Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* imps fundemental feature handler for imps engine.
#ifndef CImpsFundHandler_H
#define CImpsFundHandler_H
#include "impshandler.h"
#include "impsfundamental.h"
class RImpsFundClient2;
class MImpsFundHandler2;
class CImpsDataAccessor;
class CImpsFundHandler2 :public CImpsHandler2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phase constructor.
* @param aClient a client session
* @param aPriority active object priority
static CImpsFundHandler2* NewL( RImpsFundClient2& aClient,
TInt aPriority );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CImpsFundHandler2();
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* C++ default constructor.
CImpsFundHandler2( TInt aPriority, RImpsFundClient2& aClient );
* Call appropriate observer
* @param aErrorFields used if error case. NULL or ImpsFields structure
void HandleEventL( CImpsFields* aErrorFields );
* Handle the fundamental events
void HandleFundamentalEventL( );
* Handle a search response
* @param aOpId OpId of the initial request
void HandleSearchResponseL( const TInt aOpId );
* Handle an invitation coming our way
void HandleInviteRequestL();
* Handle invitation responses from the recipients
void HandleInviteResponseL();
* Handle the cancellation of invitations
void HandleInviteCancelL();
* Fetch a descriptor type of element from the response
* @param aContent Name of the element to fetch
* @param aIndex Index of the element
* @return TPtrC
TPtrC DescriptorElementL( const TImpsContent aContent,
const TInt aIndex );
* Fetch an integer type of element from the response
* @param aContent Name of the element to fetch
* @param aIndex Index of the element
* @return TInt
TInt IntegerElementL( const TImpsContent aContent,
const TInt aIndex );
* Fetch a boolean type of element from the response
* @param aContent Name of the element to fetch
* @param aIndex Index of the element
* @return TBool
TBool BooleanElementL( const TImpsContent aContent,
const TInt aIndex );
* Returns the search results from received from the remote host
* @param aResultType Upon return, contains the type of the results
* @return CPtrC16Array Pointer to an array of strings
CPtrC16Array* SearchResultsLC( TImpsSearchResultType& aResultType );
// By default, prohibit copy constructor
CImpsFundHandler2( const CImpsFundHandler2& );
// Prohibit assigment operator
CImpsFundHandler2& operator= ( const CImpsFundHandler2& );
private: // Data
RImpsFundClient2& iClient;
CImpsDataAccessor* iDataAccessor;
CImpsKey* iKey;
// End of File