* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class for Imps session.
#include "impsserver.h"
#include "impsutils.h"
#include "impssession.h"
#include "impsfields.h"
#include "impserrors.h"
#include "impstimer.h"
#include "impssubsession.h"
#include "ImpsVariantAPI.h"
#include "impspacked.h"
#ifndef _DEBUG
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
CImpsSession::CImpsSession( RMessage2& aMsg )
: CSession2(),
iCanceled( EFalse ),
iMessageCompleted( EFalse ),
iMsgR( aMsg )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: NEW session sess=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// Destructor
// RHandleBase::Close() causes this destructor to be called
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: DELETE session sess=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// Check if destructor is called by CServer2 class in failed
// entity creation or in other case. iContainer is the last
// member created is CreateL() so it can be used for this purpose.
TBool wasComplete = iContainer ? ETrue : EFalse;
// This is here to close CSP session if client is deleted
// without calling close method.
TImpsSessIdent csp( SID(), SAP(), UserId() );
Server()->CloseSession( csp, wasComplete );
delete iApplicationId;
delete iSID;
delete iSAP;
delete iUserId;
delete iStream;
delete iFields;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CreateL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This overloads the base class implementation
void CImpsSession::CreateL( )
iFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
// create new object index
iSubSessions = CObjectIx::NewL();
// initialize the object container using the object container index in the server.
iContainer = Server()->NewContainerL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DispatchMessageL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
TInt nbrSess = 0;
TUint flag = 0;
iMsgR = aMessage;
if ( iCanceled )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: already CANCELED aMsg=%d" ),
aMessage.Function() );
CompleteMe( KErrCancel );
// Set ETrue at the same time as Message().Complete() takes place
iMessageCompleted = EFalse;
TInt msg = aMessage.Function();
// stripp off bit mask in an upper word
msg = msg & 0x0FFFF;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: DispatchMessageL msg=%d sess=%d" ), msg, ( TInt )this );
// current CSP indetification
TImpsSessIdent csp( SID(), SAP(), UserId() );
switch ( msg )
case EImpsServAssign:
// Notice that in this case there is subsession specific part too.
// So, do not return yet.
case EImpsAccessRegister2:
// NewSubSessionL will check SHUTTING_DOWN state of server and
// leaves when necessary
NewSubSessionL( EImpsEventServerLogin, aMessage );
case EImpsImRegister:
NewSubSessionL( EImpsEventMessage, aMessage );
case EImpsFundRegister:
NewSubSessionL( EImpsEventCommon, aMessage );
case EImpsGroupRegister:
NewSubSessionL( EImpsEventGroup, aMessage );
case EImpsServPureRegister:
NewSubSessionL( EImpsEventPresencePure, aMessage );
case EImpsServIsLogged:
// This has to return positive value is CSP is found
// and it has got SID.
if ( IsThisLogged() )
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
CompleteMe( KImpsErrorNotLogged );
case EImpsServNbrSessions:
nbrSess = NbrOfSessionsL( );
CompleteMe( nbrSess );
case EImpsServServices:
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: EImpsServServices" ) );
case EImpsServPush:
// multi-csp supported, i.e. CIR given for every CSP session
// until sessoin cookie matches
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
iCIRSess = ETrue;
case EImpsServBuffSizeReq:
CompleteMe( IsThisLogged() ? Server()->BufferSize() : 0 );
case EImpsServCloseAll: // close all sessions
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
// subsession specific requests
TInt myHandle = aMessage.Int3( );
CImpsSubSession* sub = ConnectionFromHandle( myHandle );
if ( !sub )
PanicClient( EImpsBadRequest );
TBool reactive( EFalse );
switch ( msg )
case EImpsServAssign:
sub->AssignIdL( csp );
// completion of request made in ServiceL
case EImpsServReactiveLogin:
reactive = ETrue;
case EImpsServWVLogin:
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
if ( !Server()->IsConAllowed() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorTerminalOffLine );
// multi: check if this session is already logged in.
if ( IsThisLogged() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorAlreadyLogged );
iLogoutTID = KNullDesC;
sub->LoginL( reactive );
// case EImpsServWVLogoutOne:
case EImpsServWVLogout:
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
if ( !IsThisActive() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorNotLogged );
iLogoutTID = KNullDesC;
iLogoutTID = sub->LogoutL( csp, EFalse );
// The following is needed if no force logout
// and a shared CSP exists.
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServWVSendOnly:
case EImpsServBlock:
case EImpsServGroup:
case EImpsServPres:
case EImpsServFundSearch:
case EImpsServFundInvite:
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
// multi: check if this handle is logged
if ( !IsThisLogged() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorNotLogged );
else if ( !Server()->IsConAllowed() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorTerminalOffLine );
sub->SendPrimitiveL( aMessage.Function(), csp );
case EImpsServNextEvent:
sub->NextEventL( aMessage );
// This is completed later
iMessageCompleted = ETrue;
case EImpsServEventBody:
sub->SendEventBodyL( aMessage );
// This is completed later
iMessageCompleted = ETrue;
case EImpsServCloseSub:
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: EImpsServCloseSub" ) );
// remove subsession type
flag = sub->Type();
iTypes = ( iTypes & ~flag );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServDeleteSub:
// remove subsession entity
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: EImpsServDeleteSub" ) );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServGetBlocked:
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
// multi: check if this handle is logged in
if ( !IsThisLogged() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorNotLogged );
else if ( !Server()->IsConAllowed() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorTerminalOffLine );
sub->SendGetBlockedL( csp );
case EImpsServStatusReg:
sub->SetStatusObserver( ETrue );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServStatusUnreg:
sub->SetStatusObserver( EFalse );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServDetailedReg:
sub->SetDetailedError( ETrue );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServDetailedUnreg:
sub->SetDetailedError( EFalse );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
case EImpsServCspVersion:
CompleteMe( Server()->CspVersion() );
case EImpsServCancelLogin: // cancel ongoing login
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
// Call logout with cancel parameter.
( void )sub->LogoutL( csp, ETrue );
case EImpsServCancelTrans: // cancel transaction
// If the specified request is not found then just complete the current request.
if ( !sub->CancelTrans( aMessage, csp ) )
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
// Complete with cancel if operation is cancelled
CompleteMe( KErrCancel );
case EImpsServSetExpiry:
sub->SetExpiryTime( aMessage );
CompleteMe( KErrNone );
PanicClient( EImpsBadRequest );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::NewSubSessionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Create a new connection; pass back its handle via the message
// Ensures the object is cleaned up on failure
void CImpsSession::NewSubSessionL(
TImpsEventType aType,
const RMessage2& aMessage )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: NewSubSessionL sess=%d" ), TInt( this ) );
// Reject request if server is SHUTTING_DOWN
if ( Server()->IsShuttingDown() )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorShuttingDown );
CImpsSubSession* sub = CImpsSubSession::NewL( this, aType, aMessage );
CleanupClosePushL( *sub );
iContainer->AddL( sub );
// Add subsession to object index, this returns unique handle
TInt handle = iSubSessions->AddL( sub );
// write the handle to client
TPckg<TInt> handlePckg( handle );
TRAPD( res, aMessage.WriteL( 3, handlePckg ) );
if ( res != KErrNone )
// Removing sub from object index will
// cause Close() to be called on sub, and that calls destructor
iSubSessions->Remove( handle );
PanicClient( EImpsCorrupted );
User::Leave( res );
sub->SetHandle( handle );
// notch up another resource
// update iTypes bit Mask
iTypes = iTypes | aType;
CleanupStack::Pop( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::ConnectionFromHandle()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CImpsSubSession* CImpsSession::ConnectionFromHandle( TUint aHandle )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )iSubSessions->At( aHandle );
return sub;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DeleteSubSession
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DeleteSubSession( TUint aHandle )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: DeleteSubSession sess=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
// panic if bad handle
CImpsSubSession* sub = ConnectionFromHandle( aHandle );
if ( sub == NULL )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: PANIC" ) );
PanicClient( EImpsCorrupted );
// remove subsession
iSubSessions->Remove( aHandle );
// decrement resource count
TInt count = iSubSessions->ActiveCount();
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: DeleteSubSession nbrsub=%d %d subses=%d" ),
count, iResourceCount, ( TInt )sub );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::MatchSession
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsSession::MatchSession( TImpsSessIdent aCSP )
// -----------------------------------
// Notice: comment
// extra stuff for debugging
TPtrC pp1 = aCSP.SAP();
TPtrC pp2 = aCSP.UserId();
TPtrC pp3 = aCSP.SID();
TPtrC ppa = SAP();
TPtrC ppb = UserId();
TPtrC ppc = SID();
CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("Session: MatchSession aCSP sap=%S user=%S sid=%S"), &pp1, &pp2, &pp3);
CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("Session: MatchSession this sap=%S user=%S sid=%S"), &ppa, &ppb, &ppc);
// -----------------------------------
// The current session-id must match if it is non-zero
if ( aCSP.SID().Length() > 0 &&
SID().Length() > 0 &&
aCSP.SID().CompareF( SID() ) )
return EFalse;
// Also user-id and SAP address must match
else if ( !( SAP().CompareF( aCSP.SAP() ) ) &&
!( UserId().CompareF( aCSP.UserId() ) ) )
TPtrC p1 = SAP();
TPtrC p2 = UserId();
TPtrC p3 = aCSP.SID();
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: MatchSession MATCH sess=%d sap=%S user=%S sid=%S" ),
( TInt )this, &p1, &p2, &p3 );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::SendEvent()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::SendEvent(
CImpsFields *aFields,
TInt aOpId,
TImpsServRequest aRequestType,
TImpsMessageType aReqMsgType,
TUint aHandle )
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
if ( iCanceled )
TInt errx = KErrNone;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: SendEvent begins" ) );
// specified subsession
if ( aHandle )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ConnectionFromHandle( aHandle );
if ( sub )
aReqMsgType );
// scan subsessions
// This is safe even if client would close session or subsession
// Scheduler does not allocate time for it until this loop ends.
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
TRAP( errx, sub->SendEvent(
aReqMsgType ) );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: SendEvent ends" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::SendEvent()
// Lighter version for engine status event
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::SendEvent(
EImpsInternalStatus aStatus )
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
if ( iCanceled )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: SendEvent begins aStatus=%d" ), aStatus );
if ( aStatus == EInternal_NOT_LOGGED || aStatus == EInternal_SHUTTING_DOWN )
// NOT_LOGGED event is sent after LogoutResponse and it cleans
// the WV CSP TID, so that it will not receive any further
// messages from transport.
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
sub->SendEvent( aStatus );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: SendEvent ends" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::SendLogoutEvent
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::SendLogoutEvent(
TInt aRespStatus, TInt aOpId, CImpsSubSession* aSub,
TUint aHandle )
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
if ( iCanceled )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: SendLogoutEventL" ) );
// specified subsession only
if ( aHandle )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ConnectionFromHandle( aHandle );
if ( sub )
sub->SendLogoutEvent( aRespStatus, aOpId );
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
// Igone a specific subsession
if ( sub && sub != aSub )
sub->SendLogoutEvent( aRespStatus, aOpId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CheckNotification()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsSession::CheckNotifications(
CImpsFields* aFields, TImpsSessIdent aCSP )
TBool retVal( EFalse );
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
// Multi: Validate the CSP connection id and check that
// client has not completed logout request.
if ( iCanceled || !MatchSession( aCSP ) || !IsThisActive() )
return retVal;
TInt myType = 0;
TInt myOpId = 0;
// Notice: client thread use this information
if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsDisconnect )
myType = EImpsServWVLogout;
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub && sub->CheckNotification( aFields ) )
retVal = ETrue;
aFields, myOpId, ( TImpsServRequest )myType, EImpsMessageNone );
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::HandleAllOrphans()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::HandleAllOrphans()
// current CSP indetification
TImpsSessIdent csp( SID(), SAP(), UserId() );
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
sub->HandleAllOrphans( csp );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CloseSession()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::CloseSession()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: CloseSession" ) );
iCanceled = ETrue;
void DeleteAllEvents();
// Delete the object index (this stores the objects for this session)
delete iSubSessions;
iSubSessions = NULL;
Server()->RemoveContainer( iContainer );
iContainer = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CheckRequests()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TUint CImpsSession::CheckRequests(
const TDesC& aTid,
TInt& aOpId,
TImpsServRequest& aRequestType,
TImpsMessageType& aReqMsgType,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP )
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
if ( iCanceled )
return 0;
// Check also that the CSP session matches
if ( !MatchSession( aCSP ) )
return 0;
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub && sub->CheckRequests(
aReqMsgType ) )
// Check if a successful response for login
if ( SID().Length() == 0 &&
aCSP.SID().Length() > 0 &&
aRequestType == EImpsServWVLogin )
// If OOM here then this returns 0 and expiry routines
// handles the request later on. This is extremely
// rare situation anyway.
TRAPD( errx, ModifySIDL( aCSP.SID() ) );
if ( errx )
return 0;
return sub->Handle();
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DiscardRequests()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DiscardRequests(
TTime aExpiryTime,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess )
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
// Multi: Validate the CSP connection too.
if ( iCanceled || !MatchSession( aCSP ) )
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
sub->DiscardRequests( aExpiryTime, aServiceType, aSess );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DiscardRequests()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DiscardRequests(
TInt aError,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess )
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
// Multi: Validate the CSP connection too.
if ( iCanceled || !MatchSession( aCSP ) )
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
sub->DiscardRequests( aError, aServiceType, aSess );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DiscardRequest()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsSession::DiscardRequest(
const TDesC& aTid,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TInt aCode,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP )
TBool ret( EFalse );
// It is possible that the cancel request from client is not
// complete and this session entity is still waiting deletion.
// Multi: Validate the CSP connection too.
if ( iCanceled || !MatchSession( aCSP ) )
return EFalse;
// Scan subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
ret = sub->DiscardRequest( aTid, aServiceType, aCode );
if ( ret )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DeleteAllRequests()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DeleteAllRequests( )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: DeleteAllRequests" ) );
if ( iCanceled )
// Delete all buffered requests from this client.
// Delete from subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DeleteAllRequests()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DeleteAllRequests( TImpsSessIdent* aCSP )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: DeleteAllRequests aCSP" ) );
if ( iCanceled )
if ( !MatchSession( *aCSP ) )
// Delete all buffered requests from this client.
// Delete from subsessions
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::DeleteRequest
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::DeleteRequest( TInt aOpId, TUint aSubHandle )
if ( aSubHandle )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ConnectionFromHandle( aSubHandle );
if ( sub )
sub->DeleteRequest( aOpId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::ExpiryTime
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsSession::ExpiryTime( )
if ( iCanceled )
return 0;
// Search the minimum subsession expiry time.
TInt sesexp = 0;
TInt exp = 0;
TInt count = iSubSessions->Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CImpsSubSession* sub = ( CImpsSubSession* )( ( *iSubSessions )[i] );
if ( sub )
exp = sub->ExpiryTime();
if ( ( exp && exp < sesexp ) || !sesexp )
sesexp = exp;
return sesexp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CompleteMe()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::CompleteMe( TInt aStatus )
iMsgR.Complete( aStatus );
iMessageCompleted = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::PushMessageL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::PushMessageL()
// read cookie
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: PushMessageL" ) );
if ( !iStream )
iStream = HBufC8::NewL( KImpsMaxCookie );
// server instance saves these after successful login
( void ) ReadBuffer8L( 1, iStream );
Server()->CirMessageL( iStream->Des() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::ServiceL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
TRAPD( err, DispatchMessageL( aMessage ) );
if ( !iMessageCompleted )
CompleteMe( err );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::PanicClient()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::PanicClient( TImpsPanic aPanic ) const
iMsgR.Panic( KImpsPanicCategory, aPanic );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CurrentServicesL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::CurrentServicesL()
TImpsSessIdent csp( SID(), SAP(), UserId() );
if ( !Server()->IsNegotiated( csp ) )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorServices );
// Buffer for response
TBuf < sizeof( TImpsServices ) + 4 >
myBuf( sizeof( TImpsServices ) + 4 );
TImpsServices myServices;
TImpsServices* activeServices = Server()->Services( csp );
if ( !activeServices )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorServices );
myServices.Copy( *activeServices );
// Copy service tree to the local descriptor buffer
const TUint8* aPtrStart = ( const TUint8* )myBuf.Ptr();
TInt32 tempSize = 0;
tempSize = sizeof( TImpsServices );
Mem::Copy( ( void* )aPtrStart, &tempSize, sizeof( tempSize ) );
aPtrStart = aPtrStart + sizeof( tempSize );
if ( tempSize )
Mem::Copy( ( void* )aPtrStart, ( void* )&myServices, tempSize );
TInt ret = iMsgR.Write( 0, myBuf );
// complete the request
CompleteMe( ret );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::ReadBuffer8L()
// aBuffer must be a member if there is a risk that
// more memory must be allocated, because of cleanupstack is
// inconsistent otherwise.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsSession::ReadBuffer8L(
TInt aIndex,
HBufC8*& aBuffer )
// Copies a buffer from the client
// Only fails if there is not enough memory to increase the buffer size
TBool alloced = EFalse;
TInt desLen = iMsgR.GetDesLength( aIndex );
if ( desLen < 0 )
User::Leave( desLen );
HBufC8* newBuffer = NULL;
if ( aBuffer == NULL )
newBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( desLen );
alloced = ETrue;
else if ( desLen > aBuffer->Des().MaxLength() )
alloced = ETrue;
// we have to increase the size of buffer
aBuffer->Des().SetLength( 0 ); // to avoid copying the contents
newBuffer = aBuffer->ReAllocL( desLen );
CleanupStack::PushL( newBuffer );
TPtr8 desPtr = alloced ? newBuffer->Des() : aBuffer->Des(); //lint !e613 !e661
// newBuffer is allocated, aBuffer must not be zero
iMsgR.ReadL( aIndex, desPtr );
if ( alloced )
aBuffer = newBuffer;
return alloced;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::ApplicationId()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CImpsSession::ApplicationId()
return iApplicationId ? TPtrC( *iApplicationId ) : TPtrC();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::SetUserIdL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::SetUserIdL( const TDesC& aId )
delete iUserId;
iUserId = NULL;
iUserId = aId.AllocL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::SetSAPL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::SetSAPL( const TDesC& aId )
delete iSAP;
iSAP = aId.AllocL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::SetThisInactive()
// Use iUserId to check whether client session is logged in
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::SetThisInactive()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: SetThisInactive sess=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
delete iUserId;
iUserId = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::NewFieldsL()
// Old iFields must not be deleted because of CImpsServer
// still uses that.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::NewFieldsL()
CImpsFields* newF = CImpsFields::NewL();
iFields = newF;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::AssignIdL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::AssignIdL()
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: AssignIdL begins" ) );
// Generate session's application id and client id
RMessage2 myMsg( iMsgR );
// verify that length is valid
TInt desLen = myMsg.GetDesLength( 0 );
if ( desLen > KImpsMaxClientId )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: Error: too long client-id" ) );
User::Leave( KImpsErrorValidate );
// allocate memory dynamically
delete iApplicationId;
iApplicationId = NULL;
iApplicationId = HBufC::NewL( desLen );
TPtr desPtr = iApplicationId->Des();
myMsg.ReadL( 0, desPtr );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::CleanSID()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::CleanSID()
if ( !iSID )
TPtr p = iSID->Des();
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: CleanSID sess=%d sid=%S" ), ( TInt )this, &p );
delete iSID;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::ModifySIDL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsSession::ModifySIDL( const TDesC& aSID )
TPtrC p = aSID;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Session: ModifySIDL sess=%d sid=%S" ), ( TInt )this, &p );
delete iSID;
iSID = aSID.AllocL();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsSession::NbrSessionsL( )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsSession::NbrOfSessionsL()
RMessage2 myMsg( Message() );
CDesCArrayFlat* tempArr = new ( ELeave )CDesCArrayFlat( 2 );
CleanupStack::PushL( tempArr ); // << tempArr
HBufC8* stream = *StreamBufAddr();
if ( ReadBuffer8L( 0, stream ) )
HBufC8** stream2 = StreamBufAddr();
*stream2 = stream;
TImpsPackedEntity packedMessage( stream );
const TUint8* pS = stream->Ptr();
packedMessage.DoUnpackArrayL( pS, tempArr );
tempArr->MdcaCount() == 2,
User::Panic( KImpsPanicCategory,
EImpsCorrupted ) );
TPtrC tempUser = tempArr->MdcaPoint( 1 );
TPtrC tempSAP = tempArr->MdcaPoint( 0 );
TImpsSessIdent csp( KNullDesC, tempSAP, tempUser );
// ask number of clint sessions
TInt ret = Server()->NbrSessions( EFalse, csp );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >> tempArr
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWvEvent::CWvEvent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWvEvent::CWvEvent( TImpsEventType aType ) :
iType( aType ),
iMessageType( EImpsStatus ), // just default
iSent( EFalse ),
iPackedMessage ( NULL )
if ( iPackedMessage )
delete iPackedMessage;
iPackedMessage = NULL;
void CWvEvent::Destroy()
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::CRequest
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& aTID,
TInt aOpId,
TImpsServRequest aRequestType,
TTime aExpiry,
TImpsMessageType aMessageType )
: iOpId( aOpId ),
iRequestType ( aRequestType ),
iMessageType ( aMessageType ),
iExpiry( aExpiry )
iTID = aTID;
void CRequest::Destroy()
delete this;
// End of File