changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Presence-list handling interface for clients
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef MCACONTACTLISTS_H
    20 #define MCACONTACTLISTS_H
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include "MCAPresence.h"
    24 #include <e32std.h>
    25 #include <badesca.h>
    26 #include "TCAWrappers.h"
    27 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    30 class MCAPresenceObserver;
    31 class MCAWatcherObserver;
    32 class MCAPresenceErrors;
    33 class MCAStoredContact;
    34 class MCAListInitObserver;
    37 /**
    38 *  Presence list handling interface for clients
    39 *
    40 *  @lib CAPresence.lib
    41 *  @since 1.2
    42 */
    43 class MCAContactLists
    44     {
    45     public:
    47         enum TListOperation
    48             {
    49             EAdd,		// Add to list
    50             ERemove,	// Remove from list
    51             EClearAdd,  // Clear whole list and add
    52             ERemoveAll	// Removes everything from list
    53             };
    56         enum TContactFetchOperation
    57             {
    58             EBaseSynchronise = 0,
    59             EPublishAttributeLists,
    60             EInitializeLists,
    61             ERestartSynchronize,
    62             ESynchronizeList,
    63             EFetchContacts,
    64             ESubscribeList,
    65             EFinalizeList,
    66             EPublishListsDone,
    67             ESynchronizeDone
    68             };
    70     public:
    71         /**
    72          * Fetches all contacts from network server
    73          * @param aBaseSyncDone, Is base sync already done
    74          *          ETrue BS is done and there's no need to do it again
    75          *          EFalse BS is not done, and it has to be done first
    76          * @return Error code from server
    77          */
    78         virtual TInt FetchContactsL( TBool aBaseSyncDone = EFalse ) = 0;
    80         /**
    81         * Fetches given contact list contents from network server.
    82         * NOTE:  Given arrays must have same number of items (they are matched)
    83         * NOTE2: Engine will reset given arrays before operating with them
    84         * @param aContactListId Id of list to be fetched
    85         * @param aWVIds wvids of server-side contacts
    86         */
    87         virtual void FetchServerContactsL(	const TDesC& aContactListId,
    88                                            CPtrCArray& aWVIds ) = 0;
    90         /**
    91         * Updates network server's contact list with given list.
    92         * If given list does not contain some wvid, that is currently on server,
    93         * system will delete the id from server...
    94         * NOTE: Given arrays must have same number of items (they are matched)
    95         * @param aContactListId Id of list to be updated
    96         * @param aWVIds wvids of server-side contacts
    97         * @param aNicknames nicknames of server-side contacts
    98         */
    99         virtual void UpdateServerContactsL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
   100                                             const MDesCArray& aWVIds,
   101                                             const MDesCArray& aNicknames ) = 0;
   103         /**
   104          * Deletes one contact from server side contact list
   105          * @param aContactListId Id of list to be updated
   106          * @param aWVId wvid of server-side contact
   107          * @param aUpdateToServer
   108          *          ETrue update to server directly
   109          *          EFalse put change into queue (CommitDeleteServerContactL)
   110          */
   111         virtual void DeleteServerContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
   112                                            const TDesC& aWVId,
   113                                            const TBool aUpdateToServer = ETrue ) = 0;
   115         /**
   116          * Deletes several contacts from server side contact list
   117          * @param aContactListId Id of list to be updated
   118          * @param aWVId wvid of server-side contact
   119          * @param aUpdateToServer
   120          *          ETrue update to server directly
   121          *          EFalse put change into queue (CommitDeleteServerContactL)
   122          */
   123         virtual void DeleteServerContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
   124                                            const MDesCArray& aWVIds,
   125                                            const TBool aUpdateToServer = ETrue ) = 0;
   127         /**
   128          * Updates deleted contacts to server. This have to be called after
   129          * DeleteServerContactL is called without updating changes to server
   130          * (aUpdateToServer). Otherwise the changed data might not be update to
   131          * server. Use this method to make multiple updates to network with single
   132          * operation.
   133          */
   134         virtual void CommitDeleteServerContactL() = 0;
   136         /**
   137          * Adds one contact to server side contact list
   138          * @param aContactListId Id of list to be updated
   139          * @param aWVId wvid of server-side contact
   140          * @param aNickname nickname of server-side contact
   141          * @param aDoNotRemove, This is used for editing old one.
   142          *                      EFalse if editing, ETrue if adding.
   143          * @param aOldWVId, when editing, remove old userid if different than new one.
   144          */
   145         virtual MCAStoredContact* AddServerContactL(
   146             const TDesC& aContactListId,
   147             const TDesC& aWVId,
   148             const TDesC& aNickname,
   149             TBool aCanREmove = ETrue,
   150             const TDesC* aOldWVId = NULL  ) = 0;
   152         /**
   153          * Adds several contacts to server side contact list
   154          * @param aContactListId Id of list to be updated
   155          * @param aWVId wvid of server-side contact
   156          * @param aNickname nickname of server-side contact
   157          */
   158         virtual void AddServerContactL(    const TDesC& aContactListId,
   159                                            const MDesCArray& aWVIds,
   160                                            const MDesCArray& aNicknames ) = 0;
   162         /**
   163          * Alters the nickname
   164          * @param aContactListId Id of list to be updated
   165          * @param aWVId wvid of server-side contact
   166          * @param aNickname nickname of server-side contact
   167          */
   168         virtual void UpdateContactNicknameL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
   169                                              const TDesC& aWVId,
   170                                              const TDesC& aNickname ) = 0;
   172         /**
   173         * Fetches the list of lists from server.
   174         * @param aContactListIds List names
   175         */
   176         virtual TContactListsWrapper FetchServerContactListsL() = 0;
   178         /**
   179         * Releases resources related to all other contact list, except given one
   180         * @param aExcludedContactList Name of list to be kept
   181         */
   182         virtual void ReleaseContactListsL( const TDesC& aExcludedContactList ) = 0;
   184         /**
   185          * Set new display name for the contact list
   186          * @param aContactListID    ID of the list
   187          * @param aDisplayName      New display name for list
   188          * @return Error code
   189          *
   190          * @since 3.0
   191          */
   192         virtual TInt SetDisplayNameL( const TDesC& aContactListID, const TDesC& aDisplayName ) = 0;
   194         /**
   195          * Delete the contact list
   196          * @param aContactListID    ID of the list
   197          * @return Error code
   198          *
   199          * @since 3.0
   200          */
   201         virtual TInt DeleteContactListL( const TDesC& aContactListID
   203                                          , TBool aFailedList = EFalse
   205                                        ) = 0;
   207         /**
   208          * Create contact list to server with given display name
   209          * List id will be generated from display name
   210          * @param aDisplayName Display name for new contact list
   211          * @return Error code
   212          *
   213          * @since 3.0
   214          */
   215         virtual TInt CreateContactListL( const TDesC& aDisplayName ) = 0;
   217         /**
   218         * Returns a reference to error container, that was filled by the last
   219         * operation response.
   220         * @return Reference to error container
   221         */
   222         virtual const MCAPresenceErrors& LastOperationResult() const = 0;
   224         /**
   225          * Cancel pending requests to network
   226          * @since 2.5
   227          */
   228         virtual void CancelPendingRequests() = 0;
   230         /**
   231          * Get temporary identification of contact which does not belong to contact list.
   232          * @since 2.6
   233          * @param aUserId, Contact id.
   234          * @return Contact identication. Nick or ripped userid.
   235          */
   236         virtual TPtrC IdentificationL( const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0;
   238         /**
   239          * Check if synchronization of contact lists is done
   240          * @since 3.2
   241          * @return ETrue if done
   242          */
   243         virtual TBool IsSyncDone() = 0;
   245         /**
   246             * AddObserver method for registering the other class
   247          */
   248         virtual void AddObserver( MCAListInitObserver* aObserver ) = 0 ;
   250         /**
   251             * RemoveObserver method for unregistering the other class
   252          */
   253         virtual void RemoveObserver() = 0;
   255         /**
   256          * IsListInitialization return the init bool value
   257          * @since 3.2
   258          * @return EFalse if done
   259          */
   260         virtual TBool IsListInitializationCompleted() = 0;
   262         virtual TBool IsContactFetchingCompleted() = 0;
   264         virtual void AddMainViewProcessObserver( MCAListInitObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   266         virtual void RemoveMainViewProcessObserver() = 0;
   268     protected:
   270         /**
   271         * Destructor.
   272         */
   273         virtual ~MCAContactLists() {};
   274     };
   276 #endif      // MCACONTACTLISTS_H
   278 // End of File