* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Tools for matching & handling presence addresses & user id's.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <BamDescA.h>
* Tools for matching & handling presence addresses & user id's.
* Generic WV address syntax is defined as follows (in WV CSP 1.1):
* Address = "wv:" [User-ID] ["/" Resource] ["@" Domain]
* Resource = Group-ID | Contact-List-ID | Content-ID
* Domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
* @since 3.0
public: //Fragment extractors
* Match mode for for locating / matching WV addresses.
* ENormal: Normal matching with match domain.
* EMatchToUniqueId: With this mode, extended uniqued
* id matching is performed if normal find fails.
* @since 3.0
enum TPEngAddressMatchdMode { ENormal, EMatchToUniqueId };
public: //Fragment extractors
* Extracts user id part from possibly complete WV address.
* E.g. gets "john.doe" from "wv:john.doe/friends@imps.com"
* Possible user ID address structures are:
* - "wv:john/colleagues@imps.com"
* - "wv:john/friends"
* - "wv:john
* @since 3.0
* @param aWVAddress WV address.
* @return Plain user ID part without starting schema prefix
* or without trailing resource and domain definition.
* If no user id present in given address, returns empty descriptor.
static TPtrC WVUserId( const TDesC& aWVAddress );
* Extracts resource id part from possibly complete WV address.
* E.g. gets "friends" from "wv:john.doe/friends@imps.com"
* Possible resource ID address structures are:
* - "wv:john/colleagues@imps.com"
* - "wv:/managers"
* - "wv:john/friends"
* - "wv:/managers@imps.com"
* @since 3.0
* @param aWVAddress WV address.
* @return Resource id part without starting user / schema prefix
* or without trailing domain definition.
* If no resource part present in given address, returns empty descriptor.
static TPtrC WVResourceId( const TDesC& aWVAddress );
* Extracts domain part from possibly complete WV address.
* E.g. gets "imps.com" from "wv:john.doe/friends@imps.com"
* Possible domain address structures are:
* - "wv:john/colleagues@imps.com"
* - "wv:john@imps.com"
* - "wv:/managers@imps.com"
* @since 3.0
* @param aWVAddress WV address.
* @return Domain part without starting user / resource parts.
* If no resource part present in given address, returns empty descriptor.
static TPtrC WVDomain( const TDesC& aWVAddress );
* Strips possible wv-schema part away from complete
* WV address and returns the rest.
* @since 3.0
* @param aWVAddress Full WV address to reduce.
* @return Plain presence address without wv-schema prefix.
static TPtrC ReducedWVAddress( const TDesC& aWVAddress );
public: //Address generator
* Composes canonic WV address from
* given WV addres parts.
* If some given part is zero length,
* then corresponding part is not present
* in generated full WV address.
* Either user id part or resource id part must be defined.
* In other cases a leave with KErrArgument is raised.
* @since 3.0
* @param aUserId User id
* @param aResourceId
* @param aDomain
* @return Canonic WV address.
static HBufC* CanonicWVAddressLC( const TDesC& aUserId,
const TDesC& aResourceId,
const TDesC& aDomain );
public: //Match & find
* Checks does two WV address match.
* (Do they refer same WV user / resource.)
* Matching is case insensitive and possible "wv:" schema
* prefixes are ignored in matching.
* Example 1: No match domain information available
* - "wv:User" == "wv:User" (Direct match.)
* - "wv:User" == "User" (Direct match, schema prefix ignored.)
* - "wv:User@Server.com" == "wv:User@Server.com" (Direct match.)
* Example 2: Match domain "Server.com"
* - "wv:User" == "wv:User" (Direct match.)
* - "wv:User" == "User" (Direct match, schema prefix ignored.)
* - "wv:User@Server.com" == "wv:User@Server.com" (Direct match.)
* - "wv:User" == "wv:User@Server.com" (Domain extended match.)
* - "wv:User@Server.com" == "wv:User" (Domain extended match.)
* @since 3.0
* @param aWVAddress1 First WV address.
* @param aWVAddress2 Second WV address.
* @param aMatchDomain Match domain. If no match domain available
* pass empty descriptor.
* @return ETrue if passed addresses refer same WV user / resource.
* Else EFalse.
static TBool MatchWVAddressesF( const TDesC& aWVAddress1,
const TDesC& aWVAddress2,
const TDesC& aMatchDomain );
* Finds matching WV address from array of WV
* addresses. (Finds a WV address which refers
* to same user / resource than given address.)
* Gets the index for matching address from
* passed descriptor array. Matching is case
* insensitive and possible "wv:" schema prefixes are
* ignored in matching.
* If non empty match domain is provided, local addresses
* (addresses without domain part) are matched to users or
* resources with matching aMatchDomain domain.
* If no matching presence id is found, returns KErrNotFound
* If there is matching entry, returns index of it.
* (In case there is several matches, returns the index of
* first found.)
* If match mode EMatchToUniqueId is used, standard matching is
* extended with unique id matching if normal find fails.
* Extended unique id matching is performed only if:
* - empty match domain is provided
* - also the searched address is local one (missing the domain part)
* Extended unique id matching succeeds if the given searched
* user ID/resource ID matches only one WV address's user ID/resource ID
* part. If there is several possible user ID / resource ID matches ion
* the array, then KErrNotFound is returned, because the match is not
* anymore confident.
* @since 3.0
* @param aWVAddress The WV address to locate.
* @param aWVAddresses The array of WV addresses to search.
* @param aMatchDomain The match domain to use.
* @param aMode The mode for matching.
* @return Returns find operation result.
* KErrNotFound if no matching address was found.
* Else the index of matching entry.
static TInt FindWVAddressF( const TDesC& aWVAddress,
const MDesCArray& aWVAddresses,
const TDesC& aMatchDomain,
TPEngAddressMatchdMode aMode = ENormal );
private: //Prohibited constructor and destructor
// End of File