changeset 17 a941bc465d9f
parent 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
16:6ca72c0fe49a 17:a941bc465d9f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Setting item editor
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor.h"
    21 #include "CWVSettingsUIDialogImp.h"
    22 #include "WVSettingsUIPanics.h"
    23 #include "CWVSettingsUIDefs.h"
    24 #include "WVSettingsSharedDataNG.h"
    25 #include "CWVSettingsUICheckboxSettingPage.h"
    27 #include	<cwvsettingsUING.rsg>
    28 #include	<aknsettingitemlist.h>
    29 #include	<aknsettingpage.h>
    30 #include	<cimpssapsettings.h>
    31 #include	<cimpssapsettingsstore.h>
    32 #include	<stringloader.h>
    33 #include	<aknnotewrappers.h>
    34 #include	<AknCheckBoxSettingPage.h>
    35 #include	<aknpopupsettingpage.h>
    37 #include    <cimpspresenceconnectionuing.h>
    38 #include    <cpengnwsessionslotid2.h>
    40 // Defines whether first login to server has been done
    41 _LIT( KIMFirstLoginToServer, "IMFirstLoginToServer" );
    43 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    46 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditSettingItemL()
    47 //
    48 // (other items were commented in a header).
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 void CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditSettingItemL( TBool aIsPopUp,
    52                                                        TInt aListBoxIndex,
    53                                                        CAknSettingItemArray& aSettingItemList,
    54                                                        CIMPSSAPSettingsStore& aSAPSettingsStore,
    55                                                        TInt& aIMLoginType,
    56                                                        TBool& aIMLoginTypeEdited,
    57                                                        CSelectionItemList* aSelectedDaysIM,
    58                                                        TInt& aConnectHoursIMInt,
    59                                                        TBool& aIMConnHoursEdited,
    60                                                        TBool& aCancelled,
    61                                                        TInt aSettingItem,
    62                                                        CIMPSPresenceConnectionUi* aConnectionUI, /*= NULL */
    63                                                        TBool* aForcedLoginMade /*= NULL */ )
    64     {
    65     iSettingItemArray = &aSettingItemList;
    66     iSAPSettingsStore = &aSAPSettingsStore;
    68     if ( aConnectionUI )
    69         {
    70         iConnectionUI = aConnectionUI;
    71         }
    72     if ( aForcedLoginMade )
    73         {
    74         iForcedLoginMade = aForcedLoginMade;
    75         }
    77     switch ( aSettingItem )
    78         {
    79         case CWVSettingsUIDialogImp::EWVSettingsIMLoginType:
    80             {
    81             EditLoginTypeL( aIsPopUp,
    82                             aListBoxIndex,
    83                             aSettingItemList,
    84                             aSAPSettingsStore,
    85                             aIMLoginType,
    86                             aIMLoginTypeEdited,
    87                             aSelectedDaysIM,
    88                             aConnectHoursIMInt,
    89                             aIMConnHoursEdited,
    90                             aCancelled,
    91                             aSettingItem );
    92             break;
    93             }
    94         case CWVSettingsUIDialogImp::EWVSettingsIMConnDays:
    95             {
    96             // this is IM Connection days
    97             EditConnectedDaysL( aSelectedDaysIM, aCancelled );
    98             break;
    99             }
   100         case CWVSettingsUIDialogImp::EWVSettingsIMConnHours:
   101             {
   102             // this is IM connection hours
   103             EditConnectedHoursL( aConnectHoursIMInt, aCancelled );
   104             aIMConnHoursEdited = ETrue;
   105             break;
   106             }
   107         default:
   108             {
   109             break;
   110             }
   111         }
   113     iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->StoreL();
   114     }
   116 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   117 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::ShowMissingInfoErrorNoteL()
   118 //
   119 // (other items were commented in a header).
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   123 void CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::ShowMissingInfoErrorNoteL()
   124     {
   125     // load the note text
   126     HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_WVSETTINGSVIEW_ERROR_INFORMATION_MISSING );
   127     // Code scanner warning neglected to put variable on cleanup stack (Id: 35)
   128     // PrepareLC of the dialog pushes the dialog into cleanupstack
   129     CAknNoteDialog* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknNoteDialog( // CSI: 35 # See above
   130         CAknNoteDialog::EErrorTone , CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
   132     dlg->SetTextL( *prompt );
   133     // run the note
   134     dlg->RunLD();
   135     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
   136     }
   139 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   140 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditConnectedDaysL()
   141 //
   142 // (other items were commented in a header).
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   144 //
   145 void CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditConnectedDaysL( CSelectionItemList* aSelectionItemList,
   146                                                          TBool& aCancelled )
   147     {
   148     if ( aSelectionItemList )
   149         {
   150         CWVSettingsUICheckboxSettingPage* dlg = CWVSettingsUICheckboxSettingPage::NewL(
   151                                                     R_WVSETTINGSVIEW_SET_SCHEDULING, aSelectionItemList );
   152         aCancelled = !dlg->ExecuteLD();
   153         }
   154     }
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   157 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditConnectedHoursL()
   158 //
   159 // (other items were commented in a header).
   160 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   161 //
   162 void CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditConnectedHoursL( TInt& aConnectHoursInt,
   163                                                           TBool& aCancelled )
   164     {
   165     aCancelled = EFalse;
   166     aConnectHoursInt = CWVSettingsUIDialogImp::EWVSettingsBetweenHours;
   167     }
   170 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   171 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::HandleSettingPageEventL()
   172 //
   173 // (other items were commented in a header).
   174 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   175 //
   176 void CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::HandleSettingPageEventL( CAknSettingPage* /*aSettingPage*/,
   177                                                               TAknSettingPageEvent /*aEventType*/ )
   178     {
   179     // no need to do anything here
   180     }
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   184 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditLoginTypeL()
   185 //
   186 // (other items were commented in a header).
   187 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   188 //
   189 void CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::EditLoginTypeL( TBool aIsPopUp,
   190                                                      TInt aListBoxIndex,
   191                                                      CAknSettingItemArray& aSettingItemList,
   192                                                      CIMPSSAPSettingsStore& aSAPSettingsStore,
   193                                                      TInt& aIMLoginType,
   194                                                      TBool& aIMLoginTypeEdited,
   195                                                      CSelectionItemList* aSelectedDaysIM,
   196                                                      TInt& aConnectHoursIMInt,
   197                                                      TBool& aIMConnHoursEdited,
   198                                                      TBool& aCancelled,
   199                                                      TInt aSettingItem )
   200     {
   201     HBufC* userId = NULL;
   202     HBufC* password = NULL;
   203     CIMPSSAPSettings* sapSettings = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewLC();
   205     TRAPD( err, iSAPSettingsStore->GetDefaultL( sapSettings, EIMPSIMAccessGroup ) );
   207     if ( err == KErrNone )
   208         {
   209         userId = sapSettings->SAPUserId().AllocLC();
   210         password = sapSettings->SAPUserPassword().AllocLC();
   211         }
   212     else if ( err == KErrNotFound )
   213         {
   214         // we do not want to leave if there is no default SAP
   215         }
   216     else
   217         {
   218         User::Leave( err );
   219         }
   221     TInt oldIMLoginType = aIMLoginType;
   222     iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->EditItemL( aIsPopUp );
   223     iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->StoreL();
   224     aIMLoginTypeEdited = ETrue;
   226     // check if the login type is automatic
   227     if ( ( aIMLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoAlways ) ||
   228          ( aIMLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoInHomeNW ) ||
   229          ( aIMLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginApplicationLaunch ) )
   230         {
   231         // check if the userid and password are defined
   232         if ( !userId || !password )
   233             {
   234             // show a note about the missing items return to editing
   235             aIMLoginType = oldIMLoginType;
   236             iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->LoadL();
   237             ShowMissingInfoErrorNoteL();
   239             EditSettingItemL ( aIsPopUp,
   240                                aListBoxIndex,
   241                                aSettingItemList,
   242                                aSAPSettingsStore,
   243                                aIMLoginType,
   244                                aIMLoginTypeEdited,
   245                                aSelectedDaysIM,
   246                                aConnectHoursIMInt,
   247                                aIMConnHoursEdited,
   248                                aCancelled,
   249                                aSettingItem );
   250             }
   251         // check that user id has some data
   252         else
   253             {
   254             TBool errorShown( EFalse );
   255             if ( userId )
   256                 {
   257                 if ( 0 == userId->Length() )
   258                     {
   259                     // show a note about the missing items return to editing
   260                     aIMLoginType = oldIMLoginType;
   261                     iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->LoadL();
   262                     ShowMissingInfoErrorNoteL();
   263                     errorShown = ETrue;
   265                     EditSettingItemL ( aIsPopUp,
   266                                        aListBoxIndex,
   267                                        aSettingItemList,
   268                                        aSAPSettingsStore,
   269                                        aIMLoginType,
   270                                        aIMLoginTypeEdited,
   271                                        aSelectedDaysIM,
   272                                        aConnectHoursIMInt,
   273                                        aIMConnHoursEdited,
   274                                        aCancelled,
   275                                        aSettingItem );
   276                     }
   277                 }
   278             // check that password has some data
   279             if ( password )
   280                 {
   281                 if ( !errorShown )
   282                     {
   283                     // no need to check for password if user id already failed
   284                     if ( 0 == password->Length() )
   285                         {
   286                         // show a note about the missing items return to editing
   287                         aIMLoginType = oldIMLoginType;
   288                         iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->LoadL();
   289                         ShowMissingInfoErrorNoteL();
   290                         errorShown = ETrue;
   292                         EditSettingItemL ( aIsPopUp,
   293                                            aListBoxIndex,
   294                                            aSettingItemList,
   295                                            aSAPSettingsStore,
   296                                            aIMLoginType,
   297                                            aIMLoginTypeEdited,
   298                                            aSelectedDaysIM,
   299                                            aConnectHoursIMInt,
   300                                            aIMConnHoursEdited,
   301                                            aCancelled,
   302                                            aSettingItem );
   303                         }
   304                     }
   305                 }
   307             // UserId and password ok, force login before activating
   308             // automatic login type if user has not logged in
   309             // to current server before
   310             if ( !errorShown )
   311                 {
   312                 if ( !ForceLoginL( *sapSettings ) )
   313                     {
   314                     // Query not accepted or login failed, restore old login type
   315                     aIMLoginType = oldIMLoginType;
   316                     iSettingItemArray->At( aListBoxIndex )->LoadL();
   318                     EditSettingItemL ( aIsPopUp,
   319                                        aListBoxIndex,
   320                                        aSettingItemList,
   321                                        aSAPSettingsStore,
   322                                        aIMLoginType,
   323                                        aIMLoginTypeEdited,
   324                                        aSelectedDaysIM,
   325                                        aConnectHoursIMInt,
   326                                        aIMConnHoursEdited,
   327                                        aCancelled,
   328                                        aSettingItem );
   329                     }
   330                 }
   331             }
   332         }
   334     if ( password )
   335         {
   336         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( password ); // password
   337         }
   338     if ( userId )
   339         {
   340         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( userId ); //
   341         }
   342     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sapSettings ); // sapSettings
   343     }
   345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::ForceLoginL
   347 //
   348 // (other items were commented in a header).
   349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 //
   351 TBool CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::ForceLoginL( CIMPSSAPSettings& aSapSettings )
   352     {
   353     TInt firstLogin = 0;
   354     TInt sapError = -1;
   355     sapError = aSapSettings.GetOpaqueInt( KIMFirstLoginToServer, firstLogin );
   357     if ( sapError != KErrNotFound )
   358         {
   359         User::LeaveIfError( sapError );
   360         }
   362     // First login
   363     if ( firstLogin == 0 )
   364         {
   365         // Init to EFalse
   366         *iForcedLoginMade = EFalse;
   368         // Ask confirmation about logging out
   369         CAknQueryDialog* dlg = new ( ELeave ) CAknQueryDialog(
   370             CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone );
   371         CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
   373         HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   374                           R_WVSETTINGSVIEW_CANNOT_ACTIVATE_QUERY,
   375                           aSapSettings.SAPName(),
   376                           CEikonEnv::Static() );
   378         dlg->SetPromptL( *text );
   379         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
   380         CleanupStack::Pop( dlg );
   382         TInt ret = dlg->ExecuteLD( R_FORCE_LOGIN_CONFIRMATION_QUERY );
   384         if ( ( ret == EAknSoftkeyOk ) || ( ret == EAknSoftkeyYes ) )
   385             {
   386             CPEngNWSessionSlotID2* sessionSlotID =
   387                 CPEngNWSessionSlotID2::NewL();
   388             CleanupStack::PushL( sessionSlotID );
   390             TInt loginError = iConnectionUI->LoginL( EIMPSConnClientIM,
   391                                                      EIMPSApplicationLaunch,
   392                                                      *sessionSlotID );
   394             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sessionSlotID );
   396             // Login failed
   397             if ( loginError != KErrNone )
   398                 {
   399                 return EFalse;
   400                 }
   402             *iForcedLoginMade = ETrue;
   403             }
   404         else
   405             {
   406             // User cancelled force login query
   407             return EFalse;
   408             }
   409         }
   410     else
   411         {
   412         *iForcedLoginMade = EFalse;
   413         }
   415     // Query accepted, login completed
   416     return ETrue;
   417     }
   419 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 // CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor
   421 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   422 // might leave.
   423 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 //
   425 CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor()
   426     {
   427     }
   429 // Destructor
   430 CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor::~CWVSettingsUISettingItemEditor()
   431     {
   432     }
   434 //  End of File