* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Helper class for always online scheduling
#include "MPEngAOWaitObserver.h"
#include "MIMPSSharedDataObserver.h"
#include "MIMPSSharedData.h"
#include "timpsaokeys.h"
class MIMPSScheduleObserver;
class CPEngAOPluginTimer;
class CIMPSAOKeys;
* The implementation for the always online scheduling
* @lib PEngAOPlugin.lib
* @since 2.6
class CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler : public CBase,
public MPEngAOWaitObserver,
public MIMPSSharedDataObserver
public: // Enumerations
* State of the scheduling
enum TIMPSAOPluginScheduleState
EIMPSAOPluginAlldayConnection = 0,
EIMPSAOPluginNormalBeforeConnection = 1,
EIMPSAOPluginNormalDuringConnection = 2,
EIMPSAOPluginNormalAfterConnection = 3,
EIMPSAOPluginOvernightOldConnection = 4,
EIMPSAOPluginOvernightNoConnection = 5,
EIMPSAOPluginOvernightNewConnection = 6,
EIMPSAOPluginInvalidSchedule = 10
* The waiting state of the scheduler
enum TIMPSAOSchedulerWaitReason
EIMPSAOSchedulerNotWaiting = 0,
EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForReconnect = 1,
EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForDisconnect = 2,
EIMPSAOSchedulerWaitingForAllDayConnRefresh = 3
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aKeys Shared datakeys and enumeration for retrieve
* right information
static CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler* NewL( TIMPSAOKeys& aKeys );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler();
public: // Functions from MIMPSMIMPSSharedDataObserver
* Handles notify from permanent keys' changes
* @see MIMPSMIMPSSharedDataObserver
void HandlePermanentKeyNotifyL( const TUid aUid,
const TIMPSSharedKeys aKey );
* Handles notify from temporary keys' changes
* @see MIMPSMIMPSSharedDataObserver
void HandleTemporaryKeyNotifyL( const TUid aUid,
const TIMPSSharedKeys aKey );
public: // Functions from MPEngAOWaitObserver
* @see MPEngAOWaitObserver
void HandleTimeWaited();
* @see MPEngAOWaitObserver
void HandleTimeWaitedError( TInt aError );
public: // New functions
* Adds observer for this scheduler
* @param aSchObserver observer for scheduled login/logouts or schedule changes
void SetObserver( MIMPSScheduleObserver *aSchObserver );
* Scheduler starts schedule login/logout actions as set in settings and
* stars observing settings changes.
void StartSchedulingL();
* Stops login/logout scheduling and stops observing settings changes.
void StopScheduling();
* Check if scheduled login is OK.
* @return ETrue if scheduled login is OK, else EFalse
TBool IsScheduledLoginOk();
* Mark the testing class a friend, because this class is not "public" class
friend class T_CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler; // CSI: 36 # Only used for testing
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aKeys Shared datakeys and enumeration for retrieve
* right information
CIMPSAlwaysOnlineScheduler( TIMPSAOKeys& aKeys );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Checks whether it's ok to do the login by the scheduled
* setting or not. If not, starts to wait for the event.
* If the login is allowed by schedule, starts to wait for
* the next logout.
void CheckScheduledLoginSettings();
* Checks if there is a connection scheduled for the
* given day.
* @param aToday The day the connection is queried for
* @paran aConnectionDays The set connection days in the
* shared data.
* @return TBool ETrue if there's an connection on aToday
TBool ResolveIfConnectionToday( TInt aToday, TInt aConnectionDays );
* Gets the connection days from the shared data key
* @return TInt The bitmask of the user selected connection days
TInt ResolveConnectionDays();
* Finds the next connection day
* @param aToday Today's day's number
* @paran aConnectionDays The set connection days in the
* shared data.
* @param aFindConnection ETrue if we are looking for next connection day
* @return TInt How many days until next connection
TInt FindNextConnectionChangeDay( TInt aToday,
TInt aConnectionDays,
TBool aFindConnectionDay );
* Resolves the connection hours
* @param aTimeNow is the current time
* @param aStartTime is the connection start time
* @param aEndTime is the connection end time
* @return TBool If overnight schedule
TInt FindNextConnectionHours( TTime aTimeNow,
TTime& aStartTime,
TTime& aEndTime );
* Sets scheduled login state
* @param aIsScheduledLoginOk ETrue if client should be logged in, else EFalse
* @param aReason Tells what scheduler is waiting according to schedule
void SetScheduledLogin( TBool aIsScheduledLoginOk,
TIMPSAOSchedulerWaitReason aReason );
* Starts the waiting timer
* @param aTime, time for timer to lauch
void StartTimer( TTime aTime );
* Parses time from string. Panics if time cannot be parsed.
* @param aTime variable where to time is parsed
* @param aTimeString to be parsed time in string format
void ParseTime( TTime& aTime, const TDesC& aTimeString );
* Calculates time difference between two time values
* in minutes. Panics if time difference calculation fails.
* @param aTime time to where difference is calculated
* @param aComparableTime time where aTime difference is calculated
* @param aInterval time difference is stored to this variable.
void MinutesInterval( TTime aTime,
TTime aComparableTime,
TTimeIntervalMinutes& aInterval );
* Returns the hour part of the connection time as integer.
* Returns the given default if parsing fails.
* @param aTime Time where from hour is parsed
* @param aDefault Default value which is return if parsing fails
* @return Parsed hour integer
* @since 2.6
TInt Hour( const TDesC& aTime, TInt aDefault );
* Returns the minute part of the connection time as integer
* Returns the given default if parsing fails.
* @param aTime Time where from minute is parsed
* @param aDefault Default value which is return if parsing fails
* @return Parsed minute integer
* @since 2.6
TInt Minute( const TDesC& aTime, TInt aDefault );
private: // Data
/// Shared data client to read common settings, owned
MIMPSSharedData* iSharedDataClient;
/// Listens settings changes, owned
MIMPSSharedData* iSettingChangesNotifier;
/// Timer for waiting connect and disconnects according to schedule.
/// Owned.
CPEngAOPluginTimer* iTimer;
/// Tells if the scheduled login is in "should be logged in" state
TBool iScheduledLoginOk;
/// Defines the current wait reason of the Scheduler
TIMPSAOSchedulerWaitReason iWaitReason;
/// Observer for schedule changes, not owned
MIMPSScheduleObserver* iScheduleObserver;
/// shared data keys etc to get wanted information
TIMPSAOKeys& iKeys;
/// helper variable to track if scheduling is started or not
TBool iSchedulingIsStarted;
/// variable to track if current schedule check is
/// scheduler startup check or timed check
TBool iStartupCheckOngoing;
// End of File