--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/inc/PEngWVServices2.h Wed Sep 01 12:31:13 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Wireless Village CSP features.
+#include <E32Std.h>
+ * NWSessionSlot option name.
+ * Option level: KPEngNWSessionSlotTransportQuery.
+ *
+ * Used to query TPEngWVCSPServicesTree2 from NWSessionSlot.
+ * Supported services can be asked only after succesful login,
+ * when the NWSessionSlot is connected to network. If the slot
+ * isn't connected to network, CPEngNWSessionSlot2::GetOption()
+ * returns KErrNotFound.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * CPEngNWSessionSlot2* nwSlot = ... //Open NWSession
+ *
+ * TPEngWVCspServicesTree2 cspTree;
+ * TPckg<TPEngWVCspServicesTree2> cspTreePtr( cspTree );
+ * User::LeaveIfError( nwSlot->GetOption( KPEngWVCspServicesTree2,
+ * KPEngNWSessionSlotTransportQuery,
+ * cspTreePtr ) );
+ *
+ * if( !cspTree.iPresenceFeat.FeatureSupported() )
+ * {
+ * }
+ *
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+const TUint KPEngWVCspServicesTree2 = 0x50001;
+ * WV CSP Feature subtree.
+ * Function and SubFunction constants
+ * are in the end of this file.
+ *
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+class TPEngWVCspFeature2
+ {
+ public: // Constructor
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor
+ */
+ inline TPEngWVCspFeature2();
+ public: // Accessor helpers
+ /**
+ * Checks is the feature supported or not.
+ *
+ * @return ETrue if network server supports all those functions
+ * that were requested in capability negotiation.
+ * Else EFalse.
+ */
+ inline TBool FeatureSupported() const;
+ /**
+ * Function accessor.
+ * Checks is the given function supported or not.
+ *
+ * @param aFunction Function to check. See function constants
+ * KPEngFFServiceFunction, KPEngFFSearchFunction etc below.
+ * @return ETrue if network server supports all those
+ * sub-functions that were requested in capability
+ * negotiation. Else EFalse.
+ */
+ inline TBool FunctionSupported( TInt aFunction ) const;
+ /**
+ * Sub-function accessor.
+ * Checks is the given sub-function supported or not.
+ *
+ * @param aSubFunction Sub-function to check. See sub-function constants
+ * KPEngFFSubFuncSRCH, KPEngWVSubFuncSTSRC etc below.
+ * @return ETrue if network server supports given sub-function.
+ * Else EFalse.
+ */
+ inline TBool SubFunctionSupported( TInt aSubFunction ) const;
+ public: // Data
+ //OWN: Is feature supported?
+ TBool iSupported;
+ //OWN: Supported WV functions
+ TInt32 iFunctions;
+ //OWN: Supported WV SubFunctions
+ TInt32 iSubFunctions;
+ private: // Reserved extensions space
+ //OWN: Reserved extensions space
+ TUint8 iReserved[ 8 ];
+ };
+ * WV CSP Services Tree.
+ *
+ * Holds information about currently supported
+ * Wireless Village CSP services.
+ *
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+class TPEngWVCspServicesTree2
+ {
+ public: // Constructors
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ inline TPEngWVCspServicesTree2();
+ public: // Data
+ //OWN: Wireless Village Fundamental Features
+ TPEngWVCspFeature2 iFundamentalFeat;
+ //OWN: Wireless Village Presence Features
+ TPEngWVCspFeature2 iPresenceFeat;
+ //OWN: Wireless Village IM Features
+ TPEngWVCspFeature2 iIMFeat;
+ //OWN: Wireless Village Group Features
+ TPEngWVCspFeature2 iGroupFeat;
+ private: // Reserved extensions space
+ //OWN: Reserved extensions space
+ TUint8 iReserved[4 * sizeof( TPEngWVCspFeature2 ) + 8];
+ };
+ * Fundamental Functions subtree.
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+const TInt KPEngFFServiceFunction = 0x0001;
+const TInt KPEngFFSearchFunction = 0x0002;
+// Old name
+const TInt KPEngWVSearchFunction = 0x0002;
+const TInt KPEngFFInviteFunction = 0x0004;
+// GETSPI: Support for Get Service Provider Info transaction
+const TInt KPEngFFSubFuncGETSPI = 0x0001;
+// SRCH: Support for searching based on various group/user properties
+const TInt KPEngFFSubFuncSRCH = 0x0010;
+// STSRC: Support for stop search transaction
+const TInt KPEngFFSubFuncSTSRC = 0x0020;
+// Old names
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncSRCH = 0x0010;
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncSTSRC = 0x0020;
+// INVIT: Support for invitation transaction
+const TInt KPEngFFSubFuncINVIT = 0x0100;
+// CAINV: Support for cancel invitation transaction
+const TInt KPEngFFSubFuncCAINV = 0x0200;
+ * Presence Functions subtree.
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+const TInt KPEngWVContListFunction = 0x0001;
+const TInt KPEngWVPresAuthFunction = 0x0002;
+const TInt KPEngWVPresDelivFunction = 0x0004;
+const TInt KPEngWVAttrListFunction = 0x0008;
+// GCLI: Support for get list of contact lists (IDs) transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncGCLI = 0x0001;
+// CCLI: Support for create contact list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncCCLI = 0x0002;
+// DCLI: Support for delete contact list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncDCLI = 0x0004;
+// MCLS: Support for manage contact list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncMCLS = 0x0008;
+// GETWL: Support for get watcher list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncGETWL = 0x0010;
+// REACT: Support for reactive presence authorization request
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncREACT = 0x0020;
+// CAAUT: Support for cancel presence authorization transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncCAAUT = 0x0040;
+// GETAUT: Support for get reactive authorization status transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncGETAUT = 0x0080;
+// GETPR: Support for get presence transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncGETPR = 0x0100;
+// UPDPR: Support for update presence transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncUPDPR = 0x0200;
+// CALI: Support for create attribute list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncCALI = 0x1000;
+// DALI: Support for delete attribute list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncDALI = 0x2000;
+// GALS: Support for get attribute list transaction
+const TInt KPEngWVSubFuncGALS = 0x4000;
+ * IM Functions subtree.
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+const TInt KPEngIMSendFunctions = 0x0001;
+const TInt KPEngIMReceiveFunctions = 0x0002;
+const TInt KPEngIMAuthorFunctions = 0x0004;
+// MDELIV: Support for delivery status report transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncMDELIV = 0x0001;
+// FWMSG: Support for forward message transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncFWMSG = 0x0002;
+// SETD: Support for setting delivery method
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncSETD = 0x0010;
+// GETLM: Support for get list of messages transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncGETLM = 0x0020;
+// GETM: Support for get message transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncGETM = 0x0040;
+// REJCM: Support for reject message transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncREJCM = 0x0080;
+// NOTIF: Support for message notification transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncNOTIF = 0x0100;
+// NEWM: Support for new message transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncNEWM = 0x0200;
+// GLBLU: Support for get list of blocked entities transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncGLBLU = 0x1000;
+// BLENT: Support for block entity transaction
+const TInt KPEngIMSubFuncBLENT = 0x2000;
+ * Group Functions subtree.
+ * @since 3.0
+ */
+const TInt KPEngGRManageFunctions = 0x0001;
+const TInt KPEngGRUseFunctions = 0x0002;
+const TInt KPEngGRAuthorFunctions = 0x0004;
+// CREAG: Support for group creation transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncCREAG = 0x0001;
+// DELGR: Support for group deletion transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncDELGR = 0x0002;
+// GETGP: Support for get group properties transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncGETGP = 0x0004;
+// SETGP: Support for set group properties transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncSETGP = 0x0008;
+// SUBGCN: Support for subscribe group notice transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncSUBGCN = 0x0010;
+// GRCHN: Support for group change notification transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncGRCHN = 0x0020;
+// GETGM: Support for get group members transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncGETGM = 0x0100;
+// ADDGM: Support for add group members transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncADDGM = 0x0200;
+// RMVGM: Support for remove group members transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncRMVGM = 0x0400;
+// MBRAC: Support for member access rights transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncMBRAC = 0x0800;
+// REJEC: Support for reject user(s) from group transaction
+const TInt KPEngGRSubFuncREJEC = 0x1000;
+// Inline methods
+// =================== TPEngWVCSPFeature2 MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===================
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+inline TPEngWVCspFeature2::TPEngWVCspFeature2()
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ( this, sizeof( TPEngWVCspFeature2 ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPEngWVCspFeature2::FeatureSupported()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline TBool TPEngWVCspFeature2::FeatureSupported() const
+ {
+ return iSupported;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPEngWVCspFeature2::FunctionSupported()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline TBool TPEngWVCspFeature2::FunctionSupported( TInt aFunction ) const
+ {
+ return ( iFunctions & aFunction ? ETrue : EFalse );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TPEngWVCspFeature2::SubFunctionSupported()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline TBool TPEngWVCspFeature2::SubFunctionSupported( TInt aSubFunction ) const
+ {
+ return ( iSubFunctions & aSubFunction ? ETrue : EFalse );
+ }
+// ================= TPEngWVCspServicesTree2 MEMBER FUNCTIONS =================
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+inline TPEngWVCspServicesTree2::TPEngWVCspServicesTree2()
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ( this, sizeof( TPEngWVCspServicesTree2 ) );
+ }
+//End of file