changeset 17 a941bc465d9f
parent 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/inc/impspresenceconnectionuiconstsng.h	Wed Sep 01 12:31:13 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  IMPS Connection UI public constants.
+#include <E32Std.h>
+#include "ChatNGCommonUIDs.h"
+ * Client application enumeration.
+ */
+enum TIMPSConnectionClient
+    {
+    EIMPSConnClientPEC = 0x1,   ///<Client belongs to PEC application group.
+    EIMPSConnClientIM  = 0x2    ///<Client is IM application.
+    };
+ * Login type enumeration.
+ *
+ * Defines behaviour wanted from
+ * Connection UI.
+ */
+enum TIMPSLoginType
+    {
+    EIMPSManualLogin = 0x1,        ///<"Manual" login with server list query.
+    EIMPSApplicationLaunch = 0x2,  ///< Application start time login. Direct login to SAPSettingsStore default server.
+    EIMPSAAConnectionStart = 0x3   ///< AA Connection start. Starts AA connection for selected client to SAPSettingsStore default server.
+    };
+ * Application level presence events.
+ *
+ * Application level presence events.
+ * These events map 1 to 1 to the
+ * PEC engine events.
+ *
+ * NOTE!! Further events may be added here later.
+ */
+enum TIMPSPresenceServiceEvent
+    {
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceUnknownEvent = -1,  ///<For not matched PEC engine events
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceOffline = 0,        ///<Presence service not available
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceOnline,             ///<Presence service available (logged in or network connection came back)
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceSlotChanged,        ///<PEC engine network session slot has been changed
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceSlotRemoved,        ///<PEC engine network session slot has been removed
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceForceLogOut,        ///<Force log out from the IMPS network server
+    EIMPSPresenceServiceTransport           ///<A transport specific event
+    };
+ * Application exit type enumeration.
+ *
+ * Defines behaviour wanted from
+ * Connection UI.
+ */
+enum TIMPSExitType
+    {
+    EIMPSNormalExit             = 0x1,  ///<Application close related queries are shown
+    EIMPSForceExit              = 0x2,  ///<Application exit is handled silently without user interaction
+    EIMPSLeaveSessionOpenExit   = 0x3,  ///<Application exit, network session is left open
+    };
+ * Connection mode event enumerations.
+ * NOTE!! Further events may be added here later.
+ */
+enum TIMPSConnectionModeEvent
+    {
+    EIMPSCMEUnknown         = -1,           ///<Connection UI hasn't recognized any particular connection mode change.
+    ///<Login/logout events
+    EIMPSCMEUserLevelSelectionEventGroup = 1,
+    EIMPSCMEUserLevelLogout = 2,            ///<User has performed a logout trough the ConnectionUI's UI. (manual login)
+    EIMPSCMEUserLevelLogin  = 3,            ///<User has performed a login trough the ConnectionUI's UI. (manual logout)
+    EIMPSCMEUserLevelAAConnectionStart = 4, ///<User has started AA connection in UI level
+    ///<Significant scheduling client start/stop events
+    EIMPSCMESSClientEventGroup = 101,
+    EIMPSCMEFirstSSClientStart = 102,       ///<First significant scheduling client started
+    EIMPSCMELastSSClientStop   = 103        ///<Last significant scheduling client stopped
+    };
+ * Connection settings event enumerations.
+ * NOTE!! Further events may be added here later.
+ */
+enum TIMPSConnectionSettingsEvent
+    {
+    EIMPSCSEUnknown         = -1,   ///<Connection UI hasn't recognized any particular connection setting change.
+    ///<Always Automatic (a.k.a Always Online) settings events
+    EIMPSCSEAASettingsEventGroup = 1,
+    EIMPSCSEAlwaysAutomaticOn    = 2,        ///<Always online has been enabled from IMPS connection settings
+    EIMPSCSEAlwaysAutomaticOnInHNW = 3,      ///<Always online has been enabled from IMPS connection settings
+    EIMPSCSEAlwaysAutomaticOff   = 4,        ///<Always online has been disabled from IMPS connection settings
+    ///<Always Automatic scheduling events
+    EIMPSCSEAASchedulingTimeEventGroup      = 101,
+    EIMPSCSEAAScheduledConnectionStartTime  = 102,  ///<Scheduled AA connection start time passed
+    EIMPSCSEAAScheduledConnectionEndTime    = 103,  ///<Scheduled AA connection end time passed
+    };
+ * Connection operation enumerations.
+ * NOTE!! Further events may be added here later.
+ */
+enum TIMPSConnectionOperation
+    {
+    EIMPSConnOppUnknown = -1,       ///<No particular operation ongoing
+    EIMPSConnOppClientLogin = 2     ///<Client login ongoing
+    };
+ * UI notification services available to clients.
+ *
+ * Available services (identified by their enum values)
+ *
+ * 1.When this service is started, allows UI notifications
+ *   from active connection termination and suspends
+ *   to be shown in host application context.
+ *   Currently shows notifications only from force logout
+ *   events. Notifications are shown only when the host
+ *   application connection has been active and it is ended
+ *   or suspended by some external reason.
+ *   (For IM & PEC.)
+ *
+ * 2.When this service is started, allows queries about
+ *   currently active network connection scheduled close
+ *   to be shown in host application context when needed.
+ *   Connection Agent will asks from user should this
+ *   application group currently active network connection
+ *   be closed right now as scheduled. User has 30 seconds timeout to
+ *   react to query. If user selects "yes" or doesn't react to query,
+ *   or the service isn't used by any client group application,
+ *   network connection is closed as scheduled.
+ *   (For IM when AA scheduling is supported.)
+ *
+ * 3.When this service is started, allows queries about
+ *   currently active network connection termination for
+ *   another scheduled connection to be shown in host
+ *   application context when needed.
+ *   Connection Agent will ask from user should the currently
+ *   active network connection to be closed because a
+ *   connection to another IMPS service is scheduled. If user selects
+ *   "yes" or doesn't react to query, or the service isn't used by any
+ *   client group applications, current network connection is closed
+ *   and a connection to different IMPS service is opened as scheduled.
+ *   (For IM & PEC when AA scheduling is supported.)
+ *
+ * 4.When this service is started, the connection client is
+ *   registered and counted as "significant" connection client
+ *   in scheduling.
+ *   (For IM & PEC when AA scheduling is supported.)
+ *
+ * @since 2.1
+ */
+enum TIMPSConnectionUiAgentService
+    {
+    EIMPSNotifyActiveConnectionLostReasons = 1,
+    EIMPSQueryActiveConnectionScheduledClose = 2,
+    EIMPSQueryActiveConnectionSuppressForScheduledConnection = 3,
+    EIMPSReqisterAsSignificantConnectionClientInScheduling = 4
+    };
+ * Connection UI panic panic reasons and category
+ * Not for use. Only for debug purposes.
+ */
+enum TIMPSConnectionUiPanicReason
+    {
+    EIMPSConnUi_NoCoeEnv = 0,
+    EIMPSConnUi_UnknownNoteID = 1,
+    EIMPSConn_NULLPtr = 2,
+    EIMPSConnUi_UnknownClientType = 3,
+    EIMPSConnOpContextUninitialized = 4,
+    EIMPSConnStepDriverUninitialized = 5,
+    EIMPSConnOpenerUnknownState = 6,
+    EIMPSConnCloserUnknownState = 7
+    };
+_LIT( KIMPSConnUi_PanicCat, "PresConnUi" );
+_LIT( KIMPSPECContactListIdentifier,  "~PEP1." );
+_LIT( KIMPSSubscriptionList, "/~PEP1.0_subscriptions" );
+_LIT( KIMPSPrivateList, "/~PEP1.0_privatelist" );
+_LIT( KIMPSBlockList, "/~PEP1.0_blocklist" );
+_LIT( KIMPSWatcherList, "watcherlist" );
+// constant for AA client packing key
+_LIT( KIMPSPackAAClientsKey, "IMPSAAClients" );
+// constants for storing branding resource information
+const TUid KBrandingUid = { KWVUIAVEEXEUIDS2 };
+const TInt KBrandingResourceKey = 666;
+const TInt KForcedLoginKey = 667;
+const TInt KBrandingConnUIResourceKey = 668;
+_LIT( KConnUiVariationResourceName, "IMConnectionUIVariationNG.rsc" );
+_LIT( KConnUiResourceName, "IMPSConnectionUiNG.rsc" );
+//  End of File