* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Attribute list manager
#include <e32std.h>
#include "CPEngAttributeListManager.h"
#include "CPEngAttributeListItem.h"
#include "CPEngAttributeListModel.h"
#include "PEngListLibTools.h"
#include "MPEngStorageManager.h"
#include "PEngStorageGlobals.h"
#include "PEngStorageManager.h"
#include "MPEngListLibFactory.h"
#include "CPEngSessionSlotId.h"
#include "PEngAttrLibFactory.h"
#include "MPEngPresenceAttrManager.h"
// flag of the default attribute list + 3 counts, of 3 arrays
const TInt KIntEntrySize( 16 );
// storage ID of the attribute lists
_LIT( KAttributeListsStoreID, "AttributeListsStore" );
//Default granurality for ID lists
const TInt KAttributeListIdGranurality = 3;
const TInt KWVIDMaxSize = 50;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::CPEngAttributeListManager()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngListLibFactory& aFactory )
: CPEngStoreEntry( EPEngMixedPermanentVersionCon ),
iAccessCount( 1 ), // init count to 1
iFactory( aFactory ),
iAttributeLists( KAttributeListIdGranurality ),
iDeleteAttrListContactIDs( KAttributeListIdGranurality ),
iDeleteAttrListContactLists( KAttributeListIdGranurality ),
iDeleteDefaultAttrList( EFalse )
iSize = KIntEntrySize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::ConstructL(
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot )
iSessionId = aSessionSlot.CloneL();
MPEngStorageManager* storageManager =
PEngStorageManager::GetStorageManagerL( *iSessionId );
CleanupClosePushL( *storageManager );
CPEngStoreEntry::BaseConstructL( *storageManager );
iAttributeManager = PEngAttrLibFactory::AttributeManagerInstanceL(
*iSessionId );
iStorageManager->RetrieveL( *this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::NewL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPEngAttributeListManager* CPEngAttributeListManager::NewL(
MPEngListLibFactory& aFactory,
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot )
CPEngAttributeListManager* self = NewLC( aFactory, aSessionSlot );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::NewLC()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPEngAttributeListManager* CPEngAttributeListManager::NewLC(
MPEngListLibFactory& aFactory,
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot )
CPEngAttributeListManager* self =
new( ELeave ) CPEngAttributeListManager( aFactory );
CleanupClosePushL( *self );
self->ConstructL( aSessionSlot );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iSessionId;
if ( iAttributeManager )
// =============================================================================
// =============== From MPEngAttributeListManager ==============================
// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::SessionId()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CPEngSessionSlotId& CPEngAttributeListManager::SessionId() const
return *iSessionId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::Open()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::Open()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::Close()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::Close()
if ( iAccessCount == 0 )
iFactory.RemoveAttrListManager( this );
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::CreateEmptyAttributeListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngAttributeList2* CPEngAttributeListManager::CreateEmptyAttributeListL()
return CPEngAttributeListModel::NewL( iAttributeManager );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::GetDefaultAttributeListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngAttributeList2* CPEngAttributeListManager::GetDefaultAttributeListL(
TPEngAttributeListsSet2 aAttrListsSet )
switch ( aAttrListsSet )
case EPEngNetworkAttributeLists:
TInt index ( FindCurrentDefaultAttributeList() );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// get list of attributes and create model with it
return CPEngAttributeListModel::NewL( iAttributeManager,
iAttributeLists[index]->PresenceAttributes() );
case EPEngLocalAttributeLists:
TInt index ( FindNewDefaultAttributeList() );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
index = FindCurrentDefaultAttributeList();
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// get list of attributes and create model with it
return CPEngAttributeListModel::NewL( iAttributeManager,
iAttributeLists[index]->PresenceAttributes() );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// just for compiler
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::SetAsDefaultAttributeListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::SetAsDefaultAttributeListL(
MPEngAttributeList2& aAttrList )
// set delete default attribute list to EFalse
iDeleteDefaultAttrList = EFalse;
CPEngAttributeListModel* model =
static_cast< CPEngAttributeListModel* >( &aAttrList );
// first check if there is not any new default flag already and remove it
TInt index ( FindNewDefaultAttributeList() );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
// set new default to zero and if attribute lists is no more needed
// delete it (0 == zero contacts in attr list)
if ( 0 == iAttributeLists[ index ]->SetNewDefault( EFalse ) )
// attr. list empty delete it
iSize -= iAttributeLists[ index ]->SizeOfEntry();
delete iAttributeLists[ index ];
iAttributeLists.Remove( index );
// now find new one and set it, if it does not exist, create it
index = FindAttributeList( model->PresenceAttributes() );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
// check if it is not already default, if not then set flag for new
// otherwise there is no need to do anything
if ( !iAttributeLists[ index ]->CurrentlyDefault() )
// it exists, just set the flag
iAttributeLists[ index ]->SetNewDefault( ETrue );
// it does not exist, create it and insert it in the array
// with parameter new Default on
CPEngAttributeListItem* newListItem =
CPEngAttributeListItem::NewLC( model->PresenceAttributes() );
// set it as new Default
newListItem->SetNewDefault( ETrue );
iAttributeLists.AppendL( newListItem );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // newListItem
iSize += newListItem->SizeOfEntry() ;
// store changes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteDefaultAttributeListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteDefaultAttributeListL()
// check if there is somewhere new default attribute list
TInt err ( FindNewDefaultAttributeList() );
if ( err != KErrNotFound )
// set new default to zero and if attribute lists is no more needed
// delete it (0 == zero contacts in attr list)
if ( 0 == iAttributeLists[ err ]->SetNewDefault( EFalse ) )
// attr. list empty delete it
delete iAttributeLists[ err ];
iAttributeLists.Remove( err );
// set flag to delete default attr list
iDeleteDefaultAttrList = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::GetAttributeListForUserL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngAttributeList2* CPEngAttributeListManager::GetAttributeListForUserL(
const TDesC& aContactId,
TPEngAttributeListsSet2 aAttrListsSet )
return GetAttributeListForContactL(
CPEngAttributeListItem::ENewContactIDs );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::GetAttributeListForContactListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngAttributeList2* CPEngAttributeListManager::GetAttributeListForContactListL(
const TDesC& aContactList,
TPEngAttributeListsSet2 aAttrListsSet )
return GetAttributeListForContactL(
CPEngAttributeListItem::ENewContactLists );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::AttachAttributeListToUserL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::AttachAttributeListToUserL(
const TDesC& aContactId,
MPEngAttributeList2& aList )
iDeleteAttrListContactIDs );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::AttachAttributeListToContactListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::AttachAttributeListToContactListL(
const TDesC& aContactList,
MPEngAttributeList2& aList )
iDeleteAttrListContactLists );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteAttributeListFromUserL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteAttributeListFromUserL(
const TDesC& aContactId )
iDeleteAttrListContactIDs );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteAttributeListFromContactListL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteAttributeListFromContactListL(
const TDesC& aContactList )
iDeleteAttrListContactLists );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::ExternalizeL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream,
TPEngStorageType aStorageType ) const
if ( !( aStorageType & StorageType() ) )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
// write delete default list flag
aStream.WriteInt32L( iDeleteDefaultAttrList );
aStream.WriteInt32L( iSynchronized );
// externalize list of to be delete wv IDs's attribute lists
TInt count ( iDeleteAttrListContactIDs.Count() );
aStream.WriteInt32L( count );
for ( TInt i( 0 ) ; i < count ; i++ )
aStream << iDeleteAttrListContactIDs.MdcaPoint( i );
// externalize list of to be deleted contact lists's attribute lists
count = iDeleteAttrListContactLists.Count();
aStream.WriteInt32L( count );
for ( TInt ii( 0 ) ; ii < count ; ii++ )
aStream << iDeleteAttrListContactLists.MdcaPoint( ii );
// externalize attribute lists
count = iAttributeLists.Count();
aStream.WriteInt32L( count );
for ( TInt x ( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
iAttributeLists[x]->ExternalizeL( aStream );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::InternalizeL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream,
TPEngStorageType aStorageType )
if ( !( aStorageType & StorageType() ) )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
iSize = KIntEntrySize;
iDeleteDefaultAttrList = aStream.ReadInt32L();
// read synchronize flag
// member value isn't updated from stored data
// ==> full sync is performed each time when attribute lists
// are used for the first time during the session
// (if member variable would be updated from persisted data, sync would hapen
// only when atttribute lists are updated for the first time to account.)
// internalize list of to be delete wv IDs's attribute lists
TInt count ( aStream.ReadInt32L() );
for ( TInt i( 0 ) ; i < count ; i++ )
// use max size as double of KWVIDMaxSize
HBufC16* newContact = HBufC16::NewLC( aStream, 2 * KWVIDMaxSize );
iDeleteAttrListContactIDs.InsertIsqL( *newContact, ECmpFolded );
iSize += newContact->Size();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // newContact
// internalize list of to be deleted contact lists's attribute lists
count = aStream.ReadInt32L();
for ( TInt ii( 0 ) ; ii < count ; ii++ )
// use max size as double of KWVIDMaxSize
HBufC16* newContact = HBufC16::NewLC( aStream, 2 * KWVIDMaxSize );
iDeleteAttrListContactLists.InsertIsqL( *newContact, ECmpFolded );
iSize += newContact->Size();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // newContact
// reset array of the lists
// first read number of the Attribute lists
count = aStream.ReadInt32L();
for ( TInt x ( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
CPEngAttributeListItem* newLists =
CPEngAttributeListItem::NewLC( aStream );
iAttributeLists.AppendL( newLists );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // newLists
iSize += newLists->SizeOfEntry();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::StorageId()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CPEngAttributeListManager::StorageId() const
return KAttributeListsStoreID;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::EntrySize()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CPEngAttributeListManager::EntrySize() const
return iSize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::HandleSIDsChangeL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::HandleSIDsChangeL(
CPtrCArray& /* aChangedSIDs */ )
iStorageManager->RetrieveL( *this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::HandleSIDNotifyError()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::HandleSIDNotifyError(
TInt /* aError */ )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::FindAttributeList()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::FindAttributeList(
const RArray<TUint32>& aAttributeList ) const
// go through all attribute lists and look for the same attribute list
TInt count ( iAttributeLists.Count() );
for ( TInt x ( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
if ( CompareAttributeLists( iAttributeLists[x]->PresenceAttributes() ,
aAttributeList ) )
// Lists of presence attributes matches, return index of
// the Attribute List Item
return x;
// no list of attributes which matches was found
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::FindCurrentDefaultAttributeList()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::FindCurrentDefaultAttributeList() const
return FindDefaultAttrList( &CPEngAttributeListItem::CurrentlyDefault );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::FindNewDefaultAttributeList()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::FindNewDefaultAttributeList() const
return FindDefaultAttrList( &CPEngAttributeListItem::NewDefault );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::StoreChangesL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::StoreChangesL()
TRAPD( err, iStorageManager->StoreL( *this ) );
if ( err == KErrAccessDenied )
CPtrCArray* arr = NULL;
HandleSIDsChangeL( *arr );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::CompareAttributeLists()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPEngAttributeListManager::CompareAttributeLists(
const RArray<TUint32>& aListA ,
const RArray<TUint32>& aListB ) const
TInt count( aListA.Count() );
if ( count != aListB.Count() )
// they do not even have same count of the presence attributes so
// they cannot be same
return EFalse;
// array are in order without duplicates, so we can easily go through
for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
if ( aListA[x] != aListB[x] )
// do not match -> Attribute lists are not same
return EFalse;
// it went all fine, then Attribute lists are same
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::FindItemInArray()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::FindItemInArray( const CDesCArray& aArray,
const TDesC& aItem ) const
TInt position( 0 );
if ( aArray.FindIsq( aItem, position, ECmpFolded ) == KErrNone )
return position;
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::FindContactInAttrLists()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::FindContactInAttrLists(
const TDesC& aContact,
CPEngAttributeListItem::TPEngAttrListItemArrays aArray ) const
// go through all attribute lists and look for the contact in Current ones
TInt count ( iAttributeLists.Count() );
for ( TInt x ( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
if ( KErrNotFound != FindItemInArray(
iAttributeLists[x]->ArrayOfContacts( aArray ),
aContact ) )
// contact was found, return index
return x;
// contact was not found in any of the lists
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::FindDefaultAttrList()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngAttributeListManager::FindDefaultAttrList(
ItemDefaultSet aDefaultSetCall ) const
TInt count ( iAttributeLists.Count() );
for ( TInt x ( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
if ( ( iAttributeLists[x]->*aDefaultSetCall )() )
return x;
// no default list
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::GetAttributeListForContactL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngAttributeList2* CPEngAttributeListManager::GetAttributeListForContactL(
const TDesC& aContact,
TPEngAttributeListsSet2 aAttrListsSet,
CPEngAttributeListItem::TPEngAttrListItemArrays aArrayCurrent,
CPEngAttributeListItem::TPEngAttrListItemArrays aArrayNew )
switch ( aAttrListsSet )
case EPEngNetworkAttributeLists:
TInt index( FindContactInAttrLists( aContact, aArrayCurrent ) );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// get list of attributes and create model with it
return CPEngAttributeListModel::NewL(
iAttributeLists[index]->PresenceAttributes() );
case EPEngLocalAttributeLists:
TInt index( FindContactInAttrLists( aContact, aArrayNew ) );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
//try to have a look in the published ones
index = FindContactInAttrLists( aContact, aArrayCurrent );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// get list of attributes and create model with it
return CPEngAttributeListModel::NewL(
iAttributeLists[index]->PresenceAttributes() );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// just for compiler
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::AttachAttributeListToContactL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::AttachAttributeListToContactL(
const TDesC& aContact,
MPEngAttributeList2& aList,
CPEngAttributeListItem::TPEngAttrListItemArrays aArrayCurrent,
CPEngAttributeListItem::TPEngAttrListItemArrays aArrayNew,
CDesCArray& aToDeleteContacts )
TBool need2Store( EFalse );
CPEngAttributeListModel* model =
static_cast< CPEngAttributeListModel* >( &aList );
// If defined contact is defined for some other Attribute list,
// it can be ignored, since WV server will remove that connection
// and link it to the new attribute list what has to be checked
// it that contact is not in new part of any attribute lists
// and as well delete part, form there it has to be deleted
// first look in the new contacts of the attribute list
TInt index( FindContactInAttrLists( aContact, aArrayNew ) );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
need2Store = ETrue;
// it was found in new, remove it from there
TInt count ( iAttributeLists[index]->DeleteContactFromList( aContact,
aArrayNew ) );
// check if there is still some contact in this attribute list,
// if not delete it
if ( count == 0 )
// delete attribute list
iSize -= iAttributeLists[ index ]->SizeOfEntry();
delete iAttributeLists[ index ];
iAttributeLists.Remove( index );
// now look in delete contacts of the attribute list
index = FindItemInArray( aToDeleteContacts, aContact );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
need2Store = ETrue;
// it was found in delete ones, remove it, it won't be neccesarry
aToDeleteContacts.Delete( index );
iSize -= aContact.Size();
// now find if list of attributes already somewhere exists
TInt listIndex ( FindAttributeList( model->PresenceAttributes() ) );
if ( listIndex != KErrNotFound )
// attribute list already exists, check current
// if it does not exists already, if not add it to the new ones
if ( KErrNotFound != FindItemInArray(
iAttributeLists[listIndex]->ArrayOfContacts( aArrayCurrent ),
aContact ) )
// contact is in current, no sense to do anything,
if ( need2Store )
User::LeaveIfError( StoreChangesL() );
// not in current, add it to the new contact lists
iAttributeLists[ listIndex ]->AddContactToListL( aContact,
aArrayNew );
iSize += aContact.Size();
// now store changes to the store in any case
User::LeaveIfError( StoreChangesL() );
// Attribute lists does not exist, create it
CPEngAttributeListItem* newListItem = CPEngAttributeListItem::NewLC(
model->PresenceAttributes() );
// add contact to the new ones and append it to the array
newListItem->AddContactToListL( aContact, aArrayNew );
iAttributeLists.AppendL( newListItem );
iSize += newListItem->SizeOfEntry() ;
CleanupStack::Pop(); // newListItem
User::LeaveIfError( StoreChangesL() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteAttributeListFromContactL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngAttributeListManager::DeleteAttributeListFromContactL(
const TDesC& aContact,
CPEngAttributeListItem::TPEngAttrListItemArrays aArrayNew,
CDesCArray& aToDeleteContacts )
// there is now check if contact is in current, does not matter,
// just try if it is in new, and delete if from there and add it to the
// delete contacts queue
TInt indexNew ( FindContactInAttrLists( aContact, aArrayNew ) );
if ( indexNew != KErrNotFound )
TInt count ( iAttributeLists[indexNew]->DeleteContactFromList( aContact,
aArrayNew ) );
// check if there is still some contact in this attribute list,
// if not delete it
if ( count == 0 )
// delete attribute list, it's empty
iSize -= iAttributeLists[ indexNew ]->SizeOfEntry();
delete iAttributeLists[ indexNew ];
iAttributeLists.Remove( indexNew );
// now add contact to the delete contact lists queue,
// if it's already there silently ignore
TRAPD( e, aToDeleteContacts.InsertIsqL( aContact, ECmpFolded ) );
iSize += aContact.Size();
NListLibTools::LeaveIfMajorErrorL( e );
User::LeaveIfError( StoreChangesL() );
// End of File