--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PECengine/PluginServer2/SrvSrc/CPEngPlgSrv.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of class CPEngPlgSrv
+// Include Files
+#include "CPEngPlgSrv.h"
+#include "CPEngPlgSess.h"
+#include "PresenceDebugPrint.h"
+#include "TPEngServerParams.h"
+#include "CPEngPluginHolder.h"
+#include "CPEngPluginInterface2.h"
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <sysutil.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+// simple wrapper class with array deletion on close
+class RImplInfoPtrArray2 : public RImplInfoPtrArray
+ {
+ public:
+ void Close()
+ {
+ ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+ };
+// Static data for Capability check configuration
+// Two ranges: one for allowed, second for disallowed requests
+static const TInt KPEngPluginServerRangeCount = 2;
+ * Ranges for the Request values
+ * All requests will fall in one range
+ */
+static const TInt PEngPluginServerRanges[KPEngPluginServerRangeCount] =
+ {
+ // Range from EPEngPlgShutdownServer to EPEngPlgServerLastRequest
+ 0,
+ // range is from EPEngPlgServerLastRequest request to end
+ EPEngPlgServerLastRequest
+ };
+ * Element indexes for the defined ranges
+ * we have only one range and for it is defined only one Element
+ */
+static const TUint8 KPEngPluginServerElementsIndex[KPEngPluginServerRangeCount] =
+ {
+ // First element in the element array will be applied for this range
+ 0,
+ // the second element will be used for the second range
+ CPolicyServer::ENotSupported
+ };
+// Policy elements
+static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement KPEngPluginServerElements[] =
+ {
+ {
+ _INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C3( ECapabilityReadUserData,
+ ECapabilityWriteUserData,
+ ECapabilityNetworkServices ),
+ CPolicyServer::EFailClient
+ }
+ };
+// and the Policy array is the following
+static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy KPEngPluginServerPolicy =
+ {
+ // The index into Elements,that is used to check a connection attempt
+ 0,
+ // Number of ranges in the iRanges array
+ KPEngPluginServerRangeCount,
+ // A pointer to an array of ordered ranges of request numbers
+ PEngPluginServerRanges,
+ // A pointer to an array of TUint8 values specifying
+ // the appropriate action to take for each range in iRanges
+ KPEngPluginServerElementsIndex,
+ // A pointer to an array of distinct policy elements
+ KPEngPluginServerElements
+ };
+// Static constructor, leaves pointer to cleanup-stack
+CPEngPlgSrv* CPEngPlgSrv::NewLC( const TDesC& aServerName, TInt aPriority )
+ {
+ CPEngPlgSrv* self = new( ELeave ) CPEngPlgSrv( aPriority );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aServerName );
+ return self;
+ }
+// Destructor (virtual by CBase)
+ {
+ iPlugins.ResetAndDestroy();
+ REComSession::FinalClose();
+ }
+// Default constructor, protected
+CPEngPlgSrv::CPEngPlgSrv( TInt aPriority )
+ : CPolicyServer( aPriority, KPEngPluginServerPolicy ),
+ iOnlineState( EPEngPlgSvrStateUnknown )
+ {
+ }
+// Second phase construct
+void CPEngPlgSrv::ConstructL( const TDesC& aServerName )
+ {
+ iServerName.Copy( aServerName );
+ StartL( aServerName );
+ }
+TInt CPEngPlgSrv::ExecuteServerL( TPEngServerParams& aParams )
+ {
+ //Renaming must be done as early as possible
+ aParams.RenameMainThread( KPEngPluginServerExe );
+ TInt res( KErrNone );
+ // start scheduler and server
+ CActiveScheduler* pA = new( ELeave )CActiveScheduler;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( pA );
+ CActiveScheduler::Install( pA );
+ //If exe server, call RunServerL directly.
+ TRAP( res, RunServerL( aParams ) );
+ CActiveScheduler::Install( NULL );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//pA
+ return res;
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::StopServer()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop(); // CSI: 4 #
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::RunServerL( TPEngServerParams& aParams )
+ {
+ PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngPlgSrv::RunServerL()" ) );
+ //One instance of server must be allocated here.
+ CPEngPlgSrv* server = CPEngPlgSrv::NewLC( aParams.ServerName(),
+ CActive::EPriorityStandard );
+ aParams.Signal();
+ // start fielding requests from clients
+ //Thread is ended when CActiveScheduler::Stop is called.
+ server->StartServer();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//server
+ // finished
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::LoadByTypeL( const TDesC8& aPluginType )
+ {
+ PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngPlgSrv::LoadByTypeL" ) );
+ RImplInfoPtrArray2 plugins;
+ CleanupClosePushL( plugins );
+ TEComResolverParams params;
+ params.SetDataType( aPluginType );
+ params.SetWildcardMatch( EFalse );
+ REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KPEngPluginInterfaceUid, params, plugins );
+ const TInt count = plugins.Count();
+ for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ TUid uid = plugins[i]->ImplementationUid();
+ CPEngPluginHolder* plug = CPEngPluginHolder::NewLC();
+ plug->LoadPluginL( uid );
+ iPlugins.AppendL( plug );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//plug
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // plugins
+ PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngPlgSrv::LoadByTypeL ends" ) );
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::UnloadOnlinePluginsL()
+ {
+ PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngPlgSrv::UnloadOnlinePluginsL" ) );
+ RImplInfoPtrArray2 plugins;
+ CleanupClosePushL( plugins );
+ TEComResolverParams params;
+ params.SetDataType( KPEngOnlineType );
+ params.SetWildcardMatch( EFalse );
+ REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KPEngPluginInterfaceUid, params, plugins );
+ const TInt implCount = plugins.Count();
+ for ( TInt ii( implCount - 1 ); ii >= 0; ii-- )
+ {
+ const TInt loadedCount = iPlugins.Count();
+ for ( TInt jj( loadedCount - 1 ); jj >= 0; jj-- )
+ {
+ if ( plugins[ii]->ImplementationUid() == iPlugins[jj]->Uid() )
+ {
+ delete iPlugins[ jj ];
+ iPlugins.Remove( jj );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // plugins
+ PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngPlgSrv::UnloadOnlinePluginsL ends" ) );
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::UnloadAllL()
+ {
+ iPlugins.ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::SetStateL( TPEngPlgOnlineState aNewState )
+ {
+ if ( iOnlineState < EPEngPlgSvrStateOnline &&
+ aNewState == EPEngPlgSvrStateOnline )
+ {
+ // we went online, load online plugins
+ LoadByTypeL( KPEngOnlineType );
+ }
+ if ( aNewState == EPEngPlgSvrStateOffline &&
+ iOnlineState == EPEngPlgSvrStateOnline )
+ {
+ // we went offline, unload and load offline plugins
+ UnloadOnlinePluginsL();
+ }
+ if ( aNewState == EPEngPlgSvrStateOffline &&
+ iOnlineState == EPEngPlgSvrStateUnknown )
+ {
+ // the server was first started and we are offline
+ LoadByTypeL( KPEngOfflineType );
+ }
+ if ( aNewState == EPEngPlgSvrStateUnknown )
+ {
+ // this shouldn't happen in normal situations
+ UnloadAllL();
+ }
+ iOnlineState = aNewState;
+ }
+TInt CPEngPlgSrv::PluginCount() const
+ {
+ return iPlugins.Count();
+ }
+TInt CPEngPlgSrv::Plugin( TInt aIndex ) const
+ {
+ return iPlugins[aIndex]->Uid().iUid;
+ }
+void CPEngPlgSrv::StartServer()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Start(); // CSI: 3 #
+ }
+CSession2* CPEngPlgSrv::NewSessionL( const TVersion &aVersion, const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ ) const
+ {
+ if ( !User::QueryVersionSupported( aVersion, TVersion( KRequiredVersionMajor, KRequiredVersionMinor, KRequiredVersionBuild ) ) )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ }
+ return CPEngPlgSess::NewL( const_cast<CPEngPlgSrv&>( *this ) );
+ };
+// End of File