changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuieng/EngSrc/CCASettingsManager.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Settings manager
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "MCASettings.h"
+class MCASettingsObserver;
+class MCASDCRVariator;
+class CIMPSSAPSettingsStore;
+*  Handles all application settings-related operations.
+*  @lib CAEngine.lib
+*  @since 1.2
+class CCASettingsManager : public CBase, public MCASettings
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        * @param aIdentifier UID of application
+        */
+        static CCASettingsManager* NewL( TUid aIdentifier );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CCASettingsManager();
+    public: // From MCASettings
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aObserver Settings observer pointer
+        */
+        void AddObserverL( const MCASettingsObserver* aObserver );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aObserver Settings observer pointer
+        */
+        void RemoveObserver( const MCASettingsObserver* aObserver );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is returned
+        * @return Value of setting
+        */
+        TBool Value( TCASettingFlags aSetting,
+                     CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is returned
+        * @return Value of setting
+        */
+        TInt Value( TCASettingIntegers aSetting,
+                    CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * Transfers ownership!!!
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is returned
+        * @return Value of setting
+        */
+        HBufC* ValueL( TCASettingStrings aSetting,
+                       CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is set
+        * @param aValue Value of setting
+        * @param aIgnoreRollback Don't perform rollback operation on these
+        *                        errors. NULL if rollback is wanted in every
+        *                        error situation.
+        */
+        void SetValueL( TCASettingFlags aSetting, TBool aValue,
+                        RArray<TInt>* aIgnoreRollback = NULL,
+                        CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is set
+        * @param aValue Value of setting
+        * @param aIgnoreRollback Don't perform rollback operation on these
+        *                        errors. NULL if rollback is wanted in every
+        *                        error situation
+        */
+        void SetValueL( TCASettingIntegers aSetting, TInt aValue,
+                        RArray<TInt>* aIgnoreRollback = NULL,
+                        CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is set
+        * @param aValue Value of setting
+        * @param aIgnoreRollback Don't perform rollback operation on these
+        *                        errors. NULL if rollback is wanted in every
+        *                        error situation
+        */
+        void SetValueL( TCASettingStrings aSetting, const TDesC& aValue,
+                        RArray<TInt>* aIgnoreRollback = NULL,
+                        CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 1.2
+        */
+        void FlushData();
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 3.1
+        */
+        void SetDefaultSapL( CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap );
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 3.1
+        */
+        HBufC* OwnAliasL();
+        /**
+        * From MCASettings. @see MCASettings
+        * @since 3.1
+        */
+        void SetOwnAliasL( const TDesC& aAlias );
+    private:
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
+        * @param aIdentifier Identifier of setting storage used
+        */
+        void ConstructL( TUid aIdentifier );
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CCASettingsManager();
+        /**
+        * Notifies observers about changed setting
+        * @param aEnum Setting that was changed
+        */
+        void NotifyObserversL( TInt aEnum );
+        /**
+        * Returns default value for given setting if such exists
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aEnum Setting enumeration
+        * @return Default value for that setting
+        */
+        TInt DefaultIntegerValue( TInt aEnum ) const;
+        /**
+        * Returns default value for given setting if such exists
+        * @since 1.2
+        * @param aEnum Setting enumeration
+        * @return Default value for that setting
+        */
+        TBool DefaultBooleanValue( TInt aEnum ) const;
+        /**
+        * Helper method for setting boolean and integer values
+        * @since 2.1
+        * @param aSetting Settings enumeration that value is set
+        * @param aValue Value of setting
+        * @param oldValue old value of setting which is set if
+        *        observers notifying leaves
+        * @param aIgnoreRollback Don't perform rollback operation on these
+        *                        errors. NULL if rollback is wanted in every
+        *                        error situation
+        */
+        void SetIntValueL( TInt aSetting, TInt aValue, TInt oldValue,
+                           RArray<TInt>* aIgnoreRollback = NULL,
+                           CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap = NULL );
+        /**
+        * Converts the settings integer to sap opaque ids
+        * @param aEnum Setting that was changed
+        */
+        const TDesC& ConvertSettingInteger( TInt aEnum ) const;
+        /**
+        * Get correct SAP. If aSap is NULL and RD_SETTINGS_FACELIFT
+        * is defined will return default SAP.
+        * !!NOTE!! If returns NULL, then there is nothing in
+        * CleanupStack.
+        * @param aSap server
+        */
+        CIMPSSAPSettings* GetSAPLC( CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap );
+        /**
+        * Store to SAP or cenrep
+        * @param aSap server (can be NULL)
+        * @param aSetting the setting which we are saving
+        * @param aValue the value of the setting
+        */
+        void StoreL( CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap,
+                     TInt aSetting,
+                     TInt aValue );
+        /**
+        * Store to SAP or cenrep
+        * @param aSap server (can be NULL)
+        * @param aSetting the setting which we are saving
+        * @param aValue the value of the setting
+        */
+        void StoreL( CIMPSSAPSettings* aSap,
+                     TInt aSetting,
+                     const TDesC& aValue );
+        /**
+         * Finds alias for given aUserID inside aAliasTable.
+         * @param aAliasTable string containeing all aliases for different ids
+         * @param aUserId Userid to look for
+         * @param aIndex Position inside aAliasTable, where the wanted alias starts.
+         *               Or KErrNotFound
+         * @param aLength aLength length of alias
+         */
+        void LocateAliasL( const TDesC& aAliasTable, const TDesC& aUserId,
+                           TInt& aIndex, TInt& aLength );
+    private: // Data
+        // Array of observers
+        RPointerArray<MCASettingsObserver> iObserverList;
+        MCASDCRVariator* iSDCRVariator;
+        CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* iSapSettingsStore;
+        CIMPSSAPSettings* iDefaultSap;
+        TBool iSettingsFaceLift;
+    };
+// End of File