--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/im_pub/im_api/tsrc/src/IMApiTest.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This class contains all test framework related parts of
+ this test module.
+#include <Stiftestinterface.h>
+#include "IMApiTest.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// None
+// ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================================
+ This file (IMApiTest.cpp) contains all test framework related parts of
+ this test module. Actual test cases are implemented in file
+ IMApiTestCases.cpp.
+ CIMApiTest is an example of test module implementation. This example
+ uses hard coded test cases (i.e it does not have any test case
+ configuration file).
+ Example uses function pointers to call test cases. This provides an easy
+ method to add new test cases.
+ See function Cases in file IMApiTestCases.cpp for instructions how to
+ add new test cases. It is not necessary to modify this file when adding
+ new test cases.
+ To take this module into use, add following lines to test framework
+ initialisation file:
+# Demo module
+ModuleName= IMApiTest
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================================
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: CIMApiTest
+ Description: C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+ might leave.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Approved
+ {
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: ConstructL
+ Description: Symbian 2nd phase constructor that can leave.
+ Note: If OOM test case uses STIF Logger, then STIF Logger must be created
+ with static buffer size parameter (aStaticBufferSize). Otherwise Logger
+ allocates memory from heap and therefore causes error situations with OOM
+ testing. For more information about STIF Logger construction, see STIF
+ Users Guide.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Approved
+void CIMApiTest::ConstructL()
+ {
+ // Constructing static buffer size logger, needed with OOM testing because
+ // normally logger allocates memory from heap!
+ iLog = CStifLogger::NewL( KIMApiTestLogPath,
+ KIMApiTestLogFile,
+ CStifLogger::ETxt,
+ CStifLogger::EFile,
+ ETrue,
+ ETrue,
+ ETrue,
+ EFalse,
+ ETrue,
+ EFalse,
+ 100 );
+ // Sample how to use logging
+ _LIT( KLogInfo, "IMApiTest logging starts!" );
+ iLog->Log( KLogInfo );
+ iRunner = CTestRunner::NewL();
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: NewL
+ Description: Two-phased constructor. Constructs new CIMApiTest
+ instance and returns pointer to it.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: CIMApiTest*: new object.
+ Errors/Exceptions: Leaves if memory allocation fails or ConstructL leaves.
+ Status: Approved
+CIMApiTest* CIMApiTest::NewL()
+ {
+ CIMApiTest* self = new ( ELeave ) CIMApiTest;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: ~CIMApiTest
+ Description: Destructor.
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Approved
+ {
+ delete iLog;
+ if ( iRunner )
+ delete iRunner;
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: InitL
+ Description: Method for test case initialization
+ Parameters: None
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Approved
+TInt CIMApiTest::InitL( TFileName& /*aIniFile*/,
+ TBool /*aFirstTime*/ )
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: GetTestCases
+ Description: GetTestCases is used to inquire test cases
+ from the test module. Because this test module has hard coded test cases
+ (i.e cases are not read from file), paramter aConfigFile is not used.
+ This function loops through all cases defined in Cases() function and
+ adds corresponding items to aTestCases array.
+ Parameters: const TFileName& : in: Configuration file name. Not used
+ RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases: out:
+ Array of TestCases.
+ Return Values: KErrNone: No error
+ Errors/Exceptions: Function leaves if any memory allocation operation fails
+ Status: Proposal
+TInt CIMApiTest::GetTestCasesL( const TFileName& /*aConfig*/,
+ RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases )
+ {
+ // Loop through all test cases and create new
+ // TTestCaseInfo items and append items to aTestCase array
+ for ( TInt i = 0; Case( i ).iMethod != NULL; i++ )
+ {
+ // Allocate new TTestCaseInfo from heap for a testcase definition.
+ TTestCaseInfo* newCase = new( ELeave ) TTestCaseInfo();
+ // PushL TTestCaseInfo to CleanupStack.
+ CleanupStack::PushL( newCase );
+ // Set number for the testcase.
+ // When the testcase is run, this comes as a parameter to RunTestCaseL.
+ newCase->iCaseNumber = i;
+ // Set title for the test case. This is shown in UI to user.
+ newCase->iTitle.Copy( Case( i ).iCaseName );
+ // Append TTestCaseInfo to the testcase array. After appended
+ // successfully the TTestCaseInfo object is owned (and freed)
+ // by the TestServer.
+ User::LeaveIfError( aTestCases.Append ( newCase ) );
+ // Pop TTestCaseInfo from the CleanupStack.
+ CleanupStack::Pop( newCase );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: RunTestCase
+ Description: Run a specified testcase.
+ Function runs a test case specified by test case number. Test case file
+ parameter is not used.
+ If case number is valid, this function runs a test case returned by
+ function Cases().
+ Parameters: const TInt aCaseNumber: in: Testcase number
+ const TFileName& : in: Configuration file name. Not used
+ TTestResult& aResult: out: Testcase result
+ Return Values: KErrNone: Testcase ran.
+ KErrNotFound: Unknown testcase
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+TInt CIMApiTest::RunTestCaseL( const TInt aCaseNumber,
+ const TFileName& /* aConfig */,
+ TTestResult& aResult )
+ {
+ // Return value
+ TInt execStatus = KErrNone;
+ // Get the pointer to test case function
+ TCaseInfo tmp = Case ( aCaseNumber );
+ TestModuleIf().SetBehavior( CTestModuleIf::ETestLeaksRequests );
+ TestModuleIf().SetBehavior( CTestModuleIf::ETestLeaksHandles );
+ _LIT( KLogInfo, "Starting testcase [%S]" );
+ iLog->Log( KLogInfo, &tmp.iCaseName );
+ // Check that case number was valid
+ if ( tmp.iMethod != NULL )
+ {
+ // Valid case was found, call it via function pointer
+ iMethod = tmp.iMethod;
+ execStatus = ( this->*iMethod )( aResult );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Valid case was not found, return error.
+ execStatus = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ // Return case execution status (not the result of the case execution)
+ return execStatus;
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: OOMTestQueryL
+ Description: Checks test case information for OOM execution.
+ Return Values: TBool
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+TBool CIMApiTest::OOMTestQueryL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
+ const TInt aCaseNumber,
+ TOOMFailureType& /* aFailureType */,
+ TInt& aFirstMemFailure,
+ TInt& aLastMemFailure )
+ {
+ _LIT( KLogInfo, "CIMApiTest::OOMTestQueryL" );
+ iLog->Log( KLogInfo );
+ aFirstMemFailure = Case( aCaseNumber ).iFirstMemoryAllocation;
+ aLastMemFailure = Case( aCaseNumber ).iLastMemoryAllocation;
+ return Case( aCaseNumber ).iIsOOMTest;
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: OOMTestInitializeL
+ Description: Used to perform the test environment setup for a particular
+ OOM test case. Test Modules may use the initialization file to read
+ parameters for Test Module initialization but they can also have their own
+ configure file or some other routine to initialize themselves.
+ NOTE: User may add implementation for OOM test environment initialization.
+ Usually no implementation is required.
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+void CIMApiTest::OOMTestInitializeL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
+ const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )
+ {
+ _LIT( KLogInfo, "CIMApiTest::OOMTestInitializeL" );
+ iLog->Log( KLogInfo );
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: OOMHandleWarningL
+ Description: Used in OOM testing to provide a way to the derived TestModule
+ to handle warnings related to non-leaving or TRAPped allocations.
+ In some cases the allocation should be skipped, either due to problems in
+ the OS code or components used by the code being tested, or even inside the
+ tested components which are implemented this way on purpose (by design), so
+ it is important to give the tester a way to bypass allocation failures.
+ NOTE: User may add implementation for OOM test warning handling. Usually no
+ implementation is required.
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+void CIMApiTest::OOMHandleWarningL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
+ const TInt /* aCaseNumber */,
+ TInt& /* aFailNextValue */ )
+ {
+ _LIT( KLogInfo, "CIMApiTest::OOMHandleWarningL" );
+ iLog->Log( KLogInfo );
+ }
+ Class: CIMApiTest
+ Method: OOMTestFinalizeL
+ Description: Used to perform the test environment cleanup for a particular OOM
+ test case.
+ NOTE: User may add implementation for OOM test environment finalization.
+ Usually no implementation is required.
+ Return Values: None
+ Errors/Exceptions: None
+ Status: Proposal
+void CIMApiTest::OOMTestFinalizeL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
+ const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )
+ {
+ _LIT( KLogInfo, "CIMApiTest::OOMTestFinalizeL" );
+ iLog->Log( KLogInfo );
+ }
+// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LibEntryL is a polymorphic Dll entry point
+// Returns: CTestModuleBase*: Pointer to Test Module object
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C CTestModuleBase* LibEntryL()
+ {
+ return CIMApiTest::NewL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SetRequirements handles test module parameters(implements evolution
+// version 1 for test module's heap and stack sizes configuring).
+// Returns: TInt: Symbian error code.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt SetRequirements( CTestModuleParam*& /*aTestModuleParam*/,
+ TUint32& /*aParameterValid*/ )
+ {
+ /* --------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------
+ USER PANICS occurs in test thread creation when:
+ 1) "The panic occurs when the value of the stack size is negative."
+ 2) "The panic occurs if the minimum heap size specified is less
+ than KMinHeapSize".
+ KMinHeapSize: "Functions that require a new heap to be allocated will
+ either panic, or will reset the required heap size to this value if
+ a smaller heap size is specified".
+ 3) "The panic occurs if the minimum heap size specified is greater than
+ the maximum size to which the heap can grow".
+ Other:
+ 1) Make sure that your hardware or Symbian OS is supporting given sizes.
+ e.g. Hardware might support only sizes that are divisible by four.
+ ------------------------------- NOTE end ------------------------------- */
+ // Normally STIF uses default heap and stack sizes for test thread, see:
+ // KTestThreadMinHeap, KTestThreadMinHeap and KStackSize.
+ // If needed heap and stack sizes can be configured here by user. Remove
+ // comments and define sizes.
+ /*
+ aParameterValid = KStifTestModuleParameterChanged;
+ CTestModuleParamVer01* param = CTestModuleParamVer01::NewL();
+ // Stack size
+ param->iTestThreadStackSize= 16384; // 16K stack
+ // Heap sizes
+ param->iTestThreadMinHeap = 4096; // 4K heap min
+ param->iTestThreadMaxHeap = 1048576;// 1M heap max
+ aTestModuleParam = param;
+ */
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// End of File