* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Session for IMPS.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include "impsserver.h"
#include "impssession.h"
#include "impssubsession.h"
#include "impscspsession.h"
#include "impsfields.h"
#include "impsutils.h"
#include "impserrors.h"
#include "impstimer.h"
#include "impssendreceive.h"
#include "impsservices.h"
#include "impscommonenums.h"
#include "impssdatautils.h"
#include "impsmessageinterpreterapi.h"
#include "impsdataaccessor.h"
#include "impsdigestbytes.h"
#include "impsvariant.h"
#include "impsalivemanager.h"
#include "impsactivecirmonitor.h"
#include "ImpsVariantAPI.h"
#include "impstidqueue.h"
#include "impsactivecirmonitor.h"
#include "impssrvtestutils.h"
#ifndef _DEBUG
// Adative polling policy time increment
const TInt KImpsPollIncrement = 10;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
CImpsCSPSession::CImpsCSPSession( CImpsServer& aServer,
TImpsSrvSettings& aSettings,
RFs& aFs,
CImpsVariant& aVariant,
TImpsCspVersion aVer ):
iServer( aServer ),
iCSPVersion( aVer ),
iFs( aFs ),
iVariant( aVariant ),
iTransactionList( _FOFF( CTransaction, iLink ) ), //lint !e413
iRequestList( _FOFF( CReq, iLink ) ), //lint !e413
iCSPState( EImpsCSPIdle ),
iPendingLogout( EFalse ),
iAliveMgr( NULL ),
iPollTime( KImpsPollTime ),
iPollWasRequested( EFalse ),
iUserId( NULL ),
iIntStatus ( EInternal_NOT_LOGGED ),
iMultiTrans( KImpsMultiTrans ),
iNegoExpiry( ),
iCirManager( NULL ),
iLogoutTID( KNullDesC ),
iConAllowed( ETrue ),
iPendingAlive( EFalse ),
iIAP( 0 ),
iPollState( EImpsPollNone ),
iPollInResume( 0 ),
iPendingPDP( EImpsPDPPendNone ), // PDP:
iPendPDPLogout ( EFalse ), // PDP:
iTidSapHistory( NULL ),
iTidCliHistory( NULL ),
iTcpCIRError( EFalse ),
iCancelLogin ( EFalse )
iCSPSessionId = KNullDesC;
iLogCID = KNullDesC;
iTempTid = KNullDesC;
iTempTid2 = KNullDesC;
iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
iLoginPhase = 1;
iKey1 = NULL;
iKey2 = NULL;
iSettings = aSettings;
// Create and start a new server.
CImpsCSPSession* CImpsCSPSession::NewL( CImpsServer& aServer,
TImpsSrvSettings& aSettings,
RFs& aFs,
CImpsVariant& aVariant,
TImpsCspVersion aVer )
if ( aVer == EImpsCspVersion11 )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NewL rel200542.2+ WV 1.1" ) );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NewL rel200542.2+ WV 1.2" ) );
CImpsCSPSession* self = new ( ELeave ) CImpsCSPSession( aServer,
aSettings, aFs, aVariant, aVer );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DESTRUCTOR csp=%d **" ), ( TInt )this );
// deallocate all memory
delete iTransportOut;
delete iCirManager;
delete iReceiver2;
delete iAllMessages;
delete iRcv;
delete iSnd;
delete iIdleTimer;
delete iAliveMgr;
delete iSendQ;
delete iTCPAddr;
delete iLogPwd;
delete iLogTid;
delete iKey1;
delete iKey2;
delete iUserId;
delete iSAP;
if ( iDecoder )
if ( iEncoder )
delete iPDPIdleTimer;
delete iPDPOpenTimer;
delete iTidSapHistory;
delete iTidCliHistory;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::Destroy()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::Destroy()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Destroy csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// You MUST delete ip-cir entity before conn-manager entity.
// refer to ImpsIpCirWatcherApi.h.
delete iCirManager;
iCirManager = NULL;
delete iReceiver2;
iReceiver2 = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::ConstructL()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ConstructL begins csp=%d **" ), ( TInt )this );
iTransportOut = CBufFlat::NewL( KImpsStreamSize / 2 );
iTransportOut->ResizeL( KImpsStreamSize );
iDecoder = NewDecoderL( this );
iEncoder = NewEncoderL();
iTidSapHistory = CImpsTidQueue::NewL();
iTidCliHistory = CImpsTidQueue::NewL();
iSnd = CImpsFields::NewL();
iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
iIdleTimer = new ( ELeave ) CImpsIdleTimer( *this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
iPDPIdleTimer = new ( ELeave ) CImpsPDPIdleTimer( *this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
iPDPOpenTimer = new ( ELeave ) CImpsPDPOpenTimer( *this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
iAliveMgr = CImpsAliveManager::NewL( *this );
iSendQ = new ( ELeave ) CImpsSendQueued( * this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
// Just initialize undefined address
iTCPAddr = HBufC::NewL( 1 );
*iTCPAddr = KNullDesC;
TPtrC8 myMime = iEncoder->MimeType();
iReceiver2 = CImpsSendReceive2::NewL(
iFs, *this, *iTransportOut, myMime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession:ConstructL ends" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CloseAll()
// CImpsServer::CloseEngine calls this. TransportStatus handles the callback.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CloseAll( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CloseAll %d csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
NewState( EImpsCSPShuttingDown );
if ( iIdleTimer )
iIdleTimer->Stop( );
iPollState = EImpsPollNone;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
if ( iAliveMgr )
iAliveMgr->StopTimer( );
if ( iSendQ )
iSendQ->Cancel( );
if ( iCirManager )
iCirManager->CloseCh( 0xF );
delete iCirManager;
iCirManager = NULL;
// Close the transport
if ( iReceiver2 )
iReceiver2->CloseTr( );
// TransportStatus handles rest of shut down activities
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::ClosePDP
// called by - CImpsPDPIdleTimer
// ClosePDP method needed to close PDP-context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::ClosePDP()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP" ) );
if ( iPollState != EImpsPollCIR )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP IGNORED iPollState = %d****" ),
iPollState );
if ( IsPDPIdle() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP PDP already IDLE ****" ) );
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP -> EImpsPDPPendClose" ) );
// set pending close request if PDP is opening
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendClose;
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart );
// This does not close WAP-SMS-CIR
if ( iCirManager )
iCirManager->CloseCh( 0xF );
delete iCirManager;
iCirManager = NULL;
// Close the transport
if ( iReceiver2 )
iReceiver2->ClosePDP( );
// TransportStatus handles rest of shut down activities
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::OpenPDP
// Called by LogoutL, SendAliveL, SendDataL, TransportStatus, SendAllQueued
// Called by CIRMessageL directly and by the CImpsPDPTimer class too.
// OpenPDP method needed to re-open PDP-context
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsCSPSession::OpenPDP()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP" ) );
if ( !IsPDPIdle() )
// Nothing to do
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP IGNORED - not idle" ) );
return KErrAlreadyExists;
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd )
// already opening
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP IGNORED - EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd" ) );
return KErrNotReady;
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP -> EImpsPDPPendOpen" ) );
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
return KErrNone;
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd );
TRAPD( errx, iReceiver2->OpenPDPL( SAP(), iIAP ) );
if ( errx )
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
// Does not matter which error code is returned. Used in Logout only
// to start internal logout routines.
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: openpdp E1 ****" ) );
return KErrGeneral;
return KErrNone;
// TransportStatus/transportError handles rest of open activities
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::LoginL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::LoginL(
const TDesC& aUser,
const TDesC& aPassword,
const TDesC& aClientId,
const TDesC& aSAP,
TUint32 aAP,
const TDesC& aKey1,
const TDesC& aKey2,
TTime aLoginExpiry,
TBool aReactive )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LoginL state=%d csp=%d" ), iCSPState, ( TInt )this );
// AOL Login
if ( aKey1.Length() && aKey2.Length() )
// this should be the case anyway
iSettings.iFourWayLogin = ETrue;
delete iKey1;
iKey1 = NULL;
iKey1 = aKey1.AllocL();
delete iKey2;
iKey2 = NULL;
iKey2 = aKey2.AllocL();
TPtrC tid ( KNullDesC );
delete iSAP;
iSAP = aSAP.AllocL();
iIAP = aAP;
iPendingAlive = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
if ( iCSPState >= EImpsCSPLogged )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login when logged ***" ) );
User::Leave( KImpsErrorAlreadyLogged );
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login when CSP logging out ***" ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// Check that no active CSP session exists
// This should not happen before login
else if ( iReceiver2->NbrOfPending() >= KImpsMaxPending ||
iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login when busy ***" ) );
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// Close old connections if any in re-login case (wrong psw first time e.g.)
// The pending logout response is handled above, not here.
else if ( iReceiver2->isConnected() )
// These are for re-login without logout after an error response
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
iPollState = EImpsPollNone;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: transport was connected ***" ) );
iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// aPassword cannot be NULL
delete iLogPwd;
iLogPwd = NULL;
delete iUserId;
iUserId = NULL;
iLogPwd = aPassword.AllocL();
iUserId = aUser.AllocL();
iLogCID = aClientId;
iLogoutTID = KNullDesC;
iNegoExpiry = aLoginExpiry;
iReactive = aReactive;
TImpsSrvUtils::InitializeServices( iServices, iReactive );
// Make a login request
tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
iSnd->SetTidL( tid );
iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsLoginReq );
// Session type is OUTBAND
iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsOutband );
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( iSnd );
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<< myKey
iAliveTime = iSettings.iAliveTime;
if ( iSettings.iFourWayLogin == EFalse )
iAliveTime );
// set this, that response goes to the right place
iLoginPhase = 2;
TImpsDigestSchema aSchema = EImpsMD5;
iAliveTime );
// just to be sure
iLoginPhase = 1;
// Add TImpsTransactionMode now
sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
myAccess.StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> myKey
// Save login id for error handling purposes
iTempTid2 = tid;
// Set WV version
iSnd->SetCspVersion( iCSPVersion );
// Encode login request
iEncoder->EncodeMessageL( myAccess, *iTransportOut );
iLastSent = EImpsLoginReq;
delete iLogTid;
iLogTid = NULL;
iLogTid = tid.AllocL();
// This does not leave immediately if network is not available
NewState( EImpsCSPLogging );
TRAPD( errx, iReceiver2->OpenL( tid, iSettings.iXmlLog, aSAP, aAP ) );
if ( errx )
// In rare situations the previous call may leave
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
User::Leave( errx );
// iReceiver callback handles the rest of the login method.
// This handles interrupted logout request as well as shut down interrupt
iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
return tid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::LogoutL
// Notice that subsession class prevents calling this in certain
// situations, if not iLogged or not pending login operation.
// Therefore shut down situation is not handled here.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::LogoutL( TBool aCancel )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LogoutL state=%d cancel=%d csp=%d" ), iCSPState,
aCancel, ( TInt )this );
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPIdle )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LogoutL LEAVES KImpsErrorNotLogged" ) );
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
User::Leave( KImpsErrorNotLogged );
if ( iCancelLogin && aCancel )
// cancel login already requested!
return TPtrC();
// Make a logout request (encode)
TPtrC tid;
tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
iLogoutTID = tid;
// Use iLogoutTID when loggin out later after PDP-open
// Check if PDP is closed and start to re-open it here (Logout)
if ( IsPDPIdle() )
// check this flag when PDP has been re-opened
iPendPDPLogout = ETrue;
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
// E1: error handling; return boolean to speed up error handling
// E2: fix:
if ( OpenPDP() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Ex2 OpenPDP FAILS ****" ) );
return tid;
if ( iCSPState != EImpsCSPLogging )
// Clear buffers from old stuff
// Send Logout primitive and set state to EImpsCSPDisconnecting.
TRAPD( errx, DoSendLogoutL( tid ) );
if ( errx )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendLogoutL error %d ***" ), errx );
// Do logout routines immediately if transport gives an error
// The following error code is handled in a special way in
// client session classes.
User::Leave( KImpsErrorTerminalOffLine );
else // LoggingIn
if ( !aCancel )
iPendingLogout = ETrue;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingLogout->TRUE ***" ) );
iCancelLogin = ETrue;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iCancelLogin->TRUE ***" ) );
// Logout must not ever fail so this must not leave.
StartLoginCancel( );
return tid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CirMessageL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CirMessageL(
const TDesC8& aCookie )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessageL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// if CIR is not negotiated then ignore
if ( ( iSettings.iUDPWAPCIR != 2 && iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR != 2 &&
iSettings.iTCPSCIR != 2 && iSettings.iUDPSCIR != 2 ) ||
!IsNegotiated() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessage IGNORED" ) );
// check session cookie but not CSP-version.
// CIR syntax: WVCI <CSP-version> <Session-cookie>
TPtrC8 cookie = aCookie.Left( 4 );
if ( cookie.CompareF( _L8( "WVCI" ) ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessage SYNTAX ERROR" ) );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
cookie.Set( aCookie );
// Find if the cookie exists in this push body
if ( cookie.Find( iCookie8 ) == KErrNotFound )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessage COOKIE ERROR" ) );
User::Leave( KImpsErrorUnauthorized );
// reset PDP idle timer when CIR received
// If PDP-context is idle or shutting down then set pending open request.
if ( IsPDPIdle() )
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle ||
iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart )
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
if ( !iPollInResume )
iPollInResume = 1;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollInResume %d" ),
iPollInResume );
// This is a fix for cases when GPRS bearer event has not been received
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CIR -> openPDP ****" ) );
iPDPOpenTimer->Start( KImpsPDPRetryOpenTime );
// Send the actual Poll message
else if ( iIntStatus == EInternal_ON_LINE ) // && !PDPIdle
TRAPD( errPoll, SendPollL() );
if ( errPoll && !iPollInResume )
iPollInResume = 1;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollInResume %d" ), iPollInResume );
else // NOT ON_LINE && !PDPIdle
// WAP SMS CIR causes OFF-LINE and therefore has to wait ON-LINE
iPollState = EImpsPollPending;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SendDataL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SendDataL(
CImpsFields* aFields, TInt aExpiry, TBool& aOwnerCh )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendDataL begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// reset PDP idle timer
aOwnerCh = EFalse;
// generate TID
CImpsFields* fields = aFields;
TPtrC tid;
tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
fields->SetTidL( tid );
// Insert CSP Session-id
fields->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
// Session-type
fields->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( fields );
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<< myKey
// Add TImpsTransactionMode now
sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
myAccess.StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
// API supports deliver method and thus do not overwrite it here anymore
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> myKey
// We have to check if queued messages exist
TBool queuedMsg = EFalse;
queuedMsg = RequestExist();
// if PDP-idle then queue request + start to open PDP
TInt nbrPend = iReceiver2->NbrOfPending();
if ( nbrPend >= KImpsMaxPending ||
iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE ||
iTr >= iMultiTrans ||
queuedMsg ||
IsPDPIdle() )
// Transport adapter is busy so queue the request
QueueClientRequestL( fields, aExpiry );
aOwnerCh = ETrue;
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
// Try to open PDP only once, don't start open PDP timer.
// The request will expiry if this fails anyway and it's
// a task of application to retry sending of this message.
OpenPDP( );
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart ||
iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
/* Notice:
Thus CImpsConnManager DLL
does not give bearer event for GPRS resume in all situations
it is better to try to open the connection always.
else if ( queuedMsg )
// This must not leave because of the error is not message specific
// Message sending should be possible without PDP open
&myAccess, tid, ( TImpsMessageType ) fields->MessageType() );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendData ends" ) );
return tid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::TransportResponseL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::TransportResponseL( HBufC8** aDataPtr )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportResponseL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
HBufC8* rawData = *aDataPtr;
// reset PDP idle timer
TInt myError = KErrNone;
// Handle pending logout here
if ( iPendingLogout || iCancelLogin )
if ( rawData == NULL || rawData->Des().Length() == 0 )
// SAP did not send anything in the response
iLastReceived = 0;
// Increase adaptive polling time if necessary
if ( iLastSent == EImpsPolling )
if ( iLastSent != EImpsKeepAliveReq )
// Reset poll timer
if ( iRcv )
// QueueTidL may have leaved and this is NULL
iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
CImpsDataAccessor* myAccess = CImpsDataAccessor::NewLC( iRcv ); // <<<
TInt retCode = KErrNone;
// ----------- NORMAL CASE -------------------------
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Gonna to call Decode" ) );
// Decode to iRcv
iDecoder->DecodeMessageL( *myAccess, aDataPtr );
retCode = iRcv->ResponseStatusL();
// Decode errors cancel this method and error are
// reported to client by expiry timers.
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Decoded status = %d" ), iRcv->Status() );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Decoded ResponseStatus = %d" ),
retCode );
// ----------- NORMAL CASE ENDS -------------------------
// ----------- TEST CASE -------------------------
#endif // ifndef _FAKE_RESPONSE
TImpsSrvTestUtils tests( *this, iFs );
tests.MakeFakeResponseL( myAccess, aDataPtr );
// ----------- TEST CASE ENDS -------------------------
// Message successfully received from SAP
// Session-id check
if ( iRcv->SessionTypeL() == EImpsInband )
TPtrC sesId = iRcv->SessionIdL();
// This is case sensitive
if ( sesId.Length( ) > 0 && sesId.Compare( iCSPSessionId ) )
// Invalid session id
User::Leave( KImpsErrorSID );
// KeepAlive handling
iAliveMgr->CheckResp( retCode );
// ---------------------------------
// check if multiTrans messages
// ---------------------------------
TInt trs = myAccess->NbrOfTransactionsL( );
if ( trs < 1 )
// If no transaction content then it is handled as encode error
myError = KImpsErrorDecode;
else if ( trs == 1 )
// regular case, one transaction content in a transport messages
// Update internal data structure (CImpsFields)
if ( !( myAccess->GetTransactionL( 0, NULL ) ) )
// internal error
myError = KErrCorrupt;
// ----------------------------------
// checking multiTrans messages ends
// ----------------------------------
// If error then stop further progress of transport response
if ( myError )
User::Leave( myError );
// Check if PollRequest was requested in incoming transport message
if ( iRcv->PollL() )
iPollWasRequested = ETrue;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->T in msg" ) );
iPollWasRequested = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->F in msg" ) );
if ( trs > 1 )
delete iAllMessages;
iAllMessages = iRcv;
iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
// paranoid about memory leaks
delete iAllMessages;
iAllMessages = NULL;
// ---------------------------------
// Send each new message to sessions
// ---------------------------------
for ( TInt i = 0; i < trs; i ++ )
if ( trs == 1 )
// No need for split
// Data accessor points to the original iRcv (allMessages)
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MULTI-TRANS nbr=%d" ), i );
if ( !( myAccess->GetTransactionL( i, iRcv ) ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Error with MultiTrans" ) );
// error, continue
iLastReceived = iRcv->MessageType();
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportResponse msg = 0x%x" ),
iLastReceived );
// Check if csp Session startup routines needed
// TID is case sensitive
if ( ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging || iCSPState == EImpsCSPNegotiation ) &&
( iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes ||
iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsClientCapabilityRes ||
iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsServiceRes ||
( iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsStatus &&
!iRcv->TidL().Compare( iTempTid2 ) ) ) )
SessionStartupL( iRcv );
// Sent events to all sub-sessions interested in this type of event
// This also handles login-resposes and removes the login-req from
// queues.
if ( iRcv->MessageType() != 0 &&
iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsClientCapabilityRes &&
iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsServiceRes &&
iLoginPhase != 2 )
} // for
// CIR-error-flag check in WV 1.2.
// WV 1.1 messages returns always EFalse.
// Check this flag only if TCP/IP CIR channel is negotiated.
if ( !iTcpCIRError && iSettings.TCPSCIR() == 2 && IsLogged() )
// Close and re-open TCP/IP CIR if CIR flag is on.
TInt erx = KErrNone;
TRAP( erx, iTcpCIRError = TImpsSDataUtils::GetCIRL( myAccess ) );
// iTcpCIRError is reset in CirChOpened()
if ( iTcpCIRError )
if ( iCirManager )
iCirManager->CloseCh( KImpsCirTcp );
TRAP( erx, DoStartIpCIRL() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> myAccess
delete iAllMessages;
iAllMessages = NULL;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportResponse ends" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::TransportErrorL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::TransportErrorL(
const TDesC& aTID,
TInt aError )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportError err=%d tid=%S csp=%d" ), aError, &aTID, ( TInt )this );
TImpsCSPState origCSP = iCSPState;
// reset PDP idle timer
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
// Handle pending logout here
// CSP destroyer is started finally
if ( iPendingLogout || iCancelLogin )
NewState( EImpsCSPDisconnecting );
// Do not let the PDP start up again if it has just shut down.
if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd && aTID.Length() == 0 &&
aError == KImpsErrorNoIAP )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DON'T START UP PDP AGAIN ****" ) );
if ( iPollState > EImpsPollAdaptive )
iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
iPendingAlive = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
// KeepAlive handling
iAliveMgr->CheckError( aTID );
// Discard all the current requests
// We change the error code for UI.
// First we have to check if there is Logout request so that
// it is completed with OK status!
if ( LogoutTID().Length() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Err: Discard logout ****" ) );
// This is for normal logout response error, i.e. no pending logout nor login-cancel.
iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
iServer.DiscardRequests( EImpsEventAll, KImpsErrorBearerSuspended, csp, this );
// Let's call this to be sure that new messages are sent
// Reset poll timer to resume from error case
TInt myErr = KErrNone;
if ( iRcv )
// QueueTidL may have leaved and this is NULL
iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
// This ensures that login gets a response in 4-way login later phase
if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPLogging && !LogTid().CompareF( aTID ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Special LogTid ****" ) );
// Route response to a requestion client and later below do logout.
iRcv->SetTidL( LogTid() );
iRcv->SetTidL( aTID );
iRcv->SetMessageType( EImpsStatus );
iRcv->SetStatus( aError );
TRAP( myErr, RouteMessageL( ) );
// KeepAlive handling
iAliveMgr->CheckError( aTID );
if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPLogging )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Ex ****" ) );
// If RouteMessage has not done internal logout then let's do it here
else if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPDisconnecting )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: E6 ****" ) );
// Message type is used in subsession to prevent sending logout event twice
iServer.DiscardLogout( iLogoutTID, csp );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::RouteMessageL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::RouteMessageL( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
// *****************************************************
// First check keep alive reponses
// *****************************************************
TInt32 resstatus = iRcv->ResponseStatusL();
// KeepAlive time may be reset on fly
if ( iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsKeepAliveRes )
if ( resstatus != KImpsStatusOk )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 1" ) );
// get new KeepAlive time if any
TInt newTime = 0;
TImpsDataAccessor myAc( iRcv );
if ( TImpsSDataUtils::GetKeepAliveL( &myAc, newTime ) )
iAliveTime = newTime;
iAliveMgr->StartTimer( iAliveTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: new AliveTime %d" ), iAliveTime );
// Keep alive response does not cause events to clients
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 2" ) );
// *************************************************************
// Ignore informational messages from server status code 100-199
// *************************************************************
if ( resstatus >= 100 && resstatus < 200 )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: 100-200 iTr = %d" ), iTr );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 3" ) );
// *************************************************************
// Harmonize WV 1.1 and WV 1.2 logout responses
// *************************************************************
TImpsLogoutTrans logoutRsp = IsLogoutResp( iRcv );
// *****************************************************
// Handle regular request
// *****************************************************
// Check requests
TBool someFound = EFalse;
TBool notOrphan = EFalse;
TInt error = 0;
// The following sends logout reponse to a requesting client
TRAP( error, iServer.CheckRequestsL ( iRcv, someFound, csp ) );
if ( someFound )
// Message was response to our request, login phase has not
// increased this counter, that's why if statement here
else if ( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsDisconnect )
// Check that SAP initiated TID is not sent to clients already.
if ( ValidateTid( ETrue ) )
// Notifications check.
notOrphan = iServer.CheckNotifications( iRcv, csp );
// Check error that means cancelled CSP session
// notice: fullfill the list of serious erros
if ( logoutRsp != EImpsLogoutNone ||
resstatus == 600 || resstatus == 601 || resstatus == 604 )
TInt myOpId = 0;
if ( logoutRsp == EImpsLogoutSAP )
// Detect SAP initiated logout. disconnect primitive and
// TID not matching to our own logout TID.
myOpId = KImpsNullId;
// Both logout callback events and Status change events
// are sent here in logout.
DoLogoutNow( myOpId );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 4" ) );
// No reason to do this:
// if ( someFound ) notOrphan = ETrue;
// If the message was not a response to our TID then it was SAP originated
// Update pending transaction queue
if ( ( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsDisconnect ) &&
( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsMessageNone ) &&
( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsStatus ) &&
( !someFound )
// Make SAP response to wait actions
QueueTidL( !notOrphan );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 5" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::GetNextMessageL
// Called by SendReceive2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::GetNextMessageL( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: GetNextMessageL begins" ) );
// Use this to generate response for SAP intiated transactions
// Rejected, nothing to send
if ( !IsLogged() )
// Send next buffered user request if any
// search. Not immediately, but via active object scheduler
iLastSent = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CheckExpiry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CheckExpiry(
TImpsEventType aType, const TTime aExpiry )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CheckExpiry begins" ) );
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
// Login negotiation phase is a special case.
// Access timer handles that.
// Because of there may be messages not initiated by
// API methods, server must check special time-out variable iNegoExpiry.
// Internal iRequestList cannot be used for that purpose
// because of requests are deleted after transport has
// got them succesfully, but we are not satisfied until get response.
if ( IsLogged() && !IsNegotiated() && iNegoExpiry < aExpiry )
// Expired negotiation in session startup negotiation
TInt errorCode = KErrTimedOut;
switch ( iMsg )
case EImpsClientCapabilityReq:
errorCode = KImpsErrorCapabilities;
case EImpsServiceReq:
errorCode = KImpsErrorServices;
iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, errorCode, 0, csp );
// goto to NOT_LOGGED
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting && iNegoExpiry < aExpiry )
if ( iCancelLogin || iPendingLogout )
iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
// goto to NOT_LOGGED
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging && iNegoExpiry < aExpiry )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CheckExpiry in EImpsCSPLogging ***" ) );
iServer.DiscardRequests( aType, aExpiry, csp, this );
// Regular mode.
// Go through all sessions (each having an own request list)
// The following ends up calling CancelTrans and there
// we can check if login or logout is expired and change the
// iCSPState.
iServer.DiscardRequests( aType, aExpiry, csp, this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SessionStartupL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::SessionStartupL( CImpsFields* aFields )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
TInt errx = KErrNone;
// check if error for 2-way login
if ( ( !IsLogged() ) &&
aFields->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes ||
aFields->MessageType() == EImpsStatus ) &&
aFields->ResponseStatusL() != KImpsStatusOk &&
// RouteMessageL handles errors if iLoginPhase != 2
// iLoginPhase starts from 2 in 2-way login
// See LoginL method
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
// Login response, 4-way login phase one
// *************************************
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes &&
aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
( aFields->ResponseStatusL() == KImpsStatusOk ||
aFields->ResponseStatusL() == 401 ) &&
iLoginPhase == 1 )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL 4-login phase one" ) );
TRAP( errx, HandleLoginResponseL( aFields ) );
if ( errx )
iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, errx, csp );
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
// Login response, 4-way login phase two or 2-way login
// ****************************************************
// save session id if received
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes &&
aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
aFields->ResponseStatusL() == KImpsStatusOk &&
iLoginPhase == 2 )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL 4-login phase two" ) );
TImpsDataAccessor myAc( aFields );
TPtrC newId;
TImpsSDataUtils::GetLoginSessionIDL( &myAc, newId );
// protect us against illegal data from SAP
if ( newId.Length() > KImpsMaxSID )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
iCSPSessionId = newId;
// get TimeToLive
TInt newTime( 0 );
if ( TImpsSDataUtils::GetKeepAliveL( &myAc, newTime ) )
iAliveTime = newTime;
NewState( EImpsCSPLogged );
// This is next message to be sent
iMsg = EImpsClientCapabilityReq;
// KeepAlive timer started when logged in
iAliveMgr->StartTimer( iAliveTime );
// Start polling timer with a static value to be sure that
// something is received if SAP happened to send an empty response.
// After capability negotiation a proper value is set for polling timer.
iPollState = EImpsPollAdaptive;
iIdleTimer->Start( iSettings.iMaxPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime %d" ), iSettings.iMaxPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: AliveTime %d" ), iAliveTime );
// Let's send Client Capability request
TRAP( errx, DoSendClientCapabilityReqL() );
if ( errx )
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin,
KImpsErrorCapabilities, 0, csp );
// Client capability response
// ***************************
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsClientCapabilityRes &&
aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
IsLogged() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL ClientCapabality" ) );
TRAP( errx, HandleClientCapabilityResL ( aFields ) );
if ( errx )
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, KImpsErrorCapabilities, 0, csp );
NewState( EImpsCSPLogged );
// Let's send Service Negotiation request
TRAP( errx, DoSendServiceNegotiationReqL () );
if ( errx )
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, KImpsErrorServices, 0, csp );
NewState( EImpsCSPLogged );
// Service Negotiation response
// ****************************
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsServiceRes &&
aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
IsLogged() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL ServiceRes" ) );
iTempTid2 = KNullDesC;
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsServiceRes )
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( aFields );
// Calculate agreed features and functions
&iServices );
// WV engine state in ON_LINE now
iIntStatus = EInternal_ON_LINE;
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLine );
iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status ON_LINE" ) );
// Send events to clients
iServer.TransportStatus( EInternal_ON_LINE, this );
// Start PDP idle time if WAP-SMS-CIR is negotiated as only CIR channel.
if ( iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR == 2 ||
iSettings.iUDPWAPCIR == 2 ||
iSettings.iTCPSCIR == 2 ||
iSettings.iUDPSCIR == 2 )
// goto CIR-polling-mode
iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
iPollTime = iSettings.CIRModePollTime();
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
if ( iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR == 2 )
// PDP Idle timer closes PDP-context
iPDPIdleTimer->Start( iSettings.PDPExpiryTime() );
TInt errxy = KErrNone;
TRAP( errxy, DoStartIpCIRL() );
// Error handling in negotiation phase AND FOR 4-WAY-LOGIN
// ********************************************************
if ( ( aFields->Status() != KErrNone ) ||
( aFields->ResponseStatusL() != KImpsStatusOk &&
aFields->ResponseStatusL() != 0 ) )
TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL Error handling %d" ), iMsg );
switch ( iMsg )
case EImpsClientCapabilityReq:
errorCode = KImpsErrorCapabilities;
case EImpsServiceReq:
errorCode = KImpsErrorServices;
if ( errorCode )
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, errorCode, 0, csp );
// We assume that an application will call logout in this case
// and thus we do not close PDP here.
// RouteMessageL handles errors if iLoginPhase != 2
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
// routeMessaegL does not close PDP context so let't do it now
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL ends" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendClientCapabilityReqL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendClientCapabilityReqL ()
CImpsFields* tempFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( tempFields ); // <<< tempFields
tempFields->SetMessageType( EImpsClientCapabilityReq );
tempFields->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
iTempTid2 = GenerateTid();
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( tempFields );
iMultiTrans = iSettings.iMultiTrans;
iPollTime = iSettings.iPollTime;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MaxParserSize=%d" ), iSettings.MaximumParserSize() );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MaxMessageSize=%d" ), iSettings.MaximumMessageSize() );
iSettings );
// Put Client Capability request into queue to wait sending
// Do not copy but add this instance.
// Negotiation phase expiry time is saved in iNegoExpiry so does not
// matter what we set here.
iMsg = EImpsClientCapabilityReq;
QueueClientRequestL( tempFields, 0, EFalse );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // tempFields >>>
iNegoExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( EImpsEventServerLogin );
NewState( EImpsCSPNegotiation );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendServiceNegotiationReqL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendServiceNegotiationReqL()
iMsg = EImpsServiceReq;
CImpsFields* tempFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( tempFields ); // <<< tempfields
tempFields->SetMessageType( EImpsServiceReq );
tempFields->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
iTempTid2 = GenerateTid();
TImpsDataAccessor myAcc( tempFields );
// Initialize the iServices again (in case of re-login)
TImpsSrvUtils::InitializeServices( iServices, iReactive );
iReactive );
// Put Service Negotiation request into queue to wait sending.
// Negotiation phase expiry time is saved in iNegoExpiry so does not
// matter what we set here.
QueueClientRequestL( tempFields, 0, EFalse );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // >>> tempFields
iNegoExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( EImpsEventServerLogin );
NewState( EImpsCSPNegotiation );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::HandleLoginResponseL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::HandleLoginResponseL ( CImpsFields* aFields )
// protect us against illegal data from SAP
TImpsDataAccessor myAc( aFields );
TPtrC newId;
TImpsSDataUtils::GetLoginSessionIDL( &myAc, newId );
if ( newId.Length() > KImpsMaxSID )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
iCSPSessionId = newId;
TDesC8* nonce = NULL;
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();
myKey->AddL( EImpsKeySession );
myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyTransaction );
myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyTransactionContent );
myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyLogin_Response );
myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyDigestSchema );
TInt schema;
TBool sendPwd = myAc.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, schema );
if ( sendPwd )
if ( schema == EImpsPWD )
// Now we have to send the PWD
sendPwd = ETrue;
sendPwd = EFalse;
myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyNonce );
( void )myAc.RestoreDesc8L( myKey, nonce );
TInt newTime( 0 );
if ( TImpsSDataUtils::GetKeepAliveL( &myAc, newTime ) )
iAliveTime = newTime;
TImpsSDataUtils::SetResultStatusL( myKey, &myAc, KImpsStatusOk );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
CImpsFields* tempFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( tempFields );
tempFields->SetMessageType( EImpsLoginReq );
iTempTid2 = LogTid();
TImpsDataAccessor myAcc( tempFields );
iKey2 );
iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
// Send 2nd login phase request
// Login expiry time is saved in iNegoExpiry so no need to calculate it here.
QueueClientRequestL( tempFields, 0, EFalse );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
delete iKey1; // not needed anymore
iKey1 = NULL;
delete iKey2; // not needed anymore
iKey2 = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::HandleClientCapabilityResL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::HandleClientCapabilityResL ( CImpsFields* aFields )
iTempTid2 = KNullDesC;
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( aFields );
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<< myKey
const TImpsContent* myContent = KClientCapabilityResElements;
sizeof( KClientCapabilityResElements ) /
sizeof( KClientCapabilityResElements[0] ) );
// WV CSP versions are not fully compatible
if ( iCSPVersion == EImpsCspVersion11 )
// WV 1.1 code
// CapabilityList element
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCapabilityList, 0 ) );
// We are interested in supported CIR methods, TCP/IP CIR addresses
// and polltime.
// SupportedBearer is ignored because of we support HTTP only.´
// WV 1.1 specific ClientID is ignored too.
// AcceptedContentType not in a response based on
// Corrigenda Catalog for WV ver 1.1
// WV 1.2 code
// AgreedCapabilityList element
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyAgreedCapabilityList, 0 ) );
// We are interested in supported CIR methods, TCP/IP CIR addresses
// and polltime.
// SupportedBearer is ignored because of we support HTTP only.
// CIRURL is ignored too because of it is for HTTP CIR binding only
// that is not supported by this sw.
// <!ELEMENT AgreedCapabilityList
// (SupportedBearer*, SupportedCIRMethod*, TCPAddress?, TCPPort?,
// ServerPollMin?, CIRURL?)>
// ServerPollMin
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyServerPollMin, 0 ) );
TInt myInt;
if ( myAccess.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
if ( myInt > iPollTime )
iPollTime = myInt;
// Save new minimum polling time value in settings
iSettings.iPollTime = iPollTime;
// Reset polling timer, ServerPollMin is optional, but if we do not get
// new value then we start to us our own suggestion
iPollState = EImpsPollAdaptive;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
// MultiTrans response
myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyMultiTrans, 0 ) );
if ( myAccess.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
iMultiTrans = myInt;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: new iMultiTrans %d" ), iMultiTrans );
// SupportedCIRMethod update
iSettings.SetCirBindingsL( &myAccess, myKey );
// TCPAddress
TDesC* myPtr;
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTCPAddress, 0 ) );
if ( myAccess.RestoreDescL( myKey, myPtr ) )
HBufC* newAttrib = myPtr->AllocL();
delete iTCPAddr;
iTCPAddr = newAttrib;
// TCPPort
myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTCPPort, 0 ) );
if ( myAccess.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
iTCPPort = ( TUint )myInt;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> mKey
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SendPollL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::SendPollL()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendPollL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
TInt orig = iPollInResume;
iPollInResume = 0;
if ( iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE || IsPDPIdle() )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendPollL IGNORED" ) );
iPollInResume = 2;
User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
// Create Poll request
iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsPolling );
iSnd->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
CImpsDataAccessor* myAccess = CImpsDataAccessor::NewLC( iSnd ); // <<<
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<<
// Add TImpsTransactionMode now
sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
myAccess->StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
sizeof( KTransContentElements ) /
sizeof( KTransContentElements[0] ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyPolling_Request, 0 ) );
myAccess->StoreEmptyL( myKey );
// Send
iTempTid = KNullDesC;
iSnd->SetTidL( iTempTid );
iPollWasRequested = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->F in SendPollL" ) );
if ( orig >= 1 )
iPollInResume = 2;
DoSendSingleL( myAccess, iTempTid, EImpsPolling, KImpsPollTO );
iPollInResume = 0;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // >> myKey, myAccess
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveL( )
return DoSendAliveL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveInResume
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveInResume( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendAliveInResume iPendingAlive->T" ) );
iPendingAlive = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAliveL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAliveL( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAliveL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// send poll request. Do not update Transaction queue
iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsKeepAliveReq );
iSnd->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
// Set TID
TPtrC tid;
tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
iSnd->SetTidL( tid );
// Add KeepAlive
CImpsDataAccessor* myAc = CImpsDataAccessor::NewLC( iSnd ); // <<< myAc
CImpsKey* myk = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<< myk
sizeof( KKeepAliveReq ) /
sizeof( KKeepAliveReq[0] ) );
myAc->StoreEmptyL( myk );
// Add Transaction mode
sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
myAc->StoreIntegerL( myk, EImpsRequest );
if ( IsPDPIdle() ) // PDP idle-> start to open
iPendingAlive = ETrue;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->T" ) );
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart )
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAliveL POSTPONED ***" ) );
else if ( iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAliveL IGNORED" ) );
User::Leave( KImpsGeneralError );
DoSendSingleL( myAc, iTempTid, EImpsKeepAliveReq, KImpsKeepATO );
iPendingAlive = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // >>> myk myAc
return iTempTid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SendAllQueued
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::SendAllQueued()
// Actually this does not send all messages at once but one by one.
// iSendQ calls DoSendAllQueued that calls (in most cases)
// this again and so on until no more valid messages found!
// DoSendAllQueued handles SAP initiated requests in same way.
if ( RequestExist() || SapReqExist() || iPendingAlive ||
iPollState == EImpsPollExtWait || iPollInResume == 1 ||
iPollWasRequested )
if ( !IsPDPIdle() )
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CreateSapResponse
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TImpsSAPResStatus CImpsCSPSession::CreateSapResponse()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CreateSapResponse begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
TImpsSAPResStatus ret( EImpsSAPNone );
TInt err = KErrNone;
// Check if pending SAP initiated CSP transactions exists
TDblQueIter<CTransaction> iter2 ( iTransactionList );
if ( iter2 )
ret = EImpsSAPMore;
CTransaction* trans = iter2;
// Get first
CImpsFields* fields = trans->iFields;
TInt messageType = fields->MessageType();
// Try to get actual message type
if ( messageType == EImpsPureData )
TRAP( err, TImpsDataAccessor temp ( fields );
messageType = TImpsSDataUtils::GetPureMessageTypeL( &temp ) );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CreateSapResponse messageType=%x" ), messageType );
// Here we have a list of supported push messages, i.e.
// SAP initiated transactions.
// Other pushed messages are not supported!
// Notice: add new methods as needed
// Disconnect is a special case handled before this method call
if ( messageType == EImpsNewMessage ||
messageType == EImpsLeaveGroupRes ||
messageType == EImpsInviteUserReq ||
messageType == EImpsInviteRes ||
messageType == EImpsCancelInviteUserReq ||
messageType == EImpsPresenceNotification ||
messageType == EImpsGroupChangeNotice ||
messageType == EImpsPresenceAuthReq ||
messageType == EImpsDeliveryReportReq
// This also tries to send a SAP initiated transaction response once immediately
TRAP( err, DoMakeSapResponseL( trans ) );
if ( !err )
iPollInResume = 0;
// Last request handled.
if ( !iter2 )
ret = EImpsSAPLast;
iPollInResume = 0;
// All the WV servers do not work according to WV specs and they seems to need
// to get a Poll request instead for SAP initiated transactions, therefore the
// extra polling is needed.
err = KErrNone;
TBool polli ( EFalse );
TRAP( err, polli = fields->PollL() )
if ( polli )
iPollWasRequested = ETrue;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->T in CreateSapResponse" ) );
if ( err )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoMakeSapResponseL ERROR %d" ), err );
// Transaction is deleted. If the response has failed the WV server should send
// the transaction again. Timer limit is not implemented in terminal side here.
} // if (iter2)
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CreateSapResponse returns %d" ), ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAllQueuedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAllQueuedL()
TInt errx = KErrNone;
// Handle login phase specials first
// ---------------------------------
if ( iLoginPhase != 2 )
if ( !IsLogged() || !iReceiver2->isConnected() ||
( iReceiver2->NbrOfPending() >= KImpsMaxPending ) ||
IsPDPIdle() ) // no reason to try if PDP is not open
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAllQueuedL IGNORED" ) );
// Pending Alive messages and pending Poll messages
// -------------------------------------------------
if ( iPendingAlive )
// Pending Alive overrides pending Poll
iPendingAlive = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
iPollInResume = 0;
iAliveMgr->SendKeepAlive( EFalse );
else if ( iPollState == EImpsPollExtWait )
iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
iPollTime = iSettings.CIRModePollTime();
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
errx = KErrNone;
TRAP( errx, SendPollL() );
// If Polling fails then try again
if ( errx && !iPollInResume )
iPollInResume = 1;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollInResume %d" ), iPollInResume );
// Reqular cases
// --------------------------
CReq* request = NULL;
if ( iTr < iMultiTrans )
// Try to send terminal initiated request
request = GiveNextRequestL();
// Block messages in negotiation phase
if ( request && request->iFields )
TInt msgType = request->iFields->MessageType();
if ( iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE &&
( msgType != EImpsKeepAliveReq &&
msgType != EImpsClientCapabilityReq &&
msgType != EImpsServiceReq &&
msgType != EImpsLoginReq &&
msgType != EImpsLogoutReq ) )
request = NULL;
if ( request )
iPollInResume = 0;
// Send next buffered user request if any
// search. Not immediately, but via active object scheduler
CImpsFields* fields = request->iFields;
errx = KErrNone;
TRAP( errx, DoSendNextBufferedL( fields ) );
// Delete the client request
} // if request
if ( !request )
// Check if SAP initiated message instead of terminal initiated one.
// This sends data and calls SendAllQueued if needed.
// comment: SAP responses should not exists in PDP-idle state
// CreateSapResponse not only create the response but also tries to send it..
TImpsSAPResStatus sapr = CreateSapResponse();
if ( ( sapr != EImpsSAPMore ) &&
( iPollWasRequested || iPollInResume == 1 ) &&
( IsLogged() ) )
errx = KErrNone;
// If Poll fails then re-try polling when GPRS resumes
TRAP( errx, SendPollL() );
if ( errx && !iPollInResume )
iPollInResume = 1;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: iPollInResume %d" ), iPollInResume );
else if ( sapr == EImpsSAPMore )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CancelTrans
// client subsession calls this when request expires
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CancelTrans( const TDesC& aTID )
DeleteRequest( aTID );
// CancelTrans does not cause callback.
iReceiver2->CancelTrans( aTID );
// Check if login-req expires and change CSP state
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging && !aTID.Compare( LogTid() ) )
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::GenerateTid
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::GenerateTid( )
// iCounter++;
// TInt tidNbr = iCounter;
TInt tidNbr = iServer.TidSeed();
iTempTid = KNullDesC;
iTempTid = _L( "nok" );
iTempTid.AppendFormat( _L( "%d" ), tidNbr );
return iTempTid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::GenerateCookie
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::GenerateCookie( )
TTime myTime;
const TInt64& seed = myTime.Int64();
TUint low = I64LOW( seed );
TUint high = I64HIGH( seed );
TInt64 seed2 MAKE_TINT64( high, low );
iCookie = KNullDesC;
iCookie = _L( "wv:nokia." );
TInt tidNbr = Math::Rand( seed2 );
iCookie.AppendFormat( _L( "%d" ), tidNbr );
iCookie.AppendFormat( _L( "%d" ), 12345 );
// copy to 8-bit buffer for CIR
iCookie8.Copy( iCookie );
return iCookie;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoLogout
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoLogout( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoLogout" ) );
DoLogoutNow( 0 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoLogoutNow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoLogoutNow( TInt aOpId )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoLogoutNow opid=%d, log=%d csp=%d" ),
aOpId, IsLogged(), ( TInt )this );
// save old status for this method
TBool oldLogged = IsLogged();
TImpsCSPState oldState = iCSPState;
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
// stop PDP idle timer in logout routines
iPDPIdleTimer->Stop( );
iPDPOpenTimer->Stop( );
iPollState = EImpsPollNone;
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
iPollWasRequested = EFalse;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d iPollWasRequested->F in logout" ), iPollState );
// Reset settings for further logins
// Reset local variables
iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status NOT_LOGGED" ) );
// Clean own queues
// Close ip cir
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CLOSE IP-CIR CHANNEL" ) );
if ( iCirManager )
// Close all cir bindings
iCirManager->CloseCh( 0xF );
// Cancel the HTTP transport in logout
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CANCEL TRANSPORT IN DOLOGOUT" ) );
// Clean server core and send logout and status events there.
// We first detect if this is really CSP disconnect situation.
TBool cspDisconnect = ( oldLogged || oldState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting ) ?
ETrue : EFalse ;
iServer.DoLogoutSrv( aOpId, cspDisconnect, this );
delete iSAP;
iIAP = 0;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CLOSE TRANSPORT SOON..." ) );
if ( iReceiver2->Close2() == KErrCancel )
// Start to delete this session asynchronously
// if there is nothing to close.
iServer.TransportStatus( EInternal_NO_IAP, this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CancelData
// server CloseSession calls this
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CancelData( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CancelData csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// Cancel the HTTP transport now, no callback
// Must reset variables because if new Login request mey be
// received before WV Engine is shut down and CloseEngine() called.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::QueueClientRequestL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::QueueClientRequestL(
CImpsFields* aFields,
TInt aExpiry,
TBool aLast )
// Check if subsession specific expiry time needed
CReq* req = new ( ELeave ) CReq( aFields );
if ( !aExpiry )
req->iExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( ( TImpsMessageType ) aFields->MessageType() );
req->iExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( aExpiry );
// Put request into queue in a right place,
if ( aLast )
iRequestList.AddLast( *req );
iRequestList.AddFirst( *req );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::QueueTidL
// This resets iRcv!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::QueueTidL( TBool aOrphan )
if ( !ValidateTid( EFalse ) )
// TID is already responded to SAP
TPtrC tid;
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( iRcv );
TImpsDataUtils::GetTransactionIDL( &myAccess, tid );
if ( tid.Length() > 0 )
// Add new Sap initiated transaction to queue
CTransaction* trans = new ( ELeave ) CTransaction(
tid, // tid
iRcv->SessionIdL(), // session-id
( TImpsMessageType ) iRcv->MessageType(),
iRcv );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: QUEUE SAP TID=%S csp=%d" ),
&( trans->iTID ), ( TInt )this ); //lint !e525
iTransactionList.AddLast( *trans );
iRcv = NULL;
iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::ValidateTid
// Validate SAP initiated TID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::ValidateTid( TBool aClientHistory )
// The requesting entity may resend the request message using the same
// transaction identifier. The responding entity should
// guarantee that the requested operation or data is carried out only once,
// even if multiple request messages with the same transaction identifier
// are received.
// Check that TID has not already sent to clients or has not responded to SAP.
TPtrC tid;
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( iRcv );
TInt errx = KErrNone;
TRAP( errx, TImpsDataUtils::GetTransactionIDL( &myAccess, tid ) );
if ( tid.Length() > 0 )
if ( aClientHistory && iTidCliHistory->TidFound( tid ) )
// TID has sent to clients
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: already received TID=%S ***" ), &tid );
return EFalse;
else if ( aClientHistory /* && !iTidCliHistory->TidFound( tid )*/ )
// Save TId into client history
iTidCliHistory->Add( tid );
else if ( !aClientHistory && iTidSapHistory->TidFound( tid ) )
// TID has already responded to SAP
// TID-SAP-history has been updated when the transport response is sent
// successfully to SAP (i.e. no transport error)
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: already responded TID=%S ***" ), &tid );
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DiscardTid
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DiscardTid( const TDesC& aTid )
// Delete buffered transaction
TDblQueIter<CTransaction> rIter( iTransactionList );
while ( rIter )
CTransaction* trans = rIter;
if ( !trans->iTID.Compare( aTid ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DiscardTid deletes a request " ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DeleteTransactions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DeleteTransactions()
// Delete all buffered transactions
TDblQueIter<CTransaction> rIter( iTransactionList );
while ( rIter )
CTransaction* trans = rIter;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequests
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequests()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DeleteRequests csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// Delete all buffered transaction requests
TDblQueIter<CReq> rIter( iRequestList );
while ( rIter )
CReq* req = rIter;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequest
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequest( const TDesC& aTID )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DeleteRequest tid=%S csp=%d" ), &aTID, ( TInt )this );
// Delete buffered transaction request
TInt errx = KErrNone;
TPtrC p( KNullDesC );
TDblQueIter<CReq> rIter( iRequestList );
while ( rIter )
CReq* req = rIter;
TRAP( errx, p.Set( req->iFields->TidL() ) );
if ( !p.Compare( aTID ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DeleteRequest MATCH tid=%S csp=%d" ), &aTID, ( TInt )this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::RequestExist
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::RequestExist()
// Check buffered transactions
TDblQueIter<CReq> rIter( iRequestList );
if ( rIter )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SapReqExist
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::SapReqExist()
TDblQueIter<CTransaction> iter2 ( iTransactionList );
if ( iter2 )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendNextBufferedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendNextBufferedL( CImpsFields* aFields )
TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( aFields );
TRAPD( err, DoSendSingleL( &myAccess, aFields->TidL(),
( TImpsMessageType )aFields->MessageType() ) );
if ( err )
// send an error event
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingleL ERROR=%d csp=%d" ), err, ( TInt )this );
iSnd->SetStatus( err );
iSnd->SetTidL( aFields->TidL() );
TBool someFound;
// This sends error event to the right client session
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.CheckRequestsL( iSnd, someFound, csp );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::TransportStatus
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::TransportStatus(
EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportStatus=%d old=%d state=%d csp=%d" ),
( TInt ) aConnectionState, iIntStatus, iCSPState, ( TInt )this );
TInt errx = KErrNone;
TRAP( errx, DoTransportStatusL ( aConnectionState ) );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportStatus ends" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoTransportStatusL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoTransportStatusL(
EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState )
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
EImpsInternalStatus oldStatus = iIntStatus;
// If there is pending logout request then the login is cancelled and
// logout performed immediately.
if ( iPendingLogout || iCancelLogin )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: ex3 iPendingLogout->F *****" ) );
iPendingLogout = EFalse;
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging )
// This sends first a login response
iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KErrCancel, csp );
// Special case where login is cancelled
if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP )
iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
// below rest of activities are done
// *********************************************
// PDP idle situations handled first
if ( IsPDPIdle() )
if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP )
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
// In a rare situation there is pending PDP open request
// received when PDP is closing down.
if ( iPendingPDP == EImpsPDPPendOpen )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingLogout->F in NO_IAP ***" ) );
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_IAP_OPEN )
// PDP re-open completes here.
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLine );
if ( iPendingPDP == EImpsPDPPendOpen )
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
// pending logout if PDP-context has been opened for Logout msg
if ( iPendPDPLogout )
iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
TRAPD( errx, DoSendLogoutL( LogoutTID() ) );
if ( errx )
// E5: Typically Bearer Suspended error with bad luck
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: E5 ****" ) );
// Send all queued reqular requests to transport
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Normal PDP open ***" ) );
iPollInResume = 1;
// *********************************************************
// Notice: we assume that GPRS is resumed in this case even
// if ConnManager DLL cannot provide us such an information
// in all cases.
iIntStatus = EInternal_ON_LINE;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status ON_LINE" ) );
// start ip-cir-channels if not running
TInt errxy = KErrNone;
TRAP( errxy, DoStartIpCIRL() );
// Send all queued requests to transport
// *********************************************
else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_ON_LINE && IsNegotiated() )
iIntStatus = EInternal_ON_LINE;
// we assume that old messages are in a bit heaven
iTr = 0;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status ON_LINE" ) );
if ( iPollState == EImpsPollPending )
iPollState = EImpsPollExtWait;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
// This makes poll to be sent if no other requests
iPollInResume = 1;
// pending logout if PDP-context has been opened for Logout msg
if ( iPendPDPLogout )
iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
DoSendLogoutL( LogoutTID() );
// start ip-cir-channels if not running
TInt errxy = KErrNone;
TRAP( errxy, DoStartIpCIRL() );
else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_ON_LINE && !IsNegotiated() )
iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status NOT_LOGGED" ) );
if ( IsLogged() )
// Rare situation where GPRS resume is taken place in negotiation phase.
// iAliveMgr->SendKeepAlive( EFalse );
else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_OFF_LINE &&
oldStatus == EInternal_ON_LINE )
iIntStatus = EInternal_OFF_LINE;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status OFF_LINE" ) );
else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging &&
( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP ||
aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP_AUTH ) )
// Discard request immediately in this case
// This sends first a login response
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login cancelled" ) );
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KImpsErrorBearerSuspended, csp );
else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP )
if ( IsNegotiated() )
// Check if no WAP SMS CIR negotiated then do logout.
// Otherwise close PDP connection only
if ( iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR == 2 ) // WAP CIR
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: PDP LOST SMS-CIR ***" ) );
NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
if ( iPendingPDP == EImpsPDPPendClose )
iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
else // no WAP CIR
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: PDP LOST NO-SMS-CIR ***" ) );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: PDP LOST NOT-NEGOTIATED ***" ) );
if ( !IsLogged() )
iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
// This causes DoLogout call from CImpsServer.
iServer.TransportStatus( EInternal_NO_IAP, this );
NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
// PDP can be lost in negotiation phase. Then we do internal
// logout.
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LOGGED BUT NOT-NEGOTIATED -> Logout ***" ) );
else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP_AUTH )
// Handle authorative bearer-lost situation here and
// make CSP logout
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NO_IAP_AUTH ***" ) );
iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
// Call server's TransportStatus only if this is a state change from
// NOT_LOGGED event clears the client session CSP identification data and
// thus it must not be called in vain..
if ( iIntStatus == EInternal_NOT_LOGGED && oldStatus != EInternal_NOT_LOGGED )
iServer.TransportStatus( iIntStatus, this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CirChOpened
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CirChOpened( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirChOpened" ) );
iTcpCIRError = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::CirChError
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::CirChError( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirChError csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
delete iCirManager;
iCirManager = NULL;
// start poll mode again
if ( IsLogged() )
iPollTime = iSettings.iPollTime;
iPollState = EImpsPollAdaptive;
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SetConnAllowed
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::SetConnAllowed( TBool aParam )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SetConnAllowed %d" ), aParam );
iConAllowed = aParam;
// Logout CSP session on behalf of user if terminal connection is not allowed.
if ( !aParam )
// It's important that data channel is started to close first and after
// that internal CSP disconnect is done.
iReceiver2->CloseTr( );
DoLogout( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendSingleL
// aAc connot be null
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendSingleL(
MImpsDataAccessor* aAc,
const TDesC& aTID,
TImpsMessageType aMsgType,
TInt aExpiryTime )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingle messagetype = 0x%x csp=%d" ),
aMsgType, ( TInt )this );
// Set the WV 1.2 version if needed, WV 1.1 is the default
if ( iCSPVersion == EImpsCspVersion12 )
CImpsFields* f = aAc->GetImpsFields();
f->SetCspVersion( EImpsCspVersion12 );
// Encode the message
iEncoder->EncodeMessageL( *aAc, *iTransportOut );
// Send to the transport module
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingle message encoded = 0x%x" ), aMsgType );
// reset PDP idle timer
iReceiver2->SendAndWaitL( aTID, aExpiryTime );
iLastSent = aMsgType;
// Notice: Maintain this list of non terminal originated
// transactions, send by terminal to SAP.
if ( !( aMsgType == EImpsPolling || aMsgType == EImpsKeepAliveReq ||
aMsgType == EImpsStatus || aMsgType == EImpsMessageDelivered ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingle iTr = %d" ), iTr );
// Anything except Poll and KeepAlive request resets Poll Timer.
if ( !( aMsgType == EImpsPolling || aMsgType == EImpsKeepAliveReq ) )
ResetPollTime( );
iTestMsgTid = aTID;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoSendLogoutL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendLogoutL( const TDesC& aTID )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendLogoutL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// Check if the transport is halted
if ( iReceiver2->NbrOfPending() >= KImpsMaxPending )
User::Leave( KErrInUse );
NewState( EImpsCSPDisconnecting );
// Set expiry time for logout.
// In case of Login-csncel expiry time is not overwritten, but it
// is the original login expiry time.
// Otherwise clint session would expire first and the user client would get
// normal time-out error, but we want that the user gets OK response.
if ( !iCancelLogin )
iNegoExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( EImpsEventServerLogin );
// Make a logout request (encode)
// Insert CSP Session-id
iSnd->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
iSnd->SetTidL( aTID );
iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsLogoutReq );
// Session type is inband
iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
TImpsDataAccessor myAc( iSnd );
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<< myKey
// Add TImpsTransactionMode
sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
myAc.StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
sizeof( KTransContentElements ) /
sizeof( KTransContentElements[0] ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyLogout_Request, 0 ) );
myAc.StoreEmptyL( myKey );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> myKey
DoSendSingleL( &myAc, aTID, EImpsLogoutReq );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoMakeSapResponseL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoMakeSapResponseL( CTransaction* aTrans )
TPtrC tid;
CImpsFields* fields = aTrans->iFields;
tid.Set( aTrans->iTID );
TInt messageType = fields->MessageType();
TInt responseType = EImpsStatus;
// Copy values from the new message to a response
iSnd->SetSessionIdL( fields->SessionIdL() );
iSnd->SetTidL( fields->TidL() );
iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
TPtrC tid2;
tid2.Set( fields->TidL() );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MakeSAPresp SAP TID=%S" ), &( tid2 ) );//lint !e525
CImpsDataAccessor* myAccess = CImpsDataAccessor::NewL( iSnd );
CleanupStack::PushL( myAccess ); // << myAccess
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<< myKey
CImpsDataAccessor* myAcRcv = CImpsDataAccessor::NewL( fields );
CleanupStack::PushL( myAcRcv ); // << myAcRcv
TPtrC myId;
switch ( messageType )
case EImpsNewMessage:
responseType = EImpsMessageDelivered;
iSnd->SetMessageType( responseType );
// Get messageId from received message
TImpsSDataUtils::GetNewMessageIdL( myKey, myAcRcv, myId );
// ... and copy data to outgoing response
myKey, myAccess, myId );
iSnd->SetMessageType( responseType );
TImpsSDataUtils::SetResultStatusL( myKey, myAccess, KImpsStatusOk );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >> myAcRcv
// Add TImpsTransactionMode now
sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
myAccess->StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsResponse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> myKey
// -------------------------------------------
// Handle orphan message
if ( aTrans->iOrphan )
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
TRAPD( errx, iServer.HandleOrphanL( aTrans->iFields, csp ) );
if ( !errx )
// ownership of the msg is in CImpsServer now
aTrans->iFields = NULL;
// -------------------------------------------
// DoSendSingleL leaves if GPRS suspended,
// so don't delete entry too early
DoSendSingleL( myAccess, tid, ( TImpsMessageType )responseType );
// Save TID into tid-sap-history so that we so not send the response twicw
// even if SAP would send the transaction multiple times.
iTidSapHistory->Add( tid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >> myAccess
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoStartIpCIRL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoStartIpCIRL()
// Start ip-cir-watcher
if ( iVariant.IsFeatureSupportedL( EIpCirStandalone ) &&
iSettings.iTCPSCIR == 2 || iSettings.iUDPSCIR == 2 )
// Check which CIR bindings are negotiated for CSP session
TUint ipChannels = 0;
if ( iSettings.iTCPSCIR == 2 )
ipChannels = KImpsCirTcp;
if ( iSettings.iUDPSCIR == 2 )
ipChannels = ipChannels | KImpsCirUdp;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Starting ip-cir-watcher %d" ),
ipChannels );
iCSPSessionId8.Copy( iCSPSessionId );
if ( !iCirManager )
iCirManager = CImpsCirManager::NewL( *this,
CActive::EPriorityStandard );
iCirManager->OpenChL( ipChannels, iReceiver2->ConnManagerHandleL(),
iTCPPort, *iTCPAddr, iCSPSessionId8 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IncreasePollTime
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::IncreasePollTime()
// Increase poll timer. Two modes; CIR Mode and other modes.
if ( iPollState == EImpsPollCIR )
else if ( iPollTime < iSettings.iMaxPollTime && iIdleTimer->IsActive() )
iPollTime += KImpsPollIncrement;
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime increased to %d" ), iPollTime );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::ResetPollTime
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::ResetPollTime()
// Reset poll timer. Two modes; CIR Mode and other modes.
if ( iPollState == EImpsPollCIR )
if ( iPollTime != iSettings.CIRModePollTime() )
iPollTime = iSettings.CIRModePollTime();
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime reset %d" ), iPollTime );
else if ( iPollTime > iSettings.iPollTime && iIdleTimer->IsActive() )
iPollTime = iSettings.iPollTime;
iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime reset %d" ), iPollTime );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IsLogged
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsLogged( )
return DoIsLogged();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IsPendingLogin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsPendingLogin()
return iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging ? ETrue : EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IsNegotiated
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsNegotiated( )
return DoIsNegotiated();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::Servicses
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TImpsServices* CImpsCSPSession::Services( )
return &iServices; //lint !e1536 this pointer must be used with care
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IsShuttingDown
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsShuttingDown( )
return DoIsShuttingDown();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IsLogging
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsLogging( )
return DoIsLogging();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::UserId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::UserId( )
return DoUserId();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SAP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SAP( )
return DoSAP();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::SID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SID( )
return iCSPSessionId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::Password
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::Password( )
return LogPwd();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::GiveNextRequestL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CReq* CImpsCSPSession::GiveNextRequestL()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: GiveNextRequestL begins" ) );
// If logginOff then this should be logout request
TDblQueIter<CReq> iter ( iRequestList );
while ( iter )
CReq* request = iter;
// Get first and check if it is expired
TTime myTime;
if ( request->iExpiry < myTime )
// session is asked to discard request from its structures
// Check TID match
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: EXPIRED entry to be removed" ) );
TImpsMessageType msgType = ( TImpsMessageType ) request->iFields->MessageType();
TImpsEventType myType = impsService( &iVariant, msgType );
// expired request is destroyed in client sessions too.
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
iServer.DiscardRequest( request->iFields->TidL(), myType, KErrTimedOut, csp );
// expired entry is deleted
// We want to push new messages from queued
} // expired
return request;
return ( CReq* )NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::NewState
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::NewState( TImpsCSPState aNew )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NewState old=%d new=%d csp=%d" ),
iCSPState, aNew, ( TInt )this );
// In EImpsCSPDisconnecting iLogTid is still needed fore cancel-login
if ( iCSPState >= EImpsCSPLogging && aNew < EImpsCSPDisconnecting )
delete iLogTid;
iLogTid = NULL;
if ( aNew == EImpsCSPIdle )
iTr = 0;
iCookie = KNullDesC;
iCookie8 = KNullDesC8;
iCSPSessionId = KNullDesC;
iCSPSessionId8 = KNullDesC8;
iLoginPhase = 1;
else if ( aNew <= EImpsCSPOnLine )
// PDP is opened sucessfully or CSP login not done or logging out.
iCSPState = aNew;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::TrMinus
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::TrMinus()
if ( iTr > 0 )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iTr=%d csp=%d" ), iTr, ( TInt )this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::ResetSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::ResetSession()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ResetSession csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// This is not needed since CSP session entity is not re-cycled?
iSettings.iUDPWAPCIR = 1;
iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR = 1;
iSettings.iTCPSCIR = 1;
iSettings.iUDPSCIR = 1;
iSettings.iPollTime = KImpsPollTime;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::MaxParserSize
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsCSPSession::MaxParserSize()
return iServer.Settings()->MaximumParserSize();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::MaxParserSize
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsCSPSession::MaxMessageSize()
return iServer.Settings()->MaximumMessageSize();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTransaction::CTransaction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool aOrphan,
const TDesC& aTID,
const TDesC& aSessionId,
TImpsMessageType aMessageType,
CImpsFields* aFields ) :
iMessageType( aMessageType ),
iFields ( aFields ),
iOrphan ( aOrphan )
iTID = aTID;
iSessionId = aSessionId;
} //lint !e1540 iFields freed in Destroy
void CTransaction::Destroy()
delete iFields;
iFields = NULL;
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CReq::CReq
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CReq::CReq( CImpsFields* aFields ) :
iFields( aFields )
} //lint !e1540 iFields freed in Destroy
void CReq::Destroy()
delete iFields;
iFields = NULL;
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::IsLogoutResp()
// aFields must not be NULL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TImpsLogoutTrans CImpsCSPSession::IsLogoutResp( CImpsFields* aFields )
TImpsLogoutTrans ret = EImpsLogoutNone;
// set pointers to received TID and to current pending Logout-request TID
TPtrC recId;
TPtrC logoutTid;
logoutTid.Set( LogoutTID() );
TRAPD( errxy, recId.Set( aFields->TidL() ) );
if ( errxy )
return ret;
// Check if current logout transaction TID matches with received message.
if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting &&
!logoutTid.Length() || ( logoutTid.Length() && !recId.Compare( logoutTid ) ) ) // NOTE
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsDisconnect )
// WV 1.1 logout response
ret = EImpsLogoutTerminal;
else if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsStatus )
// WV 1.2 logout response
ret = EImpsLogoutTerminal;
else if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsDisconnect )
// SAP initiated CSP disconnect
ret = EImpsLogoutSAP;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: IsLogoutResp returns %d csp=%d" ),
ret, ( TInt )this );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::StartLoginCancel()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::StartLoginCancel( )
// Cancel login transaction, either login+logout or login+cancelLogin.
// DoPendingLogout() is called later to complete the client requests.
if ( iReceiver2->CancelLoginTrans( LogTid() ) )
// Generate CSP Logout transaction
// Clear buffers from old stuff
// Send Logout primitive and set state to EImpsCSPDisconnecting.
TRAPD( errx, DoSendLogoutL( LogoutTID() ) );
if ( errx )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendLogoutL 2 error %d ***" ), errx );
// If CSP Logout transaction is sent then we wait TransportResponseL or
// TransportErrorL callback methods to be called later.
// Start to send events to clients if CSP Disconnect transaction is not sent.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsCSPSession::DoPendingLogout()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsCSPSession::DoPendingLogout( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoPendingLogout ***" ) );
// Send critical response events to client sessions and start to logout
// internally this CSP session entity.
TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
if ( iPendingLogout )
// Send login response for pending request first
iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KErrCancel, csp );
// Send logout response, that is always successful
iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
if ( iCancelLogin )
// Send cancel-login response to client
iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KErrNone, csp );
iPendingLogout = EFalse;
iCancelLogin = EFalse;
// End of File