* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container for all controls in single-list view
#include "MCALayoutChangeObserver.h"
#include "MCAMainViewObserverPC.h"
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <eiklbo.h> // MEikListBoxObserver
#include <AknInfoPopupNoteController.h> // for CAKnInfoPopupNote
#include <coecobs.h>
#include <mvpbksinglecontactoperationobserver.h> // for phonebook2
#include <mvpbkcontactstoreobserver.h>
#include <aiwservicehandler.h>
#include <TVPbkFieldVersitProperty.h>
#include <aiwcontactselectiondatatypes.h>
#include "MCAServerChangeNotify.h"
#include <MVPbkContactStoreListObserver.h>
class CEikListBox;
class CAknSearchField;
class MCAViewSwitcher;
class CCAStatusPaneHandler;
class CCABlockingUI;
class CCAAppUi;
class CCAContactEditor;
class CEikButtonGroupContainer;
class CAknInfoPopupNoteController;
class CCAContactListBox;
class CAknListBoxFilterItems;
class MCABlockingPC;
class MCACommandHelper;
class MCAMainViewArrayPC;
class MCASearchInterfacePC;
class MCASearchDataPC;
class CCAView;
//for phonebook
class CVPbkContactManager;
class CPbk2SortOrderManager;
class MPbk2ContactNameFormatter;
class CAiwServiceHandler;
* Container class for friends SINGLE list view
* @lib chatng.app
* @since 3.2
class CCASingleListContainer : public CCoeControl,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MCAMainViewObserverPC,
public MCALayoutChangeObserver,
public MCoeControlObserver,
public MCAServerChangeNotify,
public MAiwNotifyCallback,
public MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver,
public MVPbkContactStoreListObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aRect Frame rectangle for container.
* @param aViewSwitcher Handle to view switcher
* @param aSelectedIndexId Contact item ID of user that was selected
* in view's listbox
void ConstructL( TRect aRect, MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
TInt aSelectedIndexId );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCASingleListContainer();
* C++ default constructor
* @param aCommandHelper: reference to CommandHelper instance
* @param reference to App Ui instance
CCASingleListContainer( MCACommandHelper& aCommandHelper, CCAView& aView, CCAAppUi* aAppUi );
* From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is deleted.
* @since 2.1
* @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
virtual void HandleDelete( const TDesC& aContactId ,
TEnumsPC::TItem aType );
* From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is added.
* @since 2.1
* @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
virtual void HandleAddition( TEnumsPC::TItem aType, TInt aIndex );
* From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is changed.
* @since 2.1
* @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
virtual void HandleChange( TEnumsPC::TItem aType, TInt aIndex,
TEnumsPC::TChange changeType );
* Gets called when watched friend's presence status changes. This event
* is restricted to only network originated events, so if user refreshes
* the friends-list by himself, then this event will not raise.
* @param aString: Contact that was changed
* @aOnlineStatus: online status of contact that was changed
virtual void HandleWatcherEvent( const TDesC & aString ,
TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aOnlineStatus );
* Handles watcher events
* @param aString: Contact that was changed
* @aOnlineStatus: online status of contact that was changed
void DoHandleWatcherEventL( const TDesC & aString ,
TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aOnlineStatus );
* See MCAMainViewObserverPC
void HandleInvitationEventL( TEnumsPC::TInviteType aInviteType,
const TDesC& aUserID,
const TDesC& aMessage );
* See MCAMainViewObserverPC
void HandleInvitationResponse( TBool aAcceptance,
const TDesC& aUserId,
const TDesC& aGroupName,
const TDesC& aResponse );
* IsChatsForceExpanded
* chat expanded or not
* @return user id
TBool IsChatsForceExpanded();
* Return the user id of the selected contact, group id of the
* selected group, user id of sender of selected invite
* @return user id
TPtrC SelectedUserId() const;
/**To be added after refactoring of invitationview dialog
* opens the selected invitation
* @param aIndex Index of invitation to be opened
void OpenInvitationL( );
* Deletes currently active invitation
void DeleteInvitationL();
* To handle the addition of an item to the list box
void HandleItemAdditionL();
* Renames contact list on server
void RenameListL();
* Expands or collapses contact list on view
void ExpandCollapseListL();
* Returns selected contact's type
* @return currently selected contact's type. If no contacts then return EUnknown
TEnumsPC::TItem SelectedType() const;
* Returns synchronised status
* @return synchronization status
TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus Synchronised() const;
* Returns the status of own data
* @return online status for the owndata
TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus OwnStatus() const;
* Returns selected contact's status
* @return currently selected contact's online status
TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus GetOnlineStatus() const;
* Returns the collapsed state of selected contactlist
* @return true if contactlist is collapsed else return false
TBool IsCollapsed() const;
* Returns the watch status of selected contact
* @return true if the contact is being watched else return false
TBool IsWatched() const;
* Returns the no. of items in the listbox
* @return integer
TInt Count() const;
* Refreshes the current screen.
* Actual implementation
* @since 2.1
* @param aSortList Should the list be sorted or not
void DoRefreshViewL( TBool aSortList ) const;
* Refreshes the current screen
* @since 2.1
* @param aSortList Should the list be sorted or not
void RefreshView( TBool aSortList ) const;
* Sets current recipient for message
* @since 2.1
//void SetCurrentRecipient() const;
* Get's current index of listbox
* @since 2.1
* @return Index of currently selected item else KErrNotFound
TInt CurrentListboxIndex() const;
* Deletes currently focused friend
* @since 2.1
void DeleteFriendL();
* Edit/add friend from wanted listbox index
* @since 2.1
* @param aCreateNew Flag to create new friend
* @return User id of edited or new contact
TInt EditFriendL( TEnumsPC::TContactEditorMode aCreateNew );
* Move highlighted contact to another list
* @since 2.1
void MoveContactL();
* Updates view after edit
* aIndex is the index of item that has changed
* aType is list item type
void UpdateViewL( TInt aIndex, TEnumsPC::TItem aType, TBool aSyncSuccess );
* Refresh the presence status of contacts
* @param aManualLaunch ETrue if the user has started the command
void RefreshPresenceL( TBool aManualLaunch );
* Switches the container to details mode
* @since 2.1
void ShowDetailsL();
* Checks if the details view is active
* @since 2.1
* @param aContext On return contains ETrue if user has requested
* a context sensitive menu to be shown
* @return ETrue if the details view is active, EFalse otherwise
TBool MenuShown( TBool& aContext );
* Check if listbox has an item that is currently focused
* @since 2.1
* @return ETrue, if there are any items.
TBool ListboxItems() const;
* Displays Blocked List
* @since 2.1
void DisplayBlockedListL();
* Displays unblock list query
* @since 2.1
void DisplayUnblockListQueryL();
* Blocks selected user
* @since 2.1
void BlockUserL();
* Checks if user is blocked
* @since 2.1
* @return ETrue if blocked
TBool IsBlocked() const;
* Finds joined chats for focused user
void FindJoinedChatsL();
* Displays confirmation note
* @param aTextResourceId Resource ID of text to be shown
void DisplayConfirmationNoteL( const TInt aTextResourceId );
* Start conversation or switches to existing one
void OpenConversationL();
* closes existing conversation
* @since 3.2
void CloseConversationL() ;
* Returns handle to listbox
* @return handle to CEikListBox
CEikListBox* ListBox() const;
* Displays block text query
void DisplayBlockTextQueryL();
* @return ETrue if opening conversation is ongoing
TBool OpeningConversation();
* Clears any strings from findbox and resets it.
void ResetFindBoxL();
* Skip the HandleAddition and HandleDelete originating as IM Storage
* observer events if we have wait note ongoing. Speed optimization. When
* changing the list there can be many contacts, which would result in
* useless (and slow) redrawing of the friends list.
* Reset by the view once the wait note is dismissed.
* @param aSkip ETrue if events are to be skipped
void SetSkipStorageEvents( TBool aSkip );
* Prepare destruction, for example delete objects
* which break some functionality because of lazy destruction of this
* container. ( iFindBox )
void PrepareDestruction();
* Sets the lock status of softkeys
* @param aLock new status of lock (ETrue: locked, EFalse: Unlocked)
void SetCbaLockL( TBool aLock );
* Make this object responsible for destroying itself.
* Destroying happens after the asynchronous task is complete.
* Deletion is asynchronous so the object might not be destroyed
* before this method returns.
* @return None
void DeleteSelfD();
* Handles events from findpane and forwards them to listbox filter.
* @see MCoeControlObserver
void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );
* Sets current list box index.
* @param aIndex Index for list box.
void SetListboxIndexL( TInt aIndex );
* Updates Softkeys according to current focus
* @param aUseDefaultCba Flag to force the default sofkeys for view.
* Default value is false.
void UpdateCbaL( TBool aUseDefaultCba = EFalse );
* This method launches chat properties dialog in add mode
* @return The groupd id of newly created group
* or NULL if not successful
* The ownership is passed to calling function!
HBufC* CreateNewChatL();
* This method sets the currently focused group
* @param aGroupId The WVID of group to be focused
void FocusGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
* This method launches pop-up list that contains info about joined chat
void DisplayChatInfoL();
* Join group when group id is entered manually
//void JoinGroupL(TPtrC aGroupId);
* Joins group after creating new chat
* @param aGroupId Group id that is created
void JoinGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
* Checks if user has joined to chat group
* @param aIndex Index of chat group
* @return EFalse if not joined
TBool IsJoinedToGroup( );
* Checks if chat group is favourite
* @return EFalse if the isn't saved
TBool IsFavourite( );
* Saves the focused general chat group as favourite
void SaveAsFavouriteL();
* Deletes the focused favourite chat group
* @param aGroupId The group id of the group to delete
void DeleteGroupL( TPtrC aGroupId );
* Leaves focuses joined chat group
void LeaveGroupL();
* Checks if user is admin in selected group
* @return ETrue if admin else EFalse
TBool IsUserAdmin() const;
* This method displays pop-up list containing joined members
void DisplayJoinedMembersL();
* This method launches edit chat properties dialog
void EditChatGroupPropertiesL();
* Displays list query where are contacts from contact list
* @since 3.2
void DisplayRecipientListQueryL();
* Displays text query
* @since 3.2
void DisplayRecipientTextQueryL();
* Displays text query to enter group ID.
*@dataPtr pointer to TDes
void DisplayRecipientTextQueryForGrpIDL( TDes& aDataPtr );
* Switches to selected conversation
* @param aUserId User id
* @since 3.2
void SwitchToConvViewL( const TDesC& aUserId = KNullDesC );
* return true if the user is the owner of the group
TBool IsOwnGroup() const;
* return true if the background task is completed
TBool IsBckGrdTaskComplete ( );
private: // New methods
* Checks that the presence status of contact is up-to-date
* @param aContact Contact to be updated
* @return The error code of the presence fetch operation
TInt UpdatePresenceL( const TInt aIndex );
* Activates find-pane
void ActivateFindPaneL();
* De-activates find-pane
void DeactivateFindPaneL();
* Layouts current components according to AVKON LAF
void SetLayout();
* Displays info note for corresponding resource id
* @param aResourceId Resource ID for info note
void DisplayInfoNoteL( const TInt aResourceId );
* Displays scroll bars
* @param aListBox Handle to listbox
void UpdateScrollBars( CEikListBox* aListBox );
* Update indexes and find-pane after deletion
void UpdateViewAfterDeleteL();
* Updates the listbox filter after the list is changed
void UpdateFilterL() const;
* Loads/updates bitmaps
void LoadBitmapsL();
* Error handler.
* @param aError Error code
void HandleError( TInt aError ) const;
//Newly added functions due to Phonebook2 related changes
* Used to select a single contact from phonebook
* Starts the single contact selection service from phonebook
void ContactSelectionFromPhoneBookL();
* Get the WVId of the oontact selected from phonebook
* @param aTitle - the title of the contact aNumberToSearch
* @param aNumberToSearch - the phone number of the contact
* @returns the WVId of the oontact selected from phonebook
HBufC* GetWVIdOfSelPbkContactL( const TDesC& aTitle,
const TDesC& aNumberToSearch );
* Add the contact selected form phonebook to the contact list
* @param aContact - the contact selected from phonebook
* and which is to be added to the contact list
void AddSelectedPbk2ContactL( MVPbkStoreContact* aContact );
* @param aArray - the Versit properties mapped to a field type( MVPbkFieldType ).
* @param aName - Name of the field type to be matched e.g. EVPbkVersitNameTEL
* @returns ETrue if aArray contains a field type of name aName
TBool ContainsFieldType( TArray<TVPbkFieldVersitProperty> aArray,
TVPbkFieldTypeName aName );
* Executes a service command for single phonebook contact selection service
* @param aData - version 2 of single entry contact selection data used to add filters
* @param aUri1,aUri2,aUri3 - can be used to provide some input param to the
* the generic service command handler, if required
void ExecutePbkSingleEntryFetchL( TAiwSingleEntrySelectionDataV2 aData,
const TDesC& aUri1 = KNullDesC,
const TDesC& aUri2 = KNullDesC,
const TDesC& aUri3 = KNullDesC );
* Does some Intializiation required
* like AIW service handler intialization for Single
* Contact Selection Service from phonebook2
void InitPbk2SingleEntryFetchL();
* Releases all the resources initialized for phonebook single entry fetch
void ReleasePbkSingleEntryFetch();
* Closes all the contact stores
void CloseAllContactStores();
//From MAiwNotifyCallback
* From MAiwNotifyCallback
* Call back
* @param aCmdId the command ID
* @param aEventId The event ID
* @param aEventParamList Input paramiter list
* @param aInParamList Output Paramiter list
* @return error code
TInt HandleNotifyL( TInt aCmdId, TInt aEventId,
CAiwGenericParamList& aEventParamList,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParamList );
//From MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
* From MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
* called by observer when require opration finished
* @param aOperation the opration instance
* @param aContact contact for the operation
* @return none
void VPbkSingleContactOperationComplete(
MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation,
MVPbkStoreContact* aContact );
* From MVPbkSingleContactOperationObserver
* called by observer when require opration faild
* @param aOperation the opration instance
* @param aError a system wild error code
* @return none
void VPbkSingleContactOperationFailed(
MVPbkContactOperationBase& aOperation, TInt aError );
//From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
void OpenComplete();
* From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
* called by observer when Store ready
* @param aContactStore the contace store
* @return none
void StoreReady( MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore );
* From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
* called by observer when Store is not ready
* @param aContactStore the contace store
* @return none
void StoreUnavailable( MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
TInt aReason );
* From MVPbkContactStoreObserver
* called by observer when there is store event
* @param aContactStore the contace store
* @param aStoreEvent the store event
* @return none
void HandleStoreEventL( MVPbkContactStore& aContactStore,
TVPbkContactStoreEvent aStoreEvent );
* Show info popup note
void ShowInfoPopupL();
* Get access to listbox model's filter
* @return model's filter
CAknListBoxFilterItems* ListFilter();
private: // Functions from base classes
* From CoeControl, Handles "size changed"-events
* @see CCoeControl
void SizeChanged();
* From CoeControl
* @see CCoeControl
void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
* From CoeControl, Returns the number of control contained by this
* class.
* @see CCoeControl
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl, Returns handle to control pointed by aIndex
* @see CCoeControl
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
* From CCoeControl, Handles key-events
* @see CCoeControl
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aEvent,
TEventCode aType );
* From MEikListBoxObserver, Handles event's generated by listbox
* @see MEikListBoxObserver
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox,
TListBoxEvent aEventType );
* From CCoeControl
* Gets help context
* @param aContext Help context
* @see CCoeControl
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* From CCoeControl.
* Handle focus event change.
* @see CCoeControl
void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
/** From MCALayoutChangeObserver
* Called when layout or skin changes
* @see MCALayoutChangeObserver
void LayoutChangedL( TInt aType = 0 );
/** From MCASettingsObserver
* Handles setting changes.
* @param aChangedSettingEnum specifies the changed setting.
* @since 2.1
void HandleSettingsChangeL( TInt aChangedSettingEnum );
/**Handles server changes.
* @param aKey specifies key
* @since 2.1
void HandleServerChangeL ( TServerNotify aKey );
private: //data
* reference to the Search Data Interface with the ProcesssManager
MCASearchDataPC* iDataInterfacePC;
* reference to the Search Data Interface with the ProcesssManager
MCASearchInterfacePC* iSearchInterfacePC;
* Reference to the MainViewArrayPC instance with the Processmanager
MCAMainViewArrayPC* iMainViewArrayPC;
// Owns. Listbox to view friends-list data
CCAContactListBox* iListBox;
// Owns. Search field.
CAknSearchField* iFindbox;
TBool iFindPaneIsVisible;
// Doesn't own. Handle to view switcher
MCAViewSwitcher* iViewSwitcher;
//Owns. Blocking UI
CCABlockingUI* iBlockingUI;
//Active scheduler wait during search
CActiveSchedulerWait iSearchWait;
// Doesn't own. Pointer to status pane handler.
CCAStatusPaneHandler* iStatusPane;
// doesn't own
CCAAppUi* iAppUi;
// Is this container responsible to destroy itself
// when the async task is complete.
TBool iDeleteFlag;
// Is async task complete (ETrue) or not
TBool iTaskComplete;
// ETrue if opening conversation is ongoing
TBool iOpeningConversation;
// skip storage events (when the wait note is showing)
TBool iSkipStorageEvents;
// CBA. not owned
CEikButtonGroupContainer* iCba;
/// Popup info for showing info popupnote.
CAknInfoPopupNoteController* iInfoPopup;
/// Helper to invoke commands from container.
MCACommandHelper& iCommandHelper;
CCAView& iView;
// Storage for previous focus
TEnumsPC::TItem iLastFocusedItemType;
// Lock status foc softkeys
TBool iCbaLock;
// To keep list box focus correct after blocking
TInt iIndexPrevBlocking;
//To track the blocked status
TBool iBlocked;
//To track the filter applied
TInt iMyFilter;
//To decide whether to show offline contacts or not
TBool iShowOffline;
//To autoupdate/refresh of contacts/lists
TInt iAutoUpdate;
//Does not own. reference to the blockingPC
MCABlockingPC* iBlockingPC;
* a flag to force expand the listbox if theres only one list item
* whenever the application is launched/logged in
TBool iForceExpandSingleList;
//for invitations
TBool iInvitationDlg;
TBool iInvitationOpen;
// A flag to forceexpand the chats folder.
TBool iForceExpandChats;
TBool iPreviousState;
TBool iCurrentState;
// Own: Virtual Phonebook contact manager
CVPbkContactManager* iContactManager;
/// Own: AIW service handler
CAiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler;
// Own: Contact name Formatter
MPbk2ContactNameFormatter* iNameFormatter;
// Own: Sort Order manager
CPbk2SortOrderManager* iSortOrderManager;
// Own: Pointer to CVPbkFieldTypeSelector
CVPbkFieldTypeSelector* iContactViewFilter;
//Flag to check if atleast one store is opened
TBool iStoresOpened;
//Flag to check if opening a store is completed
TBool iOperationComplete;
TBool iIsMovingFlag;
// End of File