--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuieng/EngSrc/PrivateEngineDefinitions.h Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Private constants for engine
+#include <e32base.h>
+// Settings-manager constants
+// Flow controller...overwrited in the beginning of the app
+/*const TInt KDefaulFlowControllerValue = 333000; // 333000
+const TInt KKeyNameMaxNumberLength = 5; // 65536
+_LIT( KKeyNameFormatter, "%d" );
+const TInt KMessageFlowMaxValue = 10; // Maximum value of setting slider
+const TInt KMessageFlowCoEfficientValue = 200; // CoEfficient, that is used
+ // to calculate messages min
+ // display interval with
+ // level parameters (in msecs).
+ // CoEfficient * level = result
+// Default values for settings
+const TInt KDefaultMessageFlowSettingLevel = 2;
+const TBool KDefaultAutoLogin = EFalse;
+const TBool KDefaultDefaultScreenNameInUse = EFalse;
+const TBool KDefaultFirstLoginDone = EFalse;
+const TBool KDefaultAutomaticPresenceUpdate = ETrue;
+const TBool KDefaultUpdateSelectedContacts = EFalse;
+const TBool KDefaultShowHistory = EFalse;
+const TBool KDefaultShowOffline = ETrue;
+const TBool KDefaultShowTimeStamps = ETrue;
+_LIT( KDefaultScreenName, "" );
+// This is used in consumed memory calculation (history).
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+const TInt KCharacterLengthInBytes = 2;
+const TInt KCharacterLengthInBytes = 1;
+// Resource name ( CaEngine.rsc )
+// remember add KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR to beginning when using
+_LIT( KResourceEngineFilePathWithoutDrive, "CaEngineNG.rsc" );
+// userid-part (wv:userid) length of groupid (wv:userid/resource@domain.fi)
+const TInt KGroupIdFirstPartMaxLength = 20;
+// resource-part (resource) length of groupid (wv:userid/resource@domain.fi)
+const TInt KGroupIdSecondPartMaxLength = 20;
+// wv-address resource separator
+_LIT( KResourceSeparator, "/" );
+// Line end
+_LIT( KLineEnd, "\n" );
+// Default timeout for invite when received invite does not contain timeout value (seconds)
+const TInt KDefaultInviteTimeout = 7200;
+// Treshold of invite expiry timeout in seconds (x < TIntMax / 1000000 )
+const TInt KInviteTimeoutCycleLength = 1000;
+// Local echo
+const TBool KLocalEcho = ETrue;
+// No view is active
+const TInt KNoViewIsActive = -1;
+// ARRAY GRANULARITIES/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// general array granularity
+const TInt KArrayGranularity = 3;
+// Increase chats by this amount
+const TInt KChatGranularity = 2;
+// Message buffer granularities/////////////
+// Send message buffer granularity
+/*const TInt KSendMessageGranularity = 5;
+// Incoming message buffer granularity
+const TInt KIncomingMessageGranularity = 5;
+// One message buffer granularity
+const TInt KOneMessageGranularity = 2;
+// Screen message buffer granularity
+const TInt KScreenMessageGranularity = 5;
+// /////////////////////////////////////////
+// Chat groups granularity ( favorites )
+const TInt KChatGroupsGranularity = 1;*/
+// Joined members in a group
+const TInt KJoinedMembersArrayGranularity = 3;
+// Contacts granularity. This is all the "friends"
+/*const TInt KContacts = 1;
+// Group event observer granularities
+const TInt KGroupObserverGranularity = 2;
+// Search data granularities
+const TInt KSearchDataGranularity = 2;
+// Removed indexes granularity
+const TInt KRemovedIndexGranularity = 2;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Max length of one IM message. Effects to the fragmentation of messages
+const TInt KMessageMaxLength = 128;
+// Maximum memory consumption section//////////////////
+const TInt KMaximumScreenMemoryConsumption = 2000;
+const TInt KMaximumIncomingMemoryConsumption = 2000;
+const TInt KMaximumSendMemoryConsumption = 500;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Safety boundaries for screen buffer in split messages
+const TInt KUpperSafetyBoundary = 3;
+const TInt KLowerSafetyBoundary = 3;
+// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+const TInt KTimerDelay = 1;
+// LOGGING (HISTORY) section///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Clock section
+const TInt KMaxDateLength = 50;
+const TInt KMaxTimeLength = 20;
+_LIT( KFromMe, "O->" );
+_LIT( KToMe, "->O" );
+_LIT( KWhiteSpace, " " );
+// LOGGING section ends////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+_LIT( KAt, "@" );
+_LIT( KSlash, "/" );
+_LIT( KWV, "wv:" );
+_LIT( KPlus, "+" );
+_LIT( KTabulator, "\t" );
+_LIT( KPercent, "%" );
+_LIT( KPercentHTTP, "%25" );
+// "test character identity and accents, ignore case"
+const TInt KCollationLevel = 1;
+// For message fragmenting
+_LIT( KMessageContinuesString, "..." );
+// UIDs////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+const TInt KUIDWVIDField = 1;
+const TInt KUIDNameField = 2;
+const TInt KUIDRealNameField = 3;
+const TInt KUIDGroupField = 4;
+const TInt KUIDGroupNameField = 5;
+const TInt KUIDGroupTopicField = 6;
+const TInt KUIDGroupWelcomeField = 7;
+const TInt KUIDGroupSizeField = 8;
+const TInt KUIDGroupAllowSearchField = 9;
+const TInt KUIDGroupAccessField = 10;
+const TInt KUIDGroupAllowWhisperingField = 11;
+const TInt KUIDGroupAdministratorField = 12;
+const TInt KUIDGroupIsFavouriteField = 13;
+const TInt KUIDGroupIsOpenField = 14;
+const TInt KUIDGroupAdministratorsField = 15;
+const TInt KUIDWatcherStateField = 30;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Flow controller states
+enum TTimerStates
+ {
+ ETimerActivated,
+ ETimerDeactivated
+ };
+// Request for our own inner mapping for operation codes and
+// completion functions
+enum TOperationRequests
+ {
+ EJoinGroup = 1,
+ ECreateGroup = 2,
+ ECreateAndJoinGroup = 3,
+ ECreateAlreadyExistingFavouriteGroup = 4,
+ ELeaveGroup = 5,
+ EDeleteGroup = 6,
+ EDeleteNonExistentGroup = 7,
+ // GROUP PROPERTIES////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Used to get group name after join
+ ENoNeedToGetGroupProperties = 10,
+ // Used to get properties of a group we do not have
+ EUnknownGroupGetPropertiesFromNetwork = 11,
+ EAfterJoinGroupProperties = 12,
+ EGroupProperties = 13,
+ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ EJoinToNonFavouriteGroup = 14,
+ EModifyMembersAccess = 15,
+ EGroupMembers = 16,
+ ESynchGroupMembers = 17,
+ ESetGroupProperties = 18,
+ EAddMembers = 19,
+ ERemoveMembers = 20,
+ // In application shutdown
+ ELeaveInApplicationShutdown = 21,
+ // Subscription
+ ESubscribe = 30,
+ EUnSubscribe = 31,
+ ECheckSubscription = 32,
+ ESetRejectList = 33,
+ // Blocking
+ EBlockRequest = 34,
+ EUnBlockRequest = 35,
+ EGetBlockedList = 36,
+ // Access
+ ELoginRequest = 37,
+ ELogoutRequest = 38
+ };
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// End of File