changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Utility class for presence functions
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include "CAPresenceDefinitions.h"
    22 #include "CAPresenceUtils.h"
    23 #include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
    24 #include "CCAStorageManagerFactory.h"
    25 #include "MCAStoredContact.h"
    26 #include "MCAStoredContacts.h"
    27 #include "MCAWatcherObserver.h"
    28 #include "CCAPresenceError.h"
    29 #include "CCAPresenceErrors.h"
    30 #include "ImpsCSPAllErrors.h"
    31 #include "CAPresenceConst.h"
    32 #include "MCAContactList.h"
    33 #include "TDecodeAttrParams.h"
    34 #include "SServerPrefers.h"
    35 #include "MCAPresenceUpdater.h"
    36 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    38 #include "WVUIPresenceVariationNG.hrh"
    39 #include <WVUIPresenceVariationNG.rsg>
    41 #include <PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h>
    42 #include <MPEngPresenceAttrModel2.h>
    43 #include <MPEngContactList2.h>
    44 #include <MPEngTransactionStatus2.h>
    45 #include <PEngWVPresenceErrors2.h>
    46 #include <ImpsErrors.h>
    47 #include <PEngPresenceEngineErrors2.h>
    48 #include <MPEngContactItem.h>
    49 #include <MPEngContactListProperties.h>
    50 #include <barsread.h> // RResourceReader
    51 #include <eikenv.h>
    53 // "test character identity and accents, ignore case"
    54 const TInt KCollationLevel = 1;
    56 const TInt KMaxIdAtTheTime = 2;
    57 #else
    58 const TInt KMaxIdAtTheTime = 20;
    61 _LIT( KPanicAttribute, "WVUIPresenceVariation attribute" );
    63 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // CAPresenceUtils::DecodeOnlineState
    65 // (other items were commented in a header).
    66 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus CAPresenceUtils::DecodeOnlineState(
    69     const RPointerArray<CCAState>& aStates,
    70     const RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aAttributes )
    71     {
    72     MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus status( MCAPresence::EUnknown );
    74     TInt stateCount( aStates.Count() );
    75     TBool stateFound( EFalse );
    76     for ( TInt stateIndex( 0 ); stateIndex < stateCount && !stateFound; ++stateIndex )
    77         {
    78         CCAState* state = aStates[stateIndex];
    79         TInt stateAttrCount( state->iAttributes.Count() );
    80         if ( stateAttrCount == 0 )
    81             {
    82             // no attributes => default state
    83             status = MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus( state->iStateId );
    84             }
    85         else
    86             {
    87             // we have a match if:
    88             // all attributes defined in state can be found from current
    89             // set of attributes with same values as in state.
    91             stateFound = ETrue;
    92             for ( TInt stateAttrIndex( 0 ); stateAttrIndex < stateAttrCount  &&
    93                   stateFound; ++stateAttrIndex )
    94                 {
    95                 TCAAttribute& stateAttr = state->iAttributes[stateAttrIndex];
    97                 const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* attr =
    98                     FindAttr( stateAttr.iAttribute, aAttributes );
    99                 if ( attr )
   100                     {
   101                     // attribute found
   102                     if ( attr->DataInt( stateAttr.iField, stateAttr.iGroup )
   103                          != stateAttr.iData ||
   104                          attr->Qualifier()
   105                          != stateAttr.iQualifier )
   106                         {
   107                         // but different value or qualifier => doesn't match
   108                         stateFound = EFalse;
   109                         }
   110                     }
   111                 else
   112                     {
   113                     // not found at all => doesn't match
   114                     stateFound = EFalse;
   115                     }
   116                 }
   118             if ( stateFound )
   119                 {
   120                 status = MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus( state->iStateId );
   121                 }
   122             }
   123         }
   125     CHAT_DP_TXT( "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" );
   126     return status;
   127     }
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // CAPresenceUtils::PopulateAttributes
   131 // (other items were commented in a header).
   132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 //
   134 void CAPresenceUtils::PopulateAttributesL( const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aModel,
   135                                            RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aArray,
   136                                            TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType& aClientType,
   137                                            TPtrC& aAlias,
   138                                            TPtrC& aStatusText )
   139     {
   140     switch ( aModel.Type() )
   141         {
   142         case KUidPrAttrClientInfo:
   143             {
   144             aClientType = TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknownClient;
   145             if ( aModel.Qualifier() )
   146                 {
   147                 switch ( aModel.DataInt( EPEngCliInfDeviceType ) )
   148                     {
   149                     case EPEngCliDevTypeMobilePhone:
   150                         {
   151                         aClientType = TStorageManagerGlobals::EMobile;
   152                         break;
   153                         }
   154                     case EPEngCliDevTypeComputer:
   155                         {
   156                         aClientType = TStorageManagerGlobals::EPC;
   157                         break;
   158                         }
   159                     default:
   160                         {
   161                         // nothing to do here
   162                         }
   163                     }
   164                 }
   165             break;
   166             }
   167         case KUidPrAttrAlias:
   168             {
   169             if ( aAlias.Ptr() )
   170                 {
   171                 // have valid descriptor to where this points,
   172                 // otherwise it's unused by the IM Open Conversation
   173                 // routines
   174                 aAlias.Set( aModel.DataDesC16( EPEngAlias ) );
   175                 }
   176             break;
   177             }
   178         case KUidPrAttrStatusText:
   179             {
   180             if ( ! aStatusText.Ptr() )
   181                 {
   182                 // have valid descriptor to where this points,
   183                 // otherwise it's unused by the IM Open Conversation
   184                 // routines
   185                 aStatusText.Set( aModel.DataDesC16( EPEngStatusText ) );
   186                 }
   187             break;
   188             }
   189         default:
   190             {
   191             aArray.AppendL( &aModel );
   192             break;
   193             }
   194         }
   195     }
   197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CAPresenceUtils::GenerateFriendsArrayLC
   199 // (other items were commented in a header).
   200 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 //
   202 CPtrCArray* CAPresenceUtils::GenerateFriendsArrayLC(
   203     MCAStoredContacts* aContactStorage )
   204     {
   205     TInt granularity( aContactStorage->ContactCount() );
   206     if ( granularity == 0 )
   207         {
   208         granularity = 1;
   209         }
   211     CPtrCArray* contactsArray =
   212         new ( ELeave ) CPtrCArray( granularity );
   213     CleanupStack::PushL( contactsArray );
   215     TInt listCount( aContactStorage->ListCount() );
   216     TKeyArrayFix cmpKey( 0, ECmpCollated );
   217     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < listCount; ++a )
   218         {
   219         MCAContactList& contactList = aContactStorage->ListAt( a );
   220         TInt contactCount( contactList.Count() );
   221         for ( TInt b( 0 ); b < contactCount; ++b )
   222             {
   223             TPtrC userId( contactList[ b ].UserId() );
   224             TInt pos( KErrNotFound );
   225             if ( userId.Length() > 0 )
   226                 {
   227                 // user id exists
   228                 if ( contactsArray->FindIsq( userId, cmpKey, pos ) != 0 )
   229                     {
   230                     // user id not found already from the list, so let's add it
   231                     contactsArray->InsertIsqL( userId, cmpKey );
   232                     }
   233                 }
   234             }
   235         }
   236     return contactsArray;
   237     }
   239 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 // CAPresenceUtils::PushModelArrayL
   241 // (other items were commented in a header).
   242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 void CAPresenceUtils::PushModelArrayL(
   245     RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aArray, TBool aOwnsItems )
   246     {
   247     if ( aOwnsItems )
   248         {
   249         CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( DestroyCloseModelArray, &aArray ) );
   250         }
   251     else
   252         {
   253         CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( CloseModelArray, &aArray ) );
   254         }
   255     }
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // CAPresenceUtils::DecodeAttrModelsL
   259 // (other items were commented in a header).
   260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 TBool CAPresenceUtils::DecodeAttrModelsL( struct TDecodeAttrParams& aParams )
   263     {
   264     CHAT_DP_TXT( "CAPresenceUtils::DecodeAttrModelsL  Enter" );
   265     // unpack the structure for easier access
   266     RPointerArray<CCAState>* states = aParams.iPresenceStates;
   267     RPointerArray< MPEngPresenceAttrModel2 >& array = aParams.iArray;
   268     MCAStoredContacts* contactStorage = aParams.iContactStorage;
   269     MCAWatcherObserver* watcherObserver = aParams.iWatcherObserver;
   270     CDesCArray* stateOnline = aParams.iStateOnline;
   271     CDesCArray* stateOffline = aParams.iStateOffline;
   272     CDesCArray* stateUnknown = aParams.iStateUnknown;
   273     TInt& entryIndex = aParams.iEntryIndex;
   275     TBool done( EFalse ); // flag for loop termination
   276     TBool updateUserData( EFalse );
   278     MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* model = NULL;
   279     RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2> attributes;
   280     CAPresenceUtils::PushModelArrayL( attributes, EFalse );
   282     // alias support preparations
   283     TPtrC aliasPtr( NULL, 0 );
   284     HBufC* dummy = NULL;
   286     if ( aParams.iServerPrefers.iAliasUsed )
   287         {
   288         // have alias support
   289         // alias ptr must point to non-NULL
   290         dummy = HBufC::NewL( 1 );
   291         CleanupStack::PushL( dummy );
   292         aliasPtr.Set( dummy->Des() );
   293         }
   294     else
   295         {
   296         // no alias support
   297         aliasPtr.Set( NULL, 0 );
   298         }
   299     TPtrC statusText( NULL, 0 );
   301     TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus newPresenceStatus =
   302         TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown;
   303     TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus oldPresenceStatus =
   304         TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown;
   305     TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType clientType =
   306         TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknownClient;
   308     TInt attrCount( array.Count() );
   309     const TDesC* lastID = NULL;
   311     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "DecodeAttrModelsL for %d models" ), attrCount );
   313     // Loop through all attributes received
   314     TInt idCount( 0 );
   315     do
   316         {
   317         updateUserData = EFalse;
   319         if ( entryIndex < attrCount )
   320             {
   321             model = array[entryIndex];
   323             // Create initial userID or
   324             // Check if all attributes concerning this user has been processed
   325             if ( !lastID )
   326                 {
   327                 lastID = &model->PresenceID();
   328                 }
   329             else if ( model->PresenceID() != *lastID )
   330                 {
   331                 ++idCount;
   332                 updateUserData = ETrue;
   333                 }
   334             }
   335         else
   336             {
   337             if ( attrCount > 0 )
   338                 {
   339                 updateUserData = ETrue;
   340                 }
   341             done = ETrue;
   342             }
   344         // If all attributes concerning certain user have been collected,
   345         // then we can update local presence information concerning that user
   346         if ( updateUserData )
   347             {
   348             newPresenceStatus = MapPresenceStateId(
   349                                     DecodeOnlineState( *states, attributes ) );
   351             CAPresenceUtils::FillArraysL( *lastID, newPresenceStatus,
   352                                           stateOnline, stateOffline,
   353                                           stateUnknown );
   354             if ( contactStorage )
   355                 {
   356                 MCAStoredContact* updatedContact = contactStorage->UpdatePresenceL(
   357                                                        *lastID, newPresenceStatus,
   358                                                        clientType, aliasPtr,
   359                                                        statusText,
   360                                                        oldPresenceStatus );
   362                 if ( updatedContact )
   363                     {
   364                     if ( updatedContact->IsWatched()
   365                          && watcherObserver
   366                          && ( newPresenceStatus != TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown )
   367                          && !( newPresenceStatus == TStorageManagerGlobals::EOffline
   368                                && oldPresenceStatus == TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown )
   369                        )
   370                         {
   371                         watcherObserver->HandleWatcherEvent( updatedContact );
   372                         }
   373                     }
   374                 }
   376             // reset attributes
   377             attributes.Reset();
   378             clientType = TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknownClient;
   380             if ( aParams.iServerPrefers.iAliasUsed )
   381                 {
   382                 // have alias support
   383                 // alias ptr must point to non-NULL
   384                 aliasPtr.Set( dummy->Des() );
   385                 }
   386             statusText.Set( NULL, 0 );
   388             }
   390         if ( !done && idCount < KMaxIdAtTheTime )
   391             {
   392             lastID = &model->PresenceID();
   393             CAPresenceUtils::PopulateAttributesL( *model,
   394                                                   attributes,
   395                                                   clientType,
   396                                                   aliasPtr,
   397                                                   statusText );
   398             }
   400         ++entryIndex;
   401         } while ( !done && idCount < KMaxIdAtTheTime );
   404     --entryIndex;
   406     if ( aParams.iServerPrefers.iAliasUsed )
   407         {
   408         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dummy );
   409         }
   411     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // attributes.Close()
   412     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CAPresenceUtils::DecodeAttrModelsL  Done-:%d" ), done );
   413     return !done;
   414     }
   416 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   417 // CAPresenceUtils::HandleListErrorsL
   418 // (other items were commented in a header).
   419 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 //
   421 void CAPresenceUtils::HandleListErrorsL( TInt aError )
   422     {
   423     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAPEngListManager::HandleListErrorsL checking \
   424 	                      error %d" ), aError );
   426     if ( aError != KErrNone && aError != KErrNotFound
   427          && aError != KErrAlreadyExists )
   428         {
   429         CHAT_DP_TXT( "Error can not be ignored, leaving..." );
   430         User::Leave( aError );
   431         }
   432     }
   434 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 // CAPresenceUtils::CompareAttrModelArray
   436 // (other items were commented in a header).
   437 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 //
   439 TInt CAPresenceUtils::CompareAttrModelArray(
   440     const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aFirst,
   441     const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aSecond )
   442     {
   443     return aFirst.PresenceID().CompareC( aSecond.PresenceID(), KCollationLevel,
   444                                          NULL );
   445     }
   447 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   448 // CAPresenceUtils::CloseModelArray
   449 // (other items were commented in a header).
   450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 //
   452 void CAPresenceUtils::CloseModelArray( TAny* aObject )
   453     {
   454     reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>*>( aObject )->
   455     Close();
   456     }
   458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // CAPresenceUtils::DestroyCloseModelArray
   460 // (other items were commented in a header).
   461 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   462 //
   463 void CAPresenceUtils::DestroyCloseModelArray( TAny* aObject )
   464     {
   465     reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>*>( aObject )->
   466     ResetAndDestroy();
   467     }
   469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 // CAPresenceUtils::FillArraysL
   471 // (other items were commented in a header).
   472 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 //
   474 void CAPresenceUtils::FillArraysL(
   475     const TDesC& aUserId,
   476     TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus aOnlineStatus,
   477     CDesCArray *aStateOnline,
   478     CDesCArray *aStateOffline,
   479     CDesCArray *aStateUnknown )
   480     {
   481     if ( aUserId == KNullDesC )
   482         {
   483         // if userID == KNullDesC then this is probably our own presence notify
   484         // no need to do anything here
   485         return;
   486         }
   488     switch ( aOnlineStatus )
   489         {
   490         case TStorageManagerGlobals::EOnline:
   491         case TStorageManagerGlobals::EAway:
   492         case TStorageManagerGlobals::EBusy: // flow through
   493             {
   494             if ( aStateOnline )
   495                 {
   496                 aStateOnline->AppendL( aUserId );
   497                 }
   498             break;
   499             }
   500         case TStorageManagerGlobals::EOffline:
   501             {
   502             if ( aStateOffline )
   503                 {
   504                 aStateOffline->AppendL( aUserId );
   505                 }
   506             break;
   507             }
   508         case TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown:
   509             {
   510             if ( aStateUnknown )
   511                 {
   512                 aStateUnknown->AppendL( aUserId );
   513                 }
   514             break;
   515             }
   516         default:
   517             {
   518             // Unknown state, ignore
   519             break;
   520             }
   521         }
   522     }
   524 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 // CAPresenceUtils::HandleTransactionStatusL
   526 // (other items were commented in a header).
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //
   529 void CAPresenceUtils::HandleTransactionStatusL( MPEngTransactionStatus2&
   530                                                 aStatus, CCAPresenceErrors& aErrorContainer )
   531     {
   532     CHAT_DP_TXT( "CAPresenceUtils::HandleTransactionStatusL" );
   534     // Reset the container
   535     aErrorContainer.Reset();
   536     aErrorContainer.SetError( CAPresenceUtils::MapErrorPECtoCSP(
   537                                   aStatus.Status() ) );
   539     // If partially successful, then fill the local information
   540     if ( aErrorContainer.Error() == ECSPPartiallySuccessful )
   541         {
   542         CHAT_DP_TXT( "CAPresenceUtils::HandleTransactionStatusL, received \
   543                       ECSPPartiallySuccessful" );
   544         const MPEngDetailedResultEntry2* detailed = NULL;
   545         TPtrC data;
   547         TInt count( aStatus.DetailedResultCount() );
   548         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   549             {
   550             detailed = &aStatus.DetailedResult( i );
   551             detailed->GetDetailedDesc( data, EPEngDTPresenceID );
   552             CCAPresenceError* error =
   553                 CCAPresenceError::NewLC( CAPresenceUtils::MapErrorPECtoCSP(
   554                                              detailed->Error() ), data );
   555             CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "Detailed result (%d): %d: %S" ), i,
   556                      error->ErrorCode(), &data );
   558             // Ownership is passed to error container
   559             aErrorContainer.AddDetailedErrorL( error );
   560             CleanupStack::Pop( error );
   561             }
   562         }
   563     }
   565 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 // CAPresenceUtils::MapErrorPECtoCSP
   567 // (other items were commented in a header).
   568 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   569 //
   570 TInt CAPresenceUtils::MapErrorPECtoCSP( TInt aError )
   571     {
   572     TInt error( aError );
   574     // Map everything between KPEngErrorWVServerResponseBase and KPEngErrorBase
   575     // to Imps_ERROR_BASE
   576     if ( aError < KPEngErrorWVServerResponseBase &&
   577          aError > KPEngErrorBase )
   578         {
   579         error = aError - KPEngErrorWVServerResponseBase + Imps_ERROR_BASE;
   580         }
   582     return error;
   583     }
   585 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 // CAPresenceUtils::AppendContactsL
   587 // (other items were commented in a header).
   588 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 TBool CAPresenceUtils::AppendContactsL( MPEngContactList2* aContactList,
   591                                         CDesCArray* aWVIds,
   592                                         CDesCArray* aNicknames,
   593                                         MCAStoredContacts* aContactStorage,
   594                                         TInt& aEntryIndex,
   595                                         MCAContactList& aCaContactList,
   596                                         MCAPresenceUpdater& aPresenceUpdater )
   597     {
   598     // Fill arrays
   599     TInt idCount( 0 );
   600     TInt count( aContactList->Count() );
   601     if ( aEntryIndex >= count )
   602         {
   603         // list has been changed, possibly we ran out of memory
   604         aEntryIndex = count - 1;
   605         }
   607     if ( aWVIds && aNicknames )
   608         {
   609         while ( ( idCount < KMaxIdAtTheTime ) && ( aEntryIndex >= 0 ) )
   610             {
   611             MPEngContactItem& contact = aContactList->ContactItem( aEntryIndex );
   612             TPtrC id = contact.Id();
   613             TPtrC nick( contact.NickName() );
   614             // append to lists
   615             aWVIds->AppendL( id );
   616             aNicknames->AppendL( nick );
   617             ++idCount;
   618             --aEntryIndex;
   619             }
   620         }
   621     else
   622         {
   623         RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2> attrModels;
   624         CAPresenceUtils::PushModelArrayL( attrModels, ETrue );
   625         RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2> onlineStateModels;
   626         CAPresenceUtils::PushModelArrayL( onlineStateModels, EFalse );
   628         TPtrC aliasPtr( NULL, 0 );
   629         TPtrC statusText( NULL, 0 );
   630         TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType clientType =
   631             TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknownClient;
   632         const RPointerArray<CCAState>& presenceStates = aPresenceUpdater.PresenceStates();
   633         TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus presenceStatus =
   634             TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown;
   636         while ( ( idCount < KMaxIdAtTheTime ) && ( aEntryIndex >= 0 ) )
   637             {
   638             MPEngContactItem& contact = aContactList->ContactItem( aEntryIndex );
   639             TPtrC uderId = contact.Id();
   640             TPtrC nick( contact.NickName() );
   642             // fetch attribute for this contact and add it all at once
   643             aPresenceUpdater.ExtractAttributeModelsForUserL( uderId, attrModels );
   644             // populate attributes
   645             TInt attrCount( attrModels.Count() );
   646             for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < attrCount ; ++x )
   647                 {
   648                 CAPresenceUtils::PopulateAttributesL( *attrModels[x],
   649                                                       onlineStateModels,
   650                                                       clientType,
   651                                                       aliasPtr,
   652                                                       statusText );
   653                 }
   655             presenceStatus = MapPresenceStateId(
   656                                  DecodeOnlineState( presenceStates, onlineStateModels ) );
   659             // update directly to storage
   660             aContactStorage->CreateContactL( aCaContactList,
   661                                              nick,
   662                                              uderId,
   663                                              presenceStatus,
   664                                              clientType,
   665                                              aliasPtr,
   666                                              statusText );
   668             // reset attributes
   669             onlineStateModels.Reset();
   670             attrModels.ResetAndDestroy();
   672             clientType = TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknownClient;
   673             statusText.Set( NULL, 0 );
   674             aliasPtr.Set( KNullDesC );
   676             ++idCount;
   677             --aEntryIndex;
   678             }
   679         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // attrModels, onlineStateModels
   680         }
   682     // if aEntryIndex is -1, then we are done
   683     return ( aEntryIndex != -1 );
   684     }
   687 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   688 // CAPresenceUtils::ReadAttributeL
   689 // (other items were commented in a header).
   690 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   691 //
   692 TCAAttribute CAPresenceUtils::ReadAttributeL( TResourceReader& aReader )
   693     {
   694     TInt attribute( aReader.ReadInt16() );
   695     TInt qualifier( aReader.ReadInt16() );
   696     TInt value( aReader.ReadInt16() );
   698     TCAAttribute attr;
   699     attr.iQualifier = ( qualifier == EIMQualifierTrue );
   700     attr.iData = KErrNotFound;
   701     attr.iField = KErrNotFound;
   702     attr.iGroup = KPEngDefaultAttrValueGroup;
   704     switch ( attribute )
   705         {
   706         case EIMOnlineAttr:
   707             {
   708             attr.iAttribute = KUidPrAttrOnlineStatus;
   709             attr.iField = EPEngOnlineStatus;
   710             switch ( value )
   711                 {
   712                 case EIMOnlineNoChange:
   713                     {
   714                     // by default, value isn't used
   715                     break;
   716                     }
   717                 case EIMOnlineTrue:
   718                     {
   719                     attr.iData = EPEngOnlineStatusOnline;
   720                     break;
   721                     }
   722                 case EIMOnlineFalse:
   723                     {
   724                     attr.iData = EPEngOnlineStatusOffline;
   725                     break;
   726                     }
   727                 default:
   728                     {
   729                     User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
   730                     }
   731                 }
   732             break;
   733             }
   734         case EIMUserAvailabilityAttr:
   735             {
   736             attr.iAttribute = KUidPrAttrUserAvailability;
   737             attr.iField = EPEngUsrAvailability;
   738             switch ( value )
   739                 {
   740                 case EIMUserAvailabilityNoChange:
   741                     {
   742                     // by default, value isn't used
   743                     break;
   744                     }
   745                 case EIMUserAvailabilityNotAvailable:
   746                     {
   747                     attr.iData = EPEngUsrAvailabilityOffline;
   748                     break;
   749                     }
   750                 case EIMUserAvailabilityDiscreet:
   751                     {
   752                     attr.iData = EPEngUsrAvailabilityDiscreet;
   753                     break;
   754                     }
   755                 case EIMUserAvailabilityAvailable:
   756                     {
   757                     attr.iData = EPEngUsrAvailabilityOnline;
   758                     break;
   759                     }
   760                 default:
   761                     {
   762                     User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
   763                     }
   764                 }
   765             break;
   766             }
   767         case EIMCommCapAttr:
   768             {
   769             attr.iAttribute = KUidPrAttrCommCap;
   770             attr.iField = EPEngCommCapStatus;
   771             attr.iGroup = EPEngCommCapIMClient;
   772             switch ( value )
   773                 {
   774                 case EIMCommCapNoChange:
   775                     {
   776                     // by default, value isn't used
   777                     break;
   778                     }
   779                 case EIMCommCapClosed:
   780                     {
   781                     attr.iData = EPEngCommCapStatusClosed;
   782                     break;
   783                     }
   784                 case EIMCommCapOpen:
   785                     {
   786                     attr.iData = EPEngCommCapStatusOpen;
   787                     break;
   788                     }
   789                 default:
   790                     {
   791                     User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
   792                     }
   793                 }
   794             break;
   795             }
   796         case EIMStatusTextAttr:
   797             {
   798             attr.iAttribute = KUidPrAttrStatusText;
   799             switch ( value )
   800                 {
   801                 case EIMStatusTextNoChange:
   802                     {
   803                     // by default, value isn't used
   804                     break;
   805                     }
   806                 default:
   807                     {
   808                     User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
   809                     }
   810                 }
   811             break;
   812             }
   813         default:
   814             {
   815             User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
   816             }
   817         }
   818     return attr;
   819     }
   821 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   822 // CAPresenceUtils::MapStateId
   823 // (other items were commented in a header).
   824 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   825 //
   826 TInt CAPresenceUtils::MapStateId( TInt aResourceStateId )
   827     {
   828     MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus ret( MCAPresence::EUnknown );
   829     switch ( aResourceStateId )
   830         {
   831         case EIMStateAvailable:
   832             {
   833             ret = MCAPresence::EOnline;
   834             break;
   835             }
   836         case EIMStateAway:
   837             {
   838             ret = MCAPresence::EAway;
   839             break;
   840             }
   841         case EIMStateBusy:
   842             {
   843             ret = MCAPresence::EBusy;
   844             break;
   845             }
   846         case EIMStateInvisible: // flowthrough at the moment
   847         case EIMStateOffline:
   848             {
   849             ret = MCAPresence::EOffline;
   850             break;
   851             }
   852         default:
   853             {
   854             User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
   855             }
   856         }
   857     return ret;
   858     }
   860 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   861 // CAPresenceUtils::MapPresenceStateId
   862 // (other items were commented in a header).
   863 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   864 //
   865 TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus CAPresenceUtils::MapPresenceStateId(
   866     MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus aPresenceStateId )
   867     {
   868     TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus ret( TStorageManagerGlobals::EUnknown );
   869     switch ( aPresenceStateId )
   870         {
   871         case MCAPresence::EOnline:
   872             {
   873             ret = TStorageManagerGlobals::EOnline;
   874             break;
   875             }
   876         case MCAPresence::EOffline:
   877             {
   878             ret = TStorageManagerGlobals::EOffline;
   879             break;
   880             }
   881         case MCAPresence::EAway:
   882             {
   883             ret = TStorageManagerGlobals::EAway;
   884             break;
   885             }
   886         case MCAPresence::EBusy:
   887             {
   888             ret = TStorageManagerGlobals::EBusy;
   889             break;
   890             }
   891         default:
   892             {
   893             // nothing to do
   894             }
   895         }
   896     return ret;
   897     }
   899 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   900 // CAPresenceUtils::ReadStatesFromResourceL
   901 // (other items were commented in a header).
   902 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   903 //
   904 void CAPresenceUtils::ReadStatesFromResourceL( TInt aResourceId,
   905                                                RPointerArray<CCAState>& aStates )
   906     {
   907     TResourceReader reader;
   908     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader, aResourceId );
   910     // reset array
   911     aStates.ResetAndDestroy();
   913     // read states
   914     TInt stateCount( reader.ReadInt16() );
   915     for ( TInt stateIndex( 0 ); stateIndex < stateCount; ++stateIndex )
   916         {
   917         // read state id and create state for it
   918         TInt stateId( MapStateId( reader.ReadInt16() ) );
   920         CCAState* state = new( ELeave )CCAState( stateId );
   921         CleanupStack::PushL( state );
   923         // and attributes
   924         TInt attributeCount( reader.ReadInt16() );
   925         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < attributeCount; ++i )
   926             {
   927             state->iAttributes.AppendL( ReadAttributeL( reader ) );
   928             }
   930         // finished
   931         aStates.AppendL( state );
   932         CleanupStack::Pop( state );
   933         }
   935     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
   936     }
   938 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 // CAPresenceUtils::FindState
   940 // (other items were commented in a header).
   941 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 //
   943 CCAState* CAPresenceUtils::FindStateL( TInt aState, const RPointerArray<CCAState>& aStates )
   944     {
   945     CCAState* tmp = new( ELeave )CCAState( aState );
   946     CleanupStack::PushL( tmp );
   948     CCAState* ret = NULL;
   949     TIdentityRelation< CCAState > equals( CAPresenceUtils::EqualStates );
   951     TInt index( aStates.Find( tmp, equals ) );
   952     if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   953         {
   954         ret = aStates[index];
   955         }
   957     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmp );
   958     return ret;
   959     }
   961 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   962 // CAPresenceUtils::FindAttrL
   963 // (other items were commented in a header).
   964 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   965 //
   966 const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* CAPresenceUtils::FindAttr( TInt aType,
   967                                                           const RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aArray )
   968     {
   969     TInt count( aArray.Count() );
   970     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   971         {
   972         const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* attr = aArray[i];
   973         if ( attr->Type() == aType )
   974             {
   975             return attr;
   976             }
   977         }
   978     return NULL;
   979     }
   981 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   982 // CAPresenceUtils::EqualStates
   983 // (other items were commented in a header).
   984 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   985 //
   986 TBool CAPresenceUtils::EqualStates( const CCAState& aState1, const CCAState& aState2 )
   987     {
   988     return ( aState1.iStateId == aState2.iStateId );
   989     }
   992 //  End of File