changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Interface for text viewer
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef MCATEXTVIEW_H
    21 #define MCATEXTVIEW_H
    23 #include <frmtlay.h> // TCursorSelection
    26 class TPointerEvent;
    28 /**
    29 *  Interface for text viewer
    30 *
    31 *  @lib chat.app
    32 *  @since Series 60 3.0
    33 */
    34 class MCATextView
    35     {
    36     public: // Enumerations
    38         enum TPenBehaviour
    39             {
    40             EPenForwardToChild = 0,
    41             EPenForwardToParent,
    42             EPenProcessEvent,
    43             EPenIgnoreEvent
    44             };
    46     public: // New functions
    48         /**
    49          * Handles changed format.
    50          * @param aChanged Changed section of rich text
    51          * @param aPreserveFocus ETrue : Keeps focus of text control in place
    52          *                       EFalse : Focus moves with changes
    53          */
    54         virtual void HandleFormatChangedL( TCursorSelection& aChanged,
    55                                            TBool aPreserveFocus = EFalse ) = 0;
    57         /**
    58          * Handles insertion and deletion
    59          * @param aChanged Changed section of rich text. If this function is
    60          *                 being used to handle deletion only, this argument
    61          *                 should be of length zero and its start position
    62          *                 should be the beginning of the deletion.
    63          * @param aDeletedChars The number of deleted characters. Specify zero
    64          *                 if this function is being used to handle insertion
    65          *                 only.
    66          */
    67         virtual void HandleInsertDeleteL( TCursorSelection& aChanged,
    68                                           TInt aDeletedChars ) = 0;
    70         /**
    71          * Handles addition of text
    72          * @param aFirst Should be set to ETrue if
    73          *               this is the first addition of text
    74          * @param aSelection Selection
    75          * @param aTop If selection doesn't fit to screen, should the top of the
    76          *        selection be visible. I.e. If ETrue, top of the message is shown.
    77          *        if EFalse, bottom of the message is shown.
    78          */
    79         virtual void HandleAdditionL( TBool aFirst, TCursorSelection& aSelection,
    80                                       TBool aTop ) = 0;
    82         /**
    83          * Scrolls selection to screen and updates scroll bars
    84          * @param aSelection Selection
    85          * @param aTop If selection doesn't fit to screen, should the top of the
    86          *        selection be visible. I.e. If ETrue, top of the message is shown.
    87          *        if EFalse, bottom of the message is shown.
    88          */
    89         virtual void ScrollVisibleL( TCursorSelection& aSelection, TBool aTop ) = 0;
    91         /**
    92          * @return Current scroll selection (i.e. the visible part)
    93          */
    94         virtual TCursorSelection ScrollSelection() = 0;
    96         /**
    97          * Scrolls view up or down
    98          * @param aAmount Amount of lines to be scrolled
    99          * Use negative values for scrolling up
   100          */
   101         virtual void ScrollLinesL( TInt aAmount ) = 0;
   103         /**
   104          * @return ETrue if aPos is visible on screen, EFalse otherwise.
   105          */
   106         virtual TBool IsVisible( TInt aPos ) = 0;
   108         /**
   109          * @return ETrue if the paragraph in aPos fits to screen
   110          */
   111         virtual TBool ParagraphFits( TInt aPos ) = 0;
   113         /**
   114          * Redraws the view
   115          */
   116         virtual void Redraw() = 0;
   118         /**
   119          * Sets the behaviour of this control to pointer events.
   120          * see TPenBehaviour for more detailed info.
   121          * @param aPen How this control should react to pointer events
   122          */
   123         virtual void SetPenBehaviour( TPenBehaviour aPen ) = 0;
   125         /**
   126          * Return current pen behaviour state. Determines how this control
   127          * reacts to pointer events.
   128          * @return Current pen behaviour
   129          */
   130         virtual TPenBehaviour PenBehaviour() = 0;
   132         /**
   133          * Reformats the view after a global change has been made to the layout,
   134          * but without causing a redraw.
   135          * @since S60 v3.2
   136          * @param aYPosQualifier Specifies whether the visible area is to be
   137          *                       filled and whether the top line should be made
   138          *                       fully visible if possible.
   139          */
   140         virtual void HandleGlobalChangeNoRedrawL(
   141             TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier() ) = 0;
   143     protected:
   145         /**
   146          * This gets called when the pointer event is inside the text message.
   147          * @param aPointerEvent Pointer event
   148          */
   149         virtual void ProcessStylusEventL(
   150             const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent ) = 0;
   152         /**
   153          * Destructor.
   154          */
   155         virtual ~MCATextView() {};
   157     };
   159 #endif      // MCATEXTVIEW_H
   161 // End of File