--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMPSengine/messageencoder/wbxml/inc/impswbxmlcommon.h Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Common WBXML related definitions used in message
+* encoder and decoder
+#ifndef CImpsWbXmlCommon_H
+#define CImpsWbXmlCommon_H
+const TInt KImpsSpace = 0x20;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlVersion = 3;
+const TUint KImpsDefaultCharset = HTTP_utf_8;
+const TInt KImpsMessageRootElement = 0x09;
+const TInt KImpsTokenMask = 0xff3f;
+const TInt KImpsMaskCodePage = 0xff00;
+const TInt KImpsTokenEmpty = 0x0040;
+const TInt KImpsByteMask = 0xff;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMaxStringLength = 400;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMaxBufferSize = 1000;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPublicIdUnknown = 1;
+const TInt KImpsWvCsp11PublicIdentifier = 0x10;
+const TInt KImpsWvCsp12PublicIdentifier = 0x11;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPublicID = 1;
+const TInt KImpsNameSpaceCspMessage = 1;
+const TInt KImpsNameSpaceTransactionContent = 2;
+const TInt KImpsNameSpacePresenceSubList = 3;
+const TInt KImpsCodePagePresence = 0x0500;
+// DTD
+const TInt KImpsHeaderDtd11Count = 12;
+const TInt KImpsTransactionDtd11Count = 249;
+const TInt KImpsPresenceDtd11Count = 54;
+_LIT8( KImpsWbXmlMessageMimeType, "application/vnd.wv.csp.wbxml" );
+_LIT8( KImpsMessageVersion11, "1.1");
+_LIT8( KImpsMessageVersion12, "1.2");
+_LIT8( KImpsPresenceSubList, "PresenceSubList");
+_LIT8( KImpsEntityList, "EntityList");
+_LIT8( KImpsAddList, "AddList");
+_LIT8( KImpsRemoveList, "RemoveList");
+_LIT8( KImpsAddNickList, "AddNickList");
+_LIT8( KImpsRemoveNickList, "RemoveNickList");
+_LIT8( KImpsContactListProperties, "ContactListProperties");
+_LIT8( KImpsHttp8, "http://");
+_LIT8( KImpsHttps8, "https://");
+_LIT8( KImpsOpen, "OPEN");
+_LIT8( KImpsClosed, "CLOSED");
+_LIT8( KImpsPWD, "PWD");
+_LIT8( KImpsSHA, "SHA");
+_LIT8( KImpsMD4, "MD4");
+_LIT8( KImpsMD5, "MD5");
+_LIT8( KImpsMD6, "MD6");
+_LIT8( KImpsBASE64_8, "BASE64");
+_LIT8( KImpsNone_8, "None");
+_LIT8( KImpsAPIClient_8, "APIClient");
+_LIT( KPcData, "PCDATA" );
+_LIT( KEmpty, "EMPTY" );
+_LIT( KImpsEmpty, "");
+_LIT( KImpsTrue, "T");
+_LIT( KImpsFalse, "F");
+_LIT( KImpsWvCspMessage, "WV-CSP-Message");
+_LIT( KImpsAnyContent, "AnyContent");
+_LIT( KImpsAcceptedCharSet, "AcceptedCharSet");
+_LIT( KImpsAcceptedContentType, "AcceptedContentType");
+_LIT( KImpsUserID, "UserID");
+_LIT( KImpsContactList, "ContactList");
+_LIT( KImpsMobilePhone, "MOBILE_PHONE");
+_LIT( KImpsComputer, "COMPUTER");
+_LIT( KImpsPda, "PDA");
+_LIT( KImpsCli, "CLI");
+_LIT( KImpsOther, "OTHER");
+_LIT( KImpsAvailable, "AVAILABLE");
+_LIT( KImpsNotAvailable, "NOT_AVAILABLE");
+_LIT( KImpsDiscreet, "DISCREET");
+_LIT( KImpsUser, "User");
+_LIT( KImpsGroup, "Group");
+_LIT( KImpsGroupID, "GroupID");
+_LIT( KImpsScreenName, "ScreenName");
+_LIT( KImpsNickName, "NickName");
+_LIT( KImpsName, "Name");
+_LIT( KImpsHttp, "http://");
+_LIT( KImpsHttps, "https://");
+_LIT( KImpsType, "Type");
+_LIT( KImpsTopic, "Topic");
+_LIT( KImpsPrivateMessaging, "PrivateMessaging");
+_LIT( KImpsPrivilegeLevel, "PrivilegeLevel");
+_LIT( KImpsSearchable, "Searchable");
+_LIT( KImpsOpen16, "Open");
+_LIT( KImpsActiveUsers, "ActiveUsers");
+_LIT( KImpsMaxActiveUsers, "MaxActiveUsers");
+_LIT( KImpsAutoJoin, "AutoJoin");
+_LIT( KImpsAccessType, "Accesstype");
+_LIT( KImpsRestricted, "Restricted");
+_LIT( KImpsPublic, "Public");
+_LIT( KImpsPrivate, "Private");
+_LIT( KImpsAdmin, "Admin");
+_LIT( KImpsMod, "Mod");
+_LIT( KImpsBASE64, "BASE64");
+_LIT( KImpsNone, "None");
+_LIT( KImpstextplain, "text/plain");
+_LIT( KImpsIM, "IM");
+_LIT( KImpsDisplayName, "DisplayName");
+_LIT( KImpsDefault, "Default");
+_LIT( KImpsApplicationVndWapMmsMessage, "application/vnd.wap.mms-message");
+_LIT( KImpsApplicationXSms, "application/x-sms");
+_LIT( KImpsAutoDelete, "AutoDelete");
+_LIT( KImpsValidity, "Validity");
+_LIT( KImpsDenied, "DENIED");
+_LIT( KImpsGranted, "GRANTED");
+_LIT( KImpsPending, "PENDING");
+_LIT( KImpsStatus, "Status");
+_LIT( KImpsAPIClient, "APIClient");
+_LIT8( KImpsCSP12Xmlns, " xmlns=\"http://www.openmobilealliance.org/DTD/WV-CSP\"" );
+_LIT8( KImpsPA12Xmlns, " xmlns=\"http://www.openmobilealliance.org/DTD/WV-PA\"" );
+_LIT8( KImpsTRC12Xmlns, " xmlns=\"http://www.openmobilealliance.org/DTD/WV-TRC\"" );
+_LIT8(KAPIClientAttributeValue, "www.nokia.com/apiclient");
+_LIT8(KAPIClientAttribute, "xmlns");
+// CSP WBXML tokens
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAcceptance = 0x0005;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAddNickList = 0x0007;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSName = 0x0008;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContactList = 0x000c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlWV_CSP_Message = 0x0009;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientID = 0x000a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCode = 0x000b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContentData = 0x000d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContentEncoding = 0x000e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContentSize = 0x000f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDescription = 0x0012;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroup = 0x0015;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDetailedResult = 0x0013;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupID = 0x0016;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInUse = 0x0018;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMessageID = 0x001b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMessageURI = 0x001c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlName = 0x001e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNickList = 0x001f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPoll = 0x0021;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresence = 0x0022;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceSubList = 0x0023;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSender = 0x002c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSession = 0x002d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSessionDescriptor = 0x002e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSessionID = 0x002f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSessionType = 0x0030;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTransaction = 0x0032;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTransactionContent = 0x0033;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTransactionDescriptor = 0x0034;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTransactionID = 0x0035;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTransactionMode = 0x0036;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlURL = 0x0037;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUserID = 0x003a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlValue = 0x003d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlStatus = 0x0031;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlResult = 0x002a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRecipient = 0x0027;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUser = 0x0039;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlScreenName = 0x002b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlURLList = 0x0038;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMSISDN = 0x001d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUserList = 0x003b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNickName = 0x0020;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupList = 0x0017;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRemoveNickList = 0x0029;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlValidity = 0x003c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMessageCount = 0x001a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDateTime = 0x0011;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlEntityList = 0x0014;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAddList = 0x0006;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRemoveList = 0x0028;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlProperty = 0x0025;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLogo = 0x0019;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContentType = 0x0010;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlQualifier = 0x0026;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceValue = 0x0024;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAllFunctions = 0x0105;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAllFunctionsRequest = 0x0106;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCancelInviteRequest = 0x0107;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCancelInviteUserRequest = 0x0108;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCapabilityRequest = 0x010b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCapabilityList = 0x010a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCompletionFlag = 0x0134;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteType = 0x0118;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchElement = 0x0124;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPassword = 0x0121;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSessionCookie = 0x0130;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchString = 0x0133;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDigestBytes = 0x010e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteID = 0x0114;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteNote = 0x0115;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlResponseNote = 0x0123;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPollingRequest = 0x0122;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLoginRequest = 0x011d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLoginResponse = 0x011e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlServiceRequest = 0x012E;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlServiceResponse = 0x012F;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientCapabilityRequest = 0x010c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientCapabilityResponse = 0x010D;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlStopSearchRequest = 0x0131;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchRequest = 0x012b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchResponse = 0x012c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteRequest = 0x0116;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLogoutRequest = 0x011f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDisconnect = 0x0110;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlKeepAliveRequest = 0x011b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlKeepAliveResponse = 0x0129;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteResponse = 0x0117;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteUserRequest = 0x0119;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteUserResponse = 0x011a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetSPInfoRequest = 0x0112;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetSPInfoResponse = 0x0113;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDigestSchema = 0x010f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNonce = 0x0120;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchPairList = 0x012a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchLimit = 0x0128;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchID = 0x0126;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchIndex = 0x0127;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchFindings = 0x0125;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchResult = 0x012d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlKeepAliveTime = 0x011c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTimeToLive = 0x0132;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlFunctions = 0x0111;
+const TInt KImpsWbxmlReceiveList = 0x0136;
+const TInt KImpsWbxmlAutoSubscribe = 0x041E;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlWVCSPFeat = 0x023c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupFeat = 0x021f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceFeat = 0x022f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIMFeat = 0x0223;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlFundamentalFeat = 0x0211;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlServiceFunc = 0x0235;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchFunc = 0x0234;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInviteFunc = 0x0227;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceAuthFunc = 0x022d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceDeliverFunc = 0x022e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAttListFunc = 0x0206;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContListFunc = 0x020c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIMSendFunc = 0x0225;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIMAuthFunc = 0x0222;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIMReceiveFunc = 0x0224;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupMgmtFunc = 0x0220;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupUseFunc = 0x0221;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupAuthFunc = 0x021e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSRCH = 0x0238;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSTSRC = 0x0239;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlINVIT = 0x0226;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCAINV = 0x0209;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGCLI = 0x0214;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCCLI = 0x020B;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDCLI = 0x020F;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMCLS = 0x0229;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETWL = 0x021B;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETSPI = 0x021A;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlREACT = 0x0230;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCAAUT = 0x0208;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUPDPR = 0x023B;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCALI = 0x020A;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMDELIV = 0x021A;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETLM = 0x0217;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSETD = 0x0236;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlFWMSG = 0x0212;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETPR = 0x0219;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDALI = 0x020E;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGALS = 0x0213;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETM = 0x0218;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlREJCM = 0x0231;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNOTIF = 0x022C;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNEWM = 0x022B;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGLBLU = 0x021C;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlBLENT = 0x0207;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCREAG = 0x020D;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDELGR = 0x0210;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETGP = 0x0216;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSETGP = 0x0237;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSUBGCN = 0x023A;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlADDGM = 0x0205;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGETGM = 0x0215;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlREJEC = 0x0232;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMBRAC = 0x0228;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGRCHN = 0x021D;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRMVGM = 0x0233;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInitialDeliveryMethod = 0x030b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAnyContent = 0x0309;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSupportedBearer = 0x030f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSupportedCIRMethod = 0x0310;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAcceptedTransferEncoding = 0x0308;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAcceptedCharset = 0x0305;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAcceptedContentType = 0x0307;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAcceptedContentLength = 0x0306;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMultiTrans = 0x030c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlParserSize = 0x030d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUDPPort = 0x0313;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTCPPort = 0x0312;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlServerPollMin = 0x030e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDefaultLanguage = 0x030a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTCPAddress = 0x0311;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDefaultContactList = 0x040a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDefaultList = 0x040b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetPresenceRequest = 0x0412;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlListManageRequest = 0x0416;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSubscribePresenceRequest = 0x041d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUnsubscribePresenceRequest = 0x0418;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceNotificationRequest = 0x041b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetWatcherListRequest = 0x0414;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetWatcherListResponse = 0x0415;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetPresenceResponse = 0x0413;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceAuthRequest = 0x0419;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetListRequest = 0x0410;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetListResponse = 0x0411;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCreateListRequest = 0x0408;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPresenceAuthUser = 0x041a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCancelAuthRequest = 0x0405;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUpdatePresenceRequest = 0x041c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeleteListRequest = 0x040d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCreateAttributeListRequest = 0x0407;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeleteAttributeListRequest = 0x040c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetAttributeListRequest = 0x040e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetAttributeListResponse = 0x040f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlListManageResponse = 0x0417;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDefaultAttributeList = 0x0409;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContactListProperties = 0x0406;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAccuracy = 0x0505;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAddress = 0x0506;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAddrPref = 0x0507;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAlias = 0x0508;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAltitude = 0x0509;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlBuilding = 0x050a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCaddr = 0x050b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCity = 0x050c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientInfo = 0x050d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientProducer = 0x050e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPrClientType = 0x050f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientType = 0x050f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClientVersion = 0x0510;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCommC = 0x0511;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCommCap = 0x0512;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContactInfo = 0x0513;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContainedvCard = 0x0514;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCountry = 0x0515;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCrossing1 = 0x0516;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCrossing2 = 0x0517;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDevManufacturer = 0x0518;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDirectContent = 0x0519;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlFreeTextLocation = 0x051a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGeoLocation = 0x051b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLanguage = 0x051c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLatitude = 0x051d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLongitude = 0x051e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlModel = 0x051f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNamedArea = 0x0520;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlOnlineStatus = 0x0521;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPLMN = 0x0522;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPrefC = 0x0523;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPreferredContacts = 0x0524;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPreferredLanguage = 0x0525;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlReferredContent = 0x0526;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlReferredvCard = 0x0527;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRegistration = 0x0528;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlStatusContent = 0x0529;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlStatusMood = 0x052a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlStatusText = 0x052b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlStreet = 0x052c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTimeZone = 0x052d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUserAvailability = 0x052e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCap = 0x052f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCname = 0x0530;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlContact = 0x0531;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCpriority = 0x0532;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCstatus = 0x0533;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNote = 0x0534;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlZone = 0x0535;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlBlockList = 0x0605;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlBlockUserRequest = 0x0606;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeliveryMethod = 0x0607;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeliveryReport = 0x0608;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeliveryReportRequest = 0x0609;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlForwardMessageRequest = 0x060a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetBlockedListRequest = 0x060b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetBlockedListResponse = 0x060c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetMessageListRequest = 0x060d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetMessageListResponse = 0x060e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetMessageRequest = 0x060f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetMessageResponse = 0x0610;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGrantList = 0x0611;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMessageDelivered = 0x0612;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMessageInfo = 0x0613;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMessageNotification = 0x0614;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNewMessage = 0x0615;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRejectMessageRequest = 0x0616;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSendMessageRequest = 0x0617;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSendMessageResponse = 0x0618;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSetDeliveryMethodRequest = 0x0619;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeliveryTime = 0x061a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlJoinGroup = 0x0721;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlJoinedRequest = 0x0710;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSubscribeNotification = 0x0722;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSubscribeType = 0x0723;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCreateGroupRequest = 0x0707;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeleteGroupRequest = 0x0708;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlJoinGroupRequest = 0x0711;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlJoinGroupResponse = 0x0712;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLeaveGroupRequest = 0x0713;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLeaveGroupResponse = 0x0714;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetGroupMembersRequest = 0x0709;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetGroupMembersResponse = 0x070a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAddGroupMembersRequest = 0x0705;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRemoveGroupMembersRequest = 0x071b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetGroupPropsRequest = 0x070b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGetGroupPropsResponse = 0x070c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSetGroupPropsRequest = 0x071c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMemberAccessRequest = 0x0716;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRejectListRequest = 0x0719;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRejectListResponse = 0x071a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSubscribeGroupNoticeRequest = 0x071d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSubscribeGroupNoticeResponse = 0x071e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupChangeNotice = 0x070d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGroupProperties = 0x070e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlWelcomeNote = 0x0720;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAdmin = 0x0706;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMod = 0x0717;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUsers = 0x071f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlJoined = 0x070f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlLeft = 0x0715;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlOwnProperties = 0x0718;
+// CSP wbxml element value tokens
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDataNotFound = 0xff;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAccessType = 0x00;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlActiveUsers = 0x01;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAdminValue = 0x02;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlApplicationVndWapMmsMessage = 0x04;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlApplicationXSms = 0x05;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAutoJoin = 0x06;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlBASE64 = 0x07;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlClosed = 0x08;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDefault = 0x09;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDisplayName = 0x0a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlFalse = 0x0b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlG = 0x0c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGR = 0x0d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlHttp = 0x0e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlHttps = 0x0f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlImage = 0x10;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlInband = 0x11;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIM = 0x12;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMaxActiveUsers = 0x13;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlModValue = 0x14;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNameValue = 0x15;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNone = 0x16;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeliveryMethodN = 0x17;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlOpen = 0x18;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlOutband = 0x19;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPR = 0x1a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPrivate = 0x1b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPrivateMessaging = 0x1c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPrivilegeLevel = 0x1d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPublic = 0x1e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDeliveryMethodP = 0x1f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRequest = 0x20;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlResponse = 0x21;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlRestricted = 0x22;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlScreenname = 0x23;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSearchable = 0x24;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlS = 0x25;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSC = 0x26;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmltext = 0x27;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTextPlain = 0x28;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTopic = 0x2b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTrue = 0x2c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlType = 0x2d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlU = 0x2e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUS = 0x2f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAutoDelete = 0x31;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlValidityValue = 0x33;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDenied = 0x34;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGranted = 0x35;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPending = 0x34;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGROUP_ID = 0x3d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGROUP_NAME = 0x3e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGROUP_TOPIC = 0x3f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGROUP_USER_ID_JOINED = 0x40;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlGROUP_USER_ID_OWNER = 0x41;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlHTTP = 0x42;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSMS = 0x43;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSTCP = 0x44;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSUDP = 0x45;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_ALIAS = 0x46;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_FIRST_NAME = 0x48;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 0x47;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_ID = 0x49;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_LAST_NAME = 0x4a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_ONLINE_STATUS = 0x4c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlUSER_MOBILE_NUMBER = 0x4b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlWAPSMS = 0x4d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlWAPUDP = 0x4e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlWSP = 0x4f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlANGRY = 0x5b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlANXIOUS = 0x5c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAshamed = 0x5d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAudioCall = 0x5e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlAvailable = 0x5f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlBored = 0x60;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCALL = 0x61;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCli = 0x62;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlComputer = 0x63;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlDiscreet = 0x64;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlEMAIL = 0x65;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlExcited = 0x66;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlHappy = 0x67;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCapIM = 0x68;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIM_OFFLINE = 0x69;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIM_ONLINE = 0x6a;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlIN_LOVE = 0x6b;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlINVICIBLE = 0x6c;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlJEALOUS = 0x6d;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMMS = 0x6e;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlMobilePhone = 0x6f;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlNotAvailable = 0x70;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlOther = 0x71;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPda = 0x72;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSAD = 0x73;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSLEEPY = 0x74;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlSms = 0x75;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlVideoCall = 0x76;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlVideoStream = 0x77;
+// CSP wbxml attribute value tokens
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCsp11Xmlns = 0x05;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPa11Xmlns = 0x06;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTrc11Xmlns = 0x07;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlCsp12Xmlns = 0x08;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlPa12Xmlns = 0x09;
+const TInt KImpsWbXmlTrc12Xmlns = 0x0A;
+class MImpsKey;
+#endif // ?INCLUDE_H
+// End of File