* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container class for search view
#include "MCASearchObserverInterfacePC.h"
#include "MCALayoutChangeObserver.h"
#include "MCAServiceStateObserver.h"
#include "TEnumsPC.h"
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
class CAknDoubleStyleListBox;
class MCAViewSwitcher;
class MCARecipientObserver;
class CCABlockingUI;
class CAknTitlePane;
class MCASearchInterfacePC;
class MCASearchDataPC;
class CCACommandManager;
class CCAAppUi;
* Container class for search view
* @lib chatng.app
* @since 3.2
class CCASearchViewContainer : public CCoeControl,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MCASearchObserverInterfacePC,
public MCALayoutChangeObserver,
public MCAServiceStateObserver
// Type of search
enum TSearchType
ESearchGroups = 0,
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Static constructor
* @param aSearchInterfacePC ,search Interface
* @param aRect ref. to Parent rect
* @param aViewSwitcher ref. to View switcher
* @param aMenuObserver ref. to recipient observer
* @param aSearchUsers is true if Search is of type ESearchUsers
* @param aGroupSyncDone is true if Search is of type ESearchGroups
* @param aListId ref. to ListId of the contact to be added
static CCASearchViewContainer* NewL(
MCASearchInterfacePC* aSearchInterfacePC,
const TRect& aRect, MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
MCARecipientObserver& aMenuObserver,
TBool aSearchUsers,
TBool aGroupSyncDone,
const TDesC& aListId );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCASearchViewContainer();
* From CCoeControl
void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
* Default Symbian OS constructor.
* @param aRect Parent rect
* @param aListId ref. to ListId of the contact to be added
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aListId );
* Constructor
* @param aSearchInterfacePC ,search Interface process component
* @param aViewSwitcher ref. to View switcher
* @param aMenuObserver ref. to recipient observer
* @param aSearchUsers is true if Search is of type ESearchUsers
* @param aGroupSyncDone is true if Search is of type ESearchGroups
CCASearchViewContainer( MCASearchInterfacePC* aSearchInterfacePC,
MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
MCARecipientObserver& aMenuObserver,
TBool aSearchUsers,
TBool aGroupSyncDone );
public: // New functions
* This method shows search type dialog
TBool DisplaySearchTypeDlgL();
* This method shows search criteria dialog
* @param aSearchType Type of search ESearchGroups|ESearchUsers
static TBool DisplaySearchCriteriaDlgL( const TSearchType aSearchType );
* This method shows search string data query
* @param aSearchCriteria specifies Search Criteria eg ESearchUserName etc.
static TBool DisplaySearchStringQueryL(
TEnumsPC::TSearchCriteria aSearchCriteria );
* This method is called when users' search criteria is ESearchUserName
static TBool DisplayMultiLineDataQueryL( );
* This method returns current search type
* @return ESearchGroups or ESearchUser
TSearchType SearchType() const;
* Searches more results.
void SearchMoreL();
* Searches previous results.
void SearchPreviousL();
* Sets the observer to NULL so we cannot receive notifications anymore.
void SetObserverToNull();
* Saves focused group to favourite.
void SaveAsFavouriteL();
* Adds contact to friends
void AddToFriendsL();
* Starts conversation with contact
void StartConversationL();
* Invites contact
void InviteL();
* Ends search. Called when left search view
void EndSearchL();
* Starts new search
void NewSearchL();
* Joins to selected group
void JoinToGroupL();
* Blocks selected person
void BlockUserL();
* Checks if user is blocked
* @return ETrue if blocked
TBool IsBlocked() const;
* this method returns handle to listbox
* @return handle to listbox
CEikListBox* ListBox() const;
* this method returns search data
* @return searchdata
TPtrC SearchData() const;
* This method returns the onlinestatus of currently selected contact
* returns EFalse if the contact is offline or
* if the selected item is group
* @return ETrue if online contact
TBool IsOnline() const;
* Displays text query for blocking users
void BlockUserWVIdL();
* Displays unblock query
void UnBlockL();
* Displays blocked list
void DisplayBlockedListL();
* This method checks if there is more results available
* @return EFalse if the search cannot be continued and
* ETrue if the search can be continued.
TBool MoreResultsAvailable() const;
* This method checks if there is previous results available
* @return EFalse if the search hasn't any previous results
* ETrue if there is any previous results
TBool PrevResultsAvailable() const;
* Get the storage type of this group and check if it is a persistent grp.
* If the group is marked as favourite, then it will be persistent
* @return ETrue if favourite else EFalse
TBool IsFavouriteChatGroup() const;
* After search we must update "the view" list box.
* @param aGroup specifies whether this is group or not.
void UpdateListBoxL( TBool aGroup );
* Group synchronization has been done
void SetGroupSyncDone();
* List id of list where possible new contact is added.
const TDesC& ListId() const;
* Make this object responsible for destroying itself.
* Destroying happens after the asynchronous task is complete.
* Deletion is asynchronous so the object might not be destroyed
* before this method returns.
* @return None
void DeleteSelfD();
* sets the primary and secondary text of this view
void SetEmptyTextsToListboxL();
private: // Functions from MCASearchObserverInterfacePC
* @see MCASearchObserverInterfacePC
void HandleSearchError( TInt aErrorCode );
* @see MCASearchObserverInterfacePC
void HandleSearchFinished( );
private: // From MCALayoutChangeObserver
* Called when layout/skins change
* @since 3.2
void LayoutChangedL( TInt aType );
private: // MCAServiceStateObserver
* @see MCAServiceStateObserver
void HandleServiceStateChangeL( TServiceState aState );
private: // New functions
* Starts search procedure
* @param aSearchPairs CSearchPairs
void StartSearchL( );
* CIdle-kind of function for background task implementation
* @param aInstance Instance of this class
* @return Need for recall
static TInt BackgroundTasks( TAny *aInstance );
* Real implementation of background tasks
* @return Need for recall
TInt DoBackgroundTasks();
* Startup container.
* Show wait note or the search type dialog
* @return ETrue if call this again, EFalse if not (for CIdle)
TBool ContainerStartL();
private: // Functions from base classes
* From MEikListBoxObserver, Handles event's generated by listbox
* @param aListBox Pointer to listbox from where this event originated
* @param aEventType Type of event received.
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* From CoeControl, Handles "size changed"-events..
void SizeChanged();
* From CoeControl, Returns the number of control contained by this class.
* @return Number of controls contained
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl, Returns handle to control pointed by aIndex
* @param aIndex Wanted control's index [0..n]
* @return Handle to wanted control
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
* From CCoeControl, Handles key-events
* @param aEvent Event that occured
* @param aType Type of key-event (EEventKey, EEventKeyUp or EEventKeyDown)
* @return Containers response to event (EKeyWasNotConsumed/ EKeyWasConsumed)
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aEvent, TEventCode aType );
* Gets help context
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* Fetches presence information of the contacts.
* @param aLowIndex is the lowest index whose presence we can get.
* @param aHighIndex is the highest.
void FetchPresenceL( const TInt aLowIndex, const TInt aHighIndex );
* From CCoeControl.
* Handle focus event change.
* @see CCoeControl
void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
private: //New functions
* This function updates text to navi pane
* @param aEndSearch specifies if this happens in end search
* or elsewhere.
void UpdateNaviPaneTextL( TBool aEndSearch );
* Clears list box contents. I.e. item array.
void ClearListBoxContents();
private: // Data
CAknDoubleStyleListBox* iListBox;
//Pointer to SearchInterfacePC,doesnt own
MCASearchInterfacePC* iSearchInterfacePC;
//Pointer to SearchDataPC,doesnt own
MCASearchDataPC* iSearchDataPC;
//View switching interface
MCAViewSwitcher& iViewSwitcher;
//Owns. Blocking UI side
CCABlockingUI* iBlockingUI;
// Search type
TSearchType iSearchType;
// Previously used search type
TSearchType iPreviousSearchType;
// Current page number
TInt iCurrentResultPage;
// How many pages of results we have
TInt iTotalResultPages;
// Information indexes to the search data
TInt iLowIndex;
TInt iHighIndex;
TInt iNextSearchIndex;
// Owns: This array describes online users.
// These users are users that are online in one search.
CDesCArrayFlat* iOnlinePresenceList;
CDesCArray* iItemArray;
//Online friends
RArray<TBool> iOnlineArray;
MCARecipientObserver& iMenuObserver;
// Are there previous results
TBool iPreviousResultsShowing;
// Owns.
CIdle* iIdle;
// Is this container responsible to destroy itself
// when the async task is complete.
TBool iDeleteFlag;
// Is async task complete (ETrue) or not
TBool iTaskComplete;
// are we searching users (ETrue) or groups (EFalse)
TBool iSearchUsers;
// group synchronization done (ETrue) or not
TBool iGroupSyncDone;
// wait note visible (ETrue)
TBool iWaitVisible;
/// List id of added contact, if needed.
HBufC* iListId;
//Doesn't own, pointer to CCAAppUi
CCAAppUi* iAppUi;
//Doesn't own, Pointer to CCACommandManager
CCACommandManager* iCommandManager;
// End of File