author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 08:41:52 +0200
changeset 0 094583676ce7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200949 Kit: 200951

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Container of the one contact list item.


#include <e32base.h>
#include "MPEngContactItemAdvance.h"

class   RWriteStream;
class   RWriteStream;
class   MPEngContactListModStore;
class   CPEngContactListProperty;


 * Container of the one contact list item.
 * Implements management of one contact list item,
 * like update of the nick name and storing of the
 * cached and permanent data properties of the contact item.
 * @lib PEngListLib2
 * @since 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPEngContactListModItemContainer ) :
        public CBase,
        public MPEngContactItemAdvance
public:  // Enumerations

     * Reference access flags.
    enum TAccessFlags
        ELocalRef     = 0x00001,
        ENetworkRef   = 0x00010

public:  // Constructors and destructor

     * Two-phased constructor, constructs class with
     * passed contact id and nickname
    static CPEngContactListModItemContainer* NewLC(
        MPEngContactListModStore& aStoreEntry,
        const TDesC& aContactId,
        const TDesC* aNickName );

     * Two-phased constructor, constructs class with passed contact id,
     * nickname is set as need to be updated
    static CPEngContactListModItemContainer* NewNewNickLC(
        MPEngContactListModStore& aStoreEntry,
        const TDesC& aContactId,
        const TDesC& aNewNickName );

     * Two-phased constructor, constructs class from the Stream
    static CPEngContactListModItemContainer* NewLC(
        MPEngContactListModStore& aStoreEntry,
        RReadStream& aStream );

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~CPEngContactListModItemContainer();

private: // Constructors

     * C++ constructor.
    CPEngContactListModItemContainer( MPEngContactListModStore& aStoreEntry );

     * Constructs container with WV ID and Nickname
    void ConstructL( const TDesC& aContactId,
                     const TDesC* aNickName );

     * Construct container with WV ID,
     * Nickname set as need to be updated
    void ConstructNewNickL( const TDesC& aContactId,
                            const TDesC& aNewNickName );

public: // Functions from  MPEngContactItem

     * Contact Id of the contact Item
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    const TDesC& Id() const;

     * Nick name of the contact Item
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    const TDesC& NickName() const;

     * Update nick name of the contact item
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    void UpdateNickNameL( const TDesC& aNickName );

     * Gets a property.
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    TInt GetProperty( TUint aName,
                      TUint aLevel,
                      TInt& aValue ) const;

    TInt GetProperty( TUint aName,
                      TUint aLevel,
                      TPtrC8& aValue ) const;

    TInt GetProperty( TUint aName,
                      TUint aLevel,
                      TPtrC16& aValue ) const;

     * Gets a property.
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    TInt Property( TUint aName,
                   TUint aLevel ) const;

     * Sets a property.
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    void SetPropertyL( TUint aName,
                       TUint aLevel,
                       TInt aValue );

    void SetPropertyL( TUint aName,
                       TUint aLevel,
                       const TDesC8& aValue );

    void SetPropertyL( TUint aName,
                       TUint aLevel,
                       const TDesC16& aValue );

     * Delete a property
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    void DeletePropertyL( TUint aName, TUint aLevel );
    TInt GetPermanentValue( const TDesC& aKey, TPtrC8& aValue ) const;
    TInt GetCachedValue( const TDesC& aKey, TPtrC8& aValue ) const;
    void SetPermanentValueL( const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC8& aValue );
    void SetCachedValueL( const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC8& aValue );
    void DeletePermanentValueL( const TDesC& aKey );
    void DeleteCachedValueL( const TDesC& aKey );

     * Extensions for the future
     * @see <MPEngContactItem.h>
    MPEngContactItemExt* Extension() {
        return NULL;
    const MPEngContactItemExt* Extension() const {
        return NULL;

public: // New functions

     * Compare function.
     * Two instances are compared based on the WV Id.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aFirst fist class for comparison
     * @param aSecond second class for comparison
     * @return -1 if fist is smaller,
     *         +1 is second is smaller,
     *         0 if they are same
    static TInt Compare( const CPEngContactListModItemContainer& aFirst,
                         const CPEngContactListModItemContainer& aSecond );

     * Opens reference count.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aRefType 0 zero is indefined for default open
     *        otherwise one of the TPEngAccessFlags enumeration
    void Open( TInt aRefType =  0 );

     * Closes reference count access.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aRefType 0 zero is indefined for default open
     *        otherwise one of the TPEngAccessFlags enumeration
     * @return pointer to called intance.
     *         If it is about to be deleted NULL is returned
    CPEngContactListModItemContainer* CloseRef( TInt aRefType =  0 );

     * Checks reference counted access.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aRefType 0 zero is indefined for default open
     *        otherwise one of the TPEngAccessFlags enumeration
     * @return ETrue if reference is active
    TBool RefActive( TInt aRefType =  0 );

     * Closes access.
     * @since 3.0
    void Close();

     * Externalizes the entry data to stream.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aStream write stream
     * @param aType Data to be externalized as defined in
     *        TPEngStorageType enumeration.
    void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream, TInt aType ) const ;

     * Internalize from the file cached information
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aStream read stream
     * @param aType Data to be internalized as defined in
     *        TPEngStorageType enumeration.
    void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream, TInt aType );

     * Update contact Id
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aId id as it is represented by the network server
    void UpdateContactId( HBufC* aId );

     * Get new Nickname
     * @since 3.0
     * @return new nick name buffer pointer(can be NULL)
    const HBufC* NewNick() const;

     * Get Current nick name
     * @since 3.0
     * @return current nick name buffer pointer(can be NULL)
    const HBufC* CurrentNick() const;

     * Get Current nick name
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aNickName current nick name
    void SetCurrentNickname( HBufC* aNickName );

     * Adopts the current nick name as new.
     * @since 3.0
     * @return current nick name buffer pointer(can be NULL)
    void AdoptCurrentNickAsNew();

     * Roll back nick name.
     * New nick name is deleted and set as NULL
     * @since 3.0
    void RollBackNickname();

     * Commit nickname
     * New Nick name is set as current
     * @since 3.0
    void CommitNickName();

     * Setter and getter for contact server index.
     * @since 3.1
    TInt ServerIndex() const;
    void SetServerIndex(  TInt aIndex );

     * Is this contact a fresh one.
     * @since 3.0
     * @return ETrue if it is a fresh one.
     *         Else EFalse
    TBool IsFreshContact();

     * Sets the contact as fresh one or not.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param ETrue if the contact is a fresh one.
     *        Else EFalse
    void SetFreshContact( TBool aFresh );

private:    // Data

    /// REF: Store entry of the whole model
    MPEngContactListModStore&                iStoreEntry;

    /// OWN: Access count
    TInt                                     iAccessCount;

    /// OWN: Reference definitions
    TInt                                     iRefDefinitions;

    /// OWN: Server index for server order
    TInt									 iServerIndex;

    /// REF: Item size
    TInt&                                    iSize;

    /// OWN: Contact Id
    HBufC*                                   iContactId;

    /// OWN: Nickname of the contact
    HBufC*                                   iNickName;

    /// OWN: New Nick name
    HBufC*                                   iNewNickName;

    /// OWN: The Contact fresh status
    TBool iFresh;

    /// OWN: Properties of the contact Item
    RPointerArray<CPEngContactListProperty>  iProperties;


// End of File