* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: IM client plug-in.
#include "CCnUiClientPluginIM.h"
#include "CIMPSSharedDataFactory.h"
#include "IMPSSharedDataDefs.h"
#include "IMPSUIDDefs.h"
#include "impscommonuibuilddefinitions.h"
//PEC attributes
#include <CPEngAttributeTransaction2.h>
#include <CPEngAttributeStore2.h>
#include <MPEngPresenceAttrModel2.h>
#include <MPEngPresenceAttrTypeProperties2.h>
#include <PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h>
//PEC attribute lists
#include <CPEngAttributeListStore2.h>
#include <CPEngAttributeListTransaction2.h>
#include <MPEngAttributeList2.h>
//PEC contact lists
#include <CPEngContactListTransaction2.h>
#include <CPEngContactListStore2.h>
#include <MPEngContactList2.h>
#include <PEngWVServices2.h>
// built-in resource reader
#include "CnUiResourceFileName.h"
#include "PAppVariationNG.hrh"
#include <IMPSConnectionUiNG.rsg>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <ImpsServices.h>
#include <PEngWVPresenceErrors2.h>
#include <WVSettingsSharedDataNG.h>
#include <E32std.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <CIMPSSAPSettings.h>
#include "VariantKeys.h"
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "CIMPSSharedDataFactory.h"
#include "MIMPSSharedData.h"
_LIT( KPanicAttribute, "IMPSCommonUi Attribute" );
enum TIMAuthValues
EIMAuthValueAll = 0,
// Authorize IM presence
_LIT( KIMPresenceAuth, "IMAuthIMPr" );
// Table of userId specific Aliases
_LIT( KIMOwnAlias, "IMOwnAlias" );
// Separators for Alias table, to separate items from each other
// e.g [userid][itemsep][alias][tablesep][userid][itemsep][alias] etc...
const TUint KAliasItemSeparator = 0x10;
const TUint KAliasTableSeparator = 0x11;
const TInt KSeparatorSize = 2; // bytes
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// Two-phased constructor.
CCnUiClientPluginIM* CCnUiClientPluginIM::NewL( CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aNWSessionSlotID )
CCnUiClientPluginIM* self = new ( ELeave ) CCnUiClientPluginIM();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aNWSessionSlotID );
CleanupStack::Pop( self ); //self
return self;
// Destructor
delete iSharedData;
delete iAlias;
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
: CCnUiClientPluginBase( EIMPSConnClientIM )
// Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::ConstructL( CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aNWSessionSlotID )
CCnUiClientPluginBase::ConstructL( aNWSessionSlotID );
iSharedData = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreateTemporaryKeyHandlerL( NULL, KBrandingUid );
iAliasUsed = 1 == ReadResourceIntValueL( RSC_CHAT_VARIATION_USE_ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::CurrentConnectionModeSettingL()
// From MCnUiClientPlugin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCnUiConnectionMode CCnUiClientPluginIM::CurrentConnectionModeSettingL()
MIMPSSharedData* sharedData = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL(
KIMPSServSettUid );
TInt loginTypeSetting( EWVSettingsChatLoginManual );
// ignore return value since loginTypeSettings is unchanged from default if error occurs
sharedData->GetIntKey( EIMPSSharedKeysIMLogin, loginTypeSetting );
delete sharedData;
TCnUiConnectionMode cMode( ECnUiCMAutomatic );
if ( ( loginTypeSetting == EWVSettingsChatLoginManual ) ||
( loginTypeSetting == EWVSettingsChatLoginApplicationLaunch ) )
cMode = ECnUiCMManual;
return cMode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::ReWakeAutomaticConnectionModeL()
// From MCnUiClientPlugin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::ReWakeAutomaticConnectionModeL()
MIMPSSharedData* sharedData = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL(
KIMPSServSettUid );
TInt loginTypeSetting( EWVSettingsChatLoginManual );
// ignore return value since loginTypeSettings is unchanged from default if error occurs
sharedData->GetIntKey( EIMPSSharedKeysIMLogin, loginTypeSetting );
delete sharedData;
if ( ( loginTypeSetting == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoAlways ) ||
( loginTypeSetting == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoInHomeNW ) )
//current mode setting is automatic
//==> re-wake with same mode
MIMPSSharedData* loginTypeNotifier = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreateTemporaryKeyHandlerL(
KIMPSServSettNotifyUid );
// just set the key
TInt err = loginTypeNotifier->SetIntKey( EIMPSSharedKeysServSettLoginTypeChangedIM, 0 );
delete loginTypeNotifier;
if ( err )
User::Leave( err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::ConnectionOpenInitL()
// From MCnUiClientPlugin - connection open related methods
// Overloaded from CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::ConnectionOpenInitL( TBool aSapConnectionOpen,
const CIMPSSAPSettings& aSap )
//let first the base class to do its things like disable synchronization
//of unknown lists
CCnUiClientPluginBase::ConnectionOpenInitL( aSapConnectionOpen, aSap );
// Get presence authorization level value
iPresenceAuth = 0; // use 0 as default value
aSap.GetOpaqueInt( KIMPresenceAuth, iPresenceAuth );
// Get and cache alias
TPtrC aliasPtr( KNullDesC );
if ( aSap.GetOpaqueDesC16( KIMOwnAlias, aliasPtr ) == KErrNone )
HBufC* userId = GetSharedDataL( EIMPSSharedKeysIMUserId );
CleanupStack::PushL( userId );
if ( userId->Length() != 0 )
TInt index = KErrNotFound;
TInt length = 0;
LocateAliasL( aliasPtr, *userId, index, length );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
// found correct alias
iAlias = aliasPtr.Mid( index, length ).AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( userId );
// default value
if ( !iAlias )
iAlias = KNullDesC().AllocL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoVerifySapCapabilities()
// From CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoVerifySapCapabilities( TPEngWVCspServicesTree2 aCurrentNwServices )
// For IM + Presence use WV server must support all of
// PEC engine needed main features + IM Specific ones...
// Logical and is used
//==> if any of these is EFalse, result will be EFalse
TBool capabOK = ETrue;
capabOK = aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.FeatureSupported();
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncGCLI );
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncMCLS );
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncGETPR );
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncUPDPR );
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.FunctionSupported( KPEngWVPresDelivFunction );
// IM feature capability check
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iIMFeat.FeatureSupported();
capabOK &= aCurrentNwServices.iIMFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngIMSubFuncNEWM );
iAttribListsSupported = aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.FeatureSupported();
iAttribListsSupported &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncCALI );
iAttribListsSupported &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncDALI );
iAttribListsSupported &= aCurrentNwServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncGALS );
return capabOK;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoClientKnownCntListsLC()
// Template method from CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDesCArray* CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoClientKnownCntListsLC()
//no way to know the number of lists so putting 1 as granularity
CDesCArrayFlat* lists = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( lists );
CPEngContactListStore2* contactListStore =
CPEngContactListStore2::NewLC( *iNWSessionSlotID );
// get all contact lists
const MDesCArray& array = contactListStore->AllContactListsL();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < array.MdcaCount(); i++ )
TPtrC list = array.MdcaPoint( i );
// now adding all list, except watcher list
// (also other old PEC UI -lists)
if ( 0 != list.CompareF( KPEngWatcherList ) )
// this seems to be IM's list
lists->AppendL( list );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contactListStore );
return lists;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoStartExplicitPostLoginSyncL()
// From CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoStartExplicitPostLoginSyncL()
// first do the base synchronization
if ( CurrentConnectionModeSettingL() == ECnUiCMAutomatic )
// When AO is active we need to basesync lists so that we can
// update our attribute lists.
User::LeaveIfError( iPEngCntListPublisher->BaseSynchronizeContactLists( *this ) );
iStepId = ECntListPublish;
else // Manual login mode
// we can directly publish our attributes.
iStepId = EAttribListPublish;
IssueIMAttributeUpdateAndPublishIfNeededL( iPresenceAuth );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoHandleExplicitPostLoginSyncStepCompleteL()
// From CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoHandleExplicitPostLoginSyncStepCompleteL( TStepId aStepId,
TInt& aStepStatus )
if ( aStepId == EBaseCntListSynch )
// We end up here only if AO and BG handling are both active.
// We don't want to synchronize lists here so we skip that step.
aStepId = ECntListPublish;
if ( ( aStepId == ECntListPublish ) && !iAttribListsSupported )
// if attribute lists are not suppored we can skip the next
// step so we put EAttribListPublish as stepid
aStepId = EAttribListPublish;
switch ( aStepId )
case EBaseCntListSynch:
if ( aStepStatus == KErrNone )
//doing explicit synchronization
MDesCArray* knownLists = DoClientKnownCntListsLC();
//and synchronize known IM lists explicitly with network server
//If list synchronization is actually done, then also attribute
//lists & attributes are synchronized. However, in some cases
//list synchronization isn't done and in those cases IM attributes
//must be pushed explicitly
User::LeaveIfError( iPEngCntListPublisher->SynchronizeContactLists(
*this ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //knownLists
iStepId = ECntListPublish;
case ECntListPublish:
//initialize the local attribute lists & attributes as needed
MDesCArray* knownLists = DoClientKnownCntListsLC();
if ( iRAUsed )
// reactive authorization,
// delete all the attribute lists
// including default attribute list
SetAuthorizationToNoneL( *knownLists );
//initialize the local attribute lists & attributes as needed
User::LeaveIfError( iPEngAttributeListPublisher->PublishAttributeLists( *this ) );
iStepId = EAttribListPublish;
else if ( ( aStepStatus == KErrNone ) ||
( aStepStatus == KPEngNwErrPartiallySuccessful ) )
UpdateIMAttributeListsL( iPresenceAuth, *knownLists );
//Contact lists are now successfully synchronized
aStepStatus = KErrNone;
User::LeaveIfError( iPEngAttributeListPublisher->PublishAttributeLists( *this ) );
iStepId = EAttribListPublish;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //knownLists
case EAttribListPublish:
if ( ( aStepStatus == KErrNone ) ||
( aStepStatus == KPEngNwErrPartiallySuccessful ) )
//Attribute lists are now successfully synchronized
aStepStatus = KErrNone;
IssueIMAttributeUpdateAndPublishIfNeededL( iPresenceAuth );
case EAttributePublish:
//ignore possibly from attribute publish propagating errors
aStepStatus = KErrNone;
//nothing to do
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoStartPreLogoutPublishL()
// From CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoStartPreLogoutPublishL()
// nothing to do here as server takes care of OnlineStatus updating
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoHandlePreLogoutPublishStepCompleteL()
// From CCnUiClientPluginBase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::DoHandlePreLogoutPublishStepCompleteL( TStepId /*aStepId*/,
TInt& aStepStatus )
//only attribute publish step is issued
//ignore errors coming from it
aStepStatus = KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::IMAttributePublishLevelL()
// Private helper
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCnUiClientPluginIM::IMAttributePublishLevelL()
MIMPSSharedData* sharedData = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL(
KIMPSChatClientKeyUid );
TInt value( 0 );
TInt err = sharedData->GetIntKey( EIMPSSharedKeysIMPresenceAuthSettingKey, value );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
// we can ignore not finding the key, since then the correct value is 0
err = KErrNone;
delete sharedData;
// leave on other errors
User::LeaveIfError( err );
return value;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::UpdateIMAttributeListsL()
// Private helper
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::UpdateIMAttributeListsL( TInt aPublishLevel, MDesCArray& aContactLists )
if ( aPublishLevel == EIMAuthValueAll )
SetAuthorizationToAllL( aContactLists );
else if ( aPublishLevel == EIMAuthValueFriends )
SetAuthorizationToFriendsL( aContactLists );
SetAuthorizationToNoneL( aContactLists );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DefaultAttributeListLC()
// Private helper
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPEngAttributeList2* CCnUiClientPluginIM::DefaultAttributeListLC(
CPEngAttributeListStore2& aAttributeListFactory )
MPEngAttributeList2* list = NULL;
//Loading error can be safely ígnored.
//If network list isn't available / can't be constructed
//(reported with leave) ==> blank list needs to be generated
TInt safelyIgnored;
TRAP( safelyIgnored, list = aAttributeListFactory.GetDefaultAttributeListL(
EPEngNetworkAttributeLists ) );
if ( !list ) // If network list is not available, then create it.
list = aAttributeListFactory.CreateEmptyAttributeListL();
CleanupClosePushL( *list );
return list;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::ReadIMAttributesL()
// Private helper
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::ReadIMAttributesL(
RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>& aLockedOwnAttributes )
RResourceFile resFile;
OpenResourceFileLC( resFile ); // Two items in cleanupstack.
// read the data to a buffer
TInt plainResourceId = 0x00000fff & // Remove offset from id
HBufC8* rawDataBuf = resFile.AllocReadLC( plainResourceId );
// and create resource reader for it
TResourceReader reader;
reader.SetBuffer( rawDataBuf );
// read attributes
TInt attributeCount( reader.ReadInt16() );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < attributeCount; ++i )
TInt attribute( reader.ReadInt16() );
TInt qualifier( reader.ReadInt16() );
TInt value( reader.ReadInt16() );
TBool valueUsed( ETrue );
MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* attr = NULL;
TUint32 presenceAttr( 0 );
TInt attrData( 0 );
TInt attrField( 0 );
TInt attrGroup( KPEngDefaultAttrValueGroup );
switch ( attribute )
case EIMOnlineAttr:
presenceAttr = KUidPrAttrOnlineStatus;
switch ( value )
case EIMOnlineNoChange:
valueUsed = EFalse;
User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
case EIMUserAvailabilityAttr:
presenceAttr = KUidPrAttrUserAvailability;
attrField = EPEngUsrAvailability;
switch ( value )
case EIMUserAvailabilityNoChange:
valueUsed = EFalse;
case EIMUserAvailabilityNotAvailable:
attrData = EPEngUsrAvailabilityOffline;
case EIMUserAvailabilityDiscreet:
attrData = EPEngUsrAvailabilityDiscreet;
case EIMUserAvailabilityAvailable:
attrData = EPEngUsrAvailabilityOnline;
User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
case EIMCommCapAttr:
presenceAttr = KUidPrAttrCommCap;
attrField = EPEngCommCapStatus;
attrGroup = EPEngCommCapIMClient;
switch ( value )
case EIMCommCapNoChange:
valueUsed = EFalse;
case EIMCommCapClosed:
attrData = EPEngCommCapStatusClosed;
case EIMCommCapOpen:
attrData = EPEngCommCapStatusOpen;
User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
case EIMClientTypeAttr:
presenceAttr = KUidPrAttrClientInfo;
attrField = EPEngCliInfDeviceType ;
valueUsed = EFalse;
User::Panic( KPanicAttribute, KErrArgument );
TInt err( iPEngAttributeStore->GetAndLockOwnAttribute( presenceAttr, attr ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( *attr );
// set value
if ( valueUsed )
attr->SetDataIntL( attrData, attrField, attrGroup );
// set qualifier
attr->SetQualifier( qualifier == EIMQualifierTrue );
aLockedOwnAttributes.AppendL( attr );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // attr
else if ( err != KErrLocked )
// if the model was locked, we want to continue with the other attributes
User::Leave( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // rawDataBuf, resFile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::IssueIMAttributeUpdateAndPublishIfNeededL()
// Private helper
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::IssueIMAttributeUpdateAndPublishIfNeededL( TInt aPublishLevel )
if ( ( aPublishLevel != EIMAuthValueNobody ) || iRAUsed )
RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2> models;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( DestroyCloseModelArray, &models ) );
// read own attributes to be published from resource
ReadIMAttributesL( models );
// Set the statustext
MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* statusText = NULL;
TInt err( iPEngAttributeStore->GetAndLockOwnAttribute( KUidPrAttrStatusText,
statusText ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( *statusText );
statusText->SetQualifier( ETrue );
HBufC* statusMessage = GetFirstStatusMessageL();
CleanupStack::PushL( statusMessage );
statusText->SetDataDesC16L( *statusMessage, EPEngStatusText );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( statusMessage );
models.AppendL( statusText );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // statusText
else if ( err != KErrLocked )
// if the model was locked, we want to continue with the other attributes
User::Leave( err );
if ( iAliasUsed )
MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* alias = NULL;
err = iPEngAttributeStore->GetAndLockOwnAttribute( KUidPrAttrAlias,
alias );
if ( err == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( *alias );
alias->SetQualifier( ETrue );
if ( iAlias->Length() == 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // alias
alias->SetDataDesC16L( *iAlias, EPEngStatusText );
models.AppendL( alias );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // alias
else if ( err != KErrLocked )
// if the model was locked, we want to continue with the other attributes
User::Leave( err );
// publish and unlock
User::LeaveIfError( iPEngAttributePublisher->PublishAndUnLockOwnAttributes(
models, *this ) );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // models
iStepId = EAttributePublish;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::LoginCancelledL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::LoginCancelledL()
MPEngPresenceAttrModel2* commCap = NULL;
TInt err = iPEngAttributeStore->GetAndLockOwnAttribute( KUidPrAttrCommCap, commCap );
if ( err )
// we can just return, since if we can't edit commcap, there's nothing
// we can do about it
CleanupClosePushL( *commCap );
commCap->SetDataIntL( EPEngCommCapStatusClosed, EPEngCommCapStatus, EPEngCommCapIMClient );
commCap->SetQualifier( ETrue );
iPEngAttributeStore->StoreOwnAttribute( *commCap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // commCap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::OpenResourceFileLC()
// !!!Notice!!!. Two variables in cleanupstack after call of this method.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::OpenResourceFileLC( RResourceFile& aResourceFile )
TFileName resourceFileName;
User::LeaveIfError( iRFs.Connect() );
CnUiResourceFileName::NearestForCurrentLanguage( iRFs, resourceFileName );
aResourceFile.OpenL( iRFs, resourceFileName );
CleanupClosePushL( aResourceFile );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::OpenVariationResourceFileLC()
// !!!Notice!!!. Two variables in cleanupstack after call of this method.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Ease of IM Branding
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::OpenVariationResourceFileLC( RResourceFile& aResourceFile )
TFileName resourceFileName;
User::LeaveIfError( iRFs.Connect() );
TInt err = iSharedData->GetStringKey( ( TIMPSSharedKeys )KBrandingResourceKey, resourceFileName );
if ( err || !resourceFileName.Length() )
CnUiResourceFileName::NearestVariationForCurrentLanguage( iRFs, resourceFileName );
aResourceFile.OpenL( iRFs, resourceFileName );
CleanupClosePushL( aResourceFile );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::ReadResourceIntValueL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCnUiClientPluginIM::ReadResourceIntValueL( TInt aResourceId )
TInt val( 0 );
TInt err ( KErrNone );
CRepository* rep = 0;
TRAP( err, rep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidIMNG ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
TInt key = aResourceId + KIMCUStartVariationID;
err = rep->Get( key, val );
delete rep;
if ( err != KErrNone )
RResourceFile resFile;
OpenVariationResourceFileLC( resFile ); // Two items in cleanup stack.
// read the data to a buffer
TInt plainResourceId = 0x00000fff & aResourceId; // Remove offset from id
HBufC8* rawDataBuf = resFile.AllocReadLC( plainResourceId );
// it's now as ascii code: \x00 for 0, \x01 for 1, etc.
TUint value = ( *rawDataBuf )[ 0 ];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // rawDataBuf, resFile
val = value;
return val;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DestroyCloseModelArray()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::DestroyCloseModelArray( TAny* aObject )
reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<MPEngPresenceAttrModel2>*>( aObject )->ResetAndDestroy();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::SetAuthorizationToAllL
// Sets presence authorization mode to all
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::SetAuthorizationToAllL( MDesCArray& aContactLists )
// Add CommCap/IM and OnlineStatus to default attribute list
MPEngAttributeList2* attrList = DefaultAttributeListLC( *iPEngAttributeListStore );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrCommCap );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrOnlineStatus );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrUserAvailability );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrStatusText );
if ( iAliasUsed )
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrAlias );
iPEngAttributeListStore->SetAsDefaultAttributeListL( *attrList );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( attrList );
// remove possible authorizations from all contact lists
// Deattach attribute-lists from all our contact-lists
DetachAttributeListL( aContactLists );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::SetAuthorizationToNoneL
// Sets presence authorization mode to none
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::SetAuthorizationToNoneL( MDesCArray& aContactLists )
// Remove CommCap/IM from default attribute list
MPEngAttributeList2* attrList = DefaultAttributeListLC( *iPEngAttributeListStore );
iPEngAttributeListStore->SetAsDefaultAttributeListL( *attrList );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( attrList );
// remove possible authorizations from all contact lists
// Deattach attribute-lists from all our contact-lists
DetachAttributeListL( aContactLists );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::SetAuthorizationToFriendsL
// Sets presence authorization mode to friends
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::SetAuthorizationToFriendsL(
MDesCArray& aContactLists )
// Remove CommCap/IM from default attribute list
MPEngAttributeList2* defaultAttrList =
DefaultAttributeListLC( *iPEngAttributeListStore );
iPEngAttributeListStore->SetAsDefaultAttributeListL( *defaultAttrList );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( defaultAttrList );
// Create attribute-list with CommCap-attribute
MPEngAttributeList2* attrList =
CleanupClosePushL( *attrList );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrCommCap );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrOnlineStatus );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrUserAvailability );
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrStatusText );
if ( iAliasUsed )
attrList->AddPresenceAttributeL( KUidPrAttrAlias );
// Attach created attribute-list to all contact-lists we have
AttachAttributeListL( aContactLists, *attrList );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( attrList ); // attrList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::AttachAttributeListL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::AttachAttributeListL( MDesCArray& aContactLists,
MPEngAttributeList2& aAttributeList )
TInt count( aContactLists.MdcaCount() );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
TPtrC listId( aContactLists.MdcaPoint( i ) );
// Attach created attribute-list to our given contact-list
AttachAttributeListToContactListL( listId, aAttributeList );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::DetachAttributeListL
// Cancels pending requests to network side.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::DetachAttributeListL( MDesCArray& aContactLists )
TInt count( aContactLists.MdcaCount() );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
TPtrC listId( aContactLists.MdcaPoint( i ) );
DeleteAttributeListFromContactListL( listId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::GetFirstStatusMessageL
// Get first status message for online status.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CCnUiClientPluginIM::GetFirstStatusMessageL() const
RBuf buffer;
HBufC* message = NULL;
buffer.CreateL( RProperty::KMaxPropertySize );
CleanupClosePushL( buffer );
MIMPSSharedData* sharedData = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL(
KIMPSChatClientKeyUid );
// We can ignore errors
sharedData->GetStringKey( EIMPSSharedKeysIMStatusMsgOnlineKey, buffer );
delete sharedData;
RBuf header;
CleanupClosePushL( header );
TInt offset( 1 ); // First character is for header length.
TInt headerLength( 0 );
TInt err( KErrNone );
if ( buffer.Length() )
TLex lexer( buffer.Left( 1 ) );
err = lexer.Val( headerLength );
if ( !err && headerLength )
header.CreateL( headerLength );
TPtrC ptr( buffer.Mid( offset ) );
if ( ptr.Length() > headerLength )
header.Copy( ptr.Left( headerLength ) );
TLex lexer( header );
offset += headerLength;
TInt messageLength( 0 );
TInt err( lexer.Val( messageLength ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
ptr.Set( buffer.Mid( offset ) );
if ( ptr.Length() >= messageLength )
// Code scanner warning neglected to put variable on cleanup stack (Id: 35)
// this method cannot leave after this line
message = ptr.Left( messageLength ).AllocL(); // CSI: 35 # See above
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // header, buffer
if ( !message )
message = KNullDesC().AllocL();
return message;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCnUiClientPluginIM::GetAliasL
// Get first status message for online status.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CCnUiClientPluginIM::GetSharedDataL( TIMPSSharedKeys aKey ) const
RBuf buffer;
HBufC* message = NULL;
buffer.CreateL( RProperty::KMaxPropertySize );
CleanupClosePushL( buffer );
MIMPSSharedData* sharedData = CIMPSSharedDataFactory::CreatePermanentKeyHandlerL(
KIMPSChatClientKeyUid );
// We can ignore errors
sharedData->GetStringKey( aKey, buffer );
delete sharedData;
// Code scanner warning neglected to put variable on cleanup stack (Id: 35)
// This method cannot leave after this line
message = buffer.AllocL(); // CSI: 35 # See above
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer
if ( !message )
message = KNullDesC().AllocL();
return message;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCASettingsManager::LocateAliasL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCnUiClientPluginIM::LocateAliasL( const TDesC& aAliasTable,
const TDesC& aUserId,
TInt& aIndex,
TInt& aLength )
aIndex = KErrNotFound;
aLength = 0;
if ( aAliasTable.Length() == 0 || aUserId.Length() == 0 )
// nothing to search!
HBufC* findPattern = HBufC::NewLC( aUserId.Length() +
KSeparatorSize );
TPtr find( findPattern->Des() );
find.Copy( aUserId );
TInt len = find.Length();
find.Append( TChar( KAliasItemSeparator ) );
TInt len2 = find.Length();
aIndex = aAliasTable.Find( find );
if ( aIndex == KErrNotFound )
// not found
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( findPattern );
// found it, get length
aIndex += find.Length();
TPtrC rest( aAliasTable.Mid( aIndex ) );
aLength = rest.Locate( TChar( KAliasTableSeparator ) );
if ( aLength == KErrNotFound )
// this was last item
aLength = rest.Length();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( findPattern );
// End of File