--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuieng/EngSrc/CCABlockingManager.h Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Blocking manager handles the blocking and granting
+ *
+#include "MCABlocking.h"
+#include "MCAImpsImClient.h"
+#include "MCASettingsObserver.h"
+#include "MCASettings.h"
+#include "TStorageManagerGlobals.h"
+#include "PublicEngineDefinitions.h"
+#include "PrivateEngineDefinitions.h"
+#include "MCABackgroundTask.h"
+#include "mcastoredcontactsobserver.h"
+#include "ImpsImCli.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+class CCARequestMapper;
+class MCAStoredContacts;
+class MCAImpsFactory;
+ * Blocking manager handles the blocking and granting
+ * ( user ) operations.
+ *
+ * @lib CAEngine.lib
+ * @since 1.2
+ */
+class CCABlockingManager : public CBase,
+ public MImpsBlockingHandler2,
+ public MCABlocking,
+ public MCASettingsObserver,
+ public MCABackgroundTask,
+ public MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ {
+ private: // internal enumerations
+ // internal states for blocking manager
+ enum TBlockingMgrState
+ {
+ // normal operation
+ EStateNormal = 0,
+ // deleting of grant list, response to request needs to
+ // be handled differently
+ EStateDeletingGrantList
+ };
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Static constructor.
+ * @param aImpsImServer is the API to the blocking services.
+ * @param aRequestMapper is the pointer to the request mapper.
+ * Used in mapping requests to responses.
+ * @param aSettingsManager The settings API
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CCABlockingManager* NewL(
+ MCAImpsFactory* aIMPSFactory,
+ CCARequestMapper* aRequestMapper,
+ MCASettings* aSettingsManager
+ );
+ /**
+ * Virtual Destructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CCABlockingManager();
+ protected: // Inherited from MCABlocking
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::SetAppUiExitFlag.
+ */
+ void SetAppUiExitFlag( TBool aFlag );
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::GetBlockedListFromServerL.
+ */
+ TInt GetBlockedListFromServerL();
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::BlockedList.
+ */
+ const CDesCArray* BlockedList();
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::InsertL.
+ */
+ TInt InsertL( const CDesCArray* aBlockList,
+ const CDesCArray* aGrantList,
+ TBool aForceUpdate = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::RemoveL.
+ */
+ TInt RemoveL( const CDesCArray* aBlockList,
+ const CDesCArray* aGrantList,
+ TBool aForceUpdate = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::IsContactBlocked
+ */
+ TBool IsContactBlocked( const TDesC& aContact,
+ TBool aUseGrant = EFalse ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::ContactListChangedL
+ */
+ void ContactListChangeL( TBool aUpdateInProgress );
+ /**
+ * From MCABlocking
+ * @see MCABlocking::SetTemporaryGrantL
+ */
+ TInt SetTemporaryGrantL( const TDesC& aContact, TBool aOn );
+ protected: // from MImpsBlockingHandler
+ /**
+ * Handle response to getblockedlist request.
+ * @param aBlockedList list of blocked users.
+ * @param aBlockedListInUse is blocked list use or not.
+ * @param aGrantedList list of granted users.
+ * @param aGrantedListInUse is granted list use or not.
+ */
+ virtual void GetBlockedListResponseL(
+ const MDesCArray* aBlockedList,
+ TBool aBlockedListInUse,
+ const MDesCArray* aGrantedList,
+ TBool aGrantedListInUse,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+ /**
+ * Server call back for handling successful operation requests.
+ * @param aOperationId to map responses to the requests.
+ * @param aStatus error code. KErrNone if successful.
+ */
+ virtual void HandleCompleteL(
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+ protected: // From MCASettingsObserver
+ /**
+ * Handles setting changes.
+ * @param aChangedSettingEnum specifies the changed setting.
+ * @since 2.1
+ */
+ void HandleSettingsChangeL( TInt aChangedSettingEnum );
+ protected: //From MCABackgroundTask
+ /**
+ * This is the place where Block/GrantList synchronisation is started
+ * after getting online event
+ * @param aSubTask is the number of subtask, its counting down
+ * @see MCABackgroundTask::HandleBackgroundTaskL
+ */
+ void HandleBackgroundTaskL( TInt aSubTask );
+ protected: // From MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ /**
+ * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleContactDelete( const TDesC& aContactId );
+ /**
+ * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleAddition( MCAContactList& aList, MCAStoredContact& aContact );
+ /**
+ * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleChange( MCAContactList* aList,
+ MCAStoredContact* aContact,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aEventType,
+ TBool aUserIdChanged );
+ public: // new methods
+ /**
+ * If network state changes, BlockingManager state should be updated
+ * by calling this method.
+ * @param aState New state.
+ * @param aUseGrant ETrue if grant list can be used.
+ */
+ void HandleNetworkStateChange( TNetworkState aState,
+ TBool aCanUseGrant );
+ private: // new methods
+ /**
+ * Does the actual handling
+ */
+ virtual void DoGetBlockedListResponseL(
+ const MDesCArray* aBlockedList,
+ TBool aBlockedListInUse,
+ const MDesCArray* aGrantedList,
+ TBool aGrantedListInUse );
+ /**
+ * Does the actual handling
+ */
+ virtual void DoHandleCompleteL(
+ TInt aOperationId,
+ TInt aStatus );
+ /**
+ * Evaluate current grantlist handling strategy
+ * @return ETrue if grant list is in use
+ */
+ TBool GrantListInUse();
+ /**
+ * Clear the current grant list. Used internally when
+ * strategy is to allow nobody.
+ */
+ void ClearGrantListL( TBool aForceUpdate = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * Add given wv id to the internal block list
+ * @param aId The wv id
+ */
+ void AddToBlockListL( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * Remove given wv id from the internal block list
+ * @param aId The wv id
+ */
+ void RemoveFromBlockList( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * Check if given wv id is in the internal block list
+ * @param aId The wv id
+ * @return ETrue if the contact is in the list (is blocked)
+ */
+ TBool InternallyBlocked( const TDesC& aId ) const;
+ /**
+ * Add all friends to the internal grant list
+ * @param aDoNotIncludeList, List of items which we do not want to
+ * include from contact list.
+ */
+ void GrantFriendsL( CDesCArray* aDoNotIncludeList = NULL );
+ /**
+ * Insert or remove to grant or block list.
+ * Leaves with KErrArgument if aRequest is not EBlockRequest
+ * or EUnBlockRequest.
+ * @param aInsertBlockList WV IDs to be inserted to blocklist.
+ * @param aRemoveBlockList WV IDs to be removed from blocklist.
+ * @param aInsertGrantList WV IDs to be inserted to grantlist.
+ * @param aRemoveGrantList WV IDs to be removed from grantlist.
+ * @param aAdditionalData A pointer to an array which is set to
+ * CCARequest as additional data.
+ * @param aRequest Request type, either block or unblock request.
+ * @return error code.
+ */
+ TInt DoBlockRequestL( const CDesCArray* aInsertBlockList,
+ const CDesCArray* aRemoveBlockList,
+ const CDesCArray* aInsertGrantList,
+ const CDesCArray* aRemoveGrantList,
+ const CDesCArray* aAdditionalData,
+ TOperationRequests aRequest );
+ /**
+ * Checks if contacts is granted or not
+ * @since 2.1
+ * @param aContactId, contact which is checked
+ * @return ETrue if granted, EFalse if not.
+ */
+ TBool IsContactGranted( const TDesC& aContact ) const;
+ /**
+ * Creates the CDesCArray from the source.
+ * Ownership is transferred to caller!
+ * @since 2.1
+ * @param aSource Array to be copied
+ * @return Array containing the same elements as source array
+ */
+ static CDesCArray* CloneArrayLC( const MDesCArray& aSource );
+ /**
+ * Creates the CDesCArray containing the items from arrayDiff that
+ * are not on arrayTest
+ * Ownership is transferred to caller!
+ * @since 2.1
+ * @param aArrayDiff Array whose differences are copied
+ * @param aArrayTest Array to be tested on
+ * @return Array containing the differences
+ */
+ static CDesCArray* CreateNeutralDiffLC( const MDesCArray& aArrayDiff,
+ const MDesCArray& aArrayTest );
+ /**
+ * Check if InsertL/RemoveL should be processed or not.
+ * @since 2.1
+ * @param aBlockList, List of wvids to block
+ * @param aGrantList, List of wvids to grant
+ * @param aForceUpdate Force update (ETrue) or not
+ * @return ETrue, if update is needed.
+ */
+ TBool NeedUpdate( const CDesCArray* aBlockList,
+ const CDesCArray* aGrantList,
+ TBool aForceUpdate );
+ /**
+ * Add contacts to granted list.
+ * @param aInsertArray. Array of contacts to be
+ * inserted to granted list.
+ */
+ void AddToGrantedListL( const MDesCArray& aInsertArray );
+ /**
+ * Remove contacts from granted list and modify removeArray
+ * @param aRemoveArray Array of contacts to be removed.
+ * Remove those contacts from aRemoveArray which
+ * are not meant to be deleted. For example:
+ * Those which are still in other lists.
+ */
+ void RemoveFromGrantedList( CDesCArray& aRemoveArray );
+ private: // constructors and destructors
+ /**
+ * Default constructor.
+ * @param aStorage is the pointer to the storage side. Used in updating
+ * flags etc.
+ * @param aImpsImServer is the API to the server side.
+ * @param aRequestMapper is the pointer to the request mapper.
+ * Used in mapping requests to responses.
+ */
+ CCABlockingManager(
+ MCAImpsFactory* aIMPSFactory,
+ CCARequestMapper* aRequestMapper,
+ MCASettings* aSettingsManager );
+ /**
+ * ConstructL method.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ private: // Data
+ // Doesn't own. Pointer to the IMPS interface factory.
+ MCAImpsFactory* iImpsFactory;
+ // Doesn't own. Pointer to the request mapper.
+ CCARequestMapper* iRequestMapper;
+ // doesn't own, pointer to settings API
+ MCASettings* iSettingsManager;
+ // Owns. List of blocked users, returned via BlockedList
+ CDesCArrayFlat* iBlockedList;
+ // Owns. List of granted users, returned via BlockedList
+ CDesCArrayFlat* iGrantedList;
+ // Maps the GetBlockedListFromServerL to GetBlockedListResponseL.
+ TInt iGetBlockedListOpId;
+ // Flag to tell if background tasks are run or not.
+ TBool iBackgroundTaskReady;
+ // handle to contacts list interface
+ MCAStoredContacts* iStoredContacts; // not owned
+ // the used granting strategy
+ MCASettings::TCASettingValues iStrategy;
+ // internal state
+ TBlockingMgrState iMgrState;
+ // Is our list valid
+ TBool iBlocklistIsValid;
+ // Can Grant list be used.
+ TBool iCanUseGrant;
+ //
+ TBool iUpdateInProgress;
+ TBool iLoggedIn;
+ TBool iAppUiExit;
+ };