changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Text viewer component
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include    "CCAChatViewControl.h"
    22 #include    "MCAMessageFlowHandlerPC.h"
    24 #include    "CCACustomDraw.h"
    25 #include    "CCAPicture.h"
    26 #include    "CCAAppUi.h"
    27 #include    "mcatapeventobserver.h"
    28 #include	"MCASettingsPC.h"
    30 #include    <AknUtils.h>
    31 #include    <aknsettingcache.h>
    32 #include    <aknenv.h>
    33 #include    <aknconsts.h>
    34 #include    <avkon.mbg>
    35 #include    <eikrted.h>
    37 #include	"MCAProcessManager.h"
    38 #include	"IMMessageUtilsPC.h"
    40 #include	"MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver.h"
    42 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    44 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // CCAChatViewControl::CCAChatViewControl
    46 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    47 // might leave.
    48 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 //
    50 CCAChatViewControl::CCAChatViewControl()
    51     {
    52     }
    53 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 // CCAChatViewControl::ConstructL
    55 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //
    58 void CCAChatViewControl::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect,
    59                                      const CCoeControl& aParent,
    60                                      MCAGroupPC& aMsgRWInterfacePC,
    61                                      MCASettingsPC& aSettingsInterface,
    62                                      CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aExtensionsHandler,
    63                                      CGulIcon*& aFromMe,
    64                                      CGulIcon*& aToMe,
    65                                      CGulIcon*& aUnsupported,
    66                                      CGulIcon*& aCorrupted,
    67                                      TBool aScrollOver,
    68                                      MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* aAddMsgObserver )
    69     {
    70     // get the graphics device
    71     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
    72     CBitmapDevice* device = static_cast<CBitmapDevice*>( gc.Device() );
    74     // text container
    75     iTextContainer = CCARichTextContainer::NewL(
    76                          static_cast<CCAAppUi&>( *iEikonEnv->AppUi() ),
    77                          aSettingsInterface, *this,
    78                          aExtensionsHandler,
    79                          aFromMe, aToMe, aUnsupported,
    80                          aCorrupted,
    81                          *device, aScrollOver,
    82                          aAddMsgObserver );
    84     // construct base class
    85     CCATextViewControl::ConstructL( aRect, aParent,
    86                                     iTextContainer->TextLayout() );
    88     // Initialise flow handler and fetch messages
    89     iFlowHandlerPC = IMMessageUtilsPC::CreateInstanceL( *iTextContainer,
    90                                                         aMsgRWInterfacePC,
    91                                                         !aScrollOver ) ;
    93     // We want to handle all the events which occur inside the text area.
    94     // Rest is done by the base class.
    95     SetPenBehaviour( EPenProcessEvent );
    96     }
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 // CCAChatViewControl::ConstructL
    99 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   100 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 void CCAChatViewControl::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect,
   103                                      const CCoeControl& aParent,
   104                                      MCAConversationPC& aMsgRWInterfacePC,
   105                                      MCASettingsPC& aSettingsInterface,
   106                                      CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aExtensionsHandler,
   107                                      CGulIcon*& aFromMe,
   108                                      CGulIcon*& aToMe,
   109                                      CGulIcon*& aUnsupported,
   110                                      CGulIcon*& aCorrupted,
   111                                      TBool aScrollOver,
   112                                      MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* aAddMsgObserver )
   113     {
   114     // get the graphics device
   115     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   116     CBitmapDevice* device = static_cast<CBitmapDevice*>( gc.Device() );
   118     // text container
   119     iTextContainer = CCARichTextContainer::NewL(
   120                          static_cast<CCAAppUi&>( *iEikonEnv->AppUi() ),
   121                          aSettingsInterface, *this,
   122                          aExtensionsHandler,
   123                          aFromMe, aToMe, aUnsupported,
   124                          aCorrupted,
   125                          *device, aScrollOver,
   126                          aAddMsgObserver );
   128     // construct base class
   129     CCATextViewControl::ConstructL( aRect, aParent,
   130                                     iTextContainer->TextLayout() );
   132     // Initialise flow handler and fetch messages
   133     iFlowHandlerPC = IMMessageUtilsPC::CreateInstanceL( *iTextContainer,
   134                                                         aMsgRWInterfacePC,
   135                                                         !aScrollOver ) ;
   137     // We want to handle all the events which occur inside the text area.
   138     // Rest is done by the base class.
   139     SetPenBehaviour( EPenProcessEvent );
   140     }
   142 void CCAChatViewControl::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect,
   143                                      const CCoeControl& aParent,
   144                                      MCARecordedChatsPC& aRecordedChatsPC,
   145                                      MCASettingsPC& aSettingsInterface,
   146                                      CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aExtensionsHandler,
   147                                      CGulIcon*& aFromMe,
   148                                      CGulIcon*& aToMe,
   149                                      CGulIcon*& aUnsupported,
   150                                      CGulIcon*& aCorrupted,
   151                                      TBool aScrollOver,
   152                                      MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* aAddMsgObserver )
   153     {
   154     // get the graphics device
   155     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   156     CBitmapDevice* device = static_cast<CBitmapDevice*>( gc.Device() );
   158     // text container
   159     iTextContainer = CCARichTextContainer::NewL(
   160                          static_cast<CCAAppUi&>( *iEikonEnv->AppUi() ),
   161                          aSettingsInterface, *this,
   162                          aExtensionsHandler,
   163                          aFromMe, aToMe, aUnsupported,
   164                          aCorrupted,
   165                          *device, aScrollOver, aAddMsgObserver );
   167     // construct base class
   168     CCATextViewControl::ConstructL( aRect, aParent,
   169                                     iTextContainer->TextLayout() );
   171     // Initialise flow handler and fetch messages
   172     iFlowHandlerPC = IMMessageUtilsPC::CreateInstanceL( *iTextContainer,
   173                                                         aRecordedChatsPC,
   174                                                         !aScrollOver ) ;
   176     // We want to handle all the events which occur inside the text area.
   177     // Rest is done by the base class.
   178     SetPenBehaviour( EPenProcessEvent );
   179     }
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // CCAChatViewControl::NewL
   183 // Two-phased constructor.
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 //
   186 CCAChatViewControl* CCAChatViewControl::NewL( const TRect& aRect,
   187                                               const CCoeControl& aParent,
   188                                               MCAGroupPC& aMsgRWInterfacePC,
   189                                               MCASettingsPC& aSettingsInterface,
   190                                               CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aExtensionsHandler,
   191                                               CGulIcon*& aFromMe,
   192                                               CGulIcon*& aToMe,
   193                                               CGulIcon*& aUnsupported,
   194                                               CGulIcon*& aCorrupted,
   195                                               TBool aScrollOver /*= ETrue*/,
   196                                               MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* aAddMsgObserver /*=NULL*/ )
   197     {
   198     CCAChatViewControl* self = new( ELeave ) CCAChatViewControl;
   199     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   200     self->ConstructL( aRect, aParent, aMsgRWInterfacePC, aSettingsInterface,
   201                       aExtensionsHandler, aFromMe, aToMe,
   202                       aUnsupported, aCorrupted,
   203                       aScrollOver, aAddMsgObserver );
   204     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   205     return self;
   206     }
   208 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // CCAChatViewControl::NewL
   210 // Two-phased constructor.
   211 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 //
   213 CCAChatViewControl* CCAChatViewControl::NewL( const TRect& aRect,
   214                                               const CCoeControl& aParent,
   215                                               MCAConversationPC& aMsgRWInterfacePC,
   216                                               MCASettingsPC& aSettingsInterface,
   217                                               CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aExtensionsHandler,
   218                                               CGulIcon*& aFromMe,
   219                                               CGulIcon*& aToMe,
   220                                               CGulIcon*& aUnsupported,
   221                                               CGulIcon*& aCorrupted,
   222                                               TBool aScrollOver /*= ETrue*/,
   223                                               MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* aAddMsgObserver /*=NULL*/ )
   224     {
   225     CCAChatViewControl* self = new( ELeave ) CCAChatViewControl;
   226     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   227     self->ConstructL( aRect, aParent, aMsgRWInterfacePC, aSettingsInterface,
   228                       aExtensionsHandler, aFromMe, aToMe,
   229                       aUnsupported, aCorrupted,
   230                       aScrollOver, aAddMsgObserver );
   231     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   232     return self;
   233     }
   235 CCAChatViewControl* CCAChatViewControl::NewL( const TRect& aRect,
   236                                               const CCoeControl& aParent,
   237                                               MCARecordedChatsPC& aRecordedChatsPC,
   238                                               MCASettingsPC& aSettingsInterface,
   239                                               CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aExtensionsHandler,
   240                                               CGulIcon*& aFromMe,
   241                                               CGulIcon*& aToMe,
   242                                               CGulIcon*& aUnsupported,
   243                                               CGulIcon*& aCorrupted,
   244                                               TBool aScrollOver /*= ETrue*/,
   245                                               MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* aAddMsgObserver /*= NULL*/ )
   246     {
   247     CCAChatViewControl* self = new( ELeave ) CCAChatViewControl;
   248     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   249     self->ConstructL( aRect, aParent, aRecordedChatsPC, aSettingsInterface,
   250                       aExtensionsHandler, aFromMe, aToMe,
   251                       aUnsupported, aCorrupted,
   252                       aScrollOver, aAddMsgObserver );
   253     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   254     return self;
   255     }
   258 // Destructor
   259 CCAChatViewControl::~CCAChatViewControl()
   260     {
   261     delete iTextContainer;
   262     delete iFlowHandlerPC;
   263     }
   266 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   267 // CCAChatViewControl::FetchMessages
   268 // (other items were commented in a header).
   269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   270 //
   271 void CCAChatViewControl::FetchMessages( TBool aFetch )
   272     {
   273     iFlowHandlerPC->FetchMessages( aFetch );
   274     }
   276 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 // CCAChatViewControl::SelectedMessage
   278 // (other items were commented in a header).
   279 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 //
   281 MCAConversationMessage* CCAChatViewControl::SelectedMessage()
   282     {
   283     return iTextContainer->SelectedMessage();
   284     }
   286 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // CCAChatViewControl::SelectedItem
   288 // (other items were commented in a header).
   289 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 //
   291 HBufC* CCAChatViewControl::SelectedItemL()
   292     {
   293     return iTextContainer->SelectedItemL();
   294     }
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 // CCAChatViewControl::SelectedItemType
   298 // (other items were commented in a header).
   299 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 //
   301 TInt CCAChatViewControl::SelectedItemType()
   302     {
   303     return iTextContainer->SelectedItemType();
   304     }
   306 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 // CCAChatViewControl::SetHighlight
   308 // (other items were commented in a header).
   309 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 //
   311 void CCAChatViewControl::SetHighlight( TBool aHighlight )
   312     {
   313     iTextContainer->SetItemHighlight( aHighlight );
   314     }
   316 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CCAChatViewControl::DisableHighlightL
   318 // (other items were commented in a header).
   319 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 //
   321 void CCAChatViewControl::DisableHighlightL()
   322     {
   323     iTextContainer->DisableHighlightL();
   324     }
   326 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CCAChatViewControl::Highlighted
   328 // (other items were commented in a header).
   329 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 //
   331 TBool CCAChatViewControl::Highlighted()
   332     {
   333     return iTextContainer->Highlighted();
   334     }
   337 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 // CCAChatViewControl::OfferKeyEventL
   339 // (other items were commented in a header).
   340 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 //
   342 TKeyResponse CCAChatViewControl::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   343                                                  TEventCode aType )
   344     {
   345     if ( aType != EEventKey )
   346         {
   347         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   348         }
   350     CCARichTextContainer::THighlightMovement movement(
   351         CCARichTextContainer::ENext );
   353     switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   354         {
   355         case EKeyUpArrow:
   356             {
   357             movement = CCARichTextContainer::EPrevious;
   358             // flowthrough
   359             }
   360         case EKeyDownArrow:
   361             {
   362             return iTextContainer->MoveHighlightL( movement ) == KErrNone ?
   363                    EKeyWasConsumed : EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   364             }
   366         default:
   367             {
   368             // No handling for other events
   369             break;
   370             }
   371         }
   373     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   374     }
   376 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 // CCAChatViewControl::ProcessStylusEventL
   378 // (other items were commented in a header).
   379 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 //
   381 void CCAChatViewControl::ProcessStylusEventL(
   382     const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
   383     {
   384     // We end up here only if the pointer event started inside
   385     // the text area.
   386     if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down ||
   387          aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag )
   388         {
   389         // Reset poiter flags
   390         if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
   391             {
   392             iWaitForDoubleTap = iWaitForSingleTap;
   393             iWaitForSingleTap = ETrue;
   394             iStylusOutsideMessage = EFalse;
   395             }
   397         TInt pos = FindDocPos( aPointerEvent.iPosition );
   398         if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
   399             {
   400             TInt res = iTextContainer->HighlightItemAtPosL( pos );
   401             if ( res == KErrNone )
   403                 {
   404                 // New item/message was highlighted
   405                 if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag )
   406                     {
   407                     // Single tap is not possible if highlight was changed
   408                     // with draging
   409                     iWaitForSingleTap = EFalse;
   410                     }
   411                 // doubletap is not possible for now
   412                 iWaitForDoubleTap = EFalse;
   413                 }
   414             }
   415         else
   416             {
   417             // Stylus was moved/activated outside text elements
   418             iStylusOutsideMessage = ETrue;
   419             }
   420         }
   422     // Notify Observers
   423     if ( iTapObserver )
   424         {
   425         if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
   426             {
   427             // Start
   428             iTapObserver->HandleTapEventL(
   429                 MCATapEventObserver::EStartTap, iTapControlId );
   430             }
   431         else if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
   432             {
   433             // Release
   434             iTapObserver->HandleTapEventL(
   435                 MCATapEventObserver::EReleaseTap, iTapControlId );
   436             if ( iWaitForSingleTap && !iStylusOutsideMessage )
   437                 {
   438                 // Single tap
   439                 iTapObserver->HandleTapEventL(
   440                     MCATapEventObserver::ESingleTap, iTapControlId );
   441                 }
   442             if ( iWaitForDoubleTap && !iStylusOutsideMessage )
   443                 {
   444                 // Double Tap
   445                 iTapObserver->HandleTapEventL(
   446                     MCATapEventObserver::EDoubleTap, iTapControlId );
   447                 }
   448             }
   449         }
   450     }
   452 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   453 // CCAChatViewControl::SizeChanged
   454 // (other items were commented in a header).
   455 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 //
   457 void CCAChatViewControl::SizeChanged()
   458     {
   459     SetHighlighted( Highlighted() );
   460     CCATextViewControl::SizeChanged();
   461     }
   463 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   464 // CCAChatViewControl::MoveHighlightL
   465 // (other items were commented in a header).
   466 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 //
   468 void CCAChatViewControl::MoveHighlightL(
   469     CCARichTextContainer::THighlightMovement aMovement )
   470     {
   471     iWaitForSingleTap = ETrue;
   472     iTextContainer->MoveHighlightL( aMovement );
   473     }
   475 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 // CCAChatViewControl::SetTapObserver
   477 // (other items were commented in a header).
   478 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 //
   480 void CCAChatViewControl::SetTapObserver( MCATapEventObserver* aObserver, TUint aId )
   481     {
   482     iTapObserver = aObserver;
   483     iTapControlId = aId;
   484     }
   486 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 // CCAChatViewControl::IsDeleted
   488 // (other items were commented in a header).
   489 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 //
   491 TBool CCAChatViewControl::IsDeleted() const
   492     {
   493     return iTextContainer->IsDeleted();
   494     }
   497 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 // CCAChatViewControl::GetMessageCount
   499 // (other items were commented in a header).
   500 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   501 //
   502 TInt CCAChatViewControl::GetMessageCount()
   503     {
   504     return iTextContainer->GetMessageCount();
   505     }
   507 //when user navigate among tab.
   508 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 // CCAChatViewControl::UnRegisterRichTxtCtrlObserver
   510 // (other items were commented in a header).
   511 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 //
   513 void CCAChatViewControl::UnRegisterRichTxtCtrlObserver()
   514     {
   515     return iTextContainer->UnRegisterRichTxtCtrlObserver();
   516     }
   518 //  End of File