--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuistorage/src/CCAStorageManager.h Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Storage manager header file
+#include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <babackup.h>
+#include "MCAStoredContacts.h"
+#include "TCAStoragePanics.h"
+#include "TStorageManagerGlobals.h"
+#include "MCAStoredGroups.h"
+#include "MCAStoredContactsObserver.h"
+#include "MCAStoredGroupsObserver.h"
+#include "MCARefreshTimerObserver.h"
+#include "MCAStorageInfo.h"
+class CBaBackupSessionWrapper;
+class CCAContactList;
+class MCAStoredContactsObserver;
+class CCAStorage;
+class CCAGroup;
+class CCARefreshTimer;
+class CCAContactSorter;
+ * Storage Manager.
+ *
+ * Note! The following methods do not allow themselves to be called if backup
+ * is in progress (use MBackupOperationObserver or CBaBackupSessionWrapper).
+ * In such a case, the methods either leave or return without doing anything.
+ *
+ * - AddContactL (both variants)
+ * - RemoveContactL
+ * - PopulateContactsList
+ * - CreateGroupL
+ * - DeleteGroupL
+ * - PopulateGroupsList
+ *
+ * After the backup has finished, an HandleListInvalidation event is sent to
+ * observers.
+ *
+ * @lib CAStorage.dll
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+class CCAStorageManager : public CBase,
+ public MCAStoredContacts,
+ public MCAStoredGroups,
+ public MCAStoredContactsObserver,
+ public MCAStoredGroupsObserver,
+ public MCARefreshTimerObserver,
+ public MCAStorageInfo
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CCAStorageManager* NewL();
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CCAStorageManager();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Creates instance of storage
+ * @return CCAStorageManager pointer
+ */
+ static CCAStorageManager* InstanceL();
+ /**
+ * Release instance of storage
+ * @return KErrNone if released.
+ */
+ static TInt ReleaseL();
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void AddObserverL( MCAStoredContactsObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void RemoveObserver( MCAStoredContactsObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAContactList* AddContactListIdL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
+ const TDesC& aDisplayName,
+ TBool aNotify = ETrue );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void RemoveContactList( const TDesC& aContactListId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetContactListCollapsed( const TDesC& aContactListId,
+ TBool aCollapsed );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void RemoveContact( const TDesC& aListId, const TDesC& aContactId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact* FindContact( const TDesC& aContactListId,
+ const TDesC& aId );
+ MCAStoredContact* FindContact( const TDesC& aContactListId,
+ const TDesC& aId,
+ MCAContactList*& aContactList );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact* FindAnyContact( const TDesC& aContactId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact* FindAnyContactByNick( const TDesC& aNick );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TInt FindContact( const MCAStoredContact& aContact ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool ContactInAllLists( const TDesC& aContactId ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TInt ListCount() const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAContactList& ListAt( TInt aIndex ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void FindContacts( RPointerArray< MCAStoredContact >& aArray,
+ const TDesC& aContactId ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TInt ContactCount( TBool aSkipOfflineContacts = EFalse ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetWVHiding( TBool aHiding );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool WVHiding();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetWVHidingPrefixOnly( TBool aHidingPrefixOnly ); // UI CR ID :101-39728: Show domain part of the user ID
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool WVHidingPrefixOnly(); // UI CR ID: 101-39728: Show domain part of the user ID
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetCapitalizingEnabled( TBool aCapital ); // UI CR ID: 101-39727
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool CapitalizingEnabled(); // UI CR ID: 101-39727
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetWatched( const TDesC& aContactId, TBool aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetPendingMessages( const TDesC& aContactId, TInt aAmount );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetBlocked( const TDesC& aContactId, TBool aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetBlocked( const TDesC& aContactId,
+ const TDesC& aListId,
+ TBool aStatus );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void Sort( const TDesC& aContactListId = KNullDesC );
+ /**
+ * Resort one contact, what ever contact list it is in
+ */
+ void ResortContactInAll( MCAStoredContact* aContact );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetSortAlgorithm( MCAStoredContact::TSortAlgorithm aAlgorithm );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus OnlineStatus(
+ const TDesC& aContactId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact* UpdatePresenceL( const TDesC& aContactId,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus aStatus,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType aType,
+ const TDesC& aAlias,
+ const TDesC& aStatusText,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus& aOldOnlineStatus );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ const TPtrC Identification( const TDesC& aContactId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact& OwnStatus();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetContactListLock( TBool aLocked );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void ResetContactLists();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetContactListProperty( TContactListProperty aProperty );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TInt InitSynchroniseProcess();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TInt SetNextForSynchroniseProcess();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAContactList& ListInSyncProcessL();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool IsAllSynchronised( TBool &aIsFailed ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void AddObserverL( MCAStoredGroupsObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void RemoveObserver( MCAStoredGroupsObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ MCAExtendedStoredGroup* CreateGroupL();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void DeleteGroupL( MCAStoredGroup* aGroup );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ MCAStoredGroup* FindGroup( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void PopulateGroupsListL( RPointerArray<MCAStoredGroup>& aList,
+ TBool aReturnOnlyVisible );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void SignalGroupChangedL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void SignalGroupAddedL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ void SaveGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ virtual void HideAllGroups( TBool aAllGroups = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ virtual void ShowAllGroups();
+ /**
+ * Count of stored groups
+ * @return Count of groups
+ */
+ virtual TInt GroupCount( TBool aOnlyVisible ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredGroups
+ */
+ virtual void CheckFreespaceLevelL( MCAExtendedStoredGroup* aGroup );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetNotifyOnSave( TBool aStatus );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleContactDelete( const TDesC& aContact );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleAddition( MCAContactList& aList, MCAStoredContact& aContact );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleChange( MCAContactList* aList, MCAStoredContact* aContact,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aEventType,
+ TBool aUserIdChanged );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContactsObserver
+ * MCAStoredGroupsObserver
+ * This method is unused.
+ */
+ void HandleBackupRestoreEvent(
+ const TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aEventType );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredGroupsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleDelete( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredGroupsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleAddition( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredGroupsObserver
+ */
+ void HandleChange( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact* CreateContactL(
+ const TDesC& aContactList,
+ const TDesC& aNickname,
+ const TDesC& aWVID );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ MCAStoredContact* CreateContactL(
+ MCAContactList& aContactList,
+ const TDesC& aNickname,
+ const TDesC& aWVID,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus aStatus,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType aType,
+ const TDesC& aAlias,
+ const TDesC& aStatusText );
+ /**
+ * MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SendContactListUpdatedEvent( MCAContactList& aList );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void RemoveAllContactsL();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetShowNickname( TBool aShowNickname ) ;
+ /**
+ * Clears all selected-flags
+ */
+ void ClearSelected();
+ /**
+ * Gets all selected contacts
+ */
+ void GetSelectedL( RPointerArray<MCAStoredContact>& aSelected,
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TFilterType aFilter );
+ /**
+ * From MCARefreshTimerObserver
+ */
+ void HandleTimeWaited( const TInt aError );
+ /**
+ * From MCAStorageInfo
+ */
+ TBool ShowNickname();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStorageInfo
+ */
+ TBool CollapseLocked();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool IsContactValid( const MCAStoredContact* aContact ) const;
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SortContactLists();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ TBool IsGroupDeleted();
+ /**
+ * From MCAStoredContacts
+ */
+ void SetGroupDeleted( TBool aValue );
+ private:
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CCAStorageManager();
+ /**
+ * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ // internal contact list managing helper routines
+ /**
+ * Find the index of the list element in our list of groups that
+ * has the given group id.
+ * @since 2.1
+ * @param aId The id to search
+ * @return The index in the list, or KErrNotFound
+ */
+ TInt FindGroupIndexByGroupId( const TDesC& aId );
+ /**
+ * Helper routine for handling observer events for contacts
+ * @param aType The type of observer event
+ * @param aContact Event occured for contact.
+ * @param aContactId, Id of contact
+ * @param aList Contact list where contact can be found
+ * @param aUserIdChanged, Is user id changed or not.
+ */
+ void SendObserverEvent(
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aType,
+ MCAStoredContact* aContact,
+ const TDesC& aContactId,
+ MCAContactList* aList = NULL,
+ TBool aUserIdChanged = EFalse );
+ /**
+ * Helper routine for handling observer events for groups
+ * @since 2.1
+ * @param aType The type of observer event
+ * @param aParameter The group id
+ */
+ void SendObserverEvent(
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aType,
+ const TDesC& aParameter );
+ /**
+ * Helper routine for backup and restore events
+ * @param aType The event type
+ * @param aParam The parameter
+ */
+ void SendBRObserverEvent(
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aType );
+ /**
+ * Synchronize groups with persistent storage. Called from Constructor.
+ * @since 2.1
+ */
+ void SynchronizeGroupsL();
+ /**
+ * Notify all the observers about the given event
+ * @param aType The type of observer event
+ * @param aContact The contact in question
+ * (or -1 == KCAStorageDontKnowPos to force search for given contact id
+ * in aParameter)
+ * @param aFromPEC, ETrue, if event is coming from PEC
+ * @since 2.1
+ */
+ void NotifyAllObservers( TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aType,
+ MCAStoredContact* aContact,
+ const TDesC& aContactId,
+ MCAContactList *aList,
+ TBool aUserIdChanged );
+ /**
+ * Notify all the observer about the given event after small delay
+ * If new notify events come during delay, then notify is "shifted"
+ * with new delay time and notify event is change to "multiplechanges".
+ * @param aType The type of observer event
+ * @param aContact The contact in question
+ * (or -1 == KCAStorageDontKnowPos to force search for given contact id
+ * in aParameter)
+ * @param aFromPEC, ETrue, if event is coming from PEC
+ * @since 2.6
+ */
+ void NotifyAllObserversWithDelay(
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aType,
+ MCAStoredContact* aContact, const TDesC& aContactId,
+ MCAContactList* aList,
+ TBool aUserIdChanged );
+ /**
+ * Actual implementation for NotifyAllObserversWithDelay
+ * @see NotifyAllObserversWithDelay
+ */
+ void DoNotifyAllObserversWithDelayL(
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aType,
+ MCAStoredContact* aContact, const TDesC& aContactId,
+ MCAContactList* aList,
+ TBool aUserIdChanged );
+ // TLinearOrder
+ static TInt ContactListOrderByDisplayName(
+ const CCAContactList& aContactA,
+ const CCAContactList& aContactB );
+ static TBool ContactListFindByContactId(
+ const CCAContactList& aContactA,
+ const CCAContactList& aContactB );
+ /**
+ * Find contact list for internal use.
+ * @param aListId. List to find.
+ * @return Contact list if found. if not found return NULL
+ */
+ CCAContactList* FindContactListInternal( const TDesC& aListId );
+ /**
+ * Find contact list
+ * @param aListId. List to find.
+ * @return Contact list if found. If not found return NULL
+ */
+ MCAContactList* FindContactList( const TDesC& aListId );
+ TInt FindContactListById( const TDesC& aListId );
+ /**
+ * Populate contact array
+ * @param aArray. Array to be populated by contacts.
+ * @param aContactId. Id of contacts which are appended to array.
+ */
+ void PopulateContactArrayL( RPointerArray< MCAContactList >& aListArray,
+ RPointerArray< MCAStoredContact >& aContactArray,
+ const TDesC& aContactId );
+ /**
+ * Find next list for sync
+ * @param Offset for earlier item.
+ */
+ TInt FindNextForSynch( TInt aOffset );
+ private: // Data
+ // observers list, used with MCAStoredContacts inherited methods
+ RPointerArray< MCAStoredContactsObserver > iContactObservers;
+ // owns the array, but not the observers
+ // observers list, used with MCAStoredGroups inherited methods
+ RPointerArray< MCAStoredGroupsObserver > iGroupObservers;
+ // owns the array, but not the observers
+ // list of contacts
+ RPointerArray< CCAContactList > iContactList; // owns
+ // list of groups
+ RPointerArray< CCAGroup > iGroupList; // owns
+ // the persistent storage
+ CCAStorage* iStorage; // owns
+ // the backup server session
+ CBaBackupSessionWrapper* iBackupSession; // owns
+ // notify upon save or not
+ TBool iNotifyUponSave;
+ // hide "wv:" from contact identification (ETrue)
+ TBool iWVHiding;
+ // Timer used to wait before calling HandleChange to observers.
+ CCARefreshTimer* iRefreshTimer; // owns
+ // Helper variables for shifted change events.
+ TInt iRefreshStartCounter;
+ HBufC* iLatestContactToRefresh; // WVID of latest contact
+ MCAContactList* iLatestContactList; // latest contactlist
+ TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType iRefreshEventType;
+ TBool iRefreshUserIdChanged;
+ /// Sorter for contacts. Owns
+ CCAContactSorter* iContactSorter;
+ /// Contact for own status
+ MCAStoredContact* iOwnStatus;
+ /// Operation error
+ TInt iOperationError;
+ /// Contact list lock status ETrue locked, EFalse unlocked.
+ TBool iContactListLock;
+ // To show nickname or not
+ TBool iShowNickname;
+ // Current contact list to be synchronised.
+ TInt iCurrentListSync;
+ // hide "wv:" from contact identification (ETrue) only wv: part
+ TBool iWVHidingPrefixOnly;
+ // capitalizig the listname
+ TBool iCapital;
+ TBool iGroupDeleted;
+ };
+// End of File