* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: See class description below.
#include <e32def.h>
#include <s32std.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <s32file.h> // file server
#include "MPEngStorageServer.h"
#include "PEngPresenceEngineConsts2.h"
class CPEngStorageFolder;
class TPEngServerParams;
class CPEngSAPChangeObserver;
class CPEngSessionSlotId;
class CPEngSessionSlotState;
class CPEngSessionSlotEvent;
class CPEngHandlerListenEvents;
class CPEngTimer;
* Main Server class of the presence server
* @since 3.0
class CPEngStorageServer
: public CPolicyServer,
public MPEngStorageServer
//, public MBackupOperationObserver
public: // Constructors and destructors
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngStorageServer* NewL( TInt aPriority ); // Static constructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngStorageServer* NewLC( TInt aPriority ); // Static constructor
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPEngStorageServer(); // Destructor (virtual)
protected: // Constructors and destructors
* C++ default constructor.
CPEngStorageServer( TInt aPriority );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL(); // Second phase construct
public: // New methods
* Starts the server, called from clients Connect() method or from WinsMain()
static TInt ExecuteServerL( TPEngServerParams& aParams );
* Stops the server, actually just calls CActiveScheduler::Stop();
void StopServer();
* Run server
static void RunServerL( TPEngServerParams& aParams );
public: // new functions from MPEngStorageServer
* Add subsession to the container
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void AddSubSessionL( CObject& aSubSession );
* Remove subsession from the container
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void RemoveSubSessionL( CObject& aSubSession );
* Start Listening of the Global events
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void RegisterGlobEventListenerL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId );
* Cancel specified asynchronous request of the client
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void CancelRequestL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId );
* Cancel all session's asynchronous request
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void CancelAllSessionRequests( TUint32 aSessionId );
* Reload Asynchronous scout of the async observer
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void ReloadAsynchronousScoutL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId );
* Create Session slot Folder
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void CreateSessionFolderL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Remove Session slot Folder
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void RemoveSessionFolderL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Get session slot state
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void SessionStateL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Get All Session slots states
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void AllSessionStatesL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Get Storage Folder Instance and return its pointer
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
CPEngStorageFolder* StorageFolderL(
const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Notify new global Session Slot event
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void NotifyGlobalEvent( const TDesC8& aGlobalEvent );
* Notify Error to the listeners of new events
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void NotifyError( TInt aError );
* Check if passed Application Id is registered for
* defined session slot
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void IsAppIdRegisteredL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Is back up operation active
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
TBool BackUpActive();
* Wipe Session Slot folder
* @see <MPEngStorageServer.h>
void WipeSessionSlotFolderL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
public: // Reference counted access related functions
* Session has been created
* More in the file <MPEngStorageServer.h>
* @since 3.0
void SessionCreated();
* Session is dying, check if server is needed
* More in the file <MPEngStorageServer.h>
* @since 3.0
void SessionDied();
* Timer expired, kill server if not needed anymore
* @since 3.0
void TimeExpired();
public: // Methods derived from CServer2
* Called when new client is connecting, version number of the client is checked here.
CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
private: // New methods
* Calls CActiveScheduler::Start()
void StartServer();
* Read Session ID from the client's message
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage client's message
* @return session slot ID class, ownership transferred
CPEngSessionSlotId* TranslateSessionIdLC( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Try to find session Folder if it is active
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessionId session Id to find folder for
* @return session Id class if folder is loaded, NULL if not
CPEngStorageFolder* FindStorageFolder(
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionId );
* Load storage folder,
* there is open handle to the returner pointer
* @since 3.0
CPEngStorageFolder* LoadStorageFolderL(
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionId );
* Load session slot state
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessId session slot Id
* @param aCreate flag if session shall be created if needed
* @param aSessState returned session slot state
* @param aStorageFolder returned storage folder, if loaded
* @param aStateFileName returned file name of session state
* @return number of items on clean up stack added by function
inline TInt LoadSessionStateLCX(
CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessId,
TBool aCreate,
CPEngSessionSlotState*& aSessState,
CPEngStorageFolder*& aStorageFolder,
HBufC*& aStateFileName );
* Read State file from permanent store if it does exists
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessionId session Identification
* @param aFileName file name of the state file
* @return state of the session folder
CPEngSessionSlotState* ReadSessionStatePermanentLC(
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionId,
HBufC*& aFileName );
* Modify State file name to folder name
* @since 3.0
* @param aFileName which will be altered to folder name
inline void UpdateFileToFolderName( TDes& aFileName );
* Create session directory in the file system
* @since 3.0
* @param aFileName file name of the session slot state file
inline void CreateSessionDirectoryL( TDes& aFileName );
* Store data to the file
* @since 3.0
* @param aFileName file name of the target file
* @param aData date to be stored into the file
* @return KErrNone if it went OK or system wide error code
inline TInt StoreFile( const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC8& aData );
* Read data from the file
* @since 3.0
* @param aFileName file name of the target file
* @return buffer with the data of the file
inline void ReadFileL( const TDesC& aFileName,
RBuf8& aBuff );
* Clean storage from session
* @since 3.0
* @param file name of the session file
* @return KErrNone if cleaning goes fine
inline TInt CleanStorageFromSessionL( TDes& aFileName );
* Create Buffer with global event
* @since 3.0
* @param aState session state
* @param aEvent event notification
* @return new session slot event
inline CPEngSessionSlotEvent* PackGlobEventLC(
CPEngSessionSlotState& aState,
TPEngNWSessionSlotEvent aEvent,
const TDesC& aAppId );
* Update Session Slot state
* @since 3.0
* @param aFolder folder of the session, can be NULL
* @param aState state of the session slot
* @param aEvent new session slot event
* @param aFileName file name of the state of the session
inline void UpdateSessionSltStateL(
CPEngStorageFolder* aFolder,
CPEngSessionSlotState& aState,
CPEngSessionSlotEvent& aEvent,
TDes& aFileName );
private: // New notification engine functions
* Find Request Handler
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessionID Session ID
* @param aFunction request function
* @return pointer to Request Handler it it exists or NULL
inline CPEngHandlerListenEvents* FindRequestHandler( TUint32 aSessionId,
TPEngStorageServerMessages aFunction );
private: // Data
/// OWN: Container collection
/// All containers created by this collection are also
/// owned by this colletion
CObjectConIx* iContainerIx;
/// OWN: Container of Sub sesssions
/// Owned over iContainerIx
CObjectCon* iSubSessionCnt;
/// OWN: Container of the Storage Cages
/// Owned over iContainerIx
CObjectCon* iFoldersCnt;
/// OWN: Container with the Observers,
/// Owned over iContainerIx
CObjectCon* iObserversCnt;
/// OWN: Flag if server is running
TBool iRunning;
/// OWN: File server client on the Storage Server
RFs iFs;
/// OWN: Session count
TInt iSessCount;
/// OWN: Back up operation active
TBool iBackUpActive;
/// OWN: Temp folder Name
HBufC* iTempFolder;
/// OWN: Server shut down timer
CPEngTimer* iTimeOut;
/// OWN: Communication buffer to minimize allocations
RBuf16 iBuff16;
/// OWN: Communication buffer to minimize allocations
RBuf8 iBuff8;