* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: XML Serializer implementation.
#include "CPEngXmlSerializer.h"
#include "PEngXmlDefs.h"
#include "PresenceDebugPrint.h"
#include "CPEngTagAssertionStack.h"
#include <E32Std.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <imcvcodc.h>
* State stack granularity.
* State stack has great size
* variety depending from use case.
* 5 should be quite optimal.
const TInt KStackGranurality = 5;
* WV schema prefix & length.
_LIT( KWVSchemaPrefix, "wv:" );
const TInt KWVSchemaPrefixLength = 3;
// ================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =======================
* Serializer panic implementation.
#if defined(_DEBUG)
GLREF_C void PanicSerializer( TPEngSerializerPanics aReason )
User::Panic( KXmlSerializer, aReason );
GLREF_C void PanicSerializer( TPEngSerializerPanics /*aReason*/ )
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// Two-phased constructor.
EXPORT_C CPEngXmlSerializer* CPEngXmlSerializer::NewL( TDes8& aBuffer )
CPEngXmlSerializer* self = CPEngXmlSerializer::NewLC( aBuffer );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
EXPORT_C CPEngXmlSerializer* CPEngXmlSerializer::NewLC( TDes8& aBuffer )
CPEngXmlSerializer* self = new ( ELeave ) CPEngXmlSerializer( aBuffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iAssertionStack;
#if _BullseyeCoverage
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
CPEngXmlSerializer::CPEngXmlSerializer( TDes8& aBuffer )
: iState( EPEngInRoot ),
iWriter( aBuffer ),
iStartTagCount( 0 ),
iStateStack( KStackGranurality )
// Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
void CPEngXmlSerializer::ConstructL()
iAssertionStack = CPEngTagAssertionStack::NewL( KStackGranurality );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::Close()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::Close()
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::StartTagL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::StartTagL( const TDesC8& aName )
//tag name may not be empty
__AssertNotEmptyL( aName );
//make sure that if we can write the start tag,
//we get it surely to element stack also
CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL(); //goes to EElementOpen state
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlTagStart );
TPtrC8 writtenTag( iWriter.WriteL( aName ) );
iAssertionStack->PushL( writtenTag ); //won't fail, see previous ReserveOneL()
iWriter.WriteL( aName );
iState = EPEngInStartTag;
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::AttributeL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::AttributeL( const TDesC8& aName,
const TDesC8& aValue )
//attribute can be written only just after the start tag.
__AssertSerializerStateL( ( iState == EPEngInStartTag ),
EPEngSrlzr_AttributeNotAllowed );
//attribute name may not be empty
__AssertNotEmptyL( aName );
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlWhiteSpace );
iWriter.WriteL( aName );
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlEqualSign );
TBuf8< 1 > quote; //quote is one character, either ' or "
quote = KXmlApostrophe;
if ( aValue.Find( KXmlDoubleQuote ) == KErrNotFound )
quote = KXmlDoubleQuote;
iWriter.WriteL( quote );
WriteXmlEscapedL( aValue, ETrue );
iWriter.WriteL( quote );
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::EndTagL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::EndTagL( const TDesC8& aName )
//Check there is start tag to close
__AssertSerializerStateL( ( ( iState == EPEngInStartTag ) || ( iState == EPEngInElement ) ),
EPEngSrlzr_EndTagNotAllowed );
//tag name may not be empty
__AssertNotEmptyL( aName );
//Check end tag name match corresponding start tag name
__AssertEndTagName( aName );
if ( iState == EPEngInStartTag )
//still in start tag ==> empty element ==> close the tag directly
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlEmptyTagEnd );
//non empty element ==> write complete end tag
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlEndTagStart );
iWriter.WriteL( aName );
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlTagEnd );
if ( iStartTagCount == 0 )
//closed the last open element ==> now in root
iState = EPEngInRoot;
//there is still not closed start tags ==> open elements
iState = EPEngInElement;
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::RawValueL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::RawValueL( const TDesC8& aValue )
//Write raw data
CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL(); //goes to EElementOpen state
__AssertNoXmlEscapedCharsL( aValue );
iWriter.WriteL( aValue );
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::NarrowTextL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::NarrowTextL( const TDesC8& aText )
// Performed steps:
// 1. Escapes XML entities.
CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL(); //goes to EElementOpen state
WriteXmlEscapedL( aText, EFalse );
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::UnicodeTextL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::UnicodeTextL( const TDesC16& aText )
// Performed steps:
// 1. Converts text from Unicode to Utf8
// 2. Escapes XML entities
TBuf8<20> outputBuffer;
TPtrC16 remainderOfUnicodeText( aText );
TInt returnValue;
CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL(); //goes to EElementOpen state
FOREVER // conversion loop
returnValue = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( outputBuffer,
remainderOfUnicodeText );
// check to see that the descriptor isn’t corrupt
if ( returnValue == CnvUtfConverter::EErrorIllFormedInput )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
else if ( returnValue < KErrNone ) // future-proof against "TError" expanding
// See SDK help for more information.
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
//write the Utf8 fragment produced by this round
WriteXmlEscapedL( outputBuffer, EFalse );
if ( returnValue == 0 )
//no more text left -> break the loop
remainderOfUnicodeText.Set( remainderOfUnicodeText.Right( returnValue ) );
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::WvAddressL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::WvAddressL( const TDesC16& aAddress )
// Performed steps:
// 1. Escapes WV Address characters
// 2. Converts text from Unicode to Utf8
// 3. Escape XML entities
TBuf16<20> outputBuffer;
TPtrC16 remainderOfAddress( aAddress );
TInt returnValue;
CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL(); //goes to EElementOpen state
// Skip the possible "wv:" prefix from address
// And write it as it is
if ( aAddress.Left( KWVSchemaPrefixLength ).CompareF( KWVSchemaPrefix ) == 0 )
remainderOfAddress.Set( aAddress.Mid( KWVSchemaPrefixLength ) );
UnicodeTextL( aAddress.Left( KWVSchemaPrefixLength ) );
FOREVER // conversion loop
returnValue = EncodeWvAddressChars( outputBuffer,
remainderOfAddress );
// Handle possible errors
if ( returnValue < KErrNone )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
//write the WVAddress part produced by this round
UnicodeTextL( outputBuffer );
if ( returnValue == 0 )
//no more text left -> break the loop
remainderOfAddress.Set( remainderOfAddress.Right( returnValue ) );
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::Base64DataL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngXMLSerializer& CPEngXmlSerializer::Base64DataL( const TDesC8& aRawData )
// Performed steps:
// 1. Coverts data to BASE64 format
CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL(); //goes to EElementOpen state
if ( aRawData.Length() != 0 )
TImCodecB64 base64Encoder;
//Encoder doesn't itself cope with buffer overflows,
//so allocate twice big buffer to be sure that there is enough
//space for B64 data
HBufC8* base64Buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( aRawData.Size() * 2 );
TPtr8 base64Data( base64Buffer->Des() );
base64Encoder.Encode( aRawData, base64Data );
//for performance reasons, write
//whole base64 data directly to the
//xml buffer (no need to do any XML escaping)
iWriter.WriteL( base64Data );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //base64Buffer
return *this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::PushSerializerStateL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::PushSerializerStateL()
TPEngSerializerStateData state;
state.iWriterLength = iWriter.CurrentLength();
state.iState = iState;
state.iAssertionStackCount = iAssertionStack->Count();
User::LeaveIfError( iStateStack.Append( state ) ); //push new state to state stack
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::CommitState()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::CommitState()
//check that there is a states to commit
__ASSERT_DEBUG( ( iStateStack.Count() > 0 ),
PanicSerializer( EPEngSrlzr_StateStackUnderflow ) );
TInt stateCount( iStateStack.Count() );
if ( stateCount > 0 )
iStateStack.Remove( stateCount - 1 ); //pop the last state away from state stack (thus -1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::RollbackState()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::RollbackState()
//Check that there is a states to rollback
__ASSERT_DEBUG( ( iStateStack.Count() > 0 ),
PanicSerializer( EPEngSrlzr_StateStackUnderflow ) );
TInt stateCount( iStateStack.Count() );
if ( stateCount > 0 )
TPEngSerializerStateData oldState;
oldState = iStateStack[ stateCount - 1 ];
iStateStack.Remove( stateCount - 1 ); //pop the last state away from state stack (thus -1)
//rollback writer
iWriter.ReverseTo( oldState.iWriterLength );
//rollback assertion stack
iAssertionStack->PopTo( oldState.iAssertionStackCount );
//return to old state
iState = oldState.iState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::PushedStateCount()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngXmlSerializer::PushedStateCount()
return iStateStack.Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::CheckAndCloseOpenStartTagL()
if ( iState == EPEngInStartTag )
iWriter.WriteL( KXmlTagEnd );
iState = EPEngInElement;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::EncodeWvAddressChars()
// Return the number of unconverted characters left at the end of the input
// descriptor, or the error value
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEngXmlSerializer::EncodeWvAddressChars( TDes16& aEncodedAddress,
const TDesC16& aUnicodeAddress )
if ( aUnicodeAddress.Length() == 0 )
aEncodedAddress.SetLength( 0 );
return 0;
if ( aEncodedAddress.MaxLength() == 0 )
return aUnicodeAddress.Length();
TInt addLen( aUnicodeAddress.Length() );
for ( TInt ii( 0 ); ii < addLen; ii++ )
TUint16 characterValue = aUnicodeAddress[ ii ];
switch ( characterValue )
case ':':
case ';':
case '?':
case '&':
case '=':
case '+':
case '$':
case ',':
TInt spaceLeft = aEncodedAddress.MaxLength() - aEncodedAddress.Length();
//Encoding special characters produces 3 characters e.g. "%yy"
//(only three produced because encoded characters list is
//limited above)
if ( spaceLeft < 3 )
return addLen - ii;
aEncodedAddress.Append( KPercentSign16 );
aEncodedAddress.AppendNumUC( characterValue, EHex );
TInt spaceLeft = aEncodedAddress.MaxLength() - aEncodedAddress.Length();
//Adding one non-encoded character requires space one character
if ( spaceLeft < 1 )
return addLen - ii;
aEncodedAddress.Append( characterValue );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::WriteXmlEscapedL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::WriteXmlEscapedL( const TDesC8& aString,
TBool aEscapeQuotes )
const TInt length( aString.Length() );
TUint8 character;
//loop trough the all characters and escape them to writer one by one
for ( TInt ii( 0 ); ii < length; ii++ )
character = aString[ ii ];
WriteXmlEscapedL( character, aEscapeQuotes );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::WriteXmlEscapedL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::WriteXmlEscapedL( TUint8 aCharacter,
TBool aEscapeQuotes )
switch ( aCharacter )
case '&':
iWriter.WriteL( KEntityAmpersand );
case '>':
iWriter.WriteL( KEntityGreaterThan );
case '<':
iWriter.WriteL( KEntityLowerThan );
case '"': ///<If character is a double
case '\'': ///<or single quote, escape it only if required
if ( aEscapeQuotes )
if ( aCharacter == '"' )
iWriter.WriteL( KEntityDoubleQuote );
iWriter.WriteL( KEntityApostrophe );
//else no need to escape quotes ==>
//write them as normal characters
iWriter.WriteL( aCharacter );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertNoXmlEscapedCharsL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertNoXmlEscapedCharsL( const TDesC8& aString )
const TInt length( aString.Length() );
TUint8 character;
//loop trough the all characters and check them
for ( TInt ii( 0 ); ii < length; ii++ )
character = aString[ ii ];
switch ( character )
case '&':
case '>':
case '<':
case '"':
case '\'':
#if defined(_DEBUG)
PanicSerializer( EPEngSrlzr_XmlMarkupCharNotAllowed );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertSerializerStateL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(_DEBUG)
void CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertSerializerStateL( TBool aInCorrectState,
TPEngSerializerPanics aPanicReason )
void CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertSerializerStateL( TBool aInCorrectState,
TPEngSerializerPanics /*aPanicReason*/ )
if ( !aInCorrectState )
TBuf<150> buffer16; //restrict tag names shown in debug output to 150 characters.
//150 characters should be enough for debug purposes.
TPtrC8 startTagName = iAssertionStack->Top();
buffer16.Copy( startTagName.Left( buffer16.MaxLength() ) );
PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngXmlSerializer: Wrong state. In tag <%S> at nesting level %i" ),
&buffer16, iAssertionStack->Count() );
#if defined(_DEBUG)
PanicSerializer( aPanicReason );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertNotEmptyL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertNotEmptyL( const TDesC8& aString )
if ( aString.Length() == 0 )
TBuf<150> buffer16; //restrict tag names shown in debug output to 150 characters.
//150 characters should be enough for debug purposes.
TPtrC8 startTagName = iAssertionStack->Top();
buffer16.Copy( startTagName.Left( buffer16.MaxLength() ) );
PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngXmlSerializer: Writing empty tag or attribute. In tag <%S> at nesting level %i" ),
&buffer16, iAssertionStack->Count() );
#if defined(_DEBUG)
PanicSerializer( EPEngSrlzr_EmptyInputString );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertEndTagName()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEngXmlSerializer::__AssertEndTagName( const TDesC8& aEndTagName )
if ( aEndTagName != iAssertionStack->Top() )
TBuf<150> buffer16; //restrict tag names shown in debug output to 150 characters.
//150 characters should be enough for debug purposes.
buffer16.Copy( aEndTagName.Left( buffer16.MaxLength() ) );
PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngXmlSerializer: End tag mismatch. Ending with <%S> at level %i" ),
&buffer16, iAssertionStack->Count() );
TPtrC8 startTagName = iAssertionStack->Top();
buffer16.Copy( startTagName.Left( buffer16.MaxLength() ) );
PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "CPEngXmlSerializer: Required start tag <%S>" ),
&buffer16 );
PanicSerializer( EPEngSrlzr_EndTagNameMismatch );
// End of File