changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuiprocess/Inc/TEnumsPC.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Enumerations and Typedefs on Process Component Side
+#ifndef TENUMSPC_H
+#define TENUMSPC_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <bamdesca.h>
+	This is main interface of arraywrapper on Process component side.
+	UI Side array decorator has to use this array and get the details required....
+class TEnumsPC
+    {
+    public:	// Enumerations and typedefs
+        enum TUnreadFilter
+            {
+            EUnreadAll,
+            EUnreadReceived
+            };
+        enum TImpsCSPAllErrors
+            {
+            EImpsErrNone = 0,
+            ECSPInsufficientGroupPrivileges,
+            ECSPNotSupported,
+            ECSPInvalidParameter,
+            ECSPMultipleErrors //general errors
+            };
+        enum TContactEditorMode
+            {
+            EEditContact = 0,
+            EAddToContact = 1,
+            ECreateNew = 2,
+            EEditAfterView = 3,
+            EMoveContact = 4,
+            EViewContact = 5,
+            EUnknownMode = -1
+            };
+        enum TItem
+            {
+            EInvalid = -1,
+            EOwnStatusItem,
+            EContactItem,
+            EContactListItem,
+            EOpenChatsListItem,
+            EConversationItem,
+            EInviteItem,
+            EGroupItem,
+            EAll
+            };
+        enum TClientType
+            {
+            EUnknownClient = 0,
+            EMobile,
+            EPC
+            };
+        enum TFilterType
+            {
+            EFilterNotDefined = -1,
+            EFilterAll,
+            EFilterAndOperation,
+            EFilterOnline,
+            EFilterAway,
+            EFilterNonOffline, // this means online and away
+            EFilterNonBlocked,
+            EFilterAllNonBlockedAndOperation,
+            EFilterNonOfflineNonBlockedAndOperation,
+            EFilterNonOfflineNonBlockedNonOfflineOperation,
+            EFilterAllNonBlockedNonOfflineOperation
+            };
+        enum TOnlineStatus
+            {
+            EUnknown = -1,
+            EOffline,
+            EOnline,
+            EInvisible,
+            EAway,
+            EBusy
+            };
+        enum TChange
+            {
+            EUnknownEvent = -1,
+            EGroupChange, // this can be change in column B.....most of times....
+            EAddition,
+            EDelete,
+            EChanged,
+            EMultipleChanges,
+            EUnReadCountChanged
+            };
+        enum TSyncStatus
+            {
+            ESyncUnknown = -1,
+            ESyncFailed,
+            ESyncNotDone,
+            ESyncSuccess,
+            };
+        enum TCASettingStrings
+            {
+            EUnknownSettings = -1,
+            EDefaultScreenName = 0,
+            EOwnAlias,
+            EStatusMsgOnline,
+            EStatusMsgAway,
+            EStatusMsgBusy,
+            EOwnWVUserID
+            };
+        enum TCASettingValues
+            {
+            EUnknownValue = -1,
+            EAllValue = 0,
+            EFriends,
+            ENobody,
+            EDefaultScreenNameInUse,
+            EAuthorizeIMPresence,
+            EReceiveIMessages,
+            EReceiveInvitations,
+            EMessageFlowSettingLevel,
+            EShowTimeStamps,
+            EAutomaticPresenceUpdate,
+            EShowOffline,
+            EFriendsListOrdering
+            };
+        enum TCAFriendsListOrdering
+            {
+            EAlphabetical = 0,
+            EPresence
+            };
+        enum TCABackgroundTasks
+            {
+            EGroupFetch = 1,
+            EPresenceTask = 2,
+            EWhisperSync = 4,
+            //used just in 2.1
+            EBlockGrantListFetch = 8,
+            EFailed = -1//Not there in the engine side
+            };
+        enum TCABackgroundStatus
+            {
+            //add or removed
+            EUnknownStatus = 0
+            //enqueued and CIdle has been started
+            , EIdleStarted = 1
+            //CIdle is working
+            , EStarting = 2
+            //CActiveSchedulerWait has been started
+            , EWaiting = 4
+            //task or subtask has been completed
+            , ECompleted = 8
+            //task or subtask has been cancelled due to network loss or exit
+            , ECancelled = 16
+            //task or subtask has been failed and left
+            , EFailedStatus = 32
+            };
+        // Search by which criteria
+        enum TSearchCriteria
+            {
+            ESearchGroupName = 0,
+            ESearchGroupTopic,
+            ESearchGroupUserIDJoined,
+            ESearchUserName,
+            ESearchUserID,
+            ESearchUserMobileNumber,
+            ESearchUserEmailAddress,
+            ESearchUserLastName
+            };
+    public: // Definitions for Message class
+        /**
+         * Different message types
+         */
+        enum TMessageType
+            {
+            EMessagePTOP,
+            EMessageWhisper,
+            EMessageGroup,
+            EMessageSystem,
+            EMessageInvalid
+            };
+        /**
+         * System message enumerations.
+         */
+        enum TSystemMessage
+            {
+            ESystemMessageNone,
+            ESystemMessageWelcome,
+            ESystemMessageNewUsers,
+            ESystemMessageTopicChanged,
+            ESystemMessagePrivatChanged,
+            ESystemMessageLeftUsers,
+            ESystemMessageDateChange
+            };
+        /**
+         * Direction of message. Coming or going or other.
+         */
+        enum TMessagerType
+            {
+            EMessageSent,
+            EMessageReceived,
+            EMessageOther
+            };
+        /**
+         * Different message content types
+         */
+        enum TContentType
+            {
+            EContentText,
+            EContentPicture,
+            EContentOther,
+            EContentInvalid
+            };
+        /**
+         * Content processing states
+         */
+        enum TContentProcessState
+            {
+            EContentNotProcessed = 0,
+            EContentNotSupported,
+            EContentNotSupportedDrm,
+            EContentCorrupted,
+            EBitmapDecoded,
+            EBitmapScaled,
+            EContentReady,
+            EContentDecoded,
+            EThumbnailReady
+            };
+        enum TChatType
+            {
+            EPTOPChat   = 1,
+            EGroupChat,
+            EUnknownChatType = -1
+            };
+        enum TInviteType
+            {
+            ENewInvite,
+            EInviteCancelOrExpired,
+            EInviteRead,
+            EInviteUnknown
+            };
+        enum TListSelectionType
+            {
+            EUnknownSelect = -1,
+            ESingleListViewSelect,
+            ESingleSelect,
+            EMultiSelect,
+            ESingleListMultiSelect
+            };
+        enum TImpsPropertyBoolPC
+            {
+            EImpsPropUndef = -1,    // undefined
+            EImpsPropNo ,        // false, no, ...
+            EImpsPropYes         // true, yes
+            };
+        /**
+         * Events for observer to handle.
+         */
+        enum TChatEventType
+            {
+            EGroupListChanged,
+            EChatListChanged,
+            ESendListChanged,
+            EUnreadCountChanged, // Happens with new message and when messages are read.
+            EMemoryLow,
+            EEventNotSpecified
+            };
+        /**
+        * Events for Forward status
+        */
+        enum TForwardStatus
+            {
+            EUnregistered = 0,
+            EToBeUnregistered,
+            ERegister,
+            EAlreadyRegistered
+            };
+    };
+#endif      // TENUMSPC_H