changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PECengine/StorageManager2/ClientSrc/RPEngStorageSubFolderClient.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Sub-client to managed particular session slot
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include "PEngStorageGlobals.h"
+class RPEngStorageClient;
+ *  Storage sub-client
+ *  It is used for management of particular session slot to which
+ *	this sub-session client is connected.
+ *
+ *  @lib PEngStoreMan2.dll
+ *  @since 3.0
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(  RPEngStorageSubFolderClient ):
+        public RSubSessionBase
+    {
+public:		// Constructors and destructors
+    /**
+     * C++ default constructor.
+     */
+    RPEngStorageSubFolderClient( );
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    ~RPEngStorageSubFolderClient( void );
+public: 	// new methods
+    /**
+     * Connects to the presence server
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@param aStorageMainClient storage main client
+     *	@param aSessionName packed session slot Id to connect to
+     *	@return KErrNone if connected or any of system wide error codes
+     */
+    TInt Connect( RPEngStorageClient& aStorageMainClient,
+                  const TDesC8& aSesssionName );
+    /**
+     *	Close connection to the presence server
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     */
+    void Close();
+public:		// new Storage management Functions
+    /**
+     *  Stores Store Entry to the Server
+     *
+     *  @since 3.0
+     *  @param aStoreId storage ID of the store entry
+     *  @param aStoreType Type of the store entry
+     *  @param aData data buffer of store entry
+     *  @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *			otherwise system wide error code
+    */
+    TInt Store( const TDesC& aStoreId,
+                TPEngStorageType aStoreType,
+                const TDesC8& aData );
+    /**
+     *  Retrieves Store Entry from Server
+     *
+     *  @since 3.0
+     *  @param aStoreId storage ID of the store entry
+     *  @param aStoreType Type of the store entry
+     *  @param aData data buffer of store entry
+     *  @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through,
+     *		if positive Error code, then returned number specifies
+     *		size of the buffer needed to write data to the client buffer,
+     *		since buffer was not big enough.Otherwise system wide error
+     */
+    TInt Retrieve( const TDesC& aStoreId,
+                   TPEngStorageType aStoreType,
+                   TDes8& aData );
+    /**
+     *  Deletes Store entry from the storage
+     *
+     *  @since 3.0
+     *  @param aStoreId storage ID of the store entry
+     *  @param aStoreType Type of the store entry
+     *  @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *			otherwise system wide error code
+    */
+    TInt Delete( const TDesC& aStoreId, TPEngStorageType aStoreType );
+    /*
+     *  Check is store entry is locked
+     *
+     *  @since 3.0
+     *  @param aStoreId storage ID of the store entry
+     *  @param aStoreType Type of the store entry
+     *  @param aPriority lock priority
+     *  @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *		and entry is not locked, ETrue if locked and call went through
+     *		otherwise system wide error code
+     */
+    TInt StoreEntryLocked( const TDesC& aStoreId,
+                           TPEngStorageType aStoreType,
+                           TPengStorageLockPriority aPriority ) const;
+    /*
+     *  Lock defined store entry
+     *
+     *  @since 3.0
+     *  @param aStoreId storage ID of the store entry
+     *  @param aStoreType Type of the store entry
+     *  @param aPriority lock priority
+     *  @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *			otherwise system wide error code
+     */
+    TInt LockStoreEntry( const TDesC& aStoreId,
+                         TPEngStorageType aStoreType,
+                         TPengStorageLockPriority aPriority,
+                         TBool aCreateEntry ) const;
+    /*
+     * Unlock defined store entry
+     *
+     * @since 3.0
+     * @param aStoreId storage ID of the store entry
+     * @param aStoreType Type of the store entry
+     * @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *			otherwise system wide error code
+     */
+    TInt UnlockStoreEntry( const TDesC& aStoreId,
+                           TPEngStorageType aStoreType ) const;
+    /*
+     * Starts buffering server side notifications from this sub session
+     *
+     * @since 3.0
+     * @param aCount number to increase server counter by
+     * @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *			otherwise system wide error code
+    */
+    TInt BufferServerSideNotifications( TInt aCount );
+    /*
+     * Release buffering of Server side notifications, from this
+     * sub session, all buffered notifications are notified to other
+     * clients
+     *
+     * @since 3.0
+     * @param aCount number to decrease server counter by
+     * @return KErrNone if client is connected and request went through
+     *			otherwise system wide error code
+    */
+    TInt ReleaseServerSideBuffering( TInt aCount );
+public:		// notify functions
+    /**
+     *	Synchronous request to start Storage ID listening.
+     *	This request carries information about SIDs client
+     *	is interested in, and also pointer to the return
+     *	array which is used by the client to return information
+     *	about changes SIDs.	This synchronous request has to be
+     *	followed by the asynchronous request which will bring to
+     *	the server TRequestStatus which will be used
+     *	to signal changes to the client
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@param aEngagedSIds packed Storage Ids to listen
+     *	@return TInt KErrNone if operation is successful,
+    			KErrDisconnected if server is disconnected,
+     *			or system wide error code
+     */
+    TInt StartListeningSIdsChanges(	const TDesC& aEngagedSIds );
+    /**
+     *	Synchronous request to update listen storage IDs scout
+     *	with new set of storage IDs	New set of SIDs which will be
+     *	watched by the client is delivered to the Server while
+     *	Existing Listen SIDs scout has to exists, if not,
+     *	call is completed with KErrNotFound. If this function fails
+     *	on the server side and completed with error code, existing
+     *	listener is kept and also old set of SIDs client
+     *	is interested in stays untouched
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@param aEngagedSIds packed Storage Ids to listen
+     *	@return TInt KErrNone if operation is successful,
+     *			KErrDisconnected if server is disconnected,
+     *			or system wide error code
+     */
+    TInt UpdateListenSIdsChangesScout( const TDesC& aEngagedSIds );
+    /**
+     *	Asynchronous request to the server which reload Storage ID
+     *	listener with new TRequestStatus which is used to signal
+     *	changes to the Client. When TRequestStatus is completed
+     *	and client consumes SID changes, same request can be used
+     *	to continue with listening of SID changes. SIDs which client
+     *	is interested in are defined
+     *	by the StartListeningSIDsChanges function call
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@param aAnswerBuffer buffer server will answer indexes of
+     *		    changed Store Ids
+     *	@param aStatus - TRequestStatus, where server will signal
+     *		completing of the request
+     *	@return TInt KErrNone is server is connected,
+     *		KErrDisconnected if server is disconnected
+     */
+    TInt ReloadListenSIdsChangesScout( /*TDes& aAnswerBuffer,*/
+        TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+    /**
+     *	Synchronous request to fetch changed Storage IDs indexes
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@param aChangedIds buffer where indexes of changed Ids will be stored
+     *	@return TInt KErrNone is server is connected,
+     *		KErrDisconnected if server is disconnected
+     */
+    TInt FetchChangedSIdsIndexes(
+        TDes& aChangedIds );
+    /**
+     *	Synchronous request to stop listening of the SID changes
+     *	This request also cancel pending asynchronous request
+     *	from ReloadSIDsChangesScout call
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@return TInt KErrNone is server is connected,
+     *				KErrDisconnected if server is disconnected
+     */
+    TInt StopListeningSIdsChanges();
+    /**
+     *	SYNCHRONOUS request to the server to notify it
+     *	about change of one storage ID.	Server then notifies all
+     *	the clients which are listening change of this particular SID
+     *	This issues blind message, so it returns to client
+     *	without waiting how server will response
+     *
+     *	@since 3.0
+     *	@param aChangedSId - changed Storage Id
+     *	@return KErrDisconnected if server is disconnected,
+     *								otherwise answer from the server
+     */
+    TInt NotifyChangedSIdBlind( const TDesC& aPackedChangedSId,
+                                TPEngStorageType aStoreType );
+private:	// Data
+    /// Flag if sub Session is connected to the Server
+    TBool										iConnected;
+    };