* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Attribute fetch processor.
#include <E32base.h>
#include <BaDescA.h>
#include "MPEngAttrFetchProcessor.h"
#include "PEngWVCspVersion.h"
class CPEngAttributeTypeStack;
class MPEngAdvTransactionStatus2;
class MPEngPresenceAttrManager;
class MPEngPresenceAttrModel2;
class MPEngXMLParser;
class MPEngXMLSerializer;
* Processor to handle presence attribute fetch XML request
* generation and response decoding.
* @lib PEngAttrLib
* @since 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPEngFetchProcessor ) : public CBase,
public MPEngAttrFetchProcessor
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aAttrManager The attribute manger to use in
* attribute handling.
* @param aFetchedPresenceIds The presence ID's to fetch.
* @param aFetchedAttributes The presence attributes to fetch.
* @param aDomain The user domain where the fetching happens.
* @param aTransactionOperation The transaction operation id.
* @param aCspVersion The CSP version for request.
static CPEngFetchProcessor* NewL( MPEngPresenceAttrManager& aAttrManager,
const MDesCArray& aFetchedPresenceIds,
const TArray< TUint32 > aFetchedAttributes,
const TDesC& aDomain,
TInt aTransactionOperation,
TPEngWVCspVersion aCspVersion );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPEngFetchProcessor();
private: //Constructors
* C++ constructor.
CPEngFetchProcessor( MPEngPresenceAttrManager& aAttrManager,
TInt aTransactionOperation,
TPEngWVCspVersion aCspVersion );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL( const MDesCArray& aFetchedPresenceIds,
const TArray< TUint32 > aFetchedAttributes,
const TDesC& aDomain );
public: //From MPEngAttrFetchProcessor
* @see MPEngAttrFetchProcessor
void GenerateRequestL( TDes8& aSendBuffer );
* @see MPEngAttrFetchProcessor
void InitResponseProcessingL( const TDesC8& aResponse,
RPointerArray< MPEngPresenceAttrModel2 >& aResultModels,
MPEngAdvTransactionStatus2& aResultStatus );
* @see MPEngAttrFetchProcessor
TBool ProcessStepL();
private: //Request helpers
* Request generation helper.
* @since 3.0
* @param aSerializer The serializer to write request.
* @param aFetchedPresenceIds List of fetched presence ids.
* @param aFechedAttributeTypes Fetched attributes.
* @param aCspVersion The CSP version for request.
static void GenerateRequestL(
MPEngXMLSerializer& aSerializer,
const CDesC16ArraySeg& aFetchedPresenceIds,
const CPEngAttributeTypeStack& aFechedAttributeTypes,
TPEngWVCspVersion aCspVersion );
* Parsing helper.
* Checks the transaction status from network response
* Handles also partial failure, by removing the unknown presence
* id's from the list of requested presence ids. In case of complete
* failure, adds all requested presence id's as detailed results
* to transaction status.
* @since 3.0
* @param aResponse Get presence response to check.
* @param aDomain The domain where fetch takes its place.
* @param aTransactionOperation The transaction operation id.
* @param aParser XML parser to use in parsing.
* @param aParsedModels Array where to append the parsed models.
* @param aTransactionStatus The transaction status container to fill.
* @param aRequestedPresenceIds The list of requested presence IDs.
* @return Transaction continue status. ETrue if response should
* be parsed further. EFalse if no need for further processing.
static TBool CheckResultFromFromResponseL(
const TDesC8& aResponse,
const TDesC& aDomain,
TInt aTransactionOperation,
MPEngXMLParser& aParser,
MPEngAdvTransactionStatus2& aTransactionStatus,
CDesC16Array& aRequestedPresenceIds );
* Parsing helper.
* Parses presence blocks from complete Get-Presence-Response.
* Appends found presence blocks to given array.
* @since 3.0
* @param aResponse Get presence response to parse.
* @param aParser XML parser to use in parsing.
* @paramaPresenceBlocks Array to append the parsed blocks.
static void LocatePresenceBlocksFromResponseL(
const TDesC8& aResponse,
MPEngXMLParser& aParser,
CDesC8Array& aPresenceBlocks );
* Parses attribute models from presence block
* (XML fragment divided by <Presence> tags).
* Parsing produces only those attributes models which
* are listed in given aAttributeTypes and which are
* found from network response.
* @since 3.0
* @param aPresenceBlock One presence id's presence XML fragment.
* @param aAttrManager The attribute manager to use in model construction.
* @param aParser XML parser to use in parsing.
* @param aFetchedPresenceIds ID's which are fetched.
* Handled presence ID's are removed from the array.
* @param aDomain The domain where fetch takes its place.
* @param aAttributeTypes Ordered attribute types.
* @param aResultModels Array where to append the parsed result models.
static void ParseModelsFromBlockL(
const TDesC8& aPresenceBlock,
MPEngPresenceAttrManager& aAttrManager,
MPEngXMLParser& aParser,
CDesC16Array& aFetchedPresenceIds,
const TDesC& aDomain,
const CPEngAttributeTypeStack& aAttributeTypes,
RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aResultModels,
TInt aOperation );
private: // Data
//REF: Attribute Manager
MPEngPresenceAttrManager& iAttributeManager;
//OWN: Operation id
const TInt iTransactionOperation;
//OWN: WV CSP version
const TPEngWVCspVersion iCspVersion;
//OWN: Array of fetched presence ID's
CDesC16ArraySeg iFetchedPresenceIds;
//OWN: Attribute type stack for fetched attributes
CPEngAttributeTypeStack* iFechedAttributeTypes;
//OWN: XML parser
MPEngXMLParser* iXmlParser;
//OWN: Operation domain
HBufC* iDomain;
//OWN: Presence blocks.
CDesC8ArraySeg iPresenceBlocks;
//REF: Decoded attribute models
RPointerArray< MPEngPresenceAttrModel2 >* iFetchedModels;
//REF: Fetcher transaction status
MPEngAdvTransactionStatus2* iTransactionStatus;
// End of File