--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMPSengine/imapi/src/imclientimpl.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: mplementation of the IM Client interface (imclient.h)
+#include "imclientimpl.h"
+#include "apiutils.h"
+#include "imerrors.h"
+#include "imconnectionimpl.h"
+#include "cntdbreader.h"
+const TInt KDetailedListGranularity = 5;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::CImClient
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CImClient::CImClient( CImConnectionImpl& aImConnection )
+ : iImConnection( aImConnection )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: Construction" ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CImClient* CImClient::NewL( CImConnectionImpl& aImConnection )
+ {
+ CImClient* self = new( ELeave ) CImClient( aImConnection );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: Destruction" ) );
+ // This should be already empty
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOutstandingOpIds.Count() == 0,
+ User::Panic( KTxtImOpenApiPanic, EListNotEmpty ) );
+ iOutstandingOpIds.Close();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::RegisterL
+// Starts the registration sequence
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::RegisterObserverL( MImObserver* aObserver )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: RegisterL" ) );
+ if ( iClientObserver )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrAlreadyRegistered );
+ }
+ iImClient.RegisterL(
+ ImpsEngine(),
+ ImpsImHandler(),
+ iImConnection.ApplicationId(),
+ ETrue );
+ iImClient.RegisterErrorObserverL( ImpsErrorHandler() );
+ iClientObserver = aObserver;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::UnregisterL
+// Unregisters the client from the WV engine
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::UnregisterObserver()
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: UnregisterL" ) );
+ // Clear the pointers to the client
+ iClientObserver = NULL;
+ // Unregister from Imps engine
+ iImClient.Unregister();
+ TInt err;
+ TRAP( err, iImClient.UnregisterErrorObserverL() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::SendPToPMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::SendPToPMessageL( const TContactItemId& aContactItem,
+ const TDesC16& aContent )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: Sending PToP text Message (ContactID)" ) );
+ // Check the observer
+ if ( !iClientObserver )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrNotRegistered );
+ }
+ // Get the user IDs from the contact DB
+ CDesCArraySeg* userIds = new( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( 1 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( userIds );
+ iImConnection.ContactDBReader().GetWVIdL( aContactItem, *userIds );
+ // check the userIds
+ if ( userIds->Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ // no valid user to send
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // >> userIds
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrInvalidContactId );
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < userIds->MdcaCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ TPtrC tmp = ( *userIds )[i];
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( " User ID: %S" ), &tmp );
+ }
+ TInt opId( DoSendMessageL( *userIds, aContent ) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // >> userIds
+ return opId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::SendPToPMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::SendPToPMessageL( const CContactIdArray& aContactIds,
+ const TDesC16& aContent )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: Sending PToP text Message (ContactID)" ) );
+ // Check the observer
+ if ( !iClientObserver )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrNotRegistered );
+ }
+ // Get the user IDs from the contact DB
+ CDesCArraySeg* userIds = new( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( 1 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( userIds );
+ iImConnection.ContactDBReader().ReadWVIdsL( aContactIds, *userIds );
+ // check the userIds
+ if ( userIds->Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ // no valid user to send
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // >> userIds
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrInvalidContactId );
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < userIds->MdcaCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ TPtrC tmp = ( *userIds )[i];
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( " User ID: %S" ), &tmp );
+ }
+ TInt opId( DoSendMessageL( *userIds, aContent ) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // >> userIds
+ return opId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::SendPToPMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::SendPToPMessageL( const TDesC& aUserId,
+ const TDesC16& aContent )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: Sending PToP text Message (UserID)" ) );
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( " User ID: %S" ), &aUserId );
+ // Check the observer
+ if ( !iClientObserver )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrNotRegistered );
+ }
+ // Sanity checking
+ if ( aUserId.Length() == 0 ) // empty user ID
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrInvalidUserId );
+ }
+ CDesCArraySeg* userIds = new( ELeave ) CDesCArraySeg( 1 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( userIds );
+ userIds->AppendL( aUserId );
+ TInt opId( DoSendMessageL( *userIds, aContent ) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // >> userIds
+ return opId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::SendPToPMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::SendPToPMessageL( const MDesCArray& aUserIds,
+ const TDesC16& aContent )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: Sending PToP text Message (UserID)" ) );
+ for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aUserIds.MdcaCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ TPtrC tmp = aUserIds.MdcaPoint( i );
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( " User ID: %S" ), &tmp );
+ }
+ // Check the observer
+ if ( !iClientObserver )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrNotRegistered );
+ }
+ // sanity checking
+ if ( aUserIds.MdcaCount() == 0 ) // empty list
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrInvalidUserId );
+ }
+ else if ( ( aUserIds.MdcaCount() == 1 ) &&
+ ( aUserIds.MdcaPoint( 0 ).Length() == 0 ) ) // empty user ID
+ {
+ User::Leave( KImApiErrInvalidUserId );
+ }
+ TInt opId( DoSendMessageL( aUserIds, aContent ) );
+ return opId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::SendPToPMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::SendPToPMessageL( const CContactIdArray& /*aContactIds*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aContentType*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aContent*/ )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::SendPToPMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::SendPToPMessageL( const MDesCArray& /*aUserIds*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aContentType*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aContent*/ )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::HandleNewTextMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::HandleNewTextMessageL( TInt /*aOpId*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aMessageId*/,
+ const TDesC& aSender,
+ const TDesC& /*aGroupId*/,
+ const MDesCArray& /*aRecipients*/,
+ const MDesCArray& /*aScreenNames*/,
+ const TDesC& aText,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& /*aCspId*/ )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log(
+ _L( "CImClient: HandleNewTextMessageL" ) );
+ _LIT( KMessageType, "text/plain" );
+ if ( iClientObserver )
+ {
+ iClientObserver->HandleNewPToPMessageL(
+ KErrNone,
+ KNullContactId ,
+ aSender,
+ KMessageType,
+ aText );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::HandleSendCompleteL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::HandleSendCompleteL(
+ TInt aOpId,
+ TBool /*aDeliveryReportOrdered*/,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& /*aCspId*/ )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: HandleSendCompleteL" ) );
+ RemoveOpId( aOpId );
+ if ( iClientObserver )
+ {
+ iClientObserver->HandleMessageSentL(
+ aOpId,
+ KErrNone );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::HandleNewContentMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::HandleNewContentMessageL(
+ TInt /*aOpId*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aMessageId*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aSender*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aGroupId*/,
+ const MDesCArray& /*aRecipients*/,
+ const MDesCArray& /*aScreenNames*/,
+ const TDesC& /*aContentType*/,
+ const TDesC8& /*aContent*/,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& /*aCspId*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::HandleDeliveryReportL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::HandleDeliveryReportL(
+ const TDesC& /*aMessageId*/,
+ TInt /*aResult*/,
+ const TDesC* /*aDescription*/,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& /*aCspId*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::HandleErrorL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::HandleErrorL( TInt aStatus,
+ TInt aOpId,
+ const TDesC* /*aDescription*/,
+ const CImpsDetailed* aDetailedRes,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& /*aCspId*/ )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CImApiLogger::Log( _L( "CImClient: IM error received: %d" ), aStatus );
+ CImClientDetailedErrorImpl* detailedResult = NULL;
+ if ( aDetailedRes )
+ {
+ detailedResult = CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::NewL( aDetailedRes );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( detailedResult ); // << detailedResult
+ }
+ if ( iClientObserver )
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ TRAP( err, iClientObserver->HandleSendErrorL(
+ aOpId,
+ iImConnection.ConvertImpsEngineErrorCode( aStatus ),
+ detailedResult ) );
+ }
+ // Delete the OpID from the list
+ RemoveOpId( aOpId );
+ if ( detailedResult )
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // >> detailedResult
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::DoSendMessageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClient::DoSendMessageL( const MDesCArray& aUserIds,
+ const TDesC& aContent )
+ {
+ TInt opId( 0 );
+ TRAPD( err, opId = iImClient.SendTextMessageL( NULL,
+ &aUserIds,
+ aContent,
+ EFalse /*No delivery report*/ ) );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ // Failed to send
+ User::Leave ( KImApiGeneralError );
+ }
+ // Put the OpID to the Outstanding OpIds list
+ iOutstandingOpIds.Append( opId );
+ return opId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::RemoveOpId
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClient::RemoveOpId( TInt aOpId )
+ {
+ TInt index = iOutstandingOpIds.Find( aOpId );
+ // OpID is not found from the list there is a problem somewhere
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( index != KErrNotFound ),
+ User::Panic( KTxtImOpenApiPanic, EListCorrupted ) );
+ iOutstandingOpIds.Remove( index );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::ImpsImHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MImpsImHandler2* CImClient::ImpsImHandler()
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::ImpsErrorHandler
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MImpsErrorHandler2& CImClient::ImpsErrorHandler()
+ {
+ return *this;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::ImpsEngine
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RImpsEng& CImClient::ImpsEngine()
+ {
+ return iImConnection.ImpsEngine();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClient::ClientObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MImObserver* CImClient::ClientObserver()
+ {
+ return iClientObserver;
+ }
+// TDetailedResultItem
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TDetailedResultItem::TDetailedResultItem
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TDetailedResultItem::TDetailedResultItem
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TDetailedResultItem::SetErrorCode
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TDetailedResultItem::SetErrorCode( TInt aErroCode )
+ {
+ iErrorCode = aErroCode;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TDetailedResultItem::ErrorCode
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt TDetailedResultItem::ErrorCode() const
+ {
+ return iErrorCode;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TDetailedResultItem::SetUserId
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void TDetailedResultItem::SetUserId( TDesC& aUserId )
+ {
+ iUserId.Set( aUserId );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TDetailedResultItem::UserId
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& TDetailedResultItem::UserId() const
+ {
+ return iUserId;
+ }
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::CImClientDetailedErrorImpl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::CImClientDetailedErrorImpl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::ConstructL(
+ const CImpsDetailed* aImpsDetailed )
+ {
+ iDetailedList = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TDetailedResultItem>(
+ KDetailedListGranularity );
+ DoInitL( aImpsDetailed );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::CImClientDetailedErrorImpl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CImClientDetailedErrorImpl* CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::NewL(
+ const CImpsDetailed* aImpsDetailed )
+ {
+ CImClientDetailedErrorImpl* self = new( ELeave ) CImClientDetailedErrorImpl();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aImpsDetailed );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::~CImClientDetailedErrorImpl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ delete iDetailedList;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::Count
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::Count()
+ {
+ return iDetailedList->Count();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::UserId
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::UserId( TInt aIndex )
+ {
+ // out-of-bounds will panic: E32USER-CBase 21
+ return iDetailedList->At( aIndex ).UserId();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::ErrorCode
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::ErrorCode( TInt aIndex )
+ {
+ // out-of-bounds will panic: E32USER-CBase 21
+ return iDetailedList->At( aIndex ).ErrorCode();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::DoInitL
+// Initializes the detailed list from the ImpsDetailed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::DoInitL( const CImpsDetailed* aImpsDetailed )
+ {
+ TInt detailedCount = aImpsDetailed->Count();
+ for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < detailedCount; ++i )
+ {
+ // Get all the failed user IDs
+ // and make a list of those IDs
+ CPtrC16Array* userIds = aImpsDetailed->At( i )->UserIds();
+ if ( userIds )
+ {
+ TInt userCount = userIds->Count();
+ for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < userCount; ++j )
+ {
+ TDetailedResultItem resultItem;
+ resultItem.SetUserId( userIds->At( j ) );
+ resultItem.SetErrorCode( ConvertWVErrorCode(
+ aImpsDetailed->At( i )->Code() ) );
+ iDetailedList->AppendL( resultItem );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::ConvertWVErrorCode
+// Converts the WV error code to an API error code
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CImClientDetailedErrorImpl::ConvertWVErrorCode( TInt aErrorCode )
+ {
+ // Do not try to convert KErrNone
+ if ( aErrorCode == KErrNone )
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ TInt returnValue;
+ switch ( aErrorCode )
+ {
+ case 531: // Recipient does not exist
+ returnValue = KImApiErrInvalidUserId;
+ break;
+ case 532: //Recipient user blocked the sender
+ returnValue = KImApiErrSenderBlocked;
+ break;
+ case 533: // Recipient user is not logged in
+ returnValue = KImApiErrRecipientNotLogged;
+ break;
+ default:
+ returnValue = KImApiGeneralError;
+ break;
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+// End of File