can not show tabgroup after desctruction of this class.
   429         /// EFalse if we can show.
   430         TBool iDontShowTabGroup;
   432         //Holds the text entered in the FindPane
   433         //Owns - has to be freed
   434         HBufC* iFindPaneText;
   436         // ETrue if we can shut the dialog.
   437         // EFalse if we can not.
   438         TBool iExitEnabled;
   440         // ETrue if touch event is allowed
   441         // EFalse if touch event is not allowed
   442         TBool iAllowPenEvent;
   443     };
   447 #endif