* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: TestUtils for SAP settings store module tests
// Include Files
#include <E32Math.h>
#include "f32file.h"
#include "IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils.h"
#include "CIMPSSAPSettingsStore.h"
#include "CIMPSSAPSettings.h"
#include "CIMPSSAPSettingsList.h"
#include "CIMPSSAPSettingsListItem.h"
//SAP strings and consts to use in filling
_LIT( KSAPName, "SAPName" );
_LIT( KDefaultSAPName, "Default SAP" );
_LIT( KSAPAddres, "SAPAddr" );
_LIT( KSAPUserId, "SAPUserId" );
_LIT( KSAPUserPassword, "SAPUserPwd" );
_LIT( KHTTPProxyAddres, "ProxyAddr" );
_LIT( KHTTPProxyUserId, "ProxyUserId" );
_LIT( KHTTPProxyUserPassword, "ProxyUserPwd" );
_LIT( KCLientId, "CLientId" );
_LIT( KServerAuthenticationUsername, "SAUsername" );
_LIT( KServerAuthenticationPassword, "SAPassword" );
_LIT( KServerAcceptedContentType, "application/vnd" );
_LIT( KKey8, "Key8" );
_LIT( KKey16, "Key16" );
_LIT( KKeyInt, "KeyInt" );
_LIT8( KOpaque8, "Value8" );
_LIT( KOpaque16, "Value16" );
const TInt KHighlevelServices = EIMPSServicesIM + EIMPSServicesPEC;
const TInt KAuthorizationMode = EIMPSAuthModeUnspecified;
const TInt KSAPPort = 100;
const TInt KHTTPProxyPort = 200;
const TInt KAP = 300;
const TInt KOpaqueInt = 1234;
//format string for SAP naming
_LIT( KNumberFormat, ": %d" );
//local data types
struct TSAPName
const TText* iName;
//Pre defined string array for SAP names
//NOTE! This must have atleast two items
LOCAL_D TSAPName const KSAPNames[] =
{ _S( "abcd1" ) },
{ _S( "AAaaa" ) },
{ _S( "abcd2" ) },
{ _S( "AAAaa" ) },
{ _S( "Aaaaa" ) },
{ _S( "abcd0" ) },
{ _S( "abcde" ) },
{ _S( "kiiii" ) },
{ _S( "+*?=)" ) },
{ _S( "kkkkk" ) },
{ _S( "Oooyy" ) },
{ _S( "Öööyy" ) },
{ _S( "Äääyy" ) },
{ 0 }
// Store deletion
/*void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::DeleteStoresL( TUint aStoreId )
DeleteNormalStoreL( aStoreId );
DeleteDefaultStoresL( aStoreId );
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::DeleteNormalStoreL( TUint aStoreId )
TFileName fileName;
AppendDbName( fileName, aStoreId );
DoDeleteNormalFileL( fileName );
TFileName fileName;
AppendIniName( fileName, aStoreId );
DoDeleteNormalFileL( fileName );
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::DeleteDefaultStoresL( TUint aStoreId )
TFileName fileNameSearch;
TFileName dbFileName;
AppendDbName( dbFileName, aStoreId, ETrue );
fileNameSearch.Append( TParsePtrC( dbFileName ).Path() );
fileNameSearch.Append( TParsePtrC( dbFileName ).NameAndExt() );
DoDeleteDefaultFilesL( fileNameSearch );
TFileName iniFileName;
AppendIniName( iniFileName, aStoreId, ETrue );
fileNameSearch.Append( TParsePtrC( iniFileName ).Path() );
fileNameSearch.Append( TParsePtrC( iniFileName ).NameAndExt() );
DoDeleteDefaultFilesL( fileNameSearch );
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::UseDbL( TUint aStoreId,
const TDesC* aSapDbToUse,
const TDesC* aIniFileToUse )
DeleteNormalStoreL( aStoreId );
if( aSapDbToUse )
TFileName sourceFile;
sourceFile.Append( KSapDb_TestFileFolder );
sourceFile.Append( *aSapDbToUse );
TFileName destinationFile;
AppendDbName( destinationFile, aStoreId, ETrue );
CopyFileToNameL( sourceFile, destinationFile );
if( aIniFileToUse )
TFileName sourceFile;
sourceFile.Append( KSapDb_TestFileFolder );
sourceFile.Append( *aIniFileToUse );
TFileName destinationFile;
AppendIniName( destinationFile, aStoreId, ETrue );
CopyFileToNameL( sourceFile, destinationFile );
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::UseDefaultDbL( TUint aStoreId,
const TDesC& aSapDbToUse,
const TDesC* aIniFileToUse )
TFileName sourceFile;
sourceFile.Append( KSapDb_TestFileFolder );
sourceFile.Append( aSapDbToUse );
TFileName destinationFile;
destinationFile.Append( KDbDefaultFilesFolder );
AppendDbName( destinationFile, aStoreId, EFalse );
CopyFileToNameL( sourceFile, destinationFile );
if( aIniFileToUse )
TFileName sourceFile;
sourceFile.Append( KSapDb_TestFileFolder );
sourceFile.Append( *aIniFileToUse );
TFileName destinationFile;
destinationFile.Append( KDbDefaultFilesFolder );
AppendIniName( destinationFile, aStoreId, EFalse );
CopyFileToNameL( sourceFile, destinationFile );
// Store size print
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::PrintStoreSizesL( TUint aStoreId )
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
TFileName fileName;
fileName.Append( KDbFileNameHead );
fileName.AppendNum( aStoreId );
fileName.Append( KDbFileNameTail );
TParsePtr parse( fileName );
TPtrC fileNameAndExt = parse.NameAndExt();
TEntry entry;
TInt err;
err = fs.Entry( fileName, entry );
if( err == KErrNone )
RDebug::Print( _L("%S size: %d bytes"), &fileNameAndExt, entry.iSize );
if( err == KErrNotFound )
RDebug::Print( _L("File not found.") );
err = KErrNone;
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fs
// SAP name handling
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::UnigueSAPNameL( TUint& aNameIndex,
CIMPSSAPSettings& aSAP )
HBufC* name = HBufC::NewLC( aSAP.SAPName().Length() + 10 );
TPtr namePtr( name->Des() );
namePtr.Copy( aSAP.SAPName() );
if ( namePtr.Length() > 4 )
namePtr.Delete( namePtr.Length() - 4, 4 );
namePtr.AppendFormat( KNumberFormat, aNameIndex );
aSAP.SetSAPNameL( namePtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //name
// SAP add
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::AddSAPSettingsL( CIMPSSAPSettingsStore& aStoreToAdd,
TInt aHowMany,
TUint32& aFirstUid,
TUint32& aLastUid,
TIMPSAccessGroup aGroup )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( ( aHowMany >= 2 ), User::Panic( _L( "Add count" ), 1 ) );
CIMPSSAPSettings* settings = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( settings );
TBuf< 15 > sapName;
for ( TInt ii( 0 ); ii < aHowMany; ii++ )
sapName.Copy( KSAPName );
sapName.AppendFormat( KNumberFormat, ii );
IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::FillContainerL( *settings, sapName );
TUint32 uid = aStoreToAdd.StoreNewSAPL( settings, aGroup );
if ( ii == 0 )
aFirstUid = uid; //first id
aLastUid = uid; //last id
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //settings
// SAP add
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::AddSAPSettingsL( CIMPSSAPSettingsStore& aStoreToAdd,
TInt aHowMany,
TIMPSAccessGroup aGroup )
TUint32 firstUid = 0;
TUint32 lastUid = 0;
AddSAPSettingsL( aStoreToAdd, aHowMany, firstUid, lastUid, aGroup );
// SAP add
TInt IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::AddSAPSettingsWithLiteralNamesL( CIMPSSAPSettingsStore& aStoreToAdd,
TUint32& aFirstUid,
TUint32& aLastUid,
TIMPSAccessGroup aGroup )
CIMPSSAPSettings* settings = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( settings );
TInt ii;
for ( ii = 0 ; KSAPNames[ ii ].iName != NULL; ii++ )
const TPtrC name = KSAPNames[ ii ].iName;
FillContainerL( *settings, name );
RDebug::Print( _L( "Storing literal name: %S " ), &name );
TUint32 uid = aStoreToAdd.StoreNewSAPL( settings, aGroup );
if ( ii == 0 )
aFirstUid = uid; //first id
aLastUid = uid; //last id
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //settings
return ii;
// SAP deletion
TInt IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::DeleteAllSAPSettingsL( CIMPSSAPSettingsStore& aStoreToClear )
TInt deleteCount = 0;
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* list = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewLC();
aStoreToClear.PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *list, EIMPSAccessFilterAll );
RDebug::Print( _L( "delete all SAPCount: %d" ), aStoreToClear.SAPCountL( EIMPSAccessFilterAll ) );
if ( aStoreToClear.SAPCountL( EIMPSAccessFilterAll ) >= 1 )
//clear the store
const TInt listCount = list->Count();
for ( TInt ii( 0 ); ii < listCount ; ii++ )
aStoreToClear.DeleteSAPL( ( *list )[ ii ]->Uid() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // list
return deleteCount;
// SAP fill
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::RandomFillKey( TDes& aBuffer, TInt64& aSeed )
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aBuffer.MaxLength(); i++ )
TChar ch = Math::Rand( aSeed ) % 200 + 32;
aBuffer.Append( ch );
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::FillContainerL( CIMPSSAPSettings& aSettings,
const TDesC& aName )
if ( aName.Length() == 0 )
aSettings.SetSAPNameL( KSAPName );
aSettings.SetSAPNameL( aName );
aSettings.SetSAPAddressL( KSAPAddres );
aSettings.SetSAPPort( KSAPPort );
aSettings.SetSAPUserIdL( KSAPUserId );
aSettings.SetSAPUserPasswordL( KSAPUserPassword );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyAddressL( KHTTPProxyAddres );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserIdL( KHTTPProxyUserId );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserPasswordL( KHTTPProxyUserPassword );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyPort( KHTTPProxyPort );
aSettings.SetAccessPoint( KAP );
aSettings.SetClientIdL( KCLientId );
aSettings.SetHighLevelServices( KHighlevelServices );
aSettings.SetAuthorizationMode( KAuthorizationMode );
aSettings.SetServerAcceptedContentTypeL( KServerAcceptedContentType );
aSettings.SetServerAuthenticationNameL( KServerAuthenticationUsername );
aSettings.SetServerAuthenticationPasswordL( KServerAuthenticationPassword );
aSettings.SetOpaqueDesC8( KKey8, KOpaque8 );
aSettings.SetOpaqueDesC16( KKey16, KOpaque16 );
aSettings.SetOpaqueInt( KKeyInt, KOpaqueInt );
aSettings.SetAccessGroup( EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
// SAP fill
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::FillContainerPartiallyL( CIMPSSAPSettings& aSettings,
const TDesC& aName )
if ( aName.Length() == 0 )
aSettings.SetSAPNameL( KSAPName );
aSettings.SetSAPNameL( aName );
aSettings.SetSAPAddressL( KSAPAddres );
aSettings.SetSAPUserPasswordL( KSAPUserPassword );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserIdL( KHTTPProxyUserId );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyPort( KHTTPProxyPort );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserPasswordL( KHTTPProxyUserPassword );
aSettings.SetAccessGroup( EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
// SAP fill
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::FillContainerLongDataL( CIMPSSAPSettings& aSettings )
TTime seedtime;
TInt64 seed = seedtime.Int64();
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( 128 );
TPtr tmp = buf->Des();
RandomFillKey( tmp, seed );
aSettings.SetSAPNameL( *buf );
aSettings.SetSAPAddressL( *buf );
aSettings.SetSAPPort( KMaxTInt32 );
aSettings.SetSAPUserIdL( *buf );
aSettings.SetSAPUserPasswordL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyAddressL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserIdL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserPasswordL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyPort( KMaxTInt32 );
aSettings.SetAccessPoint( KMaxTUint );
aSettings.SetClientIdL( *buf );
aSettings.SetServerAcceptedContentTypeL( *buf );
aSettings.SetServerAuthenticationNameL( *buf );
aSettings.SetServerAuthenticationPasswordL( *buf );
aSettings.SetAccessGroup( EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buf
// SAP fill
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::FillContainerEvenLongerDataL( CIMPSSAPSettings& aSettings )
TTime seedtime;
TInt64 seed = seedtime.Int64();
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( 300 );
TPtr tmp = buf->Des();
RandomFillKey( tmp, seed );
aSettings.SetSAPNameL( *buf );
aSettings.SetSAPAddressL( *buf );
aSettings.SetSAPPort( KMaxTInt32 );
aSettings.SetSAPUserIdL( *buf );
aSettings.SetSAPUserPasswordL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyAddressL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserIdL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyUserPasswordL( *buf );
aSettings.SetHTTPProxyPort( KMaxTInt32 );
aSettings.SetAccessPoint( KMaxTUint );
aSettings.SetClientIdL( *buf );
aSettings.SetServerAcceptedContentTypeL( *buf );
aSettings.SetServerAuthenticationNameL( *buf );
aSettings.SetServerAuthenticationPasswordL( *buf );
aSettings.SetAccessGroup( EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buf
// SAP data check
TBool IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::Equals( CIMPSSAPSettings& aFirst,
CIMPSSAPSettings& aSecond )
if ( aFirst.SAPName().Compare( aSecond.SAPName() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.SAPAddress().Compare( aSecond.SAPAddress() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.HTTPProxyAddress().Compare( aSecond.HTTPProxyAddress() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.SAPUserId().Compare( aSecond.SAPUserId() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.SAPUserPassword().Compare( aSecond.SAPUserPassword() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.HTTPProxyUserId().Compare( aSecond.HTTPProxyUserId() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.HTTPProxyUserPassword().Compare( aSecond.HTTPProxyUserPassword() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.SAPPort() != aSecond.SAPPort() )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.HTTPProxyPort() != aSecond.HTTPProxyPort() )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.AccessPoint() != aSecond.AccessPoint() )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.ClientId().Compare( aSecond.ClientId() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.HighLevelServices() != aSecond.HighLevelServices() )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.AuthorizationMode() != aSecond.AuthorizationMode() )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.ServerAuthenticationName().Compare( aSecond.ServerAuthenticationName() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.ServerAuthenticationPassword().Compare( aSecond.ServerAuthenticationPassword() ) != 0 )
return EFalse;
if ( aFirst.Protection() != aSecond.Protection() )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// Store name access
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::AppendDbName( TFileName& aFileName,
TUint aStoreId,
TBool aFullPath )
if( aFullPath )
aFileName.Append( KDbFilesFolder );
aFileName.Append( KDbFileNameHead );
aFileName.AppendNum( (TUint) aStoreId );
aFileName.Append( KDbFileNameTail );
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::AppendIniName( TFileName& aFileName,
TUint aStoreId,
TBool aFullPath )
if( aFullPath )
aFileName.Append( KDbFilesFolder );
aFileName.Append( KDbIniFileNameHead );
aFileName.AppendNum( (TUint) aStoreId );
aFileName.Append( KDbIniFileNameTail );
// Raw file copy & delete
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::CopyFileToNameL( const TDesC& aSourceFile,
const TDesC& aDestinationFile )
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( fs );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
RDebug::Print( _L("Copying [%S] to [%S]"), &aSourceFile, &aDestinationFile );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->Copy( aSourceFile, aDestinationFile ) );
//make sure the file is now there
TEntry entry;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Entry( aDestinationFile, entry ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //fileMan, fs
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::DoDeleteDefaultFilesL( const TDesC& aDefFileSearchName )
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( fs );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
TFindFile defaultDbFinder( fs );
TInt defaultFound = defaultDbFinder.FindByDir( aDefFileSearchName, KNullDesC );
while( defaultFound == KErrNone )
//default file found somewhere
//try to delete it if ok
TParsePtrC driveCheck( defaultDbFinder.File() );
if( driveCheck.Drive().Compare( _L("C:") ) != 0 )
//found default db from somewhere else than C:
if( driveCheck.Drive().Compare( _L("Z:") ) == 0 )
//found default from Z: ==> can't be removed EPOC code
RDebug::Print( _L("NOTE!! Default file [%S] found from ROM!!"), &defaultDbFinder.File() );
RDebug::Print( _L("NOTE!! Default file [%S] found from ROM!!"), &defaultDbFinder.File() );
User::Panic( _L("Def DB on ROM"), 1 );
TInt err = fileMan->Delete( defaultDbFinder.File() );
if( err != KErrNone )
RDebug::Print( _L("IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils:: Default file to delete [%S] failed: %d"),
&defaultDbFinder.File(), err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
defaultFound = defaultDbFinder.Find();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //fileMan, fs
void IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::DoDeleteNormalFileL( const TDesC& aFile )
RFs fs;
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( fs );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
TInt err = fileMan->Attribs( aFile,
KEntryAttReadOnly | KEntryAttArchive | KEntryAttSystem,
0 );
if( (err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotFound) )
RDebug::Print( _L("IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::Normal delete [%S] failed: %d"), &aFile, err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = fileMan->Delete( aFile );
if( (err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotFound) )
RDebug::Print( _L("IMPSSAPSettingsStoreTestUtils::Normal delete [%S] failed: %d"), &aFile, err );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //fileMan, fs