--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/IMPSAlwaysOnlinePlugin/src/CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Helper class for always online scheduling
+#include "CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler.h"
+#include "CPEngAOPluginTimer.h"
+#include "MIMPSScheduleObserver.h"
+#include "IMPSCommonUiDebugPrint.h"
+#include "IMPSAOPluginPanics.h"
+#include "CIMPSSharedDataFactory.h"
+#include "MIMPSSharedData.h"
+#include "IMPSUIDDefs.h"
+#include "wvsettingsshareddataNG.h"
+const TInt KTimeValueLength( 2 );
+const TInt KTimeStringMaxLength( 10 ); // the length of the time string
+const TInt KDefaultStartHour( 8 );
+const TInt KDefaultEndHour( 20 );
+const TInt KDefaultMinute( 0 );
+_LIT( KDefaultScheduleStartTime, "08:00" ); // default times
+_LIT( KDefaultScheduleEndTime, "20:00" );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlinePluginImp::CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler( TIMPSAOKeys& aKeys ) :
+ iScheduledLoginOk( EFalse ),
+ iKeys( aKeys ),
+ iSchedulingIsStarted( EFalse ),
+ iStartupCheckOngoing( EFalse )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ConstructL( )
+ {
+ iSharedDataClient =
+ CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL( this,
+ KIMPSServSettUid );
+ iSettingChangesNotifier =
+ CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreateTemporaryKeyHandlerL( this,
+ KIMPSServSettNotifyUid );
+ iTimer = CPEngAOPluginTimer::NewL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler* CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::NewL( TIMPSAOKeys& aKeys )
+ {
+ CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler* self = new( ELeave ) CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler( aKeys );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+ delete iSharedDataClient;
+ delete iSettingChangesNotifier;
+ delete iTimer;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::StartScheduling
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::StartSchedulingL()
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StartScheduling" );
+ if ( !iSchedulingIsStarted )
+ {
+ iSchedulingIsStarted = ETrue;
+ iTimer->SetObserver( this );
+ CheckScheduledLoginSettings();
+ // start listening schedule change events
+ TInt err ( iSettingChangesNotifier->SubscribeSet( KIMPSServSettNotifyUid,
+ iKeys.ScheduleChangedKey() ) );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ StopScheduling();
+ User::Leave( err );
+ }
+ }
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StartScheduling" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::StopScheduling
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::StopScheduling()
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StopScheduling" );
+ if ( iSchedulingIsStarted )
+ {
+ if ( iTimer->IsActive() )
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ iTimer->SetObserver( NULL );
+ iSettingChangesNotifier->UnSubscribe( KIMPSServSettNotifyUid,
+ iKeys.ScheduleChangedKey() );
+ iScheduledLoginOk = EFalse;
+ iWaitReason = EIMPSAOSchedulerNotWaiting;
+ iSchedulingIsStarted = EFalse;
+ }
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StopScheduling" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::IsScheduledLoginOk()
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::IsScheduledLoginOk()
+ {
+ return iScheduledLoginOk;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL()
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL( const TUid /* aUid */,
+ const TIMPSSharedKeys /* aKey */ )
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL" );
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL()
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL( const TUid aUid,
+ const TIMPSSharedKeys aKey )
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL" );
+ if ( ( aUid == KIMPSServSettNotifyUid ) &&
+ ( aKey == iKeys.ScheduleChangedKey() ) )
+ {
+ CheckScheduledLoginSettings();
+ }
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandleTimeWaitedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandleTimeWaited()
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleTimeWaited" );
+ // check settings again and need for restart wait timer
+ CheckScheduledLoginSettings();
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleTimeWaited" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandleTimeWaitedError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::HandleTimeWaitedError( TInt aError )
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleTimeWaitedError" );
+ if ( aError != KErrCancel )
+ {
+ CheckScheduledLoginSettings();
+ }
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleTimeWaitedError" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::SetObserverL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::SetObserver( MIMPSScheduleObserver *aSchObserver )
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "SetObserver" );
+ iScheduleObserver = aSchObserver;
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "SetObserver" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::CheckScheduledLoginSettingsL
+// Checks the scheduling settings
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::CheckScheduledLoginSettings()
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "CheckScheduledLoginSettings" );
+ // get the connection days
+ TInt connectionDays( ResolveConnectionDays() );
+ if ( connectionDays == EWVSettingsNone )
+ {
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerNotWaiting );
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckScheduledLoginSettings" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // get current hometime
+ // used also as the general waiting time, so we won't need yet another TTime
+ // instance and so that the switch-case looks a bit prettier
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.HomeTime();
+ TDateTime curTime( currentTime.DateTime() );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "current day [%d], month [%d]" ), curTime.Day() + 1,
+ curTime.Month() + 1 );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "current hour [%d], minu [%d]" ), curTime.Hour(),
+ curTime.Minute() );
+ TInt today( currentTime.DayNoInWeek() );
+ TTime connectionStartTime;
+ TTime connectionEndTime;
+ TInt schState( FindNextConnectionHours( currentTime,
+ connectionStartTime,
+ connectionEndTime ) );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "schedule state = %d" ), schState );
+ TTimeIntervalDays untilChange( 0 );
+ switch ( schState )
+ {
+ // start time and end time are same
+ case EIMPSAOPluginAlldayConnection:
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( today, connectionDays ) )
+ {
+ // setting next checking time next day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( ETrue, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForAllDayConnRefresh );
+ untilChange = 1;
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // setting next checking time to next connection day
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = FindNextConnectionChangeDay( today, connectionDays, ETrue );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // current time is < start time
+ case EIMPSAOPluginNormalBeforeConnection:
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( today, connectionDays ) )
+ {
+ // setting next checking to current day connection start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ currentTime = connectionStartTime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // setting next checking time to next connection day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = ( FindNextConnectionChangeDay( ( today + 1 ), connectionDays, ETrue ) );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // current time is between start and end time
+ case EIMPSAOPluginNormalDuringConnection:
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( today, connectionDays ) )
+ {
+ // setting next checking to current day connection end time
+ SetScheduledLogin( ETrue, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForDisconnect );
+ currentTime = connectionEndTime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next connection day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = FindNextConnectionChangeDay( today, connectionDays, ETrue );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // current time is more than end time
+ case EIMPSAOPluginNormalAfterConnection:
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( today + 1, connectionDays ) )
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next day connection start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = 1;
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next connection day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = ( FindNextConnectionChangeDay( today + 1, connectionDays, ETrue ) + 1 );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // current time is between start and end time,
+ // start time < 00:00, current time and endtime > 00:00
+ case EIMPSAOPluginOvernightOldConnection:
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( ( today - 1 ), connectionDays ) )
+ {
+ // setting next checking to current day connection end time
+ SetScheduledLogin( ETrue, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForDisconnect );
+ currentTime = connectionEndTime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next connection day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = ( FindNextConnectionChangeDay( today + 1, connectionDays, ETrue ) + 1 );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // current time is > end time
+ case EIMPSAOPluginOvernightNoConnection:
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next connection day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = FindNextConnectionChangeDay( today, connectionDays, ETrue );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ break;
+ }
+ // current time is between start and end time,
+ // start time and current time < 00:00, endtime > 00:00
+ case EIMPSAOPluginOvernightNewConnection:
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( today, connectionDays ) )
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next day connection end time
+ SetScheduledLogin( ETrue, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForDisconnect );
+ untilChange = 1;
+ currentTime = ( connectionEndTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // setting next checking to next connection day start time
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect );
+ untilChange = ( FindNextConnectionChangeDay( today, connectionDays, ETrue ) );
+ currentTime = ( connectionStartTime + untilChange );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ SetScheduledLogin( EFalse, EIMPSAOSchedulerNotWaiting );
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckScheduledLoginSettings" );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ StartTimer( currentTime );
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CheckScheduledLoginSettings" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ResolveIfConnectionToday
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ResolveIfConnectionToday( TInt aToday,
+ TInt aConnectionDays )
+ {
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ // this is needed because the method is used for checking yesterdays also
+ //
+ // to monday
+ if ( aToday < EMonday )
+ {
+ aToday = ESunday;
+ }
+ switch ( aToday )
+ {
+ case EMonday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsMonday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ETuesday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsTuesday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EWednesday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsWednesday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EThursday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsThursday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EFriday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsFriday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESaturday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsSaturday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESunday:
+ {
+ if ( aConnectionDays & EWVSettingsSunday )
+ {
+ retVal = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // retVal keeped as false
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ResolveConnectionDays
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ResolveConnectionDays()
+ {
+ TInt connectionDays( KErrNotFound );
+ //check if getting the connection day went ok
+ if ( iSharedDataClient->GetIntKey( iKeys.ConnDaysKey(), connectionDays ) != KErrNone )
+ {
+ // if there was an error reading form the shared data file, set to UI spec default
+ connectionDays = EWVSettingsAll;
+ }
+ if ( ( connectionDays < EWVSettingsNone ) ||
+ ( connectionDays > EWVSettingsAll ) )
+ {
+ // if the found value was an invalid one, set it to default value
+ connectionDays = EWVSettingsAll;
+ }
+ return connectionDays;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::FindNextConnectionChangeDay
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::FindNextConnectionChangeDay( TInt aToday,
+ TInt aConnectionDays,
+ TBool aFindConnectionDay )
+ {
+ // first search for the connection day from the end of the week
+ // but skip the first day (=today)
+ TBool dayFound( EFalse );
+ TInt dayIndex;
+ for ( dayIndex = aToday; dayIndex <= ESunday; dayIndex++ )
+ {
+ if ( aFindConnectionDay )
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( dayIndex, aConnectionDays ) )
+ {
+ dayFound = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !ResolveIfConnectionToday( dayIndex, aConnectionDays ) )
+ {
+ dayFound = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // connection day wasn't found on the end part of the week,
+ // check next the beginning of the week until today
+ if ( !dayFound )
+ {
+ for ( dayIndex = EMonday; dayIndex <= aToday; dayIndex++ )
+ {
+ if ( aFindConnectionDay )
+ {
+ if ( ResolveIfConnectionToday( dayIndex, aConnectionDays ) )
+ {
+ dayFound = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !ResolveIfConnectionToday( dayIndex, aConnectionDays ) )
+ {
+ dayFound = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // next connection change wasn't found at all, return an error
+ if ( !dayFound )
+ {
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // calculate the amount of days until the next connection event
+ if ( dayIndex >= aToday )
+ {
+ dayIndex = ( dayIndex - aToday );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 7 is the number of days in a week
+ dayIndex = ( 7 - ( aToday - dayIndex ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return dayIndex;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::FindNextConnectionHours
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::FindNextConnectionHours( TTime aTimeNow,
+ TTime& aStartTime,
+ TTime& aEndTime )
+ {
+ TIMPSAOPluginScheduleState scheduleState( EIMPSAOPluginInvalidSchedule );
+ TTime comparableTime;
+ // convert the current time to the format we use here
+ TBuf<KTimeStringMaxLength> tmpBufStart;
+ TBuf<KTimeStringMaxLength> tmpBufEnd;
+ // parse the current time
+ comparableTime = aTimeNow;
+ // resolve the next connection time
+ // check first if the time can be found
+ if ( ( iSharedDataClient->GetStringKey( iKeys.ConnStartKey(), tmpBufStart ) != KErrNone ) ||
+ ( iSharedDataClient-> GetStringKey( iKeys.ConnEndKey(), tmpBufEnd ) != KErrNone ) )
+ {
+ // we did not get the times, set the defaults
+ tmpBufStart = KDefaultScheduleStartTime();
+ tmpBufEnd = KDefaultScheduleEndTime();
+ }
+ // there was a normal connection schedule
+ aStartTime.HomeTime();
+ aEndTime.HomeTime();
+ TDateTime dateTime = aStartTime.DateTime();
+ // get the start time
+ // read the hour part of the time
+ TInt connStartHour = Hour( tmpBufStart, KDefaultStartHour );
+ dateTime.SetHour( connStartHour );
+ // read the minute part of the time
+ TInt connStartMinute = Minute( tmpBufStart, KDefaultMinute );
+ dateTime.SetMinute( connStartMinute );
+ // set the start time
+ aStartTime = dateTime;
+ // get the end time
+ // read the hour part
+ TInt connEndHour = Hour( tmpBufEnd, KDefaultEndHour );
+ dateTime.SetHour( connEndHour );
+ // read the minute part
+ TInt connEndMinute = Minute( tmpBufEnd, KDefaultMinute );
+ dateTime.SetMinute( connEndMinute );
+ // set the end time
+ aEndTime = dateTime;
+ // now check the connection start and end times and the state of the
+ // connection
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes minuteInterval;
+ // case 1: all day schedule
+ if ( aStartTime == aEndTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginAlldayConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ MinutesInterval( aEndTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aEndTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ // case 2: normal schedule
+ else if ( aStartTime < aEndTime )
+ {
+ // case 2a: about to make a login
+ if ( comparableTime < aStartTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginNormalBeforeConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // case 2b: between start and end times
+ if ( comparableTime < aEndTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginNormalDuringConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ MinutesInterval( aEndTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aEndTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ // case 2c: connection over for today
+ else // ( aEndTime <= comparableTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginNormalAfterConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // case 3: overnight schedule
+ else
+ {
+ // case 3a: connection not ended yet
+ if ( comparableTime < aEndTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginOvernightOldConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ MinutesInterval( aEndTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aEndTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // case 3b: time between connections
+ if ( comparableTime < aStartTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginOvernightNoConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ // case 3c: connection started again
+ else // ( aStartTime <= comparableTime )
+ {
+ scheduleState = EIMPSAOPluginOvernightNewConnection;
+ MinutesInterval( aStartTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aStartTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ MinutesInterval( aEndTime, comparableTime, minuteInterval );
+ aEndTime = ( aTimeNow + minuteInterval );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return scheduleState;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::Hour()
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::Hour( const TDesC& aTime, TInt aDefault )
+ {
+ TPtrC hourPtr( aTime.Left( KTimeValueLength ) );
+ TLex lex( hourPtr );
+ TInt hourInt ( aDefault );
+ // we can ignore the error, if it fails we set the default
+ lex.Val( hourInt );
+ return hourInt;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::Minute()
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::Minute( const TDesC& aTime, TInt aDefault )
+ {
+ TPtrC minPtr( aTime.Right( KTimeValueLength ) );
+ TLex lex( minPtr );
+ TInt minuteInt ( aDefault );
+ // we can ignore the error, if it fails we set the default
+ lex.Val( minuteInt );
+ return minuteInt;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::SetScheduledLogin
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::SetScheduledLogin( TBool aIsScheduledLoginOk,
+ TIMPSAOSchedulerWaitReason aReason )
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "SetScheduledLogin" );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aIsScheduledLoginOK = %d" ), aIsScheduledLoginOk );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "aReason = %d" ), aReason );
+ TBool prevScheduledLoginOK( iScheduledLoginOk );
+ iScheduledLoginOk = aIsScheduledLoginOk;
+ iWaitReason = aReason;
+ if ( iScheduleObserver && !iStartupCheckOngoing &&
+ ( ( prevScheduledLoginOK != iScheduledLoginOk ) ||
+ ( aReason == EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForAllDayConnRefresh ) ) )
+ {
+ iScheduleObserver->HandleScheduleEvent( iScheduledLoginOk );
+ }
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "SetScheduledLogin" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::StartTimer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::StartTimer( TTime aTime )
+ {
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StartTimer" );
+ if ( iTimer->IsActive() )
+ {
+ iTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ TDateTime launchTime( aTime.DateTime() );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "Waiting for [%d] at:" ), iWaitReason );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "year [%d] " ), launchTime.Year() );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "day [%d], month [%d]" ), launchTime.Day() + 1,
+ launchTime.Month() + 1 );
+ IMPSCUI_DP( D_IMPSCUI_LIT( "hour [%d], minu [%d]" ), launchTime.Hour(),
+ launchTime.Minute() );
+ iTimer->At( aTime );
+ IMPSCUI_DP_FUNC_DONE( "StartTimer" );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ParseTime
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ParseTime( TTime& aTime,
+ const TDesC& aTimeString )
+ {
+ if ( aTime.Parse( aTimeString ) < KErrNone )
+ {
+ User::Panic( KIMPSAOPluginPanicCategory, ETimeParsingFailed );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::ParseTime
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler::MinutesInterval( TTime aTime,
+ TTime aComparableTime,
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes& aInterval )
+ {
+ if ( aTime.MinutesFrom( aComparableTime, aInterval ) != KErrNone )
+ {
+ User::Panic( KIMPSAOPluginPanicCategory,
+ ETimeIntervalCalculationFailed );
+ }
+ }