Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Including CImpsScheduler: WV engine thread scheduler.
* Including CImpsConn: CSP session connections.
* Including CImpsCSPDestroyer : This deletes CSP session entity asynchronously
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include "impsconst.h"
#include "impsservercommon.h"
#include "impsservices.h"
#include "impsmessageinterpreterapi.h"
#include "impsdataaccessorapi.h"
#include "impssrvutils.h"
#include "impscspsessionapi.h"
#include "impscommonenums.h"
// Server operations (states)
enum TImpsSrvOperation
EImpsSrvFinish // no return back, scheduler will be stopped
// Terminal off-line states
enum TImpsSR2TOff
class CImpsSession;
class CImpsSubSession;
class CImpsFields;
class CImpsShutdownTimer;
class CImpsExpiryTimer;
class CImpsVariant;
class CImpsOrphans;
class CImpsCSPDestroyer;
class MImpsCSPSession;
class CImpsTOffObserver;
* CImpsScheduler
* WV engine thread scheduler.
class CImpsScheduler: public CActiveScheduler
public: // from base class
* Error handling that ignores leaves of
* active object RunL methods
void Error( TInt anError ) const;
* CSP session connections
class CImpsConn : public CBase
/** Two-phased constructor.
* @param aSess CSP session entiry
* @param aServer server entity
* @return CImpsConn
static CImpsConn* CImpsConn::NewL(
MImpsCSPSession* aSess, CImpsServer& aServer );
* Delete the CSP session asynchronously, i.e. this
* can be deleted inside transport response.
void DeleteCSPAsynch();
* Match with a a specific CSP session entity
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return ETrue if matches
TBool MatchCSP( TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* destructors
* This deletes related CSP session entity and cancels
* peninding asynchrounous deletion if such exists.
void Destroy();
* Session accesor
* @return CSP session entity
MImpsCSPSession* Sess();
private: // methods
* contructor
* @param aServer server entity
void ConstructL( CImpsServer& aServer );
* contructor
* @param aSess CSP session entity
* @param aTimer delay timer for delayed off-line events
CImpsConn( MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
private: // data
MImpsCSPSession* iSess;
CImpsCSPDestroyer* iRemover;
TDblQueLink iLink; //lint !e1925
* CImpsCSPDestroyer
* This deletes CSP session entity asynchronously
class CImpsCSPDestroyer: public CActive
* Constructor
* @param aServer WV engine server
* @param aSess CSP session entity
* @param aPriority active object priority
CImpsServer& aServer,
MImpsCSPSession& aSess,
TInt aPriority );
* Destructor
virtual ~CImpsCSPDestroyer();
* Start deletion.
void DeleteCSPAsynch();
// From base class
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
CImpsServer& iServer;
MImpsCSPSession& iSess;
TBool iCanceled;
* CImpsServer.
* The core of the whole WV engine.
class CImpsServer : public CPolicyServer
public: // Constructors and destructor
* constructs and starts the server.
static CImpsServer* New();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CImpsServer();
public: // New functions
* Memory allocations. Called by a thread start function!
void ConstructL();
* Deletes this session's first buffered event from the list and sends the next
* one if there are any waiting.
* @param aSession the session concerned
void NextEvent( CImpsSession* aSession );
* Close client-server session.
* Cancel transport and start idle timer if there is only one session.
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @param aComplete TRUE is session entity creation is complete
void CloseSession( TImpsSessIdent aCSP, TBool aComplete );
* Stop the engine right now
void DoShutDown();
* Server bootstrap code.
* @param aSignal signal that's used to inform the client thread when the server
* is up.
IMPORT_C static TInt ThreadStart( TImpsSignal& aSignal );
* Login WV server
* @param aUser User-id (max 50 characters)
* @param aPsw password (max 50 characters)
* @param aClientId client id used to log in server.
* The client-id having prefix '+' or number is considered
* as MSISDN number (E.164),
* otherwise it is handled as URL (max 200 character).
* This MAY be used for CIR addressing if SAP is not able to
* detect MSISDN number in other way
* @param aServer SAP URI, may include port number
* @param aAP CommDb id for access point
* @param aAnyAP ETrue if any other open access point is accepted
* @param aKey1 future option
* @param aKey2 future option
* @param aSub requesting subsession
* @param aLoginExpiry epiry time of login request
* @param aReactive reactive presence auth negotiation
* @return TID
TPtrC LoginL(
const TDesC& aUser,
const TDesC& aPassword,
const TDesC& aClientId,
const TDesC& aSAP,
TUint32 aAP,
const TDesC& aKey1,
const TDesC& aKey2,
CImpsSubSession* aSub,
const TTime aLoginExpiry,
TBool aReactive );
* Logout SAP
* @param aCancel ETrue if login cancel functionaliy wanted
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return TID
TPtrC LogoutL(
TBool aCancel,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* CIR message handler
* @param aCookie entire session cookie message
void CirMessageL(
const TDesC8& aCookie );
* Send data from session current data to WV server.
* Login must have been done.
* @param aSession requestion client session
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return transaction-id
TPtrC SendDataL(
CImpsSubSession* aSession,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP
* Get number of client sessions
* @param aIgnoreCIR ETrue if CIR watcher session is ignored
* @return number of sessions
TInt NbrSessions( TBool aIgnoreCIR );
* Get number of client sessions for the specified CSP connection
* @param aIgnoreCIR ETrue if CIR watcher session is ignored
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return number of sessions
TInt NbrSessions( TBool aIgnoreCIR, TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Stop the idle timer
void StopTimer() const;
* Is the CSP session logged in
* @param aCSP CSP connection id. If all values are zero length then
* check if any session is logged in
* @param password, OUTPUT, optional
* @return ETrue if logged in
TBool IsLogged( TImpsSessIdent aCSP, TPtrC* aPsw );
* CSP session-id accessor
* @param aCSP CSP connection id. If all values are zero length then
* check if any session is logged in
* @return CSP session-id
TPtrC SID( TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Is the CSP session capabilities negotiated
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return ETrue if negotiated
TBool IsNegotiated( TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Transport status change indicator
* @param aConnectionState new status, on_line, off_line or no_iap
void TransportStatus( EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* Active services accessor
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return current WV services
TImpsServices* Services( TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Is there pendig login operation
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @return ETrue if yes
TBool IsPendingLogin( TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Generate expiry time
* @param aMsgType WV message primitive
* @return expiry time
TTime ExpiryTime( TImpsMessageType aMsgType );
* Generate expiry time
* @param aSrv WV service type
* @return expiry time
TTime ExpiryTime( TImpsEventType aSrv );
* Generate expiry time
* @param aExpiry expiry time in seconds
* @return expiry time
TTime ExpiryTime( TInt aExpiry );
* Default Expiry time accessor
* @param aSrv WV service type
* @return expiry time in seconds
TInt ExpirySeconds( TImpsEventType aSrv );
* check expired messages
* @param aType WV service type
void CheckExpiryL( TImpsEventType aType );
* check expired messages
* @param aType WV service type
void CheckExpiryL( TImpsEventType aType, TTime aExpiry );
* Cancel a transaction.
* Removes request from server's transaction queue and
* asks transport to cancel the request too.
* @param aTID transaction id to identify the request.
* @param aCSP CSP session id
void CancelTrans( const TDesC& aTID, TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Cancel a transaction.
* Removes request from server's transaction queue and
* asks transport to cancel the request too.
* @param aTID transaction id to identify the request.
* @param aSess CSP session entity
void CancelTrans( const TDesC& aTID, MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* Do the logout routines
* @param aOpId operation id, KImpsNullId means SAP initiated logout
* @param aCSPDis if CSP session really disconnected (existed)
void DoLogoutSrv( TInt aOpId, TBool aCSPDis,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* Create container
* @return container
CObjectCon* NewContainerL();
* Remove container
* @param aCon container
void RemoveContainer( CObjectCon* aCon );
* Maximum transaction content
* @return max size for WV message
TInt BufferSize();
* Receive terminal off_line/on_line indication
* @param aParam True if connections allowed, else False.
void SetConnAllowed( TBool aParam );
* Decodes accessor
* Subsession needs this to build XML-formatted response
* @return Message decoder
inline MImpsDecoder& Decoder() const;
* iConnAllowed accessor
* @retuns ETrue if connection allowed and terminal is not OFF-LINE
inline TBool IsConAllowed() const;
* Discard a request from a session
* @param aTid transaction-id to be discarded
* @param aType event type (service type)
* @param aCode an error code to a client request
* @param aCSP CSP session id
void DiscardRequest(
const TDesC& aTid,
TImpsEventType aType,
TInt aCode,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Discard a request from a session
* @param aType event type (service type)
* @param aExpiry request expiration time
* @param aCSP CSP session id
* @param aSess CSP session entity
void DiscardRequests(
TImpsEventType aType,
TTime aExpiry,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* Discard all requests from a session
* @param aType event type (service type)
* @param aError error code to be sent
* @param aCSP CSP session id
* @param aSess CSP session entity
void DiscardRequests(
TImpsEventType aType,
TInt aError,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* Discard Logout request that actually sends logout events to clients
* @param aTID transaction-id
* @param aCSP CSP session id
void DiscardLogout(
const TDesC& aTID,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Make and send simple error event to certain type of sessions
* @param aType session event type
* @param aCode error code
* @param aOpId operation-id
* @param aCSP CSP session id
void SendErrorEvent(
TImpsEventType aType,
TInt aCode,
TInt aOpId,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Send online status change events to clients
* @param aStatus new engine status
* @param aCSP CSP session id
void SendStatusEvents(
EImpsInternalStatus aStatus,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Handle notification orders for incoming message.
* Create corresponding events
* @param aFields response message
* @param aCSP CSP session id
* @return True if matching subsession is found.
* (client-id and media type ok)
TBool CheckNotifications(
CImpsFields* aFields,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Handles pending requests for the incoming message
* @param aFields response message
* @param aFound OUT: true if found request
* @param aCSP CSP session id
* @return error code
void CheckRequestsL(
CImpsFields* aFields,
TBool& aFound,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Handle orphan message
* @param aFields msg, CImpsServer takes the ownership of this msg.
* @param aCSP CSP session id
void HandleOrphanL( CImpsFields* aFields, TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Get next orphan message for the subsession
* @param aCID client-id
* @param aServiceType the type of the client which requests the message
* @param aCSP CSP session id
* @return new message, NULL if no match. Ownership of the msg is
* passed to the caller of this method.
CImpsFields* NextOrphanLC(
const TDesC& aCID,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Check all orphans messages and send them to clients.
* This is called when a client session starts to share
* an existing CSP session.
void HandleAllOrphans();
* Get matching CSP session entity
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @param aAll sessions shutting down are returned too
* @returm matching CSP session or NULL
MImpsCSPSession* GetCSP( TImpsSessIdent aCSP,
TBool aAll );
* Create CSP session entity
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
* @param aVer CSP version
* @returm CSP session
MImpsCSPSession* NewCSPL( TImpsSessIdent aCSP, TImpsCspVersion aVer );
* Delete CSP session entity
* @param aSess CSP session entity
void DeleteCSP( MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* CSP session entity counter
* @return number of CSP sessions
TInt NbrCSPs();
* CSP session id seed to generate unique ids across CSP sessions
TInt TidSeed();
* Close all CSP sessions immediately and go to SHUTTING_DOWN state
void LogoutAll();
* CSP version
inline TImpsCspVersion CspVersion();
* Is shutting down?
* @return ETrue if state is SHUTTING_DOWN
inline TBool IsShuttingDown();
* Current settings accessor
* @return current variant settings
inline const TImpsSrvSettings* Settings() const;
* Reset expiry timer if needed
* The time may decrease only
* @param aSeconds subsession expiry time in seconds. 0 means undefined and default values are used.
* @param aInit set this in login so that timer is started first time.
void SetExpiryTimer( TInt aSeconds, TBool aInit );
* Reset expiry timer if needed
* The time may increase only when a subsession is closed
* @param aSeconds subsession expiry time in seconds. 0 means undefined value.
void ResetExpiryTimer( TInt aSeconds );
public: // Functions from base classes
* Opens a new session to the server.
* @param aVersion required version of the server.
* @param aMessage client request
* @return pointer to a new session
* Leaves if:
* - Required version not supported (KErrNotSupported)
* - In very rare case when engine is going down (KErrNotReady)
CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
protected: // Functions from base classes
* C++ default constructor.
private: // Functions from base classes
// From CPolicyServer
CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CustomSecurityCheckL(
const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& aAction, TSecurityInfo& aMissing );
void GetCSPVersion();
// By default, prohibit copy constructor
CImpsServer( const CImpsServer& );
// Prohibit assigment operator
CImpsServer& operator= ( const CImpsServer& );
* Send extra events to HandleLogoutL methods to clients
* @param aSub subsession to be ignored
* IF NULL the all subsessions handled
* @param aOpId operation-id, -1 means SAP initiated disconnect
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
void SendLogoutEvents( CImpsSubSession* aSub,
TInt aOpId, TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Transport status change indicator
* @param aConnectionState new status, on_line, off_line or no_iap
* @param aSess CSP session entity
void DoTransportStatusL( EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState,
MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
* Do the logout routines
* @param aSub requesting subsession, logout event ignored for this
* @param aOpId operation id, KImpsNullId means SAP initiated logout
* @param aCSPDis true if CSP really disconnected
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
void DoLogoutNow(
CImpsSubSession* aSub,
TInt aOpId,
TBool aCSPDis,
TImpsSessIdent aCSP );
* Close all CSP session emtities
* @param aCSP CSP connection id
void CloseAllCSPs();
* Start to delete CSP session entity asynchronously
* @param aSess CSP session entity
void DeleteCSPAsynch( MImpsCSPSession* aSess );
public: // Data
protected: // Data
private: // Data
CObjectConIx* iContainerIndex;
RFs iFs;
CImpsFields* iSnd; // internal data structure
CImpsShutdownTimer* iShutTimer;
CImpsExpiryTimer* iExpiryTimer;
TImpsSrvSettings iSettings;
CImpsVariant* iVariant;
TBool iConAllowed; // Is network connections allowed
TImpsCspVersion iCSPVersion;
TImpsSrvOperation iOperation;
CImpsOrphans* iOrphans;
TDblQue<CImpsConn> iCSPList;
TInt iSeed;
CImpsTOffObserver* iObserver;
TInt iExpiryInterval; // current expiry times value
#ifdef __WINS__
EXPORT_C TInt ThreadFunction( TAny* aThreadParams );
#include "ImpsServer.inl"
#endif // ?INCLUDE_H
// End of File