changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMPSengine/engsrv/inc/impsorphans.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Orphan message and message queue
+#ifndef Orphans_H
+#define Orphans_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "impsservercommon.h"
+#include "impsapplauncherproxy.h"
+#include <impsservices.h>
+#include "impssrvutils.h"
+class COrphan;
+class CImpsFields;
+class MImpsDataAccessor;
+*  Orphan message
+class COrphan : public CBase
+    {
+    public:
+        static COrphan* NewL(
+            const TDesC& aCID,
+            const TDesC& aSessionId,
+            TImpsEventType aServiceType,
+            const TDesC&    aSap,
+            const TDesC&    aUserId,
+            TTime aValidity,
+            CImpsFields* aFields );
+        ~COrphan();
+        void Destroy();
+        TDesC& ApplicationId();
+        CImpsFields* Message();
+        TTime Expiry();
+        void RemoveOwnership();
+        TBuf<KImpsMaxClientId> iCID;        //lint !e1925  // CSP client-id
+        TBuf<KImpsMaxSID>   iSessionId;     //lint !e1925  // CSP session id
+        TImpsEventType      iServiceType;    //lint !e1925  // event type
+        HBufC*              iSap;
+        HBufC*              iUserId;
+        CImpsFields*        iFields;        //lint !e1925
+        TTime               iExpiry;        // Validity time
+        TDblQueLink         iLink;          //lint !e1925
+    private:
+        COrphan(
+            const TDesC& aCID,
+            const TDesC& aSessionId,
+            TImpsEventType aServiceType,
+            TTime aValidity,
+            CImpsFields* aFields );
+        void ConstructL(
+            const TDesC&    aSap,
+            const TDesC&    aUserId );
+    };
+*  Double linked fixed size queue for orphan messages. When the queue at max
+*  capacity the oldest item gets deleted.
+class COrphanQueue : public CBase
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+        * Constructs a new COrpanQueue with given capacity
+        * @param aCapacity the capacity of the queue
+        */
+        COrphanQueue( TInt aCapacity );
+        // Destructor
+        ~COrphanQueue();
+        /**
+        * Sets the capacity of the queue
+        * @param aNewCapacity the new capacity of the queue
+        */
+        void SetLength( TInt aNewCapacity );
+        /**
+        * Adds a new orphan message to the end of the queue
+        * @param aOrphan an orphan message to be added
+        */
+        void Add( COrphan& aOrphan );
+        /**
+        * Destroys orphan messages in the queue with the given ClientID
+        * @param aApplicationId an application ID to be destroyed
+        */
+        void DestroyOrphans( TDesC& aApplicationId );
+        /**
+        * Returns an orphan message with the given clientID and removes
+        * it from the queue. If not found returns NULL.
+        * @param aApplicationId an application ID to be returned
+        * @param aServiceType the type of the client which requests the message
+        */
+        CImpsFields* OrphanMessageLC(
+            const TDesC& aApplicationId,
+            TImpsEventType aServiceType,
+            TImpsSessIdent aCspId );
+        /**
+        * Deletes all expired orphan messages.
+        * @param aExpiry expiry time
+        */
+        void DiscardExpired( TTime aExpiry );
+    private:
+        TDblQue<COrphan>        iOrphanList;
+        TInt                    iCapacity;
+        TInt                    iSize;
+    };
+* CImpsOrphans
+class CImpsOrphans : public CBase,
+            public MImpsAppLaunchHandler
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+        * Destructor
+        */
+        virtual ~CImpsOrphans();
+        /**
+        * create new instance
+        */
+        static CImpsOrphans* NewL();
+        /**
+        * Store message and launch application
+        * @param aMsg orphan message
+        */
+        virtual void NewOrphanL( CImpsFields* aMsg, TImpsSessIdent aCspId );
+        /**
+        * Get next orphan
+        * @param aApplicationId
+        * @param aServiceType the type of the client which requests the message
+        * @return new message, NULL if no match. Ownership of the msg is
+        * passed to the caller of this method.
+        */
+        virtual CImpsFields* NextOrphanLC(
+            const TDesC& aApplicationId,
+            TImpsEventType aServiceType,
+            TImpsSessIdent aCspId );
+        /**
+        * Check expiration of orphans
+        */
+        virtual void CheckExpiryL( );
+        /**
+        * Stop
+        */
+        virtual void Stop( );
+    public:
+        void HandleAppLaunch( const TDesC& aApplicationId, TInt aStatus );
+    protected:
+        void ConstructL();
+        /**
+        * Adds the orphan message to the queue.
+        * @param aFields the received message in internal data format
+        * @param aServiceType the type of the client which requests the message
+        * @returns pointer to the orphaned message
+        */
+        COrphan* AddOrphanL(
+            CImpsFields *aFields,
+            TImpsEventType aServiceType,
+            TImpsSessIdent aCspId );
+        /**
+        * Gets the IM validity from the internal data. If not present it returns
+        * the default validity.
+        * @param aAc data accessor
+        * @param aValidity the validity
+        */
+        void GetValidityFromMessageL(
+            MImpsDataAccessor& aAc,
+            TTimeIntervalSeconds& aValidity );
+        /**
+        * Gets the corresponding service type for a given message
+        * @param aMessageType type of the message
+        * @returns the service type
+        */
+        TImpsEventType ServiceType( TImpsMessageType aMessageType );
+    private:
+        /**
+        * Constructor
+        */
+        CImpsOrphans( );
+    protected:
+        // Orphan message queue
+        COrphanQueue*           iOrphanQueue;
+        CImpsAppLauncherProxy*  iLauncherProxy;
+    };