changeset 17 a941bc465d9f
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equal deleted inserted replaced
16:6ca72c0fe49a 17:a941bc465d9f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     Interface for WV access services
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef IMPS_ACCESS_CLIENT_H
    21 #define IMPS_ACCESS_CLIENT_H
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include <badesca.h>
    26 #include <bamdesca.h>
    27 #include "impsconst.h"
    28 #include "impsclient.h"
    30 // CONSTANTS
    33 class MImpsAccessHandler2;
    34 class CImpsAccessCommand2;
    39 /**
    40 *  RImpsAccessClient2 API
    41 *
    42 *  Applications use Access service via RImpsAccessClient2 class. 
    43 *  First, they need to connect to the server by calling RegisterL()
    44 *  member function. Immediately after that an error handler
    45 *  must be registered by RegisterErrorObserverL.   
    46 *  
    47 *  When everything is done, call Unregister() to end
    48 *  the session.
    49 *
    50 *  A user of this API must be aware that raising/releasing
    51 *  the PDP context may affect the response times of called functions.
    52 *
    53 *  One client-server session can have only one CSP session.
    54 *
    55 *  Observer methods:
    56 *  -----------------------
    57 *  Client can be notified when a certain type of message is received 
    58 *  from the remote server.
    59 *  Client has to be connected in the server in order to get notify events.
    60 *  If the client is disconnected by server by calling Unregister(), 
    61 *  all notify requests and possible incoming events are cancelled. 
    62 *
    63 *  Notify events are session-specific, i.e. if you have several 
    64 *  ImpsAccessClients connected to the server, each has its own notify 
    65 *  requests. 
    66 *
    67 *  In order to use notify services, you need to implement 
    68 *  MImpsAccessHandler2 and give a pointer to your class in RegisterL.
    69 *  Observer method doesn't need to do anything else than your application 
    70 *  needs it to do.
    71 *
    72 * 
    73 *  Addressing:
    74 *  -----------
    75 *  WV CSP specification defines characters that must be escaped if they
    76 *  occur within the User-ID, Resource or Domain portions of a Wireless Village
    77 *  address. WV engine does NOT escape those characters on behalf of user 
    78 *  application. WV CSP also denies usage of certain characters in UserID
    79 *  totally.
    80 *
    81 */ 
    84 class RImpsAccessClient2 : public RImpsClient2
    85     {
    87     public: // Constructors and destructor
    89         /**
    90         * C++ default constructor.
    91         */      
    92         IMPORT_C RImpsAccessClient2();
    94     public: // New functions        
    98        /**
    99         * Registers the listener object for Access events and connects to
   100         * the Symbian OS Server.
   101         * Leaves with KImpsErrorAlreadyInUse if the client 
   102         * has already registered.
   103         * @param aEngine WV Engine server instance
   104         * @param aObserver The observer.
   105         * @param aPriority Observer priority. Refer to CActive priority.
   106         */
   107         IMPORT_C void RegisterL( RImpsEng& aEngine,
   108                                  MImpsAccessHandler2* aObserver,
   109                                  TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   111         /**
   112         * Unregisters the listener object and disconnects from the server.
   113         */
   114         IMPORT_C void Unregister();
   116         /**
   117         * Get number of Symbian OS sessions connected to the server
   118         * @param aCspId Identifier for the session.
   119         * @return number of sessions 
   120         */
   121         IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfSessionsL( TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
   124         // ACCESS SERVICES
   126         /**
   127         * Login to Service Access Point (SAP).
   128         * MImpsAccessHandler2 handles successful server response.
   129         * Errors are handled by MImpsErrorHandler2:
   130         *   KImpsErrorAP if access point cannot be accessed
   131         *   KImpsErrorShuttingDown if authoritative session stop is ongoing.
   132         *   .
   133         * Leaves with KErrArgument if maximum lengths of
   134         * parameters are exceeded.
   135         * Leaves with KErrNotReady if login cancellation
   136         * is still in progress.
   137         * The CSP session id is stored in the engine, and it is not
   138         * visible in this API.
   139         * If there is ongoing login to the same CSP session leaves with
   140         * KErrNotReady.
   141         * @param aCspId contains SAP URI and userId. Note that a 
   142         *                       strict match will be used when compared to 
   143         *                       existing sessions. 
   144         * @param aPsw password  
   145         * @param aClientId client id used to log in server.
   146         *        The client-id having prefix '+' or number is considered 
   147         *        as MSISDN number (E.164), 
   148         *        otherwise it is handled as URL.
   149         *        This MAY be used for CIR addressing if SAP is not able to
   150         *        detect MSISDN number in other way
   151         * @param aAP CommDb id for access point
   152         * @param aKey1 privateKey1 or NULL
   153         * @param aKey2 privateKey2 or NULL
   154         * @return operation-id (positive) 
   155         */
   156         IMPORT_C TInt LoginL( TImpsCspIdentifier aCspId,
   157                               const TDesC& aPsw,
   158                               const TDesC& aClientId,
   159                               TUint32 aAP,
   160                               const TDesC* aKey1 = NULL,
   161                               const TDesC* aKey2 = NULL );
   164         /**
   165         * Login to Service Access Point (SAP) using reactive authorization.
   166         * MImpsAccessHandler2 handles successful server response.
   167         * Errors are handled by MImpsErrorHandler2:
   168         *   KImpsErrorAP if access point cannot be accessed
   169         *   KImpsErrorShuttingDown if authoritative session stop is ongoing.
   170         *   .
   171         * Leaves with KErrArgument if maximum lengths of
   172         * parameters are exceeded.
   173         * Leaves with KErrNotReady if login cancellation
   174         * is still in progress.
   175         * The CSP session id is stored in the engine, and it is not
   176         * visible in this API.
   177         * If there is ongoing login to the same CSP session leaves with
   178         * KErrNotReady.
   179         * @param aCspId contains SAP URI and userId. Note that a 
   180         *                       strict match will be used when compared to 
   181         *                       existing sessions. 
   182         * @param aPsw password  
   183         * @param aClientId client id used to log in server.
   184         *        The client-id having prefix '+' or number is considered 
   185         *        as MSISDN number (E.164), 
   186         *        otherwise it is handled as URL.
   187         *        This MAY be used for CIR addressing if SAP is not able to
   188         *        detect MSISDN number in other way
   189         * @param aAP CommDb id for access point
   190         * @param aKey1 privateKey1 or NULL
   191         * @param aKey2 privateKey2 or NULL
   192         * @return operation-id (positive) 
   193         */
   194         IMPORT_C TInt ReactiveLoginL( TImpsCspIdentifier aCspId,
   195                               const TDesC& aPsw,
   196                               const TDesC& aClientId,
   197                               TUint32 aAP,
   198                               const TDesC* aKey1 = NULL,
   199                               const TDesC* aKey2 = NULL );                             
   201         /**
   202         * Logout the client session.
   203         * MImpsAccessHandler2 handles successful server response.
   204         * Errors are handled by MImpsErrorHandler2
   205         *        KImpsErrorNotLogged if was not logged in.
   206         *        KImpsErrorShuttingDown if authoritative session stop is ongoing.
   207         *        Note: Error messages are not sent for all pending regular 
   208         *        requests in case of a CSP session logout (either a terminal 
   209         *        or a SAP initiated logout). After the status has changed to 
   210         *        NOT_LOGGED, the pending regular requests are ignored and the 
   211         *        corresponding observer methods are never called. Therefore 
   212         *        it is highly recommendable that one client instance of the 
   213         *        application registers a status observer to detect the 
   214         *        NOT_LOGGED status.
   215         * @return operation-id (positive) 
   216         */
   217         IMPORT_C TInt LogoutL( );
   219         /**
   220         * Cancel the ongoing login
   221         * Causes a logout request to the WV server.
   222         * MImpsAccessHandler2 handles successful server response.
   223         * Errors are handled by MImpsErrorHandler2
   224         *   KImpsErrorNotLogged if is not tried to log in.
   225         *   KImpsErrorShuttingDown if authoritative session stop is ongoing.
   226         * Leaves with KErrArgument if there is no ongoing login 
   227         * If the login is completed in
   228         * engine, the request cannot be canceled, leaves with KErrNotFound.
   229         * In this kind of situations handleLogin or handleError will be called.
   230         * @param aCancelOpId, operation-id of the login call to be cancelled.
   231         */
   232         IMPORT_C void CancelLoginL( TInt aCancelOpId );
   234         /**
   235         * Authorative session stop
   236         * Closes all CSP sessions at once
   237         * 
   238         * After this method has been called, WVEngine calls         
   239         * HandleStatusChangeL(EImps_SHUTTING_DOWN).The client should then call
   240         * Unregister() immediately. When all clients are disconnected, WVEngine 
   241         * goes down. All method calls except Unregister()
   242         * and Close() during the shutdown will cause KImpsErrorShuttingDown 
   243         * Note: If there are any pending requests the WVEngine DOES NOT
   244         * complete the requests.  
   245         */
   246         IMPORT_C void CloseCspSessionsL( );
   248         /**
   249         * Pointer to the observer handler
   250         * @return handler
   251         */
   252         MImpsAccessHandler2* Handler();
   254         /**
   255         * Get stored operation id
   256         * @return opId
   257         */
   258         TInt LoginOpId();
   260         /**
   261         * Is the login cancelled
   262         * @return boolean
   263         */
   264         TBool LoginCancelled();
   266         /**
   267         * Login cancel handled
   268         */
   269         void CancelHandled();
   271     private:
   273        /**
   274         * Registers the listener object for Access events and connects to
   275         * the Symbian OS Server.
   276         * @param aEngine WV Engine server instance
   277         * @param aHandler the observer
   278         * @return general error code
   279         */
   280         TInt DoRegister( 
   281             RImpsEng& aEngine,
   282             CImpsHandler2* aHandler );
   285     private: // data
   287         CImpsAccessCommand2*             iCommand;
   288         MImpsAccessHandler2*             iHandlerCallBack;
   289         // Local copies of data to enable internally asyncronous request
   290         TPtrC8                           iSAP; 
   291         TInt							 iLoginOpId;
   292         TBool							 iLoginCancelled;
   294     private: // friend classes
   295         friend class CImpsAccessCommand2;
   297     };
   301 /**
   302 * MImpsAccessHandler2
   303 *
   304 * Abstract interface for handling the notify events from the server.
   305 * User derives his class from this and implements the methods below.
   306 */
   308 class MImpsAccessHandler2
   309     {
   311     public: // New functions
   313     /**
   314     * Observer method for Login event.
   315     * Login may be initiated by other application.
   316     * @param aId operation id received in LoginL. If this is 0, then the
   317     *        login was initated by other application or SAP.
   318     * @param aCspId CSP session identifier
   319     */
   320     virtual void HandleLoginL( TInt aId,
   321                                TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId )  = 0;
   323     /**
   324     * Observer method for Logout event.
   325     * @param aId operation id received in LogoutL. If this is 0, then the
   326     *        logout was initated by other application or caused by a serious 
   327     *        network error. SAP initiated logouts are identfied with -1.
   328     * @param aCspId CSP session identifier
   329     */
   330     virtual void HandleLogoutL( TInt aId,
   331                                 TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId )  = 0;
   333     /**
   334     * Observer method for CancelLogin event.
   335     * @param aCancelledOpId operation id of the cancelled login.
   336     * @param aCspId CSP session identifier
   337     */
   338     virtual void HandleLoginCancelL( TInt aCancelledOpId,
   339                                      TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId )  = 0;
   342     /**
   343     * Obsolete, NOT IN USE
   344     * @param aId operation id 
   345     * @param aNbr number of sessions 
   346     * @param aCspId CSP session identifier
   347     * 
   348     */
   349     virtual void HandleNbrSessionsL( TInt aId,
   350                                      TInt aNbr,
   351                                      TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId )  = 0;
   353     };
   356 #endif