--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PECengine/StorageManager2/ServerSrc/CPEngStorageSubSession.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Sub-session class of the Storage Server
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "CPEngStorageSubSession.h"
+#include "PEngStorageServerCommon.h"
+#include "CPEngStorageFolder.h"
+#include "MPEngStorageServer.h"
+#include "RPEngMessage.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::CPEngStorageSubSession
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPEngStorageSubSession::CPEngStorageSubSession( TInt32 aSessionId )
+ : iBufferedNotif( 10 ), // 10 as value to grow array
+ iSessionId( aSessionId )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEngStorageSubSession::ConstructL(
+ MPEngStorageServer& aServer,
+ const RPEngMessage& aMessage )
+ {
+ iStorageFolder = aServer.StorageFolderL( aMessage );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPEngStorageSubSession* CPEngStorageSubSession::NewL(
+ MPEngStorageServer& aServer,
+ const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
+ TInt32 aSessionId )
+ {
+ CPEngStorageSubSession* self = NewLC( aServer, aMessage, aSessionId );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::NewLC
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPEngStorageSubSession* CPEngStorageSubSession::NewLC(
+ MPEngStorageServer& aServer,
+ const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
+ TInt32 aSessionId )
+ {
+ CPEngStorageSubSession* self = new( ELeave ) CPEngStorageSubSession( aSessionId );
+ CleanupClosePushL( *self );
+ self->ConstructL( aServer, aMessage );
+ return self;
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+ iBufferedNotif.Reset();
+ // decrease count of the storage Folder
+ if ( iStorageFolder )
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->CancelSubSessionRequests( iSessionId, iHandle );
+ iStorageFolder->Close();
+ }
+ }
+// =============================================================================
+// =============== Functions from base class ===================================
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::DisplayName()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CPEngStorageSubSession::DispatchMessageL(
+ const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
+ TInt aRequest )
+ {
+ TBool completeMessage( ETrue );
+ switch ( aRequest )
+ {
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Asynchronous Requests Management */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ // Cancel Asynchronous request Request
+ case EFolderSubSessCancelRequest:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->CancelRequest( aMessage,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Reload Asynchronous Scout on the Server side
+ case EFolderSubSessReloadAsynchronousScout:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->ReloadAsyncScoutL( aMessage,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ completeMessage = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Store Entry management */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ // Write store entry
+ case EFolderSubSessWriteEntry:
+ {
+ const CPEngDataEntry* entry = iStorageFolder->WriteStoreEntryL(
+ aMessage,
+ !iBufferingActiveCounter,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ if ( entry )
+ {
+ TInt err( iBufferedNotif.InsertInAddressOrder( entry ) );
+ err = err == KErrAlreadyExists ? KErrNone : err;
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Read store Entry
+ case EFolderSubSessReadEntry:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->ReadStoreEntryL( aMessage );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Get Entry size
+ case EFolderSubSessGetEntryLength:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->GetStoreEntryLengthL( aMessage );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Remove Store entry from the storage
+ case EFolderSubSessRemoveEntry:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->RemoveStoreEntryL( aMessage );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Lock Store Entry
+ case EFolderSubSessLockEntry:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->LockStoreEntryL( aMessage,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ completeMessage = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Unlock the Store entry
+ case EFolderSubSessUnlockEntry:
+ {
+ // check if it is needed to buffer notification
+ const CPEngDataEntry* entry =
+ iStorageFolder->UnlockStoreEntryL(
+ aMessage,
+ !iBufferingActiveCounter,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ if ( entry )
+ {
+ TInt err( iBufferedNotif.InsertInAddressOrder( entry ) );
+ err = err == KErrAlreadyExists ? KErrNone : err;
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ }
+ completeMessage = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Is Store entry locked
+ case EFolderSubSessIsEntryLocked:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->IsStoreEntryLockedL( aMessage );
+ completeMessage = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Suspend notification to the client
+ case EFolderSubSessSuspendNotification:
+ {
+ iBufferingActiveCounter += aMessage.Int0();
+ aMessage.Complete( iBufferingActiveCounter );
+ completeMessage = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Resume notification to the client
+ case EFolderSubSessResumeNotification:
+ {
+ ResumeSIDsNotification( aMessage.Int0() );
+ aMessage.Complete( iBufferingActiveCounter );
+ completeMessage = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Storage ID changes notify management */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ // Synchronous Request to register for notification
+ case EFolderSubSessListenSIDsChanges:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->ListenSIDsChangesL( aMessage,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Synchronous Request to update set of SIDs client
+ case EFolderSubSessUpdateListenSIDsScout:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->UpdateListenSIDsScoutL( aMessage,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Fetch indexes of changed SIds
+ case EFolderSubSessFetchChangedSIDsIndexes:
+ {
+ iStorageFolder->FetchChangedIdsIndexesL( aMessage,
+ iSessionId,
+ iHandle );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Synchronous Request to force notify Store Entry change
+ case EFolderSubSessNotifyChangedSIDs:
+ {
+ // check if it is needed to buffer notification
+ const CPEngDataEntry* entry =
+ iStorageFolder->NotifyChangedStorageIdL(
+ aMessage,
+ !iBufferingActiveCounter );
+ if ( entry )
+ {
+ TInt err( iBufferedNotif.InsertInAddressOrder( entry ) );
+ err = err == KErrAlreadyExists ? KErrNone : err;
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ PanicClient( aMessage, ESSBadRequest );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // check if message can be completed
+ completeMessage &= aMessage.MessageValid();
+ return completeMessage;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::SetSubSesionHandle()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEngStorageSubSession::SetSubSesionHandle(
+ TInt aHandle )
+ {
+ iHandle = aHandle;
+ }
+// =============================================================================
+// =============== Private Functions from base class ===========================
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::PanicClient()
+// Panic client
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEngStorageSubSession::PanicClient(
+ const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
+ const TInt aPanic ) const
+ {
+ aMessage.Panic( KStorageSessionName, aPanic );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPEngStorageSubSession::ResumeSIDsNotificationL()
+// Resume Notification of the SIDs
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPEngStorageSubSession::ResumeSIDsNotification(
+ TInt aCount )
+ {
+ iBufferingActiveCounter -= aCount;
+ if ( iBufferingActiveCounter <= KErrNone )
+ {
+ // notify buffered SIDs
+ iBufferingActiveCounter = KErrNone;
+ iStorageFolder->NotifySIDChanges( iBufferedNotif );
+ iBufferedNotif.Reset();
+ }
+ }
+// End of File