* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Manager for presence-list handling
* (Contact-list updater/ Attribute-list publisher ).
#include "MCAListInitObserver.h"
#include "MCAContactLists.h"
#include "TCARequestQueue.h"
#include <MPEngContactListTransactionObserver2.h>
#include <MPEngAttributeListTransactionObserver2.h>
#include <MPEngPresenceObserver2.h>
#include <PEngWVServices2.h>
#include <badesca.h>
class CPEngAttributeListTransaction2;
class CPEngAttributeListStore2;
class CPEngContactListStore2;
class MPEngContactList2;
class MCAStoredContact;
class MCAStoredContacts;
class MCASettings;
class MPEngAttributeList2;
class CCAPresenceErrors;
class CPEngPresenceNotifier;
class CCAPEngListObserver;
class CPEngNWSessionSlotID2;
class MCAPresenceUpdater;
class MCAContactList;
class MCAListObserver;
* Manager for contact/attribute list handling.
* @lib CAPresence.dll
* @since 2.1
class CCAPEngListManager : public CBase,
public MPEngContactListTransactionObserver2,
public MPEngAttributeListTransactionObserver2,
public MPEngPresenceObserver2,
public MCAContactLists
enum TNetworkOperation
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CCAPEngListManager* NewL( MCASettings& aApplicationSettings,
RArray<TUint32>& aHandledAttributes,
MPEngPresenceObserver2& aNotifierObserver,
CPEngNWSessionSlotID2* aSessionSlotID,
MCAPresenceUpdater& aUpdater );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCAPEngListManager();
public: // New functions
* Sets login state of system. Should be called before doing
* other operations, because this setting affects functionality
* @since 2.1
* @param aIsLoggedIn Is logged in
void SetLoggedIn( TBool aIsLoggedIn, CPEngNWSessionSlotID2* aSessionSlotID );
* Authorizes presence to all
* @since 2.1
void SetAuthorizationToAllL();
* Authorizes presence to none
* @since 2.1
void SetAuthorizationToNoneL();
* Authorizes presence to given users
* @since 2.1
* @param aUsers User ids
void SetAuthorizationToFriendsL();
* Set friend list show status.
* @since 2.1
* @param aShowFriendList. ETrue if friend list can be shown, EFalse if not.
void ShowFriendList( TBool aShowFriendList );
* Replace attributes in the notifier
* with the given ones. Also restarts the notifier,
* if needed.
* @param aAttributes The attributes to add
void ReplaceAttributesL( RArray<TUint32>& aAttributes );
* Subscribe all lists.
* @param aSubscribe ETrue subscribe, EFalse unsubscribe
void SubscribeListsL( TBool aSubscribe );
* Cancel pending requests to network
void CancelPendingRequests();
public :
* @see MCAContactLists
void AddObserver( MCAListInitObserver* aObserver ) ;
* @see MCAContactLists
void RemoveObserver() ;
* @see MCAContactLists
TBool IsListInitializationCompleted();
TBool IsContactFetchingCompleted();
void AddMainViewProcessObserver( MCAListInitObserver* aObserver );
void RemoveMainViewProcessObserver();
protected: // From MCAContactLists
* @see MCAContactLists
TInt FetchContactsL( TBool aBaseSyncDone = EFalse );
* @see MCAContactLists
void FetchServerContactsL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
CPtrCArray& aWVIds );
* @see MCAContactLists
void UpdateServerContactsL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const MDesCArray& aWVIds,
const MDesCArray& aNicknames );
* Deletes one contact from server side contact list
* @see MCAContactLists
void DeleteServerContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const TDesC& aWVId,
const TBool aUpdateToServer = ETrue );
* Deletes several contacts from server side contact list
* @see MCAContactLists
void DeleteServerContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const MDesCArray& aWVIds,
const TBool aUpdateToServer = ETrue );
* Updates deleted contacts to server. This have to be called after
* DeleteServerContactL is called without updating changes to server
* (aUpdateToServer). Otherwise the changed data might not be update to
* server. Use this method to make multiple updates to network with single
* operation.
* @see MCAContactLists
void CommitDeleteServerContactL();
* Adds one contact to server side contact list
* @see MCAContactLists
MCAStoredContact* AddServerContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const TDesC& aWVId,
const TDesC& aNickname,
TBool aCanRemove = ETrue,
const TDesC* aOldWVId = NULL );
* Adds several contacts to server side contact list
* @see MCAContactLists
void AddServerContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const MDesCArray& aWVIds,
const MDesCArray& aNicknames );
* @see MCAContactLists
void UpdateContactNicknameL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const TDesC& aWVId,
const TDesC& aNickname );
* @see MCAContactLists
TContactListsWrapper FetchServerContactListsL( );
* @see MCAContactLists
void ReleaseContactListsL( const TDesC& aExcludedContactList );
* @see MCAContactLists
TInt SetDisplayNameL( const TDesC& aContactListID, const TDesC& aDisplayName );
* @see MCAContactLists
TInt DeleteContactListL( const TDesC& aContactListID
, TBool aFailedList = EFalse
* @see MCAContactLists
TInt CreateContactListL( const TDesC& aDisplayName );
* @see MCAContactLists
const MCAPresenceErrors& LastOperationResult() const;
* @see MCAContactLists
TPtrC IdentificationL( const TDesC& aUserId );
* @see MCAContactLists
TBool IsSyncDone();
private: // From MPEngPresenceObserver
* @see MPEngPresenceObserver
void HandlePresenceChangeL( CPEngPresenceNotifier2& aNotifier,
CPEngTrackedPresenceIDs2& aChangedPresenceIDs );
* @see MPEngPresenceObserver
void HandlePresenceError( TInt aError,
CPEngPresenceNotifier2& aNotifier );
private: // From MPEngAttributeListTransactionObserver2
* @see MPEngAttributeListTransactionObserver2
void HandleAttributeListTransactionError(
TInt aError,
CPEngAttributeListTransaction2& aTransaction,
TInt aTransactionOperation );
* @see MPEngAttributeListTransactionObserver2
void HandleAttributeListTransactionCompleteL(
MPEngTransactionStatus2& aStatus,
CPEngAttributeListTransaction2& aTransaction,
TInt aTransactionOperation );
private: // From MPEngContactListTransactionObserver2
* @see MPEngContactListTransactionObserver2
void HandleContactListTransactionError(
TInt aError,
CPEngContactListTransaction2& aTransaction,
TInt aTransactionOperation );
* @see MPEngContactListTransactionObserver2
void HandleContactListTransactionCompleteL(
MPEngTransactionStatus2& aStatus,
CPEngContactListTransaction2& aTransaction,
TInt aTransactionOperation );
* C++ default constructor.
CCAPEngListManager( RArray<TUint32>& aHandledAttributes,
MPEngPresenceObserver2& aNotifierObserver,
MCASettings& aApplicationSettings,
MCAPresenceUpdater& aUpdater );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CPEngNWSessionSlotID2* aSessionSlotID );
MPEngAttributeList2* AttributeListLC( CPEngAttributeListStore2* aListStore );
TBool IsLoggedIn() const;
void UpdateToNetworkL( TNetworkOperation aOperation, const TDesC& aListID = KNullDesC, TBool aWait = ETrue );
void AttachAttributeListL( MDesCArray& aContactLists, MPEngAttributeList2& aAttributeList );
void DetachAttributeListL( MDesCArray& aContactLists );
* Restarts attribute notifier.
* @since 3.0
* @param aLists Contact list ids to listent to or NULL
* to listen to all lists
void RestartNotifierL( MDesCArray* aListIds = NULL );
void RemoveFromNotifierL( const TDesC& aId );
void AddToNotifierL( const TDesC& aId );
* Subscribes or unsubscribes list
* @param aList contact list
* @param aListId contact list id
* @param aSubscribe ETrue if the list should be subscribed
* @param aUpdate, ETrue if we want to update list to server EFalse if not.
void SubscribeListL( MPEngContactList2& aList, const TDesC& aListId, TBool aSubscribe, TBool aUpdate = ETrue );
* This is called when logout occurs. Releases all member data.
* @param TBool aReleaseContactListModels Release also contact list models (ETrue)
void ReleaseListManager( TBool aReleaseContactListModels );
* Add the attributes from iAttributes to
* the MPEngAttributeList2
void AddDynamicAttributesToListL( MPEngAttributeList2* aList );
* Helper methods to add contacts in multiple "rounds" with CIdle
* when fetching server contacts
static TInt AppendContacts( TAny *aInstance );
TInt DoAppendContacts();
* Helper method for next step of fetch contacfs.
static TInt FetchContacts( TAny *aInstance );
* State machine for fetching. Engine of fetching.
TInt FetchStateMachineL();
TInt StartFetchIdle();
* Params for appending contacts asynchronously.
struct TAppendContactsParams
MPEngContactList2* iContactList;
CDesCArray* iWVIds;
CDesCArray* iNicknames;
MCAStoredContacts* iContactStorage;
TInt iEntryIndex;
MCAContactList* iCaContactList;
* Get the service tree from the current session.
* @param aSessionSlotID session slot id
* @return service tree
* @since 3.1
TPEngWVCspServicesTree2 ServiceTreeL( CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aSessionSlotID );
* Check if attribute lists are supported in this session.
* @param aSessionSlotID session slot id
* @return ETrue if attribute lists are supported
* @since 3.1
TBool AttribListsSupportedL( CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aSessionSlotID );
* Update attribute lists to network according to current settings
* @since 3.1
void UpdatePresenceAuthorizeL();
private: // Data
// Errorcode storage for async calls
TInt iOperationError;
// "Is application logged in"-flag
TBool iIsLoggedIn;
// Array of attributes handled
RArray<TUint32>& iAttributes;
// Handle to attribute notifier
MPEngPresenceObserver2& iNotifierObserver;
// Doesn't own. Handle to settings API
MCASettings* iApplicationSettings;
// Owns. PEC attribute list store
CPEngAttributeListStore2* iPEngAttributeListStore;
// Owns. PEC contact list store
CPEngContactListStore2* iPEngContactListStore;
// Owns. PEC contact list updater
CPEngContactListTransaction2* iPEngContactListUpdater;
// Owns. PEC Attribute-list publisher
CPEngAttributeListTransaction2* iPEngAttributeListPublisher;
// Owns. Presence notifier from Presence Engine
CPEngPresenceNotifier2* iPEngAttributeNotifier;
// Request queue
TCARequestQueue iRequestQueue;
// Error data container
CCAPresenceErrors* iErrors;
// observer for contact list events
CCAPEngListObserver* iListObserver;
TAppendContactsParams iAppendContactsParams;
// alias support activated or not
TBool iAliasSupport;
// Updater for presence
MCAPresenceUpdater& iPresenceUpdater;
// Contacts for appending.
RArray< TAppendContactsParams > iAppendContactsArray;
// owned: Idle for appending contacts
CIdle* iIdle;
// owned: Idle for launching fetchcontact
CIdle* iFetchIdle;
// owns. Array of list ids to subscribe
CDesCArray* iListIds;
// Steps for contact list synchronization
TContactFetchOperation iContactFetchStep;
// Start again if set
TBool iStartFetchAgain;
// Attributelist support flag
TBool iAttribListSupported;
// DeleteServerContact array of changed lists
RPointerArray<HBufC> iUpdateListQueue;
// Is base sync done or not.
TBool iBaseSyncDone;
// owned : register by CCASingleListView
MCAListInitObserver* iObserver;
// register by CCAMainViewArrayPC
MCAListInitObserver* iMainViewProcessObserver;
// indicate that contact fetch is complete
TBool iContactFetchingComplete;
// owned : List init is done or not
TBool iListInitInProcees;
// End of File