* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Utility class for presence functions
#include "TStorageManagerGlobals.h"
#include "CAPresenceDefinitions.h"
#include "MCAContactLists.h"
#include <e32def.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
class MCAWatcherObserver;
class MPEngPresenceAttrModel2;
class MCAStoredContacts;
class MPEngContactList2;
class MPEngTransactionStatus2;
class CCAPresenceErrors;
class TPEngNotify;
class MCAStoredContact;
struct TDecodeAttrParams;
class TResourceReader;
class MCAPresenceUpdater;
class MCAContactList;
// helper classes for storing attributes
class TCAAttribute
public: // data
TUint32 iAttribute;
TBool iQualifier;
TInt iData;
TInt iField;
TInt iGroup;
class CCAState : public CBase
// constructor
CCAState( TInt aStateId )
: iStateId( aStateId )
// destructor
virtual ~CCAState()
public: // data
TInt iStateId;
RArray<TCAAttribute> iAttributes;
* Utility class for presence functions
* @lib CAPresence.dll
* @since 2.1
class CAPresenceUtils // CSI: 51 # This is not a C-class
// although it begins with CA.
public: // New functions
* Decodes given TPresenceAttrEntity (clientType) to storage TClientType
* @since 2.1
* @return Storage TClientType
static TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType DecodeClientType(
TCAAttribute aClientTypeAttr );
* Decodes given TPresenceAttrEntities (Online, CommCAP/IM) to presence
* TPresenceStatus
* @since 2.1
* @param aStates State-array
* @param aOnlineAttr Online-attribute
* @param aIMStatusAttr CommCAP/IM-attribute
* @param aUserAvailAttr User availability attribute
* @return Presence TPresenceStatus
static MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus DecodeOnlineState(
const RPointerArray<CCAState>& aStates,
const RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aAttributes );
* Fills given arrays with given data (aUserId,aPresenceStatus).
* You can give only selected arrays that will be populated.
* @since 2.1
* @param aUserId WVId of user
* @param aPresenceStatus Presence status of given user
* @param aStateOnline Online-array
* @param aStateOnline aStateOffline-array
* @param aStateOnline aStateUnknown-array
static void FillArraysL( const TDesC& aUserId,
TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus aPresenceStatus,
CDesCArray *aStateOnline,
CDesCArray *aStateOffline,
CDesCArray *aStateUnknown );
* Populates some of given attributes with data found from given model
* @since 3.0
static void PopulateAttributesL(
const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aModel,
RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aArray,
TStorageManagerGlobals::TClientType& aClientType,
TPtrC& aAlias,
TPtrC& aStatusText );
* Generates array of friends.
* Array ownership is transferred to caller!!!
* @since 2.1
* @param aContactStorage Handle to contact storage
* appending to result array
* @return Array of friends.
static CPtrCArray* GenerateFriendsArrayLC(
MCAStoredContacts* aContactStorage );
* Pushes given array to CleanupStack
* @since 2.1
* @param aArray Array to be pushed to CleanupStack
* @param aOwnsItems Does array own it's objects
static void PushModelArrayL(
RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aArray,
TBool aOwnsItems );
* Internally used by IM Presence.
* Decode the attribute models.
* @param aParams The structure used when decoding the parameters
* @return ETrue if all done?
static TBool DecodeAttrModelsL(
struct TDecodeAttrParams& aParams
* Handles given error.
* This method will leave with given error, except when error is:
* KErrNone/KErrNotFound/KErrAlreadyExists. These errors can be ignored
* with presence engine list-handling.
* @since 2.1
* @param aError Errorcode
static void HandleListErrorsL( TInt aError );
* Compares two attribute models by presence ids.
* @since 2.1
* @param aFirst First model
* @param aSecond Second model
* @return Comparison value (@see TDesC::CompareF)
static TInt CompareAttrModelArray(
const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aFirst,
const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aSecond );
* Calls close to given array.
* @since 2.1
* @param aObject Array (RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel>)
static void CloseModelArray( TAny* aObject );
* Calls ResetAndDestroy to given array
* @since 2.1
* @param aObject Array (RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>)
static void DestroyCloseModelArray( TAny* aObject );
* Creates detailed error description to error container based on
* information retrieved from given MPEngTransactionStatus
* @since 2.1
* @param aStatus Transaction status
* @param aErrorContainer Error container
static void HandleTransactionStatusL(
MPEngTransactionStatus2& aStatus,
CCAPresenceErrors& aErrorContainer );
* Changes given error's base to Imps_ERROR_BASE if given error is
* in PEC range (KPEngErrorBase-KPEngErrorWVServerResponseBase)
* @since 2.1
* @param aError Original errorcode
* @return Mapped errorcode
static TInt MapErrorPECtoCSP( TInt aError );
* Appends contacts in multiple rounds. Used by CIdle.
* @param aContactList contact list which is added to local data
* @param aWVIds if not null then contact wvids are added here
* @param aNicknames if not null then nicnames are added here
* @param aContactStorage if aWVIds or aNicknames are null, then
* contacts are added to this storage
* @param aEntryIndex current index were from continue contact
* list handling
* @return ETrue if method should be called again to continue
* list handling
static TBool AppendContactsL( MPEngContactList2* aContactList,
CDesCArray* aWVIds,
CDesCArray* aNicknames,
MCAStoredContacts* aContactStorage,
TInt& aEntryIndex,
MCAContactList& aCaContactList,
MCAPresenceUpdater& aPresenceUpdater );
* Reads one attribute from resource
* @param aResourceId Resource Id
* @return Attribute
static TCAAttribute ReadAttributeL( TResourceReader& aReader );
* Map resource state id to presence state id
static TInt MapStateId( TInt aResourceStateId );
* Map presence state id to storage state id
static TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus MapPresenceStateId(
MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus aPresenceStateId );
* Reads presence states and attribute combinations from resource
* @param aResourceId Resource Id
* @param aStates Containes states on return
static void ReadStatesFromResourceL( TInt aResourceId,
RPointerArray<CCAState>& aStates );
* @return State matching to aState, or NULL if not found
static CCAState* FindStateL( TInt aState, const RPointerArray<CCAState>& aStates );
* @return Attribute matching to aType, or NULL if not found
static const MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* FindAttr( TInt aType,
const RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aArray );
* @return ETrue if states match
static TBool EqualStates( const CCAState& aState1, const CCAState& aState2 );
// End of File