* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CirWatcher for UDP
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include "ImpsIpCirWatcherAPI.h"
class CUdpSocketListener;
class MImpsConnectionManager;
class CUdpCirWatcher : public CImpsUdpCirWatcher
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
static CUdpCirWatcher* NewL();
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
void RegisterCirReceiverL( const MImpsCirReceiver& aCirReceiver,
const TInt aServicePort = KDefaultUDPPortNumber );
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
void UnregisterCirReceiverL( const MImpsCirReceiver& aCirReceiver );
* Reset all watchers on a specified port. By default resets
* all watchers on all ports!
* @param TInt The port to reset; by default all ports
* @return void
void Reset( const TInt aServicePort = KErrArgument );
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
virtual void DeleteSingleton();
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
virtual void Destroy();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CUdpCirWatcher();
public: //New functions
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
static void WriteToLog( TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt, ... );
* Symbian OS second-phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* C++ default constructor is private
* C++ default constructor is private
void DeleteLogFileL();
* Increase the number of clients for this singleton
* @return void
void IncreaseReferenceCount();
* Return the current reference count for the singleton object.
* Comes in handy at least in testing.
* @return TInt Current reference count
void DecreaseReferenceCount();
* Return the current reference count for the singleton object.
* Comes in handy at least in testing.
* @return TInt Current reference count
const TInt ReferenceCount() const;
* Return the current reference count for the singleton object.
* Comes in handy at least in testing.
* @return TInt Current reference count
void StoreDestructorKeyL( const TUid aDestructorKey );
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
TBool FindListenerL( const TInt aServicePort,
const MImpsCirReceiver& aCirReceiver );
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
CUdpSocketListener* FindListener( TInt& aIndex,
const TInt aServicePort ) const;
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aPingInterval Interval of the ping requests
* @param aConnManager Reference to the active connection manager
TInt CreateListenerL( const TInt aServicePort,
const MImpsCirReceiver& aCirReceiver );
private: //Data
TInt iReferenceCount;
RSocketServ iSocketSession;
RPointerArray<CUdpSocketListener> iListenerQueue;
// End of File