changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/loc/chatclientng.loc	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3671 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Localisation file for Instant messenger application
+// SYSTEM MESSAGES/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: This indicates user joining to a room.
+// d: %U describes the user's screen name in the room.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_joined "%U joined"
+// d: This is the welcome text that is shown when joining to a chat room.
+// d: %0U describes the user's screen name in the room.
+// d: %1U describes the chat room's name.
+// d: %2U is the topic in this room.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_welcome "%0U Welcome to chat room! Topic is %1U."
+// d: This indicates user leaving a room.
+// d: %U describes the user's screen name who left the room.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_leave "%U ended conversation"
+// d: This indicates topic change in the room.
+// d: %U describes the new topic.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_topic "New topic: %U."
+// d: This indicates that whisper messages are allowed in this room.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_privames_on "whispering is allowed"
+// d: This indicates that whisper messages are not allowed in this room.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_privames_off "Whispering is disabled"
+// d: This is the date message that is shown in message pane when the new
+// d: message is from another date than the previous one.
+// d: %U is the date of the new message in format qtn_date_usual_with_zero
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_message_list_date              "Date: %U"
+// SYSTEM MESSAGES ENDS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// HISTORY/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Chat log's name
+// d: %U is replaced by Chat room's name
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_log_chatname                   "Chat group: %U"
+// d: Chat log's name if i-messages are logged
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_log_imessages                  "I-messages: %U"
+// d: Start time
+// d: %0U is replaced by qtn_date_usual_with_zero
+// d: %1U is replaced by qtn_time_long_with_zero
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_log_start_date                 "Start: %0U %1U"
+// d: Log file's end time
+// d: %0U is replaced by qtn_date_usual_with_zero
+// d: %1U is replaced by qtn_time_long_with_zero
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_log_endtime                    "End: %0U %1U"
+// d: Recorded chat list view shows recorded items. End time of recording is shown for every item.
+// d: %0U is replaced by qtn_time_long_with_zero
+// d: %1U is replaced by qtn_date_usual_with_zero
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+#define qtn_chat_record_end                     "%0U %1U"
+// d: Recorded chat view shows one recorded item. In navibar there is end time of recording shown for item.
+// d: %0U is replaced by qtn_time_long_with_zero
+// d: %1U is replaced by qtn_date_usual_with_zero
+// l: navi_text_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_record_end_navi                "%0U %1U"
+// d: Title of "Recorded chats List" view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_records_title                  "Saved Chats"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Main view listbox item (a link to recorded-chats view)
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_recorded_chats                 "Recorded Chats"
+// d: Setting item value
+// d: Value for memory drive not availble in multidrive case
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_saved_not_available          "Selected memory drive not available"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in recorded chats list view options menu that "opens" the currently focused listbox item(history file)
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2 
+#define qtn_chat_recchat_om_open                "Open"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for deleting the focused history file
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_recchat_om_del                 "Delete"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when one history is selected
+// d: %U is name of selected history file.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_rec_delete                     "Delete saved chat: %U?"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when user has selected multiple history files
+// d: %N is number of selected chats
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_rec_delete_many                "Delete %N saved chats?"
+// d: Label of progress
+// d: Progress bar is shown to user when history files are deleted.
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_rec_del_chat                   "Deleting saved chat"
+// d: Label of progress for multiple chats
+// d: Progress bar is shown to user when history files are deleted.
+// d: %N is number of selected chats
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_rec_del_chat_many              "Deleting saved chat %0N of %1N"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when recording is started
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_rec_starts                     "Recording is started"
+// HISTORY ENDS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// LOGIN RELATED STRINGS START ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Login confirmation query text
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_need_to_login      "You need to login first. Log in now?"
+// d: Connection to server query text
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_connection_needed_to      "Connection needed. Connect %U?"
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when system failed to connect to service
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_login_conerror_note            "No connection to service. Try again later"
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when network server has signalled about wrong user id or password
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_login_passer_note              "Please check your username and password and try again."
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when server is temporarily out of service (maintenance, overload, etc.)
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_serv_busy                "Temporary Server error"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when server responds that it does not support the version that client tries to use
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_gen_error                "Server error"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when the specified user is unknown or the entered user id is not valid.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_wrong_wvid               "Incorrect WV user ID: %U\n Check user id and try again."
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when some user ids are unknown.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_create_error_inv_userids       "Some user IDs are incorrect. Those are not saved to the group properties."
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when some user ids are unknown.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_servercont_ids_exist_server    "ID's that are incorrect or server doesn't recognise are not saved to server"
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when service connection has been disconnected
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_disconnect_note                "Service disconnected"
+// d: Following confirmation query is asked when exiting from
+// d: Chat application and the active network connection
+// d: was opened manually.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_dyc_query_exit_conn_close               "Close connection to the network?"
+// d: Following confirmation query is asked when exiting from
+// d: Chat application and the active network connection
+// d: was opened manually.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_close_conn_app_conv                 "Close the connection and application and ongoing conversations?"
+// LOGIN RELATED STRINGS END /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// MAIN VIEW RELATED STRINGS START ///////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Title of Main view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_applicationname                "Chat"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Main view listbox item (a link to chat-list view)
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_main_chatlist                  "Chat Rooms"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Main view listbox item (a link to friends view)
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_main_friends                   "Friends"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in main view options menu that "opens" the currently focused listbox item (link to somewhere)
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_main_om_open                   "Open"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Starts login sequence
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_main_om_login                  "Login"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Starts logout sequence
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_main_om_logout                 "Log out"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Opens settings view
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_settings                       "Settings"
+// MAIN VIEW RELATED STRINGS END /////////////////////////////////////////////
+// CHATLIST VIEW RELATED STRINGS START ///////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Title of "Chat List" view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_clist_title                    "Chat Rooms"
+// d: Title of private chats item
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_clist_ibox                 "Conversations"
+// d: Label of information note
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_list_not_updated_yet       "Status of contacts is not reloaded. You need to reload user satus first"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Open"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_clist_om_open                  "Open"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Enter chat room"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_clist_om_enter                 "Enter chat room"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Write room id"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_clist_enter                    "Write group ID:"
+// d: Label of information note
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_info_cnotfound                 "The entered chat group not found."
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Create new chat"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_clist_om_new                   "New chat"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Chat room options"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_clist_om_cgr                   "Chat group options"
+// d: Wait note text
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_clist_wait_saving              "Saving as favourite"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Remove chat room"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_clist_cgr_sm_rmv               "Remove group"
+// d: Confirmation note text
+// d: %U is replaced by string containing user name
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_query_conf_rmv                 "Delete group %U?"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Show participants"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_clist_cgr_sm_part              "Show participants"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Leave chat room"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_clist_cgr_sm_leave             "Leave chat group"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Edit chat properties"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_clist_cgr_sm_pedit             "Edit chat properties"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Search"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_clist_om_search                "Search"
+// d: Prompt text for query
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_dataq_join_prtx_sn             "Screen name:"
+// d: Wait note text when joining to room
+// d: %0U is replaced by string containing room name
+// d: %1U is replaced by string containing screenname
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_wnote_connecting               "Joining to chat: %0U \n with name: %1U"
+// d: Wait note text when leaving from chat room
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_group_leaving                  "Leaving Chat group"
+// d: Error note when joining to room was failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_join_note_error                "Unable to join chat room"
+// d: Information note when joining to room was failed because the entered name is in use
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_join_same_n                    "The name is already in use. Enter new name"
+// d: Prompt text of invite multiselection query
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_invite_prtx                    "Invite"
+// d: Invite data query prompt text
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_invite_msg_dq                  "Invite message"
+// d: Wait note's text
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_invite_sending                 "Sending invitation"
+// d: Wait note for adding block
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_blocking                       "Adding contact to blocked list"
+// d: Wait note for opening block list
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_opening_blocked_list           "Opening blocked list"
+// d: Error note's text
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_invite_send_error              "Sending failed. Try again later"
+// d: Heading of list of joined users
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_show_part_heading              "Joined:"
+// d: Heading of info popup
+// d: %U is replaced by string that contains room name
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_info_heading                   "Info: %U"
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Heading name for "Room ID"
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_gid                       "Group ID"
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Heading name for "Topic"
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_top                       "Topic"
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Heading name for "Participants"
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_numb                      "Participants"
+// d: Content of list item
+// d: Item contents for participants
+// d: %0N is replaced by string containing the number of the joined participants
+// d: %1N is replaced by string containing the limit of the chat room
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_numb_parti                "%0N / %1N"
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Heading name for "Administrators"
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_admin                     "Administrators"
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Heading name for "Whispering"
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_al_whis                   "Whispering"
+// d: Content of list item
+// d: Item content for whispering
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_proper_whis_yes                "Allowed"
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Item content for whispering
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_proper_whis_no                 "Not allowed"
+// CHATLIST VIEW RELATED STRINGS END /////////////////////////////////////////
+// FRIENDSLIST VIEW RELATED STRINGS START ////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Title text of friends-view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_friends_title                  "IM Contacts"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for opening I-message view
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_sendi                "Open conversation"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for toggling the state of watcher to on for this contact
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_watch                "Watch status"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for showing the chat groups where the focused contact is currently joined
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_find                 "Find joined chats"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for opening contact editor to create new contact
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_crnew                "Create new"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for opening the contact editor to edit focused contact
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_edit                 "Edit"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when user has selected to update existing contact that already has a user ID defined
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_replace_existing_id            "Contact has already user ID. Replace existing user ID?"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for deleting the focused contact
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_del                  "Delete"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for adding focused contact to block-list
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_block                "Block messages"
+// d: Label in confirmation note
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_friend_block_note              "Contact added to Blocked list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for refreshing the friends-list's presence data
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_refresh              "Refresh list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for opening blocking sub-menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2/opt3
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_imsg_set             "Block options"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for showing block-list
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_friend_block_showl             "Show Blocked list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for showing block-list with unblock functionality
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_friend_block_unblock               "Unblock"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for turning off the watcher for this contact
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_offwa                "Remove watching"
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Used to inform user about presence status change (->offline) of previously selected contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_snotif_watch_chg_off               "Status has changed to offline:\n%U"
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Used to inform user about presence status change (->online) of previously selected contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r; 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_snotif_watch_chg_on                "Status has changed to online:\n%U"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Note is displayed when user has initiated search (network operation)
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_wnote_searching                "Searching"
+// d: Heading text for popup list
+// d: Heading of the search result list (joined groups)
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_find_joined_prtx               "%U joined:"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Note is displayed when system is refreshing friends-list presence data
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_wait_refresh                   "Refreshing the list"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Used when fetching presence status of one contact (%U)
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_checking_availability          "Reloading availability status of %U"
+// d: Heading text for popup list
+// d: Heading of the block-list in view-mode
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_block_list_heading             "Blocked"
+// d: Heading text for popup list
+// d: Heading of the block-list when user is unblocking contacts
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_mquery_unblock_prtx                "Unblock"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Item text for contacts nick name in view-only-mode
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_cd_nick                    "Nick name"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Item text for contacts wv id in view-only-mode
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_cd_wv_id                   "WV user ID"
+// d: Title in contact editor view
+// d: This title is used in contact editor view when user is adding new contact
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_cd_new_entry                   "New IM contact"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Item text for contacts nick name in edit-mode
+// l: list_double_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_cd_edit_nick                   "Nick name"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Item text for contacts wv id in edit-mode
+// l: list_double_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_cd_edit_wv                 "WV user ID"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when system has saved contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_cnote_saved                    "Saved to IM contacts"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when wv id is missing from contact details, and user tries to save changes
+// d: If user accepts the query, then current contact gets deleted.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_cnote_wv_missing               "There should be entered wv id for the contact. Do you want to enter it now? If you select no, the contact is deleted."
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when user tries to save contact with wv id that already exists in database
+// d: If user accepts the query, then previously added contact will be overwritten.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_create_confq_ex_wvid           "There is already contact with same wv id.Overwrite?"
+// FRIENDSLIST VIEW RELATED STRINGS END //////////////////////////////////////
+// CHAT VIEW RELATED STRINGS START ///////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown after group has been created
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_invite_friends_now             "Invite IM contacts to this group?"
+// d:Softkey label, when scrolling of messages is stopped
+// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
+// r:3.2
+#define qtn_chat_sk_continue                    "Continue"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for sending written message
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_send                        "Send"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "whisper message"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_whisper                     "Whisper message"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Reply"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_reply                       "Reply"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Invite to chat"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_invite                      "Invite to chat"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Leave chat"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_leave                       "Leave chat group"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Save as favourite"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_save_favor                  "Save as favourite"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Chat room info"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_clist_cgr_sm_info              "Chat group info"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "History ON"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_options_clogi_on               "Save to Notes"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "History OFF"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_options_clogi_off              "Saving off"
+// d: Popup list label for "Send whisper message to"
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_om_whisper_select              "Send whisper msg. to:"
+// d: Label of confirmation note
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_contact_add_note               "Contact added to IM Contacts"
+// d: Prompt text for history file name query
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_history_name                   "Enter history file name"
+// d: Title of "Private Chat" view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_p2p_title                      "Conversations"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Send"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_im_ibox_om_send                     "Send"
+// d: Popup list prompt for "Select recipient"
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_ibox_sel_resip                 "Select recipient"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Write recipient"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_im_prtx_write_recip                 "User ID:"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Add to friends"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_addfriends                  "Add to IM contacts"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Set autoreply"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_autoreply                   "Set autoreply"
+// d: Command in option menu
+// d: Command name for "Enter to list"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_friend_block_enter             "Enter to list"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Enter WV user id"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_blcok_manual_dquery            "User ID:"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Enter autoreply message"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_dquer_prtx_auto                "Enter autoreply message:"
+// d: Label of confirmation note "Autoreply is on"
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_cnote_auto_succ                "Autoreply is on."
+// d: Label of information note "Autoreply is set off"
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_inote_auto_off                 "Autoreply is set off"
+// d: Information note label
+// d: %U will be replaced by string that contains user name
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_note_name_notfound             "Recipient not found:\n%U"
+// CHAT VIEW RELATED STRINGS END /////////////////////////////////////////////
+// SETTINGS RELATED STRINGS START ////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Separator character
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_msg_separator                  ":"
+// d: Title of "Settings" view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_setting_title                  "Settings"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Settings-view listbox item (a link to Application settings view)
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r; 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_settings_app                   "Preferences"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Settings-view listbox item (a link to IM Service settings view)
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_settings_serv                  "Service"
+// d: Title of "Application settings" view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_setting_app_title              "Application Settings"
+// d: Listbox item title
+// d: Title for default nick name that is used in room join
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_def_nick                   "Default Screen name"
+// d: Listbox item title
+// d: Title for message flow speed (minimum interval of incoming messages)
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_msg_listp                  "Message flow"
+// d: Listbox item title
+// d: Title for automatic presence update mode in friends-list (on/off)
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_friendupd                  "Updating Friends list"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_def_nick (on)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_nick_on                    "Yes"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_def_nick (off)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_nick_off                   "No"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_msg_listp (slow)
+// l: setting_slider_pane_t2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_flow_slow                  "Slow"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_msg_listp (fast)
+// l: setting_slider_pane_t2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_flow_fast                  "Fast"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_friendupd (automatic)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_set_upfrend_auto                    "Automatic"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_friendupd (Manual)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_set_upfrend_manu                    "Manual"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used to change currently focused setting item value
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_set_opt_change                 "Change"
+// d: Setting listbox item title
+// d: Title for "show timestamp" -setting item
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_settings_timestamp             "Show timestamp"
+// d: True -value for timestamp setting item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_settings_timestamp_yes         "On"
+// d: False -value for timestamp setting item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_settings_timestamp_no          "Off"
+// SETTINGS RELATED STRINGS END //////////////////////////////////////////////
+// SEARCH RELATED STRINGS START //////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Multiselection query prompt "search by"
+// d: %U is replaced by string containing search type (Groups or Users)
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_search_criteria_prtx           "Search by:"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_name         "Group name"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_topic        "Topic"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_user         "Group member"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_user_name        "Name"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_user_wv          "WV user ID"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_user_puh         "Phone number"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_criter_user_email       "E-mail address"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_dq_search_name_prt1            "First name:"
+// d: Choise item for "Search by"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_dq_search_name_prt2            "Last name:"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Enter search string"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_search_data_prtx               "Search criteria:"
+// d: Title of "Search" view aftern search is done
+// d: %U is replaced by search string
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_search_results_title           "Results: %U"
+// d: Search result pages n/n
+// d: %0N is replaced by string containing number of current search results
+// d: %1N is replaced by string containing total number of search results
+// l: navi_text_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_search_navi                    "Search results %0N/%1N"
+// d: Listbox item's second line when search results are from user search
+// d: If user is online this string is shown in listbox
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+#define qtn_chat_search_user_online             "Online"
+// d: Listbox item's second line when search results are from user search
+// d: If user is offline this string is shown in listbox
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+#define qtn_chat_search_user_offline            "Offline"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "New search"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_om_new                  "New search"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Get more results"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_om_more                 "Get more results"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Previous results"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_search_om_prev                 "Previous results"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Join"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_join                        "Join"
+// SEARCH RELATED STRINGS END ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// GROUP PROPERTIES RELATED STRINGS START ////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Chat room name"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_name                    "Group name"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Room ID"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_gid                     "Group ID"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Topic"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_topic                   "Topic"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Welcome note"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_welcome                 "Welcome note"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Chat room size"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_limit                   "Group size"
+// d: Setting page title
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_prop_size                      "Chat group size"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Allow search"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_searchable              "Allow search"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Administrator rights"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_admin                   "Administrator rights"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Access to room"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_members                 "Access to group"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Allow Whispering"
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_priva                   "Allow Whispering"
+// d: Default name of new group in group creation
+// d: %U is replaced with user identification
+// d: %N is replaced with an ordinal number
+// l: none
+#define qtn_chat_create_def_title               "%U group %N"
+// d: Default name of new group in group creation
+// d: %U is replaced with user identification
+// d: %N is replaced with an ordinal number
+// l: none
+#define  qtn_chat_create_group_def_name				"Group %U"
+// d: Default value for setting item "Topic"
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_def_top                 "General discussion"
+// d: Value for "Allow search" setting item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_prop_asearch_yes               "Yes"
+// d: Value for "Allow search" setting item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_prop_asearch_no                "No"
+// d: Value for "Administrator rights" item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_admin_cre               "Grp. creator only"
+// d: Default value setting item name for "Access to room"
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_allow_all               "All"
+// d: Value for "Access to room"
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_choice_all              "All"
+// d: Value for "Access to room"
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_choice_sel              "Selected"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Chat room name"
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_prop_awhisp_yes                "Yes"
+// d: Setting item
+// d: Setting item name for "Chat room name"
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_prop_awhisp_no                 "No"
+// d: Title of access list view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_title                   "Access list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Add"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_opt_add                 "Add"
+// d: Command in Options sub menu
+// d: Command name for "From friends"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_sm_frend            "From IM contacts"
+// d: Command in Options sub menu
+// d: Command name for "Enter manually"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_sm_manual           "Enter user ID"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Enter WV user"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_manual_dquery           "WV user ID:"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Open"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_opt_rmv                 "Remove"
+// d: Confirmation note text
+// d: %U is replaced by string containing user name
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_cquery_rmv              "Remove access \n%U?"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Open"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_opt_rmv_all             "Remove all"
+// d: Confirmation note text
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_cquery_rmvall           "Remove all access?"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Change"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_properties_change              "Change"
+// GROUP PROPERTIES RELATED STRINGS END //////////////////////////////////////
+// NEW STRINGS START /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command for closing conversation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_close_conv                  "Close conversation"
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: %U is replaced by string containing user name
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_cquery_close_conv              "End conversation with %U"
+// NEW STRINGS END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// ERROR STRINGS START ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when user has sent a message that can't be delivered to recipient
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_not_reach                "Can’t reach %U"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when network server does not support the requested operation.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_service_err              "Service not available temporarily"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when server does not accept the given search request
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_search_fail              "Search failed. Try again"
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Used when server responds that the wanted search's result set is too large
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_inote_too_many_hits            "Too many items found. \n Specify search criterias."
+// d: Confirmation query label.
+// d: Used when the room that user tries to access (not join!) does not exists.
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_no_group                "Group doesn't exist in the server anymore"
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Used when user has been kicked out from room and he still tries to send a message to room
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_inote_kicked                  "Unallowed operation"
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Used when user has created the maximum amount of groups and still tries to create new one
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_inote_group_full               "The maximum amount of groups has been reached. You can’t create new groups before deleting old ones."
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Used when chat room is full and thou can not be joined
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_inote_chat_full                "Chat group is full. Try again later."
+// ERROR STRINGS END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// CONVERSATION LIST VIEW ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in converstion list view options menu that starts new conversation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_new_convers                 "New conversation"
+// d: Command in conversations list view's options menu for opening the currently focused conversation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_conv_open                   "Open"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in converstion list view options menu that deletes the focused invitation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_conv_list_delete               "Delete"
+// d: Command in New conversation sub menu
+// d: Command in converstion list view new conversation sub menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_im_p2p_recip_select                 "Select recipient"
+// d: Command in New conversation sub menu
+// d: Command in converstion list view new conversation sub menu
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_im_p2p_recip_write                  "Write recipient"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Open"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_options_open                        "Open"
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Used when friends-list refresh has failed somehow
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_friends_cannot_update          "Status of all IM contacts cannot be updated"
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when user tries delete the focused invitation
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_conv_list_inv_del              "Delete invitation?"
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Used when user has selected details from qtn_chat_friends_cannot_update-note
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_friends_cannot_update_det      "Wv user id might be incorrect or user has not subscribed the service."
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: This note is used when system is saving settings (network operation)
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_wait_savingsettings            "Saving settings"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: This "general" note is used when system is processing something
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_gen_note_processing                "Processing"
+// d: This is inserted at the beginning of failed message in message list pane
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_send_message_failed            "Failed:"
+// d: Empty listbox text
+// d: Text is showd in listbox if there is no listbox (all friends are offline)
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_ibox_friends_offline           "All IM contacts are offline"
+// d: Value of setting item "Access to room" when user has selected several admins
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_create_admin_sel               "Selected"
+// d: Listbox item title
+// d: Title for own presence publishing setting (On/Off)
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r; 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_ownpresence                "Authorize IM presence"
+// d: Query prompt text
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_prtx_delete_groups             "Remove groups:"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when user tries to start functionality that is not supported by the network server
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_error_not_sup_functions        "Selected function is not supported by the service provider"
+//d:Caption string for AIF file (short)
+#define qtn_apps_instant_grid                       "ChatNG"
+//d:Caption string for AIF file (long)
+#define qtn_apps_instant_list                       "ChatNG"
+// NEW //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// CONVERSATIONS VIEW  //////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in conversation view options menu that forwards focused message
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_om_forward                     "Forward"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used to forward focused message to group
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_om_forward_group               "to group"
+// d: Query prompt text
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_om_forward_to_group            "Select group:"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used to forward focused message to contact
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_om_forward_friend              "to IM contact"
+// d: Query prompt text
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_om_forward_to_friend           "Select IM contact:"
+// CONVERSATIONS VIEW ENDS //////////////////////////////////
+// CONTACTS VIEW ////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in contacts view options menu that opens details view of contact details
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_open1                "Open contact details"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command opens contact editing view
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_friends_addmanually            "Write manually"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Note is displayed when system is trying to add contact to IM contacts list
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_friend_wait_addpb              "Adding contacts to IM contact list"
+// d: Label of information note
+// d: Note is shown when user is Online, but focused contact is offline
+// d: %U is name of focused contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_friend_offline                 "%U is offline"
+// d: Contact list synchronisation query
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_update_cont_from_server        "Contact list empty. Copy contacts from server?"
+// CONTACTS VIEW ENDS ///////////////////////////////////////
+/// SERVER CONTACTS VIEW ////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Label for information note
+// d: Note is shown when user tries to export contacts to server and the server's contact list is full
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_server_full                    "Maximum amount of contacts added to server. Cannot add more contacts."
+// SERVER CONTACTS VIEW ENDS /////////////////////////////////
+// d: Heading of list item
+// d: Heading name for the banned users
+// l: list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_info_banned                    "Banned users"
+// d: Prompt text of invite multiselection query
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_search_invite_heading          "Invite to:"
+// d: Title of Invitation dialog
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_invitation_title               "Invitation"
+// d: Label Item in Invitation dialog
+// d: Label for invitation sender name
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_inv_from                       "From:"
+// d: Label Item in Invitation dialog
+// d: Label for invited group
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_inv_togroup                    "Group:"
+// d: Label Item in Invitation dialog
+// d: Label for invitation time and date
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_inv_date                       "Time and date:"
+// d: Time and date when invitation is received
+// d: %0U is replaced by qtn_time_usual_with_zero
+// d: %1U is replaced by qtn_date_short_with_zero
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_invite_date_time               "%0U %1U"
+// d: Label Item in Invitation dialog
+// d: Label for invitation message
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_inv_message                    "Message:"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in Invitation view options menu accepts invitation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_invit_accept_join              "Join"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in Invitation view options menu rejects invitation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_invite_reject                  "Reject"
+// d: Data query prompt for invite reject reason
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_invit_reject_reason            "Write reason:"
+// INVITATION RESPONSE VIEW /////////////////////////////////
+// d: Label for invitation response
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_invite_response                "Invitation response"
+// d: Item in invitation response
+// d: Accepted item
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_invite_accept                  "Accepted by:"
+// d: Item in invitation response
+// d: Group item
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_invite_group                   "Group:"
+// d: Item in invitation response
+// d: Rejected item
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_invite_rejected                "Rejected by:"
+// d: Item in invitation response
+// d: Invite response message item
+// l: msg_body_pane/opt
+#define qtn_chat_invite_message                 "Message:"
+// INVITATION RESPONSE VIEW ENDS ///////////////////////////////////
+// d: Application settings listbox item title
+// d: Label for Receive Instant messages setting
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_receive_mess               "Receive instant messages"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_receive_mess (from all)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_all1                       "From all"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_receive_mess (only from friends)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_from_friends1              "Only from IM contacts"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_receive_mess (nobody)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_none1                      "From nobody"
+// d: Application settings listbox item title
+// d: Label for Receive invitations setting
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// r; 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_receive_inv                "Receive invitations"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_receive_inv (From all)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_all2                       "From all"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_receive_inv (only from friends)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_from_friends2              "Only from IM contacts"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_set_receive_inv (nobody)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_none2                      "From nobody"
+// d: Prompt text of select contacts multiselection query
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_relusers_sel               "Select contacts:"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for ? (on)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_presence_pub_on1           "Available for all"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for ? (for contacts)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_presence_friends           "Available for contacts"
+// d: Value for setting item.
+// d: Defines value for presence authorization level.
+// d: When this value is selected, other people don't see my presence status changes.
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_presence_pub_off1          "None"
+// d: Listbox item title
+// d: Title for "contact list ordering" -setting item
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_order_contacts             "Order IM contacts"
+// d: Value for "contact list ordering" -setting item
+// d: Contacts will be ordered in Series 60 Platform default order
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_alpha                      "Alphabetically"
+// d: Value for "contact list ordering" -setting item
+// d: Contacts will be ordered according to their online status
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_set_by_user_status             "By user status"
+// d: Create chat view settings listbox item title
+// d: Label for Banned list setting
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_banned_list                    "Banned list"
+// d: Primary text for empty banned list 
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define  qtn_chat_empty_banned_list_primary			"No banned users"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_banned_list (no banned users)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_empty             "No banned users"
+// d: Value for setting item
+// d: Value for qtn_chat_banned_list (selected)
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_selected          "Selected"
+// d: Title of Editing rights view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_group_admin_title              "Editing rights"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in Editing rights view options menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_group_editrights_add           "Add editor"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command opens multiselection list query for selecting contacts
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_sm_frend1           "From IM contacts"
+// d: Prompt text of contacts multiselection query
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_from_friend         "Select IM contacts:"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command opens data query for adding contact names manually
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_sm_manual1          "Enter user ID"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown after when group admin removes user from editing rights list
+// d: %U is contact name
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_remove1           "Remove %U from the list?"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown after when group admin removes user from banned list
+// d: %U is contact name
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_remove            "Remove %U from the list?"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown after when group admin removes users from editing rights list
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_remall1           "Remove all editors from the list?"
+// d: Text for empty banned contacts list
+// l: main_list_empty_pane
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_listempty         "(no banned contacts)"
+// d: Title of Banned list view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_title             "Banned list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in Banned list view options menu that add contact(s) to banned list
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_add               "Add user to list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command add user to banned list from IM contact list
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_sm_frend2           "From IM contacts"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command user adds manually writing contact to banned list
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_add_sm_manual2          "Enter user ID"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown after when group admin removes users from banned list
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_group_banned_remall            "Remove all users from the list?"
+// d: Text for empty blocked contacts list
+// l: main_list_empty_pane
+#define qtn_chat_block_nocontacts               "(no blocked IM contacts)"
+// d: Prompt text of server contact list query
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_servcont_sellist               "Select contact list:"
+// SMILEY RELATED STRINGS START ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for showing smiley selecting popup
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_conv_insert_smiley             "Insert smiley"
+// d: Text for smiley icon selection grid
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_conv_smiley                    "Select smiley:"
+// SMILEY RELATED STRINGS END /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// OPEN CONVERSATION RELATED //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// (copied from PEC, don't modify!)
+//d:Confirmation query asking user to correct the incorrect wvid.
+//d:If the user input the new wvid, old wrong one would be deleted. Cancle will
+//d:pop up another confirmation query to ask the user whether to delete the current
+//d:wrong wvid.
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Used when fetching contact list from server
+// d: %U is replaced by name of the selected list
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_opening_list               "Fetching contact list: %U"
+// d: Label for error note
+// d: Used when fetching of contact list has failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_fetching_list_failed       "Fetching contact list failed: %U"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Used when fetching list of contact lists from server
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_searching_contact_lists    "Searching contact lists"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used in "manual presence update"-mode,
+// d: after opening the friends list view for the first time
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_manual_update_act          "You may reload contact status via Options."
+// d: Label for menu item in friends list view's Options menu
+// d: Command is used to launch move from other list operation
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_move_from_server           "Move from other list"
+// d: Label for menu item in friends list view's Options menu
+// d: Command is used for moving the currently focused contact to other list in server
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_contact_move               "Move"
+// d: Label for menu item in friends list view's Options menu
+// d: Command is used to change the currently active contact list
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_im_change_list             "Change contact list"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when trying to change the currently active list,
+// d: but there are no other lists in server
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_no_lists                   "No other lists found"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when trying to search users from server
+// d: with invalid search criteria
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_search_not_supported       "Server doesn’t support used search criteria"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when the contact list on server is full
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_contact_list_full          "List is full. Cannot add more contacts."
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Used when moving contact to another list
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_moving_contact             "Moving"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when contact has been successfully moved to another list
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_contact_moved              "Contact moved"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Used when deleting contact
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+#define qtn_chat_deleting_contact           "Deleting"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when server changed the nick name user had entered
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_server_altered_nick        "Server altered the nick name."
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when opening conversation with blocked contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_friend_unblock_note        "Contact removed from Blocked list"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR "4 Step Add Contact" )----
+// alias stuff
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used to inform user about the need for alias
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_no_alias_def               "You need to define Alias name for yourself."
+// d: Label for alias query
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_alias_prompt               "Enter Alias name:"
+// d: Label for saving alias wait note
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_saving_alias               "Saving Alias name"
+// d: Label for menu item in friends list view's Options menu
+// d: Command is used to launch 4 Step Add Contact operation
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_add_from_pb                "Add from Phonebook"
+// d: Information note label
+// d: %U is the name (first and last) of the contact
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_verify_from_server             "Verifying %U from the server"
+// d: Information note label
+// d: %N is the number of Contacts with the same id
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_found_many_ids             "Found %N contacts with same phone number"
+// d: Information note label
+// d:
+// l: popup_query_data_code_window/opt2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_select_id              "Select contact:"
+// d: Information note label
+// d: %U is the name (first and last) of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cont_not_found             "%U not found from server"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: User can't edit alias name, this is shown if he tries that
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_unable_modify_alias                "Alias name cannot be modified."
+// d: Label for contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_alias               "Alias name"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_ao_on  "Set application to be always online?"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR "Simplified UI"/UI Empty Lists" )----
+// d: Text for empty conversation list
+// l: main_list_empty_pane
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_convers_list  "Select New conversation from Options to start new conversation."
+// d: Text for empty contact list
+// l: main_list_empty_pane
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_contact_list  "Add a new contact via Options menu"
+// d: Text for empty list
+// l: main_list_empty_pane/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_community_view  "Add new chat service by selecting Settings from Options menu"
+// d: Text for empty group list
+// l: main_list_empty_pane
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_group_list  "Select Create new group from Options to Create new Group."
+// d: Text for empty recorded chats view
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_saved_chat_primary  "No saved chats"
+// d: Primary Text for empty recorded chats view
+// l: main_list_empty_pane/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_saved_chat  "You can save conversation in the active conversation view."
+// d: Secondary Text for empty recorded chats view
+// l: main_pane_1_empty
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+// old string 
+// #define qtn_chat_empty_saved_chat_primary  "No recorded chats"
+// d: Text for empty search view
+// l: main_list_empty_pane/opt2
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_search  "Select New search from Options to make a new search."
+// d: Secondary Text for empty access lists
+// l: main_list_empty_pane/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_access_list  "You can limit the group access by defining the members for the group via Options."
+// d: Primary Text for empty access lists
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_access_list_primary  "Not limited"
+// d: Secondary text for empty banned list 
+// l: main_list_empty_pane/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_banned_list  "Select Add user to bann the access to group from some user."
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR "Private group alignment" )----
+// d: Text for simplified group creation group name query
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_create_group_name "Group name"
+// d: Text for simplified group creation wait note
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_creating_chat_group "Creating chat group"
+// d: Text for simplified group creation wait note
+// d: when sending many invitations to users
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_invite_sending_many "Sending invitations"
+// d: Query text for cancelling simplified group creation
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_cancel_group_creation "Cancel group creation?"
+//----( new strings for  a feature "Own status" )----
+// d: View title
+// d: Title of Contact editing view when user is modifying own data
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_own_data_title  "Own data"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for changing own status
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_change_status   "Change own status"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for changing status message
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_status_message  "Status message"
+// d: List query with graphic
+// d: Title of a list query
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_own_status  "Own status"
+// d: List query item
+// d: Item online
+// l: list_single_graphic_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_own_online  "Online"
+// d: List query item
+// d: Item offline
+// l: list_single_graphic_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_own_appear_offline  "Appear offline"
+// d: List query item
+// d: Item away
+// l: list_single_graphic_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_own_away    "Away"
+// d: List query
+// d: Title for list query.
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_select_message      "Status message:"
+// d: List query item
+// d: Item New status message
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_new_message     "(new status message)"
+// d: Data query
+// d: Title of data query
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_status_message      "Status message"
+// d: Wait note label
+// d: Note is displayed when own status is changing
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_status_changing "Changing own status"
+// d: Confirmation note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when own status change was successfull
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_status_changed      "Status changed"
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when own status change was cancelled
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_status_not_changed      "Own status not changed"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when own status change failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_status_failed       "Changing status failed"
+// d: Wait note label
+// d: Note is displayed when own status is changing
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_message_changing    "Changing status message"
+// d: Confirmation note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when own status change was successfull
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_message_changed     "Status message changed"
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when own status change was cancelled
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_message_not_changed     "Status message not changed"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when own status change failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_change_message_failed      "Changing status message failed"
+// d: Information note label.
+// d: Note is displayed when user is modifying own status and tries to modify user ID
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_unable_modify_userid   "Unable to modify user ID."
+// new 3.0 multimedia content related texts
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Open"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_open_object        "Open"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Save"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_save_object        "Save"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Send image"
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_send_image         "Send image"
+// d: Command in "Send image" sub menu
+// D: Command name for "Existing Image"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_insert_image_pic    "Existing Image"
+// d: Command in "Send image" sub menu
+// D: Command name for "New image"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_insert_image_new   "New image"
+// d: Default name for multimedia objects that don't have specific name
+// d: Used when launching non-saved multimedia objects
+// l: none
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_unnamed_file       "(unnamed)"
+// d: Heading text for popup list
+// d: Used when selecting recipients for sending file(s)
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_send_file_to       "Send to:"
+// d: Choise item for "Send to"
+// d: Used when selecting recipients for sending file(s)
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_send_file_to_all   "All"
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Note is displayed when system is fetching contact lists and contacts from server
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_fetching_contact_lists             "Fetching contact lists"
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when system failed to fetch contacts lists (and contacts) from server
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_fetching_contact_lists_failed      "Fetching contact lists failed"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for expanding collapsed contact list
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_expand_group                "Expand"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for collapsing expanded contact list
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_collapse_group              "Collapse"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for creating new contact list to server
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_new_group                   "New contact list"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for renaming contacts list on server
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_rename_group                "Rename"
+// d: Prompt text for query
+// d: Used for asking name for new contact list
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contact_list_name_query            "Contact list name:"
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when user has created maximum amount of contact
+// d: lists and new list couldn't be created
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contact_lists_full                 "Maximum amount of lists already created. Cannot add new list."
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when contact list creation failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contact_list_failed                "Creating contact list failed."
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Used when user is deleting contact list that has contacts from server.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contacts_delete_list               "Delete contact list and all contacts in the list?"
+// d: This is a part of text inside a list box.
+// d: Numbers will be appended after contact list name in friends list view
+// d: %0N is replaced by string containing the number of online contacts in this list
+// d: %1N is replaced by string containing the total number of contacts in this list
+// l: none
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contact_list_numers               "%0N/%1N"
+// d: B-Column of the community main view w.r.t contact list
+// d: Once fetching of contact lists is complete it is replaced with this text
+// d: %0U is the name of the list
+// d: %0N is the amount of contacts whose status is something else than offline
+// d: %1N is the total amount of contacts in the list.
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contactlist_contactlist	"%0U %1N/%2N"
+// d: Information note
+// d: Note shown when one unsupported object is tried to send.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_mms_info_obj_not_supp_send "Unable to send. Object format not supported."
+// d: Information note
+// d: Note shown when one corrupted object is tried to send.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_mms_upload_info_corrupted "Unable to send. Object is corrupted."
+//d: Text in confirmation note that is displayed when user attempts to send one
+//d: non-superdistributable DRM protected media object.
+//l: popup_note_window
+//r: 3.0
+#define qtn_drm_info_send_forbid_one "Unable to send protected object"
+//d: Text in confirmation note that is displayed when user has selected one or more DRM protected
+//d: MOs that cannot be sent and some unprotected MOs that can be sent,
+//l: popup_note_window
+//r: 3.0
+#define qtn_drm_info_send_forbid_some "Some objects protected. Unable to send protected objects."
+//d: Text in information note
+//l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_drm_not_allowed "Unable to select protected objects"
+///----( MODIFICATIONS FOR "Reactive authorization" )----
+// d: Confirmation query for authorization recipient
+// d: Recipient gets the query and either allows or disallows it
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_reactive_authorize_query   "Allow %U see your status?"
+// d: Confirmation query for authorization recipient
+// d: Recipient can add the sender to contacts list
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_reactive_add_list          "Add %U to IM contacts?"
+// d: Confirmation query for authorization recipient
+// d: Sender can be blocked by the recipient, this is the note which is showing
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_reactive_block             "Add %U to blocked contacts?"
+// d: Confirmation query for authorization sender
+// d: The recipient has rejected the authorization request
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_reactive_not_authorized    "%U has not allowed to show the status."
+//d: Profile Settings Item Edit - setting selection data
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+#define qtn_tc_off  "Off"
+//d: File list dialog header
+//l: heading_pane_t1
+#define qtn_tc_popup_heading        "Select tone: "
+//d: Settings list item for instant message alert tone
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_set_tone       "Message tone"
+////for Blocking Dialog ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Title of "Blocked contacts" view
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_title "Blocked contacts"
+// d: Primary Empty listbox text
+// d: Text is shown in listbox if there is no data available
+// l: main_list_empty_pane/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_empty_secondary "Block a new contact selecting Block new from Options"
+// d: Secondary Empty listbox text
+// d: Text is shown in listbox if there is no data available
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_contacts_empty "No blocked contacts"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_unblock "Unblock"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for opening blocking  new sub-menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_add_new "Block new"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used selecting from contacts for blocking
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_add_from_contacts "from IM contacts"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for "Enter to list"
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_blocked_add_manually "Enter user ID"
+// d: Label for confirmation query
+// d: Confirmation is shown when user can add unblocked contact to his/her list
+// d: %U is name of selected history file.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_unblocking_query "Add %U to IM Contacts?"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when unblock is going
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_unblocking "Unblocking"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when unblocking was sucesfull
+// d: %U is name of selected history file.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_unblocking_confnote2 "Unblocked"
+//----( new string for a feature welcome note )----
+// d: Message query
+// d: Welcome note when logging in
+// d: By default this is empty
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_welcome_note   ""
+// d: Welcome note heading
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_welcome_note_heading        "Welcome note"
+//----( new strings for a  "full contact list support" -feature)----
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for opening "edit options" submenu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_edit_options    "Contact Options"
+// new setting items in UI spec 31.0
+// d: Setting listbox item title
+// d: Title for "own message color" -setting item
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_font_colours_own   "Own message colour"
+// d: Setting listbox item title
+// d: Title for "other's message color" -setting item
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_font_colours_other "Other’s message colour"
+// d: Default value for message colour -setting items
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_colour_default     "Default"
+// d: "None" text for message's color selection grid
+// l: cell_large_graphic_colour_none_popup_pane_t1/opt1
+// w:
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_colour_grid_default    "Default"
+// d: Setting listbox item title
+// d: Title for "show offline contacts" -setting item
+// l: list_setting_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_show_offline_contacts  "Show offline contacts"
+// d: Value for "Show offline contacts" -setting item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_show_offline_yes   "Yes"
+// d: Value for "Show offline contacts" -setting item
+// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_show_offline_no    "No"
+// d:Softkey label for collapsing a list
+// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
+// w:
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_softkey_collapse       "Collapse"
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Used when user is adding blocked contact to access list
+// d: %U is replaced with the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_move_to_access  "Remove %U from the banned list and add to access list?"
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Used when user is adding blocked contact to editing rights list
+// d: %U is replaced with the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_move_to_admin   "Remove %U from the banned list and add to administrator list?"
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Used when user is adding contact which is in access list to blocked list.
+// d: %U is replaced with the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_aclist_move_to_banned  "Remove %U from the access list and add to banned list?"
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Used when user is inviting banned contact
+// d: %U is replaced with the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_invite_remove_banned   "Remove %U from banned list and send invitation?"
+// d: Confirmation note
+// d: Used when recording of chat is turned off
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_recording_ended        "Recording ended."
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown if user changes the presence update mode to manual
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_set_watch_deactivated  "Watching functionality is not available in manual update mode."
+// ---
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when user tries to open object that is not supported
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_media_unsupported          "Unable to open. Object format not supported."
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when user tries to open object that is corrupted
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_media_corrupted            "Unable to open. Object corrupted."
+// d: Information note with OK softkey
+// d: Shown when receiver didn't accept media object user was trying to send
+// d: %U is the name of receiver of message.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_mm_denied                  "%U doesn't accept media objects."
+// d: Information note with OK softkey
+// d: Shown when image sending failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_scaling_error              "Sending image failed."
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when image sending failed because the image was too big.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_scaling_image_too_big      "Image too big. Sending failed."
+// d: Error note
+// d: Shown when trying to add contact and server doesn't accept the user id.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_validating_contact_failed  "User ID is incorrect."
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Shown when user sends message to offline contact
+// d: %U is replaced with the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contact_may_not_receive_message    "%U is offline, and may not receive the message. Continue?"
+// d: Confirmation query text
+// d: Shown when a online user is selected and goes Offline.
+// d: %U is replaced with the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_selection_contact_offline    "%U has gone the offline. It is not selected anymore."
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when user's status was automatically changed to online
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_status_changed_automatic           "Status changed to Online"
+// d: Amount of contacts is shown in navipane of multiselection dialog.
+// d: %N is amount of selected contacts
+// l: navi_text_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_multiselection_amount                "Selected: %N"
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when user tries to use a nick name which already exists in contact list
+// d: %U is replaced with the nick name of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_nick_name_in_use               "Nick name %U already in use. Enter new nick name"
+// d:Softkey label for invitation join
+// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_softkey_join                   "Join"
+// d:Softkey label for invitation postpone
+// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_softkey_postpone               "Postpone"
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when user tries to create a new contact but no contact lists exist.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_no_contact_lists           "No contact lists available. You need to create new contact list."
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Used to inform user about presence status change (->offline) of previously selected contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_snotif_watch_chg_away "Status has changed to away:\n%U"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when server responds that client sent invalid presence attribute
+// d: IM uses this when sending alias-attribute
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_too_long_alias_error  "Alias name is too long, too short or includes invalid characters."
+// d: This is the welcome text that is shown when joining to a chat room.
+// d: %U describes the user's screen name in the room.
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_welcome_text  "Welcome to this chat group %U."
+// d: This is the chat room topic that is shown when joining to a chat room if available
+// d: %U is the topic of the chat room
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_sysnote_topic_text    "Topic is %U."
+// contact details viewing
+// d: Label for contact details viewer
+// d: The status message of contact
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_message    "Status message"
+// d: Label for contact details viewer
+// d: Device type
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_device    "Device type"
+// d: Contact details device type for mobile
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_device_mobile    "Mobile"
+// d: Contact details device type for a personal computer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_device_pc    "PC"
+// d: Contact details device type for unknown
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_device_unknown    "Unknown"
+// d: Label for contact details viewer
+// d: Contact status
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status    "Status"
+// d: Status is online in contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status_online    "Online"
+// d: Status is away in contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status_away    "Away"
+// d: Status is offline in contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status_offline    "Offline"
+// d: Status is appear offline in contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status_appear_offline    "Appear offline"
+// d: Status is unknown in contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status_unknown    "Unknown"
+// d: Yes/no query for adding unknown contact to contact list.
+// d: Asked if user replies to unknown contacts conversation.
+// d: %U is unknown contacts wvid.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_friend_add_unknown  "Add %U to IM contacts?"
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when user tries to make a task which includes selecting contact(s)
+// d: from contact list while the contact list is empty.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_no_contacts_available  "IM contact list is empty"
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown if user has reached the maximum amount of characters in the message editor.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_maximum_message_length "Maximum amount of characters in a message reached."
+// d: Information note
+// d: Shown when users seeks contacts joined groups and none is found
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contacts_no_joined_found       "No joined chat groups found"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Note is shown if deleting a contact list is not succesfull
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_contact_list_deleting_failed   "Deleting contact list failed"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Note is shown if group creation is cancelled when maximum amount of groups were created.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_group_creation_cancelled   "Group creation cancelled"
+// d: In case there is media file in recorded chat, there is shown text in the place of media file.
+// d: This is for recorded chats sending via MTM
+// l: None
+#define qtn_chat_log_media_file     "(media file)"
+// d: Label for error note
+// d: Shown when user tries to select DRM protected tone as IM alert tone.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.0
+#define qtn_chat_settings_tone_invalid		"Protected tone cannot be selected for IM"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR )----
+// LOC 
+// d: Query text shown after first successful login.
+// d: Also shown when the user connects with a different password.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.1u
+#define qtn_chat_login_save_pw   "Save password?"
+// d: Query text shown when connecting to a server with a different User Id than the one saved to it.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.1u
+#define qtn_chat_login_save_username_pw   "Save username and password?"
+// d: Query text after saving the username and password.
+// d: If accepted, the application launch login type will be activated.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.1u
+#define qtn_chat_login_activate_applaunch   "Connect automatically to server %U next time when opening Chat application?"
+// d: Error note label.
+// d: Used when recipient does not accept messages (has blocked sender)
+// d: %U is the identification of the contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.1u
+#define qtn_chat_recipient_blocked_messages "%U does not allow messages"
+// d: Query text if blocking the contact after deletion
+// d: %U is the identification of the contact to block
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.1u
+#define qtn_chat_blocking_query  "Block %U?"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR )----
+//IM - MSN support for OMA IMPS IM - Send to many
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command in friends list view options menu that opens a multiselection list for sending message to several contacts
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_opt_new_conversation "Select from contacts"
+// d: Data query prompt for "Enter message"
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_opt_new_conv_message "Enter message:"
+// d: Wait note text
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_opening_conversations "Opening conversation"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS  )----
+//IM - MSN support for OMA IMPS IM - Additional presence information
+// d: Status is online in contact details viewer
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_cd_status_busy    "Busy"
+// d: Label for global confirmation note
+// d: Used to inform user about presence status change (->busy) of previously selected contact
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_snotif_watch_chg_busy               "Status has changed to busy:\n%U"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR SUB 101-21035 IM: Background handling of contactlists  )----
+// d: Wait note text
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r:3.2
+#define qtn_chat_fetching_lists_ongoing              	"Waiting for contact list synchronization to complete"
+// d: Contact list item in friendlist when fetching is going.
+// l: list_single_2graphic_pane_t1
+// r:3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contactlist_fetching		"Fetching list"
+// d: Failed contact list in friend list view.
+// d: %U: Contact list identification.
+// l: list_single_2graphic_pane_t1
+// r:3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contactlist_fetching_failed	"Failed: %U"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for fetching all failed lists again.
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r:3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contactlist_fetch_all              	"Fetch all failed lists"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation query is shown when focus is in failed contact list and selection key is pressed.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r:3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contactlist_fetchagain          	"Fetch all failed contact lists?"
+//----( MODIFICATIONS FOR SUB 101-17634 Middle softkey labeling  )----
+// d: Middle softkey label
+// d: Middle softkey label when focus is on own data item in IM contacts view.
+// l: control_pane_t3/opt7
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_msk_change_status       "Change status"
+// d: Middle softkey label
+// d: Middle softkey label when focus is on failed contact list in IM contact view.
+// l: control_pane_t3/opt7
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_msk_fetch_im       "Fetch"
+// d: Middle softkey label
+// d: Middle softkey label when focus is on contact in IM contact view.
+// l: control_pane_t3/opt7
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_msk_chat       "Chat"
+// d: Middle softkey label
+// d: Middle softkey label when focus is on non joined group in chat group list view.
+// l: control_pane_t3/opt7
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_msk_join        "Join"
+// ---[ touch support: strings for stylus activated popup ]---
+// d: Heading label for stylus activated popup.
+// d: Popup is shown when user taps the IM indicator.
+// l: heading_sub_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_stylus_popup_im        "IM"
+// d: Singular content label for stylus activated popup.
+// d: Popup is shown when user taps the IM indicator.
+// l: list_single_touch_info_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_stylus_popup_new1      "1 new message"
+// d: Plural content label for stylus activated popup.
+// d: Popup is shown when user taps the IM indicator.
+// d: %N is number of unread messages.
+// l: list_single_touch_info_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_stylus_popup_new       "%N new messages"
+// d: Link Label for stylus activated popup.
+// d: When user activates the link, IM application is launched.
+// d: Popup is shown when user taps the IM indicator.
+// l: list_single_touch_info_pane_t2/opt1
+#define qtn_chat_stylus_popup_show      "Show"
+// ---[ UI  ]---
+// d: Warning note prompt when memory runs out and application starts to delete messages
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_memory_low_warning        "Memory low. Old messages are deleted automatically to be able to receive new ones." 
+// d: Label for confirmation query
+// d: Confirmation query is shown when user tries to add a blocked contact 
+// d: to contact list.
+// d: %U is the identification of the contact.
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contact_add_blocked "Cannot add a blocked contact. Unblock %U?"
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Confirmation is shown when user did not want to unblock contact
+// d: when trying to add it to contacts
+// l: popup_note_window
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contact_add_blocked_not "Contact not added"
+// ---[ UI  ]---
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for deleting the focused contact
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_del_list 	        "Delete"
+// ---[ UI]---
+// d: List query item
+// d: Item busy
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.1
+#define qtn_chat_change_own_busy                "Busy"
+// SINGLE LIST VIEW RELATED STRINGS START ////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu of own data item
+// d: Command is used on own data for opening own options submenu - Change Message, Details, Edit 
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2/opt3
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_own_options                    "Own options"
+// d: Label for sub menu item in single list view's Own options menu option
+// d: Command is used change the online status message of own data item
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_change_message                  "Change message"
+// d: Command in Own Options submenu for own data item
+// d: Command in contacts view options menu that opens details view of contact details
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_contact_details                "Details"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for opening the contact editor to edit focused contact
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_contact_edit                    "Edit"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command is used for showing the details of a contact item
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_om_details						"Details"
+// d: Label for menu item in single list view's Options menu
+// d: Command is used to launch search operation for a contact from server
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_search_contact                         "Search"
+// d: Label for saved chat/conversation items in single list view's Options menu
+// d: Command is used to launch saved conversations view
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_saved_conversations				 "Saved Conversations"
+// d: Label for note
+// d: Used when contact list renaming failed
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_contact_list_renaming_failed                "Renaming contact list failed"
+// SINGLE LIST VIEW RELATED STRINGS END ////////////////////////////////////
+// SEARCH  VIEW RELATED STRINGS START ////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Label for Primary Text in Empty Search View
+// w:
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_empty_search_primary                    "No Results Found"
+// SEARCH  VIEW RELATED STRINGS END ////////////////////////////////////
+// d: Information note label
+// d: %0U will be replaced by string that contains user name
+// d: %1U will be replaced by string that contains the message
+// l: popup_preview_text_window/opt2
+#define qtn_chat_message_preview                    "%0U: %1U"
+// d: Prompt text for file name query
+// l: popup_query_data_window
+#define qtn_chat_save_enter_name					"Enter file name:"
+// d: Label for info note
+// d: Used when a chat is saved 
+// l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_saving_saved						"Saved"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command name for Saving a conversation
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_options_save						"Save conversation"
+//d: Information note
+//d: Note shown when In case user tries to open a saved or sent image from the message list.
+//l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_mem_low_image_open_saved			"Only thumbnail is available for the sent or saved image"
+//d: Information note
+//d: In case there is only a thumbnail available in the buffer, because the real
+//d: image file is deleted because of lack of memory
+//l: popup_note_window
+#define qtn_chat_mem_low_image_open					"Object deleted because of low memory. Delete old conversations to save memory."
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// d: Command for Edit text
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2/opt3
+#define qtn_options_edit_text						"Edit text"
+// CONVERSATION VIEW RELATED STRINGSEND //////////////////////////
+//GROUP RELATED STRINGS START //////////////////////////
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_opt_new_chat                  "New chat"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_opt_new_conv_creategroup      "Create group"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_opt_new_conv_searchgroup      "Search group"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+#define qtn_chat_opt_new_conv_searchcontact     "Search contact"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_friend_join_group                 "Join"
+// d: Command in Options Menu
+// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+#define qtn_chat_contacts_open_group_conv                 "Open group chat"
+// d: Heading text for popup list
+// d: Heading of the multiselection list query for selecting contacts to be invited to join group
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+#define qtn_chat_contacts_open_group_prompt                 "Invite:"
+//GROUP RELATED STRINGS START //////////////////////////
+//CONTACT EDITOR RELATED STRINGS START //////////////////////////
+// d: Label for confirmation note
+// d: Shown when user tries to use a nick name which already exists in contact list
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_same_nick_name          "Nick name already in use. Enter new nick name?"
+// d: Message query
+// d: Dialog body text, shown when user starts recording of a conversation
+// d: By default this is empty
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_record_warning        ""
+// d: Message query
+// d: Dialog body text, shown when user saves password
+// d: By default this is empty
+// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_save_pw_warning        ""
+// d: Note heading for qtn_chat_record_warning
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_record_warning_heading         "Warning"
+// d: Note heading for qtn_chat_save_pw_warning
+// l: heading_pane_t1
+// w:
+// r: 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_save_pw_warning_heading         "Warning"
+//CONTACT EDITOR RELATED STRINGS END //////////////////////////
+// New ChatNG strings start
+// d: view Title 
+// d: This title is shown When user is connecting first time to the community with this client
+// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
+// r 3.2
+#define qtn_chat_tou_title                   "Terms of Use"
+// d: Text for empty list when the user id is not saved but the community is defined
+// l: main_list_empty_pane
+// r: 3.2
+// w:
+#define qtn_chat_empty_community_view_not_visible      "Connect to service selecting Login from Options."
+// d: Contact details device type for PDA
+// l: list_double_pane_t2
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_cd_device_pda                           "PDA"
+//d: Label for confirmation note
+//d: case only a thumbnail is available, because the real image file is
+//d:deleted because of lack of memory,
+//l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_mem_low_image_save                      "Object deleted because of low memory. Save thumbnail?"
+//d: Label for confirmation note
+//d: n case image is only a thumbnail, e.g. real file is deleted because of lack of
+//l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_mem_low_image_forward                   "Object deleted because of low memory. Forward thumbnail?" 
+// d: Error note's text
+// d:In case sending of the image has failed, the name of the image
+// d:is show in the place of the %5U. 
+// l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_message_failed                          "%0U Failed: %1U"  
+// d: Primary text when no servers defined.
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_empty_contacts_primary                  "No chat server defined" 
+// d: Label for wait note
+// d: Used when deleting Group
+// l: popup_note_wait_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_fldr_deleting_wait_note                      "Deleting"
+//d: Label for confirmation note
+//d: when the inviation expired.
+//l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_invitation_expired                      "Invitation expired. Join anyway?"
+//d: Label for Information note
+//d: In case after fetching it is
+//d: noticed that contact is already saved to contacts
+//l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_add_already_saved                       "Contact already saved" 
+//d: Label for confirmation note
+//d: case user has
+//d: marked a contact who changes to offline.
+//l: popup_note_window
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_selection_contact_offline_query         "%U has gone offline, and may not receive messages.Keep as marked?" 
+// d: 
+// d: Listbox item text
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_contactlist_invitation                  "%U: Invitation" 
+// d: Submenu item for "New chat" QTN_CHAT_OPT_NEW_CHAT, 
+// d: opens a data query prompt to enter group ID
+// l: list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_opt_new_conv_entergroup                 "Enter group ID" 
+// d: Normal message sent by
+// d:the user or another group member
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %1U is sender
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_im_message_to_name                      "%0U %1U: %5U"
+// d: Instant message sent to the user
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %4U is qgn_prop_im_tome
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_im_message_to_icon                      "%0U %4U: %5U"  
+// d: Normal message sent by
+// d:the user or another group member
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %1U is sender
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2                    
+#define     qtn_chat_im_message_from_name                    "%0U %1U: %5U" 
+// d:Instant message sent by the user
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %3U is qgn_prop_im_from
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_im_message_from_icon                    "%0U %3U: %5U" 
+// d: Group change notifications
+// d: %0U is replaced by qtn_date_usual_with_zero
+// d: %6U is  group information
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2              
+#define     qtn_chat_group_message_notification              "%0U %6U"   
+// d: Whisper message sent to user
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %1U is sender
+// d: %4U is qgn_prop_im_tome
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2   
+#define     qtn_chat_group_message_whisper_to                "%0U %1U%4U: %5U" 
+// d: 
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %2U is receiver
+// d: %3U is qgn_prop_im_from
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_group_message_whisper_from              "%0U %3U%2U: %5U"  
+// d: 
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %1U is sender
+// d: %2U is receiver
+// d: %4U is qgn_prop_im_tome
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2
+#define    qtn_chat_group_message_whisper                "%0U %1U %4U %2U: %5U" 
+// d: Normal message sent by
+// d:the user or another group member
+// d: %0U is replaced by timestamp
+// d: %1U is sender
+// d: %5U is replaced by message
+// l: None
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_group_message_normal                    "%0U %1U: %5U"
+// d: Listbox item text
+// d: Item text for contacts alias in edit-mode
+// l: list_double_pane_t1_cp2
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_cd_edit_alias                           "Alias name"  
+// d: primary text for empty list when the coomunity is not defined
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_empty_community_view_primary            "No chat server defined"
+// d: primary text for empty list when the user id is not saved but the community is defined
+// l: main_pane_empty_t1/opt2
+// r: 3.2
+#define     qtn_chat_empty_community_view_not_visible_primary          "Offline"
+// d: Title of private chats item
+// l: list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1
+// r: 3.2   
+#define     qtn_chat_contactlist_chats               "Chats"
+// d: Text shown in tab for an invitation
+// l: tabs_2_active_pane_t1/opt1
+// r: 3.2   
+#define     qtn_chat_invitation_tab                  "Invit."
+// End of File
\ No newline at end of file