changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Group handling utilities
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef CCAGROUPUTILSPC_H
    21 #define CCAGROUPUTILSPC_H
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include	"CCAChatInfoArray.h"
    25 #include	"MCAGroupOperations.h"
    26 #include	"MCAGroupUtilsPC.h"
    27 #include    "MCAInviteConflictResolver.h"
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <badesca.h>
    33 class CCAEngine;
    34 class MCAGroupOperations;
    35 class CImpsCommonGroupProps;
    36 class CImpsPrivateGroupProps;
    37 class CCAServerContactsArray;
    38 class MCAConversationMessage;
    39 class MCAStoredGroups;
    45 /**
    46 *  Process component for Group editing and displaying utilities
    47 *
    48 *  @lib chatng.app
    49 */
    50 class CCAGroupUtilsPC : public CBase,
    51             public MCAGroupUtilsPC
    52     {
    53     public:  // constructor
    54         /**
    55         * Static constructor.
    56         * @param aEngine Handle to application engine
    57         * @return Instance of this class
    58         */
    59         static CCAGroupUtilsPC* NewLC( CCAEngine& aEngine );
    61         /**
    62         * Static constructor.
    63         * @param aEngine Handle to application engine
    64         * @return Instance of this class
    65         */
    66         static CCAGroupUtilsPC* NewL( CCAEngine& aEngine );
    68         /**
    69         * Destructor
    70         */
    71         ~CCAGroupUtilsPC();
    73     public:
    75         // simple group generation ("SGC") FSM states
    76         enum TSGCState
    77             {
    78             ESGCInviteContacts = 0, // choose contacts to invite (Begin state)
    79             ESGCGroupName,          // select group name
    80             ESGCInviteMessage,      // invite message query
    81             ESGCScreenName,         // screenname query or alias usage
    82             ESGCCreateGroup,        // create the group
    83             ESGCDoSendInvite,       // send the invitations, if any
    84             ESGCDoJoin,             // actually join the group
    85             ESGCError,              // error state
    86             ESGCQueryCancel,        // ask for cancelling
    87             ESGCNone                // no state
    88             };
    90         // Chat group join mode
    91         enum TJoinMode
    92             {
    93             EStoredId = 0,  // Group id received from some store
    94             EManualId       // Group id entered manually by user
    95             };
    98         /*
    99         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   100         */
   101         CCAChatInfoArray* GetChatInfoArrayL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   103         /*
   104         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   105         */
   106         TInt GetCreatedChatRoomListL( CDesCArray& aTempArray, CDesCArray& aGroupIds );
   108         /*
   109         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   110         */
   111         TInt SwitchToJoinedGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupID, TCADnlChatViewBuf& aViewDnl ,
   112                                    const MCAConversationMessage* aFwdMessage,
   113                                    TBool aInviteQuery );
   116         /**
   117         * To show the screen name query with given group name
   118         * @param aScreenName: display name
   119         */
   120         void ScreenNameQueryL( TDes& aScreenName );
   122         /**
   123          * Helper function for EditChatGroupPropertiesL and CreateNewChat.
   124          * Moves own user id to first in list.
   125          * @param aList Reference to a list where own user id is removed and moved to
   126          * the first position.
   127          */
   128         void MoveOwnIdToFirstL( CDesCArray& aList );
   130         /**
   131         * Updates the group member status. Leaves on errors.
   132         * This method will calculate delta lists based on previous and new
   133         * lists
   134         * @param aGroupId GroupID
   135         * @param aOldAdmins List of previous admins
   136         * @param aAdmins List of new admins
   137         * @param aOldUserList List of previous users
   138         * @param aUserList List of new users
   139         * @param aOldRejected List of previous rejected users
   140         * @param aRejected List of new rejected users.
   141         */
   142         void UpdateGroupMembersL( const TDesC& aGroupId,
   143                                   const CDesCArray& aOldAdmins, const CDesCArray& aAdmins,
   144                                   const CDesCArray& aOldUserList, const CDesCArray& aUserList,
   145                                   const CDesCArray& aOldRejected, const CDesCArray& aRejected );
   147         /**
   148         * Adds members to the group. Leaves on errors
   149         * @param aGroupId GroupID
   150         * @param aAdmins Admins
   151         * @param aUserList Users
   152         * @param aRejected Rejected users
   153         */
   154         void AddGroupMembersL( const TDesC& aGroupId, CDesCArray& aAdmins,
   155                                const CDesCArray& aUserList, const CDesCArray& aRejected );
   157         /**
   158          * Gets the banned users of group
   159          * @param aRejectList List of rejected users
   160          * @param aGroup: group id whose rejected lists ve to be fetched
   161          * @return CSP error code
   162          */
   163         TInt GetRejectListL( CDesCArray& aRejectList , const TDesC& aGroupId  );
   165         /**
   166          * Gets the members of group
   167          * @param aUserList List of users
   168          * @param aScreenNames List of screen names
   169          * @param aModers List of moderators
   170          * @param aAdmins List of administrators
   171          * @return CSP error code
   172          */
   173         TInt GetMembersL( CDesCArray& aUserList,
   174                           CDesCArray& aScreenNames,
   175                           CDesCArray& aModers,
   176                           CDesCArray& aAdmins, const TDesC& aGroup );
   178         /*
   179         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   180         */
   181         const TPtrC GetIdentificationL( const TDesC& aContactId );
   184         /**
   185          * Creates new group to server
   186          * @param aScreenName screen name
   187          * @param aJoinGroup Should the group be joined after creation
   188          * @return CSP error code
   189          */
   190         HBufC* CreateGroupL( const TDesC& aScreenName, const TDesC& aGroupName, TInt& aError );
   192         /**
   193         * Join a group.
   194         * Leaves if out of memory before sending a message to the Symbian OS server.
   195         * @param aGroupId group id
   196         * @param aScreenName screen name for the user, optional (may be zero length)
   197         * @param aUsers ETrue if a user wants to get list of joined users in a reponse,
   198         * @param aIsFavourite : if the group is saved as favourite
   199         * @return operation-id (positive)
   200         */
   201         TInt JoinGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId,
   202                          const TDesC& aScreenName,
   203                          TBool aUsers, TBool aIsFavourite );
   205         /**
   206         * To fetch the data of a group
   207         * @param aGroupId: id of the group whose data has to be fetched
   208         * @param aUserList: list of users allowed access to the group
   209         * @param aScreenNames: screen names of all the users joined to the group
   210         * @param aModerators: the users given moderator privileges to the group
   211         * @param aAdmins: the users who have been given admin privileges to the list
   212         * @param aRejected: list of users banned from entering the group
   213         * @return errorcode
   214         */
   215         TInt GetGroupDataL( const TDesC& aGroupId,
   216                             CDesCArray& aUserList, CDesCArray& aScreenNames,
   217                             CDesCArray& aModerators, CDesCArray& aAdmins,
   218                             CDesCArray& aRejected );
   220         /*
   221         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   222         */
   223         virtual void GetDefaultGroupNameL( TPtr& aChatGroupName,
   224                                            TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelType );
   226         /*
   227         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   228         */
   229         TInt ProcessEditedGroupPropertiesL( const TDesC& aGroupId,
   230                                             CDesCArray& aOldAdmins,
   231                                             CDesCArray& aNewAdmins,
   232                                             CDesCArray& aOldUsers,
   233                                             CDesCArray& aNewUsers,
   234                                             CDesCArray& aOldRejected,
   235                                             CDesCArray& aNewRejected );
   237         /*
   238         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   239         */
   240         HBufC* GetAliasL();
   242         /*
   243         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   244         */
   245         void CreateOrJoinGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId,
   246                                  TBool& aIsJoined, TBool& aIsFavourite );
   249         /*
   250         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   251         */
   252         void SaveAsFavouriteL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   254         /**
   255          * Name of the group
   256          * @return name of the group
   257          */
   258         TPtrC GetEngineDefaultGroupName( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const;
   260         /**
   261         * Set the group name property of the specified group
   262         * @param aGroupId: group id of the group whose name has to be changed
   263         */
   264         void SetGroupNameL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   266         /*
   267         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   268         */
   269         TInt DeleteGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId, TBool aDeleteFromNetwork );
   271         /*
   272         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   273         */
   274         TInt DeleteChatGroupFromNetworkL( const TDesC& aGroupId, TBool aDeleteFromNetwork );
   276         /*
   277         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   278         */
   279         void DeleteFailedGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId, TBool aDeleteFromNetwork );
   281         /*
   282         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   283         */
   284         TPtrC GetGroupNameForJoinedGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   286         /*
   287         *@see MCAGroupUtilsPC
   288         */
   289         HBufC* CreateGroupSimpleL( const TDesC& aScreenName,
   290                                    TBool aJoinGroup,
   291                                    TBool aIsWhisperingEnabled,
   292                                    TInt& aErrorCode ) ;
   295         /**
   296         * To send invitations from the group view to selected contacts
   297         * @param aUserIDs: list of users to whom the invites have to be sent
   298         * @param aGroupId: id of the group from which the invite is being sent
   299         * @param aMessage: the message that has to be sent to the invitees
   300         * @return int: error code
   301         */
   302         TInt SendInvitationsL( const CDesCArray& aUserIDs,
   303                                const TDesC& aGroupID,
   304                                const TDesC& aMessage );
   306     public:
   308         /**
   309          * Find a group from the store
   310          * @param aId the ID of the group to find
   311          * @return The group
   312          */
   313         TBool FindGroup( const TDesC& aId ) ;
   315         /**
   316          * Get the User Ids of participants of the group (joined users)
   317          * Makes copies of the descriptors.
   318          * @param aParticipantList
   319          */
   320         void GetParticipantsL( CDesCArray& aParticipantList,
   321                                const TDesC& aGroupId ) const ;
   323         /**
   324          * Check if the user has joined this group
   325          * @return ETrue if the group has been joined
   326          */
   327         TBool IsJoined( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const ;
   329         /**
   330          * See if this is the user's group
   331          * @return ETrue if this group is the user's group
   332          */
   333         TBool IsOwnGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const ;
   335         /**
   336          * Check if the user is administrator in this group
   337          * @return ETrue if the user is administrator
   338          */
   339         TBool IsAdmin( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const ;
   341         /**
   342          * Leave the given group. Use this method instead of
   343          * calling the wrapper directly (to avoid race
   344          * conditions). This method also does cleanup and
   345          * removes the group wrapper, if necessary.
   346          * Wraps the LeaveL in MCAGroupOperations.
   347          * @param aGroupId The group to leave
   348          * @return IMPS error code from LeaveL
   349          */
   350         TInt LeaveGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId ) ;
   353         /**
   354          * Checks if chat group is favourite or not
   355          * @param aGroupId The id of group for which to know if user has saved has favorite
   356          * @return ETrue if favourite EFalse if not
   357          */
   358         TBool IsFavouriteChatGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const ;
   360     private: // constructors and destructors
   362         /**
   363         * constructor
   364         */
   365         void ConstructL();
   367         /**
   368          * Default constructor
   369          * @param aEngine Handle to engine
   370          * @param aViewSwitcher Handle to view switcher
   371          */
   372         CCAGroupUtilsPC( CCAEngine& aEngine );
   374     private:    // Data
   376         // Handle to application engine.
   377         CCAEngine& iEngine;
   379         // Owns. Used temporarily in CreateNewChatL.
   380         HBufC* iGroupId;
   382         //Pointer to current group. Doesnt own
   383         MCAStoredGroup* currentGroup;
   385         //doesn't own,handle to groups interface
   386         MCAStoredGroups* iStoredGroups;
   388         //doesnt own. pointer to group manager interface
   389         MCAGroupManagerInterface* iGroupManagerInterface;
   390     };
   392 #endif      // CCAGROUPUTILSPC_H
   394 // End of File