* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container class for conversations view
#include <AknSettingCache.h>
#include "CAPresenceManager.h"
#include "MCAPresence.h"
#include "ccafetchwaiter.h"
#include "ccasyncchecker.h"
#include "ImpsCSPAllErrors.h"
#include "CCAConversationsContainer.h"
#include "MCAViewSwitcher.h"
#include "CCAMessageEditor.h"
#include "ChatDefinitions.h"
#include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
#include "CCAAppUi.h"
#include "CCAContactEditor.h"
#include "CCAStatusPaneHandler.h"
#include "MCABlockingPC.h"
#include "IMDialogUtils.h"
#include "MCARecipientObserver.h"
#include "CAExternalinterface.h"
#include "IMNoteMapper.h"
#include "CCABlockingUI.h"
#include "chatngclient.hrh"
#include "CCAApp.h"
#include "CCAVariantFactory.h"
#include "MCASkinVariant.h"
#include "CCAUISessionManager.h"
#include "CCAMessageExtensionsHandler.h"
#include "CCAChatViewControl.h"
#include "IMDialogUtils.h"
#include "TCAChatListBoxLayout.h"
#include "IMUtils.h"
#include "CAUtils.h"
#include "ccawaitnote.h"
#include "chatdebugassert.h"
#include "CCAPCUtils.h"
#include "MCAMessageErrorInformer.h"
#include "MCAMessageUtils.h"
#include "MCAMessageCreator.h"
#include "MCAMessageContainerInfo.h"
#include "MCAMessageUtils.h"
#include "MCAContentProcessor.h"
#include "MCASettingsPC.h"
#include "MCAConversationMessage.h"
#include "MCALayoutInfo.h"
#include "imnginternalcrkeys.h"
#include "imprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "imvariant.hrh"
#include "CCAAppSettingsSAPExt.h"
#include "MCAUiLoginCmdCB.h"
#include "MCAConversationPC.h"
#include "CCAEditIndicator.h"
#include "MCAProcessManager.h"
#include "CCAUiMessageUtils.h"
#include "MCALoginPC.h"
#include "MCALoginRefreshObserverPC.h"
#include <finditemengine.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
#include <S32FILE.H>
#include <npdapi.h>
#include <chatNG.mbg>
#include <chatNG.rsg>
#include <aknnotedialog.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <csxhelp/imng.hlp.hrh>
#include <impserrors.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <AknLayout.cdl.h> //cdl
#include <AppLayout.cdl.h> //cdl
#include <AknsUtils.h>
#include <AknLayoutScalable_Apps.cdl.h>
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include <AknFepGlobalEnums.h> // for EAknFepSoftkeySpell
#include <barsread.h>
#include "CATouchUtils.h"
// The Settings have been moved to Cenrep (also retained in the Resource file),
// so the enums for keys and central repository header is added here
#include "VariantKeys.h"
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <IMPSServiceSettingsUINGInternalCRKeys.h>
#include <E32std.h>
#include <EIKAPP.H>
#include <eikappui.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eikbtgpc.h>
#include <CAknMemorySelectionDialogMultiDrive.h>
const TInt KErrNotSaved = -999;
// Maximum amount of lines in the editor
const TInt KChatConvEditorMaxLines = 2;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::NewL
// Symbian constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCAConversationsContainer* CCAConversationsContainer::NewL(
const TRect& aRect,
MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
MCAConversationPC* aCCAConversationManagerPC,
MCARecipientObserver& aRecipientObserver,
MObjectProvider* aParent,
CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aMessageHandler,
MCATitleUpdater& aTitleUpdater,
MCAEditorContentStorage& aEditorContentStorage,
CEikButtonGroupContainer* aCba,
TBool aActivateFromTabSwitch,
TInt& aTabId )
CCAConversationsContainer* self = new ( ELeave ) CCAConversationsContainer(
aViewSwitcher, aCCAConversationManagerPC, aRecipientObserver,
aMessageHandler, aTitleUpdater, aEditorContentStorage, aCba, aTabId );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aRect, aParent, aActivateFromTabSwitch );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::CCAConversationsContainer
// Default constructor must not leave
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
MCAConversationPC* aCCAConversationManagerPC,
MCARecipientObserver& aRecipientObserver,
CCAMessageExtensionsHandler& aMessageHandler,
MCATitleUpdater& aTitleUpdater,
MCAEditorContentStorage& aEditorContentStorage,
CEikButtonGroupContainer* aCba,
TInt& aTabId )
: iViewSwitcher( aViewSwitcher ),
iRecipientObserver( aRecipientObserver ),
iIsChangeToOnlineAskedOnce( EFalse ),
iMessageExtensionsHandler( aMessageHandler ),
iTitleUpdater( aTitleUpdater ),
iEditorContentStorage( aEditorContentStorage ),
iCba( aCba ),
iConversationPC( aCCAConversationManagerPC ),
iTabId( aTabId )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect,
MObjectProvider* aParent,
TBool aActivateFromTabSwitch )
// for getting mbm path from CCAAppUi
iAppUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
iAppUi->AddLayoutChangeObserver( this );
// This must be done first.
SetMopParent( aParent );
CCAApp* app = static_cast<CCAApp*>(
CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->Application() );
iSkinVar = app->VariantFactory()->SkinVariantL();
AknEditUtils::SAknEditorParameters editorParams;
editorParams.iCursorYesNo = ETrue;
editorParams.iAllowedToMoveInsertionPoint = ETrue;
editorParams.iCharacterCase = EAknEditorTextCase;
editorParams.iEditingSpace = IMUtils::MaxMsgLength();
editorParams.iEditingWindow = KChatConvEditorMaxLines;
editorParams.iJustification = EAknEditorAlignBidi;
editorParams.iOverflowYesNo = EFalse;
iEditor = new ( ELeave ) CCAMessageEditor( iMessageExtensionsHandler );
iEditor->SetMopParent( this );
AknEditUtils::ConstructEditingL( iEditor, editorParams );
iEditor->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
iEditor->SetAllowPictures( ETrue );
iEditor->SetEdwinSizeObserver( this );
iEditor->SetMessageEditorObserver( this );
MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* observer = NULL;
if ( aActivateFromTabSwitch && !iAppUi->FocusFlag() )
observer = this;
iChatView = CCAChatViewControl::NewL( aRect, *this,
observer );
iChatView->SetObserver( this );
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->SetLayoutID( TChatListBoxLayout::EWithEditor );
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->SetEditorVisibility( ETrue );
iEditor->SetCursorPosL( 0, EFalse );
if ( !aActivateFromTabSwitch )
iEditor->SetFocus( ETrue );
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( ETrue );
iChatView->SetFocus( EFalse );
iEditor->SetFocus( EFalse );
iChatView->SetFocus( ETrue );
iEditor->SetObserver( this );
iBlockingUI = CCABlockingUI::NewL( iAppUi->GetProcessManager().GetBlockingInterface() );
iSendkeyInMsgList = ( IMUtils::CRKeyL( KCRUidIMVariation, KIMVariationKey )
& EIMFeatSendkeyInMsgList );
SetRect( aRect );
TBool tempFlag = aActivateFromTabSwitch;
if ( iAppUi->FocusFlag() && aActivateFromTabSwitch )
tempFlag = EFalse;
ResetAfterSendL( tempFlag );
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CursorPos(): %d" ), iEditor->CursorPos() );
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "TextLength(): %d" ), iEditor->TextLength() );
// Observe tap events
iChatView->SetTapObserver( this, EMessageList );
iEditor->SetTapObserver( this, EMessageEditor );
iEditIndicator = CCAEditIndicator::NewL( *iEditor ) ;
ifocusFlag = EFalse;
// Destructor
delete iFromMe;
delete iToMe;
delete iUnsupported;
delete iCorrupted;
delete iChatView;
delete iEditIndicator;
delete iEditor;
delete iBlockingUI;
if ( iAppUi )
if ( !iAppUi->IsUnderDestruction() )
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->SetEditorVisibility( EFalse );
iAppUi->RemoveLayoutChangeObserver( this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::IsObjectSelected
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::IsObjectSelected( TBool& aIsOpenable , TBool& aSavePossible )
MCAConversationMessage* msg = iChatView->SelectedMessage();
if ( !msg )
// Nothing selected
return EFalse;
TBool object = EFalse;
if ( msg->ContentType() == TEnumsPC::EContentPicture ||
msg->ContentType() == TEnumsPC::EContentOther )
// We have object
object = ETrue;
switch ( msg->ContentProcessState() )
case TEnumsPC::EContentNotSupported:
case TEnumsPC::EContentCorrupted:
case TEnumsPC::EContentNotSupportedDrm:
// Not supported or corrupted, can't open
aIsOpenable = EFalse;
case TEnumsPC::EThumbnailReady:
if ( msg->ContentData().Length() == 0 )
// No content, don't allow opening
aIsOpenable = EFalse;
// Allow opening
aIsOpenable = ETrue;
//fix - refer Ui Spec Approved Version 1.0
//(Instant Messaging NG 001 151006.pdf)
//Section 10.2.10 Pg 131 -
//"In case user has saved the image already or sent it
//by himself, this option(save) is not available."
aSavePossible = ( ( msg->MessagerType() == TEnumsPC::EMessageSent )
|| ( msg->IsImageSaved() ) )
? EFalse : ETrue ;
return object;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SelectedMessage
// ---------------------------------------------------------
MCAConversationMessage* CCAConversationsContainer::SelectedMessage()
return iChatView->SelectedMessage();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::FetchMessages
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::FetchMessages( TBool aFetch )
iChatView->FetchMessages( aFetch );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SelectedItem()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CCAConversationsContainer::SelectedItemL()
return iChatView->SelectedItemL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SelectedItemType
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCAConversationsContainer::SelectedItemType()
return iChatView->SelectedItemType();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::IsStopped()
// This method checks if scroll mode is on or off
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::IsStopped() const
return iChatView->Highlighted();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SetItemHighlightL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::SetItemHighlightL( TBool aHighlight )
iChatView->SetHighlight( aHighlight );
iItemHighlight = aHighlight;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatViewContainer::StartScrollingL()
// This method is called when scrolling is started again
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::StartScrollingL( TBool aActivateFromTabSwitch/*=EFalse*/ )
// disable highlight and set focus to editor
if ( iChatView->Highlighted() )
if ( !aActivateFromTabSwitch )
iEditor->SetFocus( ETrue, EDrawNow );
iChatView->SetFocus( EFalse, EDrawNow );
iEditor->SetFocus( EFalse, EDrawNow );
iChatView->SetFocus( ETrue, EDrawNow );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatViewContainer::StopScrollingL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::StopScrollingL()
// unfocus editor (highlighting is enabled
// automatically in OfferKeyEvent of ChatView)
iEditor->SetFocus( EFalse, EDrawNow );
iChatView->SetFocus( ETrue, EDrawNow );
// Set editor cursor pos to end of text
iEditor->SetCursorPosL( iEditor->TextLength(), EFalse );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatViewContainer::UpdateCbaL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::UpdateCbaL()
if ( !iCba )
if ( !iChatView->GetMessageCount() )
//if the message list is empty
if ( !iEditor->IsFocused() )
//if editor is not in focus then the rightSK must be "continue"
iCba->SetCommandSetL( cbaRes );
if ( iChatView->Highlighted() )
// focus on chatview
TBool ignore;
HBufC* item = iChatView->SelectedItemL();
CleanupStack::PushL( item );
TBool dummyArgument( EFalse );
if ( IsObjectSelected( ignore, dummyArgument ) )
// openable object selected
else if ( item && item->Length() > 0 )
// automatic find item selected
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( item );
// focus on editor
cbaRes = iEditor->TextLength() > 0 ?
// Check that there is not "Spell" in the left button
// ControlOrNull() is needed for 3.0 backport.
if ( !( iCba->ControlOrNull( EAknFepSoftkeySpell ) &&
iCba->IsCommandVisible( EAknFepSoftkeySpell ) ) )
iCba->SetCommandSetL( cbaRes );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::Editor()
// This method returns pointer to CEikGlobalTextEditor
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CCAMessageEditor& CCAConversationsContainer::Editor() const
return *iEditor;
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::Sending() const
return iSending;
void CCAConversationsContainer::ResetSending()
iSending = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::CheckBlockedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::CheckBlockedL()
MCABlockingPC* blockinInterface = iAppUi->GetProcessManager().GetBlockingInterface();
TPtrC wvid( iConversationPC->GetReadInterfaceId() );
// Check if target id is blocked
if ( blockinInterface->IsContactBlocked( wvid, ETrue ) )
iAppUi->ShowWaitDialogL( R_CHAT_BLOCK_REMOVING );
TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
TRAPD( err, errorCode = blockinInterface->SetTemporaryGrantL(
wvid, ETrue ) );
iAppUi->DismissWaitDialogL( err );
if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
IMDialogUtils::DisplayNoteDialogL( R_CHATCLIENT_CNOTE_UNBLOCK );
IMNoteMapper::ShowNoteL( errorCode );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SendMessageL()
// This method handles message sending to engine
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::SendMessageL()
if ( iAppUi->UISessionManager().IsLoggedIn() )
TInt textLength( iEditor->TextLength() );
if ( textLength == 0 )
// Check status, and change status to "online" if it's "away"
MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus curStatus =
TBool statusChangeNeeded =
( curStatus == MCAPresence::EAway ||
curStatus == MCAPresence::EBusy );
if ( statusChangeNeeded &&
CCAWaitNote* note = CCAWaitNote::ShowWaitNoteLC(
TInt error = CAPresenceManager::InstanceL()->ChangeStatusL(
MCAPresence::EOnline, KNullDesC );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // waitnote
if ( error == KErrNone )
// Change status pane icon
// show information note
// change status failed
HBufC* msgBuf = iMessageExtensionsHandler.ProcessMessageLC( *iEditor );
TPtr msgPtr( msgBuf->Des() );
// Check message if there is other than empty chars
TInt len( msgPtr.Length() );
TBool contaisOnlyEmptyChars( ETrue );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); ( i < len ) && contaisOnlyEmptyChars; ++i )
TPtrC c = msgPtr.Mid( i, 1 ); // next character
TInt position = ( KEmptyCharacters() ).FindC( c );
if ( position == KErrNotFound )
// c not found from empty characters --> c is not empty char
contaisOnlyEmptyChars = EFalse;
if ( contaisOnlyEmptyChars )
// message contains only empty character
// don't send message and setting focus back to editor window
iEditor->SetFocus( ETrue );
iChatView->SetFocus( EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msgBuf );
// Check grant list
iConversationPC->SendMessageL( msgBuf->Des() );
TInt editorFlags = ( iEditor->AknEdwinFlags() | EAknEditorFlagNoEditIndicators );
iEditor->SetAknEditorFlags( editorFlags );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msgBuf ); // msgBuf
// Not logged in
// 1. Start login procedure
// 2. Wait for contact list fetching to complete
// before proceeding with sending (unless bgfetch is enabled)
if ( !iLogingFlag )
iLogingFlag = ETrue;
MCALoginPC *loginPC = iAppUi->GetProcessManager().GetLogInInterface();
loginPC->AddObserver( this );
TBool isloggedIn = iAppUi->UISessionManager().LoginL( MCAUiLoginCmdCB::EQueryLogin );
if ( isloggedIn )
iWvId.Copy( iConversationPC->GetReadInterfaceId().Left(
iWvId.MaxLength() ) );
iSending = ETrue; // set the sending flag, so we don't get deleted
// Login
{ // Login failed, return
iLogingFlag = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::AddToFriendsL()
// Adds to friend
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::AddToFriendsL()
CCAStatusPaneHandler& statusPane = *iViewSwitcher.CAStatusPane();
HBufC* titleText = statusPane.Title()->AllocLC();
// creating a new contact
TBool contactSaved( EFalse );
CCAContactEditor* contactEditor =
CCAContactEditor::NewL( -1, contactSaved );
TPtrC wvid( iConversationPC->GetReadInterfaceId() );
contactEditor->EditContactLD( TEnumsPC::EAddToContact, KNullDesC, wvid, KNullDesC );
statusPane.SetTitleL( *titleText );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( titleText );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::BlockUserL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::BlockUserL()
TPtrC wvid( iConversationPC->GetReadInterfaceId() );
iBlockingUI->BlockUserL( wvid );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::IsBlocked()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::IsBlocked() const
TPtrC wvid( iConversationPC->GetReadInterfaceId() );
return iAppUi->GetProcessManager().GetBlockingInterface()->IsContactBlocked( wvid );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::BlockUserWVIdL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::BlockUserWVIdL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::UnBlockL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::UnBlockL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::DisplayBlockedListL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::DisplayBlockedListL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::ApplicationUserSentThis()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::ApplicationUserSentThis() const
TBool ret( EFalse );
MCAConversationMessage* message = iChatView->SelectedMessage();
if ( message )
ret = ( message->MessagerType() == TEnumsPC::EMessageSent );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatViewContainer::SetLoggingOnL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::RecordChatL()
TBool isMemorySelected = ETrue;
#ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE // show note
isMemorySelected = ShowMemorySelectionDialogL();
// if the location has not been set, don't do record
if ( !isMemorySelected )
HBufC* logFileName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxLogFileName );
TPtr logFileNamePtr( logFileName->Des() );
iConversationPC->GetLogFileName( logFileNamePtr ) ;
TInt result( IMDialogUtils::DisplayTextQueryDialogL( logFileNamePtr,
ETrue // T9
) );
if ( result == EAknSoftkeyOk || result == EAknSoftkeyDone )
//CR ID : 10139730 Show warning when saving a chat
ShowRecordSavingWarningL() ;
#ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE // show note
TInt error = KErrNone;
TRAP( error , iConversationPC->RecordChatL( *logFileName ) );
if ( error != KErrNotSaved && error != KErrDiskFull )
iConversationPC->RecordChatL( *logFileName );
IMDialogUtils::DisplayConfirmationNoteL( R_QTN_CHAT_SAVING_SAVED );
else if ( error == KErrDiskFull )
TBuf< KMaxPath > defaultDrive;
CRepository* cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KWVSettingsCenRepUid );
TInt err = cenrep->Get( KIMPSCRIMDefaultMemoryDrive, defaultDrive );
delete cenrep;
cenrep = NULL;
if ( err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
TInt driveNo = 0;
err = RFs::CharToDrive( defaultDrive[0], driveNo );
if ( err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
TDriveNumber driveNumber = TDriveNumber( driveNo );
RFs& fs = CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession();
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
err = fs.Drive( driveInfo, driveNumber );
if ( err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
if ( driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable )
HBufC* prompt = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_CHAT_MEMLO_MMC_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
IMDialogUtils::DisplayErrorNoteL( *prompt, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
HBufC* prompt = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_CHAT_MEMLO_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
IMDialogUtils::DisplayErrorNoteL( *prompt, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( logFileName );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::ExtensionFits()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::ExtensionFits( TInt aLength )
TBool retVal( ETrue );
if ( iEditor->MaxLength() - iEditor->TextLength() < aLength )
retVal = EFalse;
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::ResetAfterSendL()
// Resets arrays, lines and nick length after send
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::ResetAfterSendL( TBool aActivateFromTabSwitch/*=EFalse*/ )
iEditor->SetTextLimit( IMUtils::MaxMsgLength() );
iEditor->SetAknEditorCurrentCase( EAknEditorTextCase );
StartScrollingL( aActivateFromTabSwitch ); // Call to update CBA
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::DisplayInfoNoteL()
// Displays info note for corresponding resource id
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::DisplayInfoNoteL( const TInt aResourceId )
CAknNoteDialog* infoNote = new ( ELeave ) CAknNoteDialog( CAknNoteDialog::
EConfirmationTone, CAknNoteDialog::EShortTimeout );
infoNote->ExecuteLD( aResourceId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::LayoutChangedL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::LayoutChangedL( TInt aType )
TRect mainPaneRect;
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPaneRect );
SetRect( mainPaneRect );
// Update skin context of editor
if ( iEditor )
iEditor->SetupSkinContextL( ETrue );
CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::HandleEdwinSizeEventL( CEikEdwin* aEdwin,
// TEdwinSizeEvent aEventType, TSize aDesirableEdwinSize )
// This method is called when editor is extended to two lines
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::HandleEdwinSizeEventL( CEikEdwin* /*aEdwin*/,
TEdwinSizeEvent aEventType, TSize /*aDesirableEdwinSize*/ )
if ( aEventType == EEventSizeChanging )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::HandleTapEventL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::HandleTapEventL( TTapEvent aEvent,
TUint aControlId )
// Handle the tap events which occur in our child controls:
// Message list and Message editor.
switch ( aControlId )
case EMessageList:
// Focused message was double tapped
if ( aEvent == MCATapEventObserver::EDoubleTap )
// Activate tapped item
TBool ignore;
TBool dummyArgument;
if ( IsObjectSelected( ignore , dummyArgument ) )
iAppUi->ProcessCommandL( EChatClientOpenObject );
// Message or item was tapped
else if ( aEvent == MCATapEventObserver::ESingleTap )
// Find objects activate with single tap
case EMessageEditor:
// Nothing to do here ATM.
// Focus transition is handled in HandleControlEventL
// There is an unhandled object or the object returned wrong
// controlId. Check the implementation
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::HandleControlEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,
TCoeEvent aEventType )
if ( EEventRequestFocus == aEventType )
if ( aControl == ( CCoeControl* )iEditor )
// Focus to editor
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( ETrue );
else // aControl == iChatView
// Focus to messagelist
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( EFalse );
if ( CATouchUtils::PenEnabled() )
if ( EEventStateChanged == aEventType )
if ( aControl == ( CCoeControl* )iEditor )
// Update MSK - When using virtual keyboard
// on touch enabled devices, one is bound to receive
// EEventStateChanged. Hence handle the same
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SizeChanged()
// Called by framework when the view size is changed
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::SizeChanged()
TInt lines( iEditor->NumberOfLines() );
if ( lines > 2 ) // ignore events for more than 2 lines
lines = 2;
lines--; // convert to index
TAknLayoutRect rp;
if ( lines == 1 )
rp.LayoutRect( Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_reading_pane(
TChatListBoxLayout::EWithEditor2Lines ) );
rp.LayoutRect( Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_reading_pane(
TChatListBoxLayout::EWithEditor ) );
// Set icon sizes, do this before setting the rect for
// chat view to prevent icon sizes from changing after chat
// view rect is set.
ResizeIcons( TextRect() );
// set rect for chat view
iChatView->SetRect( rp.Rect() );
// and editor
TAknLayoutRect wpl;
wpl.LayoutRect( Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_writing_pane( 1 - lines ) );
TAknWindowLineLayout myWPLayout( AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_writing_pane( 1 - lines ) );
iOutLine.LayoutRect( iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->MainPaneRect(), myWPLayout );
iVertLine.LayoutRect( wpl.Rect(),
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->IM_writing_field_elements_Line_1( lines ) );
iHoriline.LayoutRect( wpl.Rect(),
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->IM_writing_field_elements_Line_2() );
TAknMultiLineTextLayout mlwpt =
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->Multiline_IM_writing_pane_texts_Line_1( lines + 1 );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutEdwin( iEditor, wpl.Rect(), mlwpt, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG25 );
FocusChanged( EDrawNow );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::CountComponentControls() const
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCAConversationsContainer::CountComponentControls() const
// We have 2 controls
return 2;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatViewContainer::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CCoeControl* CCAConversationsContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
//returns control with aIndex
switch ( aIndex )
case 0:
return iChatView;
case 1:
return iEditor;
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
// Draw skinned background
gc, aRect,
iSkinVar->MainPaneBackgroundContext() );
TRect editorRect( iEditor->Rect() );
TRect outlineRect( iOutLine.Rect() );
TRect parent( Rect() );
TBool skinnedDraw = iSkinVar->DrawSkinnedEditor(
this, gc, parent, editorRect, outlineRect );
if ( ! skinnedDraw )
DrawUtils::ClearBetweenRects( gc, Rect(), iEditor->Rect() );
iOutLine.DrawOutLineRect( gc );
iHoriline.DrawRect( gc );
iVertLine.DrawRect( gc );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
// TEventCode aType )
// Handles keyevents
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CCAConversationsContainer::OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAConversationsContainer::OfferKeyEventL key %d" ),
aKeyEvent.iCode );
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyYes && aType != EEventKey )
return EKeyWasConsumed;
if ( ( IsStopped() || !iEditor->IsFocused() ) )
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode >= '0' && aKeyEvent.iScanCode <= '9' )
// stop the automatic scrolling and start manual
// if user presses any of the number keys (0-9)
// Key event gets passed to editor after this
if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
if ( ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == KHashKey ) &&
( iEditor->TextLength() == 0 ) )
if ( !iEditIndicator->IsIndicatorActive() )
switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
// flowthrough
case EKeyEnter:
case EKeyOK:
case EKeyPhoneSend:
if ( iEditor->IsFocused() )
// trapping error so that focus can be returned to editor
TRAPD( err, SendMessageL() );
if ( err )
CActiveScheduler::Current()->Error( err );
iEditor->SetFocus( ETrue );
iChatView->SetFocus( EFalse );
else if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEnter || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyOK
&& iChatView->Highlighted() )
TBool ignore;
TBool dummyArgument;
if ( IsObjectSelected( ignore , dummyArgument ) )
iAppUi->ProcessCommandL( EChatClientOpenObject );
else if ( iSendkeyInMsgList )
if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyPhoneSend
&& iChatView->Highlighted()
&& iChatView->SelectedItemType()
== CFindItemEngine::EFindItemSearchPhoneNumberBin )
// Phone number highlighted, send key pressed -> call
iAppUi->ProcessCommandL( EChatClientCall );
return EKeyWasConsumed;
case EKeyBackspace:
// if bitmap is selected, it is deleted "normally" in
// iEditor's OfferKeyEvent
if ( iEditor->SelectionLength() > 0 )
TInt cursorPos( iEditor->CursorPos() );
if ( cursorPos > 0 ) // at least one char in editor
TPtrC ptr = iEditor->RichText()->Read( ( cursorPos - 1 ), 1 );
// if a char to be "backspaced" is a picture
if ( ptr[ 0 ] == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter )
iMessageExtensionsHandler.DeleteExtensionL( *iEditor,
EMessageExtensionSmiley, cursorPos - 1 );
return EKeyWasConsumed;
if ( cursorPos < 2 )
cursorPos = 2;
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CursorPos(): %d" ), cursorPos );
// flowthrough
case EKeyLeftArrow:
case EKeyRightArrow:
if ( !iEditor->IsFocused() )
//return EKeyWasConsumed;
TKeyResponse res = iAppUi->OfferTabEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
if ( ifocusFlag )
ifocusFlag = EFalse;
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( EFalse );
return res;
case EKeyDownArrow: // flowthrough
case EKeyUpArrow:
if ( iEditor->IsFocused() )
// editor is focused, try to offer the key
if ( iEditor->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType )
== EKeyWasConsumed )
// editor took it
return EKeyWasConsumed;
TInt inputLang = iAvkonEnv->SettingCache().InputLanguage(); // when the editor is empty and language has candidate pane
if ( !iChatView->GetMessageCount() && ( ( inputLang == ELangPrcChinese )// focus should move to messagelistpane, helps in tab swithching.
|| ( inputLang == ELangHongKongChinese )
|| ( inputLang == ELangTaiwanChinese )
|| ( inputLang == ELangJapanese ) ) )
//when message list is empty
if ( iEditor->IsFocused() )
//if editor in focus, then remove the focus from
// editor and move the focus to message list
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( EFalse );
//if editor not in focus, then remove the focus from
//msg list and move the focus to editor
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( ETrue );
return EKeyWasConsumed;
// offer the key to our chat control
TKeyResponse res = static_cast<CCoeControl*>( iChatView )
->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
if ( iChatView->Highlighted() )
// change the cba
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( EFalse );
// change the cba
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( ETrue );
return res;
if ( iEditor->IsFocused() )
TKeyResponse res = iEditor->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
// Update CBA only when there is not a shift held down
if ( !( aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierShift ) )
TInt inputLang = iAvkonEnv->SettingCache().InputLanguage(); // when the language has candidate
if ( ( inputLang != ELangPrcChinese ) && ( inputLang != ELangHongKongChinese )//pane then switching between tabs shouldnot
&& ( inputLang != ELangTaiwanChinese ) && ( inputLang != ELangJapanese ) ) // happen,when editor is empty.
if ( res == EKeyWasNotConsumed && iEditor->TextLength() == 0
&& aType == EEventKeyDown
&& ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow
|| aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow )
ifocusFlag = ETrue;
iAppUi->SetFocusFlag( ETrue );
return res;
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::GetHelpContext
// This function is called when Help application is launched
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::GetHelpContext(
TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const
aContext.iMajor = KUidChatClient;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::FocusChanged
// This function is called when focus has been changed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
if ( iEditor && iAppUi->FocusFlag() )
iEditor->SetFocus( IsFocused() );
CCoeControl::FocusChanged( aDrawNow );
// logic:
// 1. no groups/groups not supported --> hide "to group"
// 2. no contacts --> hide "to contact"
// 3. 1 and 2 --> hide forward menu completely
// 4. contacts, but no online contacts, show All contacts are Offline
// 5. skip always the current contact we're conversing with
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::FwdContactVisible
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::FwdContactVisible()
// contacts
TInt numContacts( iConversationPC->ContactCount() );
TBool showFwdToContact = numContacts > 0;
// but check if the only contact is OTHER than the contact
// we are having a conversation with
if ( numContacts == 1 )
TPtrC wvid( iConversationPC->GetReadInterfaceId() );
if ( iConversationPC->FindAnyContact( wvid ) )
// found it, skip the current contact
// in list hiding logic
showFwdToContact = numContacts == 1 ? EFalse : ETrue;
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAConversationsContainer::FwdContactVisible\
- contacts %d, show %d" ),
numContacts, showFwdToContact );
return showFwdToContact;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::FwdGroupVisible
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::FwdGroupVisible()
// groups
TBool groupsSupported = iAppUi->UISessionManager().IsSupported(
CCAUISessionManager::EGroup );
TInt numGroups( 0 );
numGroups = iConversationPC->GroupCount( ETrue ) ;
// we have to have groups supported and visible to show the forward-menu
TBool showFwdToGroup = groupsSupported && ( numGroups > 0 );
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAConversationsContainer::\
FwdGroupVisible - fwd show group: %d" ),
( TInt ) showFwdToGroup );
return showFwdToGroup;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::CheckReplyL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::CheckReplyL()
TPtrC wvid;
TBool contactInlist = ETrue;
iConversationPC->CheckReply( wvid, contactInlist );
if ( !contactInlist )
//To Remove wv and domain part from "WV User Id"
//if RSC_CHAT_VARIATION_HIDE_WV flag is enabled
HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_CHAT_FRIEND_ADD_UNKNOWN,
CCAPCUtils::DisplayId( wvid ) );
TInt ret = IMDialogUtils::DisplayYesNoConfirmationDialogL( *text );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
if ( ret == EAknSoftkeyOk || ret == EAknSoftkeyYes )
// Launch add contact.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatViewContainer::ResizeIcons
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::ResizeIcons( TRect aParentRect )
TSize size( aParentRect.Height(), aParentRect.Height() );
AknIconUtils::SetSize( iFromMe->Bitmap(), size );
AknIconUtils::SetSize( iToMe->Bitmap(), size );
iMessageExtensionsHandler.SizeChanged( size );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::HandleMessageEditorEventL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::HandleMessageEditorEventL( TEditorEvent aEvent )
switch ( aEvent )
case EEditorContentCleared:
// Call StartScrollingL to update CBA if needed
case EEditorFirstContentAdded:
// Call StartScrollingL to update CBA if needed
if ( !iEditor->IsFocused() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::LoadBitmapsL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::LoadBitmapsL()
//Removed the ownership of iConnUI from this file and made it a reference
//APPUI owns this connection UI instance and shares the same with this component.
// get user-defined colors from SAP settings
CCAAppSettingsSAPExt* SAPExtension = CCAAppSettingsSAPExt::NewLC( iAppUi->ConnectionUI() );
TInt ownCol( SAPExtension->IntValueL( KIMOwnMessageColourKey ) );
TInt otherCol( SAPExtension->IntValueL( KIMOthersMessageColourKey ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( SAPExtension );
// These are pointers, because it has to be given as a pointer parameter
// to skin variant when loading icons
TRgb* ownRgbCol = NULL;
TRgb* otherRgbCol = NULL;
// check if custom color is defined for incoming messages arrow
TBool useCustomOtherMsgColor = EFalse;
if ( otherCol != KErrNotFound )
otherRgbCol = new ( ELeave ) TRgb( otherCol );
CleanupStack::PushL( otherRgbCol );
useCustomOtherMsgColor = ETrue;
// check if custom color is defined for outgoing messages arrow
TBool useCustomOwnMsgColor = EFalse;
if ( ownCol != KErrNotFound )
ownRgbCol = new ( ELeave ) TRgb( ownCol );
CleanupStack::PushL( ownRgbCol );
useCustomOwnMsgColor = ETrue;
// check resource colours
// The color settings is fetched directly from the REsource file, and its not part of Cenrep, that is the reason for using IntResourceValueFromRssL
TBool defaultColors = IMUtils::IntResourceValueFromRssL(
if ( !useCustomOwnMsgColor && !defaultColors )
// user-defined color not defined and resource colour in use
TResourceReader reader;
CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader,
TUint8 red( reader.ReadUint8() );
TUint8 green( reader.ReadUint8() );
TUint8 blue( reader.ReadUint8() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
if ( !ownRgbCol )
ownRgbCol = new ( ELeave ) TRgb( red, green, blue );
CleanupStack::PushL( ownRgbCol );
*ownRgbCol = TRgb( red, green, blue );
useCustomOwnMsgColor = ETrue;
if ( !useCustomOtherMsgColor && !defaultColors )
// user-defined color not defined and resource colour in use
TResourceReader reader;
CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC( reader,
TUint8 red( reader.ReadUint8() );
TUint8 green( reader.ReadUint8() );
TUint8 blue( reader.ReadUint8() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
if ( !otherRgbCol )
otherRgbCol = new ( ELeave ) TRgb( red, green, blue );
CleanupStack::PushL( otherRgbCol );
*otherRgbCol = TRgb( red, green, blue );
useCustomOwnMsgColor = ETrue;
TBool overrideBrand( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() );
CGulIcon* temp;
// if custom colors are defined, use them
if ( useCustomOwnMsgColor )
temp = iSkinVar->LoadBitmapL( EMbmChatngQgn_prop_im_from,
overrideBrand, ownRgbCol );
temp = iSkinVar->LoadBitmapL( EMbmChatngQgn_prop_im_from,
iAppUi->MbmFullPath() );
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
IMUtils::UpdateIcon( iFromMe, temp );
//iconTemp is removed from CleanupStack and does not have valid value
//it can be safely reused
// if custom colors are defined, use them
if ( useCustomOtherMsgColor )
temp = iSkinVar->LoadBitmapL( EMbmChatngQgn_prop_im_tome,
overrideBrand, otherRgbCol );
temp = iSkinVar->LoadBitmapL( EMbmChatngQgn_prop_im_tome,
iAppUi->MbmFullPath() );
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
IMUtils::UpdateIcon( iToMe, temp );
//iconTemp is removed from CleanupStack and does not have valid value
//it can be safely reused
temp = iSkinVar->LoadBitmapL( EMbmChatngQgn_prop_image_corrupted,
iAppUi->MbmFullPath() );
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
IMUtils::UpdateIcon( iCorrupted, temp );
//iconTemp is removed from CleanupStack and does not have valid value
//it can be safely reused
temp = iSkinVar->LoadBitmapL( EMbmChatngQgn_prop_unknown,
iAppUi->MbmFullPath() );
CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
IMUtils::UpdateIcon( iUnsupported, temp );
//iconTemp is removed from CleanupStack and does not have valid value
if ( useCustomOwnMsgColor )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ownRgbCol
if ( useCustomOtherMsgColor )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // otherRgbCol
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::RefreshEditorL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::RefreshEditorL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::IsItemHighlight
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::IsItemHighlight() const
return iItemHighlight;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::TextRect
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TRect CCAConversationsContainer::TextRect() const
TInt lines( iEditor->NumberOfLines() );
if ( lines > 2 ) // ignore events for more than 2 lines
lines = 2;
lines--; // convert to index
TAknLayoutRect rp;
if ( lines == 1 )
rp.LayoutRect( Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_reading_pane( 0
/*TChatListBoxLayout::EWithEditor2Lines*/ ) );
rp.LayoutRect( Rect(), AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_reading_pane( 1
/*TChatListBoxLayout::EWithEditor*/ ) );
TAknLayoutText text;
text.LayoutText( rp.Rect(),
AknLayoutScalable_Apps::im_reading_pane_t1( 1 ).LayoutLine() );
return text.TextRect();
//added for multitab support
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::SwitchViewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::SwitchViewL( )
delete iChatView;
//iChatView is assigned NULL as NewL may leave
iChatView = NULL;
//when user navigate among tab.
MCAMsgAddedToRichTxtCtrlObserver* observer = NULL;
if ( !iAppUi->FocusFlag() )
observer = this;
iChatView = CCAChatViewControl::NewL( Rect(), *this,
observer );
iChatView->SetObserver( this );
// Observe tap events
iChatView->SetTapObserver( this, EMessageList );
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->SetLayoutID( TChatListBoxLayout::EWithEditor );
iAppUi->LayoutInfo()->SetEditorVisibility( ETrue );
if ( iAppUi->FocusFlag() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::HandleLoginRefreshCompleteL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::HandleLoginRefreshCompleteL( )
// Check if chat is deleted, happens when user
// selected to login to different server.
// Use case:
// - user was logged in to server 1
// - user had on going conversation with another user in server 1
// - user logged out from server 1
// - user opens the conversation and tries to send a message to the another user
// - user selects server 2 to login
// ==> all open conversations are deleted during login procedure
if ( iChatView->IsDeleted() )
iConversationPC->SetActiveConversationL( iWvId );
HBufC* msgBuf = iMessageExtensionsHandler.ProcessMessageLC( *iEditor );
iEditorContentStorage.StoreContent( msgBuf ); // Ownership changed
CleanupStack::Pop( msgBuf );
iTabId = iAppUi->CAStatusPane()->ResetAndShowCurrentTabL( TEnumsPC::EConversationItem,
iWvId ) ;
// Contacts are now available, update titlebar
// Proceed with message sending
MCALoginPC *loginPC = iAppUi->GetProcessManager().GetLogInInterface();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::ShowRecordSavingWarningL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::ShowRecordSavingWarningL() const
HBufC* warningText = CCoeEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(
HBufC* warningHeading = CCoeEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, warningText );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::HandleMessageAddedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAConversationsContainer::HandleMessageAddedL( const TInt aMessageCount )
//called by tabswitch. hence set the foxus to the last message
if ( iConversationPC->MessageCount() == aMessageCount )
iChatView->MoveHighlightL( CCARichTextContainer::EPrevious );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAConversationsContainer::ShowMemorySelectionDialogL
// New actual filename for new history file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAConversationsContainer::ShowMemorySelectionDialogL()
CHAT_DP_TXT( "CCALoggerManager::ShowMemorySelectionDialogL" );
///////// read settings from cenrep ///////////////
TBuf< KMaxPath > defaultDrive;
TBuf< KMaxPath > pathTempWithoutDrive;
TBuf< KMaxPath > driveAndPath;
CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
TRAPD( err, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KWVSettingsCenRepUid ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// creation of cenrep OK
CleanupStack::PushL( cenrep );
err = cenrep->Get( KIMPSCRIMDefaultMemoryDrive, defaultDrive );
if ( err != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
cenrep = NULL;
User::Leave( err );
// end of reading from cenrep
TInt driveNo = 0;
err = RFs::CharToDrive( defaultDrive[0], driveNo );
TDriveNumber driveNumber = TDriveNumber( driveNo );
// Check drive's media status
TBool isDriveOk = iAppUi->GetDriveStatusL( driveNumber );
if ( !isDriveOk )
// prompt the user to save into a different drive.......
CAknMemorySelectionDialogMultiDrive* dlg = CAknMemorySelectionDialogMultiDrive::NewL(
EFalse );
HBufC* rootBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr rootBufferPtr ( rootBuffer->Des() );
HBufC* defaultFolderBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr defaultFolderBufferPtr ( defaultFolderBuffer->Des() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
TBool ret( dlg->ExecuteL( driveNumber, &rootBufferPtr, &defaultFolderBufferPtr ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dlg );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( defaultFolderBuffer );
if ( ret )
// update the centrep sheet also..as user changed the default folder...
cenrep->Set( KIMPSCRIMDefaultMemoryDrive, rootBufferPtr.Left( 3 ) );
driveAndPath.Append( rootBufferPtr.Left( 2 ) ); // append the drive root here with user selected drive...
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rootBuffer );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
cenrep = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rootBuffer );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
cenrep = NULL;
// use selected memory
return ret;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
cenrep = NULL;
// use the default memory
return ETrue;
}// end of cenrep error
// cenrep create error
return EFalse;
// End of File