Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: UI Session Manager - does the UI related things like branding
* setting status pane icon etc during login, logout, etc.
#include "CAExternalInterface.h"
#include "CCAUISessionManager.h"
#include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
#include "ChatDebugAssert.h"
#include "CCAStatusPaneHandler.h"
#include "CCAAppUI.h"
#include "CCAApp.h"
#include "MCASkinVariant.h"
#include "CCAVariantFactory.h"
#include "IMDialogUtils.h"
#include "IMNoteMapper.h"
#include "MCAOpBrandVariant.h"
#include "chatngclient.hrh"
#include "MCAViewSwitcher.h"
#include "IMUtils.h"
#include "CCAIdleWait.h"
#include "ImpsCSPAllErrors.h"
#include "CAViewCreator.h"
#include "cacontexticonmapping.h"
#include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
#include "CCACommandManagerFactory.h"
#include "CCACommandManager.h"
#include "MCALoginPC.h"
#include "MCAProcessManager.h"
#include "MCASettingsPC.h"
#include "CCAReactiveAuthorization.h"
#include "CAPresenceManager.h"
#include "MCAReactiveAuthPC.h"
#include "MCAMainViewArrayPC.h"
#include <bautils.h>
#include <chatNG.rsg>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <CIMPSSAPSettingsStore.h>
#include <CIMPSSAPSettings.h>
#include <CIMPSSAPSettingsList.h>
#include <CWVSettingsUINGDialog.h>
#include <ImpsServices.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <IMPSServiceSettingsUINGInternalCRKeys.h>
#include <aknenv.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <mimpsconnprocessobserverng.h>
#include <MProfileEngine.h>
#include <MProfile.h>
#include <Profile.hrh>
#include <CPEngNWSessionSlotID2.h>
#include <CPEngNWSessionSlot2.h>
#include <LayoutMetaData.cdl.h>
#include <AknLayoutScalable_Avkon.cdl.h>
#include <AknIconUtils.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <alwaysonlinemanagerclient.h>
#include <AknDlgShut.h>
// The Settings have been moved to Cenrep (also retained in the Resource file),
// so the enums for keys and central repository header is added here
#include "VariantKeys.h"
// default always online connection times
// when we set the always online we have to set it
// really on always, thus start and end time are the same here
_LIT( KDefaultScheduleStartTime, "12:00" );
_LIT( KDefaultScheduleEndTime, "12:00" );
_LIT( KIMConnUiResourceFile, "IMPSConnectionUiNG.rsc" );
_LIT( KIMPasswordSaved, "IMPasswordSaved" );
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
//Removed the ownership of iConnUI from this file and made it a reference
//APPUI owns this connection UI instance and shares the same with this component.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::CCAUISessionManager
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CIMPSPresenceConnectionUi& aConnUI,
MCASkinVariant* aSkin,
MCAOpBrandVariant* aBrand,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver,
MCAViewSwitcher* aViewSwitcher,
CCAStatusPaneHandler* aStatusPane,
TDes* aBrandMbmFullPath )
: iConnUI( aConnUI ),
iCommandObserver( aCommandObserver ), iSkin( aSkin ), iBrand( aBrand ),
iStatusPane( aStatusPane ), iBrandMbmFullPath( aBrandMbmFullPath ),
iViewSwitcher( aViewSwitcher ), iAliasDes( NULL, 0 ),
iCancelLogin( EFalse )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ConstructL()
iProfileApi = CreateProfileEngineL();
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>(
CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// reactive authorization
MCAReactiveAuthPC* reactiveAuthPC = appUi->GetProcessManager().GetReactiveAuthInterface();
if ( reactiveAuthPC )
iReactiveAuth = CCAReactiveAuthorization::NewL( *appUi, reactiveAuthPC );
reactiveAuthPC->AddReactiveAuthObserver( iReactiveAuth );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCAUISessionManager* CCAUISessionManager::NewL( CIMPSPresenceConnectionUi& aConnUI,
MCASkinVariant* aSkin,
MCAOpBrandVariant* aBrand,
MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver,
MCAViewSwitcher* aViewSwitcher,
CCAStatusPaneHandler* aStatusPane,
TDes* aBrandMbmFullPath )
CCAUISessionManager* self = new( ELeave ) CCAUISessionManager( aConnUI, aSkin,
aBrandMbmFullPath );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::LoginL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::LoginL( MCAUiLoginCmdCB::TLoginParams aLoginParams )
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->SetFSWExitFlag( EFalse );
if ( aLoginParams == MCAUiLoginCmdCB::ELogin )
if ( IsLoggedIn() )
return ETrue; // already logged in
if ( aLoginParams == MCAUiLoginCmdCB::ELogout )
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
return ETrue; // not logged in
//CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
CCACommandManager* commandManager = CCACommandManagerFactory::InstanceL()->GetCommandManager();
MCACommand* loginCommand = static_cast<MCACommand*>( commandManager->NewCommandLC( EChatClientMainViewCmdLogin,
appUi->GetProcessManager(), *this ) );
iLoginParams = aLoginParams;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //loginCommand
return IsLoggedIn();
// Destructor
if ( iProfileApi )
delete iSessionSlotID;
delete iAlias;
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
MCAReactiveAuthPC* reactiveAuthPC = appUi->GetProcessManager().GetReactiveAuthInterface();
if ( reactiveAuthPC )
reactiveAuthPC->RemoveReactiveAuthObserver( );
delete iReactiveAuth;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IsLoggedIn
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::IsLoggedIn() const
TBool returnValue( EFalse );
if ( IsOfflineProfileOn() )
"CCAUISessionManager::IsLoggedIn, offline profile is ON, returning %d" ),
returnValue );
return returnValue;
TRAPD( err, returnValue = iConnUI.LoggedInL( EIMPSConnClientIM ) );
if ( err )
returnValue = EFalse;
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAUISessionManager::IsLoggedIn returning %d" ),
returnValue );
// if there are no slots in the system then we get KErrNotFound
// and we don't show it to the user
if ( ( err != KErrNone ) && ( err != KErrNotFound ) )
CActiveScheduler::Current()->Error( err );
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ShowProcessingNoteLC
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowProcessingNoteLC()
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->ShowWaitDialogLC( R_QTN_GEN_NOTE_PROCESSING, ETrue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::SetStatusPaneIconsL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::SetStatusPaneIconsL( TBool aLandscapeOnly /*= EFalse*/ )
TBool landscape( Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() );
if ( !landscape && aLandscapeOnly )
// do nothing if we're not in landscape mode and update
// was requested only for landscape
// If client has not gave handle to statuspane or skin then do nothing
if ( !iStatusPane || !iSkin )
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
CAknTitlePane* title = static_cast< CAknTitlePane* >
( CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUiFactory()->StatusPane()->ControlL(
TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
// get the visibility of context pane
CEikStatusPane* statusPane = CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUiFactory()->
CAknContextPane* contextPane = static_cast<CAknContextPane*>( statusPane->ControlL(
TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidContext ) ) );
TBool cpVisible( contextPane ? contextPane->IsVisible() : EFalse );
TBool useTitle( !cpVisible || landscape );
// Load online-icon
TInt32 iconId( useTitle ? EMenu_im_off_title : EMenu_im_off );
TInt32 iconMaskId( useTitle ? EMenu_im_off_title_mask : EMenu_im_off_mask );
TBool alreadyLoggedOut( EFalse );
CCACommandManager* commandManager = CCACommandManagerFactory::InstanceL()->GetCommandManager();
MCASessionHandlerCmd* sessHandlerCmd = commandManager->GetSessionHandlerCmd() ;
if ( sessHandlerCmd )
alreadyLoggedOut = sessHandlerCmd->IsAlreadyLoggedOut();
if ( IsLoggedIn() && !alreadyLoggedOut )
//CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
MCAMainViewArrayPC* mainViewArrayPC = appUi->GetProcessManager().GetArrayInterface();
// Resolve icon by own status & screen orientation
switch ( mainViewArrayPC->StatusL() )
case TEnumsPC::EOffline:
if ( useTitle )
iconId = EMenu_im_invisible_title;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_invisible_title_mask;
else // portrait
iconId = EMenu_im_invisible;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_invisible_mask;
case TEnumsPC::EAway:
if ( useTitle )
iconId = EMenu_im_away_title;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_away_title_mask;
else // portrait
iconId = EMenu_im_away;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_away_mask;
case TEnumsPC::EBusy:
if ( useTitle )
iconId = EMenu_im_busy_title;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_busy_title_mask;
else // portrait
iconId = EMenu_im_busy;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_busy_mask;
case TEnumsPC::EOnline: // Flowthrough
if ( useTitle )
iconId = EMenu_im_on_title;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_on_title_mask;
else // portrait
iconId = EMenu_im_on;
iconMaskId = EMenu_im_on_mask;
CGulIcon* connStatusIcon = iSkin->LoadBitmapL( iconId,
*iBrandMbmFullPath );
connStatusIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
CleanupStack::PushL( connStatusIcon );
// get the visibility of context pane
if ( useTitle )
//Icon is not required in Settings
if ( appUi->IsSettingsDialogActive() )
title->SetSmallPicture( NULL, NULL, EFalse );
// with thin status pane we are setting the status icon to title pane
title->SetSmallPicture( connStatusIcon->Bitmap(), connStatusIcon->Mask(), ETrue );
// ownership was transferred
connStatusIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( ETrue );
//Icon is not required in Settings
if ( appUi->IsSettingsDialogActive() )
iStatusPane->SetPicture( NULL, NULL );
// in portrait mode we are setting the status icon to status pane
iStatusPane->SetPicture( connStatusIcon->Bitmap(), connStatusIcon->Mask() );
// ownership was transferred
connStatusIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( ETrue );
if ( title )
// and title pane icon must be cleared
title->SetSmallPicture( NULL, NULL, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( connStatusIcon );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::CheckCurrentServerDataL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::CheckCurrentServerDataL(
TBool /*aShowNote*/ /*= ETrue*/ )
// SAP settings store
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* sapSettingsStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewLC();
TInt exitReason( 0 );
if ( sapSettingsStore->SAPCountL( EIMPSIMAccessGroup ) == 0 )
TUid activeView( TUid::Null() );
if ( iStatusPane && iViewSwitcher )
//iStatusPane->ProhibitTabGroup(); //For Later Ref.
activeView = iViewSwitcher->ActiveViewId();
CWVSettingsUIDialog* dlg = CWVSettingsUIDialog::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
TPtrC empty( KNullDesC );
// The fourth argument is newly added, that is for aResourceVariationFile, which is passed as empty
TInt retVal( dlg->RunDialogLD( *sapSettingsStore,
EWVSettingsDefineServer ) );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // dlg
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->GetProcessManager().GetArrayInterface()->ResetArray( ETrue );
if ( iStatusPane && iViewSwitcher )
//iStatusPane->ProhibitTabGroup( EFalse ); //For Later Ref.
iStatusPane->ShowTabGroupL( activeView );
if ( retVal == EWVSettingsViewExitCalled && iCommandObserver )
iCommandObserver->ProcessCommandL( EChatClientCmdExit );
if ( exitReason == EServerSaved )
// update branding
// If user didn't create any servers, he/she must be able
// to use other views also (eg. settings) so let's finalize the
// construction
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sapSettingsStore );
return exitReason == EServerSaved; // return "did user save server"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::HandleSapAccessEventEventL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::HandleSapAccessEventEventL( const TDesC& aServerName,
const TDesC& /*aServerURL*/,
MIMPSConnProcessUi* aConnProcessUi )
// If no branding support available
if ( !iBrand )
TFileName brandedResource;
TPtrC resId( KIMConnUiResourceFile() );
TPtrC server( aServerName );
iBrand->CurrentResourceFileL( server, resId, brandedResource );
if ( brandedResource.Length() != 0 )
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
brandedResource );
#ifdef _DEBUG
TPtrC ptr( brandedResource );
"CCAUISessionManagerCmd::HandleSapAccessEventEventL \
setting %S to be connUI resfile" ),
&ptr );
aConnProcessUi->UseResourceFileL( brandedResource );
TInt err = RProperty::Set( KBrandingUid, KBrandingResourceKey, brandedResource );
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->ChangeConnUiAgentResourceL( brandedResource );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ShowPostLoginNotesL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowPostLoginNotesL ( TBool aCurrentLoginIsFirst,
TBool aManualLogin )
iCurrentLoginIsFirst = aCurrentLoginIsFirst;
// Show post-login notes if not always online case
if ( aManualLogin )
// make sure the order stays intact, otherwise
// certain flags (iUidAndPasswordSaved and iCurrentLoginIsFirst)
// will not be set correctly and behaviour will be buggy
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// note is being displayed, don't continue
// with login
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// queries are being displayed, don't continue
// with login
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// query is being displayed, don't continue
// with login
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// query is being displayed, don't continue
// with login
// ask for own alias if it's not defined (if alias is supported)
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// query is being displayed, don't continue
// with login
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::AskAliasL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::AskAliasL()
iSupportAlias = IMUtils::IntResourceValueL( RSC_CHAT_VARIATION_HAVE_ALIAS );
if ( ! iSupportAlias )
// no alias
TBool aliasMandatory =
// check if there's already an alias in the client
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
HBufC* ownAlias = appUi->GetProcessManager().GetSettingsInterface()->
GetSapSettingValuePCL( TEnumsPC::EOwnAlias );
TBool aliasDefined = ( ownAlias != NULL ); // CSI: 64 # pointer -> boolean.
CleanupStack::PushL( ownAlias );
if ( ! aliasDefined )
// 1. Show "you need to define alias"-infonote with OK
// - show only be shown when alias is mandatory
if ( aliasMandatory )
IMDialogUtils::DisplayQueryDialogL( R_QTN_CHAT_NO_ALIAS_DEF );
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// note is being displayed, don't continue
// with text query
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ownAlias );
// Show alias data query
if ( iAlias )
delete iAlias;
iAlias = NULL;
iAlias = HBufC::NewL( KAliasMaxLength );
iAliasDes.Set( iAlias->Des() );
TInt result = IMDialogUtils::DisplayTextQueryDialogL( iAliasDes,
ETrue // T9
if ( !IsLoggedIn() )
// Forced log out may happen while
// query is being displayed, don't continue
// with alias publishing
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ownAlias );
if ( result == EAknSoftkeyDone || result == EAknSoftkeyOk )
aliasDefined = ETrue;
iCancelLogin = EFalse;
if ( aliasMandatory )
// when the user cancels we must return to the
// state before the alias query,
// so try to cancel the login
iCancelLogin = ETrue;
// continue login normally with empty alias
iCancelLogin = EFalse;
aliasDefined = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( appUi->GetProcessManager().GetSettingsInterface()->
SetSapSettingValuePCL ( TEnumsPC::EOwnAlias , KNullDesC ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ownAlias );
// already have an alias defined
delete iAlias;
iAlias = ownAlias;
iAliasDes.Set( iAlias->Des() );
CleanupStack::Pop( ownAlias );
if ( aliasDefined )
// publish and subscribe here all variated attributes.
TBool exitLoop( EFalse );
while ( !exitLoop )
// show saving alias name wait note
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->ShowWaitDialogL( R_QTN_CHAT_SAVING_ALIAS, ETrue );
// store alias to settings: PUBLISH alias attribute in IM Presence
// when it gets the settings changed event.
TRAPD( err, appUi->GetProcessManager().GetSettingsInterface()->
SetSapSettingValuePCL ( TEnumsPC::EOwnAlias , iAliasDes ) );
TBool invalidAlias( EFalse );
if ( err == ECSPInvalidPresenceValue )
// this means the alias is too long or invalid
// we cannot show the note "in the normal" way since this
// error requires a special note in this case
// so now we give KErrNone to DismissWaitDialogL and show
// the note here
invalidAlias = ETrue;
err = KErrNone;
// dismiss wait
appUi->DismissWaitDialogL( err, EFalse, KNullDesC );
if ( invalidAlias )
// show error note
HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_CHAT_TOO_LONG_ALIAS_TEXT );
IMDialogUtils::DisplayErrorNoteL( *text );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
// return to editing
TInt result = IMDialogUtils::DisplayTextQueryDialogL( iAliasDes,
ETrue // T9
if ( result == EAknSoftkeyDone || result == EAknSoftkeyOk )
aliasDefined = ETrue;
iCancelLogin = EFalse;
if ( aliasMandatory )
// when the user cancels we must return to the
// state before the alias query,
// so try to cancel the login
iCancelLogin = ETrue;
// continue login normally with empty alias
iCancelLogin = EFalse;
aliasDefined = ETrue;
TRAP_IGNORE( appUi->GetProcessManager().GetSettingsInterface()->
SetSapSettingValuePCL ( TEnumsPC::EOwnAlias , KNullDesC ) );
exitLoop = ETrue;
// set the alias for own status item
exitLoop = ETrue;
MCALoginPC* loginPC = appUi->GetProcessManager().GetLogInInterface();
loginPC->SetAliasL( iAliasDes );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ShowWelcomeNoteL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowWelcomeNoteL()
if ( ! IMUtils::IntResourceValueL( RSC_CHAT_VARIATION_WELCOME_NOTE ) )
// welcome note not enabled
if ( iCurrentLoginIsFirst )
HBufC* welcomeTxt =
HBufC* welcomeHeading =
if ( welcomeTxt->Length() > 0 )
*welcomeTxt, *welcomeHeading,
EFalse // T9
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, welcomeTxt );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::CancelLoginValue
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::CancelLoginValue()
return iCancelLogin;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IMUIPIConForcedClear
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::IMUIPIConForcedClear()
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IMUIPIConForcedClear
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShutDialogsL()
CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "CCAUISessionManager", "ShutDialogsL..." );
AknDialogShutter::ShutDialogsL( *CEikonEnv::Static() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::CaptureEventsL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::CaptureEventsL()
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ReleaseCapturingL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ReleaseCapturingL()
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::RefreshViewAfterLoginL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::RefreshViewAfterLoginL()
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
CCAIdleWait::IdleWaitL( &( appUi->RefreshWaitFlag() ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ShowPasswordQueriesL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowPasswordQueriesL()
// Password save query logic
// 1. if first login and id/pw not already saved, then ask to save pw
// 2. if password has changed, then ask to save pw
// 3. if uid has changed, then ask to save uid + pw
iUidAndPasswordSaved = EFalse;
TBool passwordQueries =
if ( ! passwordQueries )
// not enabled
CIMPSSAPSettings* currentSAP = CurrentSAPLC();
// get logged in SAP from IMPSCUI
CIMPSSAPSettings* loggedInSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewLC();
iConnUI.GetLoggedInSapL( *iSessionSlotID, *loggedInSap );
// get current SAP from SSS
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* sapStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewLC();
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* sapList = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewLC();
sapStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *sapList, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
TInt index = KErrNotFound;
sapList->FindNameL( currentSAP->SAPName(), index );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
// something went wrong, didn't find it
User::Leave( index );
CIMPSSAPSettings* storedSap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewLC();
TUint32 sapUid = sapList->UidForIndex( index );
sapStore->GetSAPL( sapUid, storedSap );
// now we have the logged in SAP and the SAP from SSS,
// find out userid and passwords
const TDesC& loggedInUid = loggedInSap->SAPUserId();
const TDesC& loggedInPassWd = loggedInSap->SAPUserPassword();
const TDesC& storedUid = storedSap->SAPUserId();
const TDesC& storedPassWd = storedSap->SAPUserPassword();
// find out any changes
TBool uidSame = 0 == storedUid.Compare( loggedInUid );
TBool pwSame = 0 == storedPassWd.Compare( loggedInPassWd );
// Check if pw has been saved earlier
TInt pwSaved = 0;
TInt sapError = -1;
sapError = storedSap->GetOpaqueInt( KIMPasswordSaved, pwSaved );
if ( sapError != KErrNotFound )
User::LeaveIfError( sapError );
if ( iCurrentLoginIsFirst && ( !pwSame || !uidSame ) )
// first login to this server (without saved login data)
TInt savePw = IMDialogUtils::DisplayYesNoConfirmationDialogL( R_QTN_CHAT_LOGIN_SAVE_PW );
if ( savePw )
// save username + password to SAP settings
storedSap->SetSAPUserIdL( loggedInUid );
storedSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( loggedInPassWd );
// set password saved indication
storedSap->SetOpaqueInt( KIMPasswordSaved, ETrue );
// save directly to SSS
sapStore->UpdateOldSAPL( storedSap, sapUid );
iUidAndPasswordSaved = ETrue;
// save only the username to SAP settings
storedSap->SetSAPUserIdL( loggedInUid );
// save directly to SSS
sapStore->UpdateOldSAPL( storedSap, sapUid );
else if ( pwSaved && !pwSame && uidSame && !iCurrentLoginIsFirst )
// Not first login, saved password (not uid) has changed
TInt savePw = IMDialogUtils::DisplayYesNoConfirmationDialogL( R_QTN_CHAT_LOGIN_SAVE_PW );
if ( savePw )
// save new password to SAP settings
storedSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( loggedInPassWd );
// save directly to SSS
sapStore->UpdateOldSAPL( storedSap, sapUid );
iUidAndPasswordSaved = ETrue;
else if ( !uidSame )
// not first login and user id has changed
if ( IMDialogUtils::DisplayYesNoConfirmationDialogL( R_QTN_CHAT_LOGIN_SAVE_USERNAME_PW ) )
// user wants to save both uid and pw
storedSap->SetSAPUserIdL( loggedInUid );
storedSap->SetSAPUserPasswordL( loggedInPassWd );
// save directly to SSS
sapStore->UpdateOldSAPL( storedSap, sapUid );
iUidAndPasswordSaved = ETrue;
else if ( iCurrentLoginIsFirst && pwSame && uidSame )
// This is first login with already saved login data
iUidAndPasswordSaved = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 5, currentSAP ); // storedSap, sapList, sapStore, loggedInSap, currentSAP
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ApplicationLaunchQueryL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowApplicationLaunchQueryL()
TBool launchQuery = IMUtils::IntResourceValueL( RSC_CHAT_VARIATION_APP_LAUNCH_QUERY );
if ( ! launchQuery || ! iUidAndPasswordSaved )
// not enabled or userid + password were not saved
TInt chatLoginType = IMUtils::WVSettingsChatLoginValue();
TBool isDefault = CurrentServerIsDefaultL();
if ( chatLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginApplicationLaunch
&& isDefault )
// application launch active and this server is default server, so
// get out
TInt activate = IMDialogUtils::DisplayYesNoConfirmationDialogL( R_QTN_CHAT_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_APPLAUNCH );
if ( activate )
// change login type for Application Launch
SetLoginTypeL( EWVSettingsChatLoginApplicationLaunch );
// change default server to be the current one
// login type will become Manual
SetLoginTypeL( EWVSettingsChatLoginManual );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ShowAlwaysOnlineAfterFirstLogin
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowAlwaysOnlineAfterFirstLoginL()
// check if login type need to be set as always online in home
// network according to variation
if ( ! IMUtils::IntResourceValueL(
if ( iCurrentLoginIsFirst )
if ( LoginType() == EIMPSManualLogin )
TInt retVal(
if ( retVal == EAknSoftkeyOk || retVal == EAknSoftkeyYes )
// change login type to always online in home network
SetLoginTypeL( EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoAlways );
// change login type to application launch
SetLoginTypeL( EWVSettingsChatLoginApplicationLaunch );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::SetLoginTypeL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::SetLoginTypeL( TWVSettingsChatLoginValues aLoginType )
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KWVSettingsCenRepUid );
if ( aLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoAlways ||
aLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoInHomeNW )
repository->Set( KIMPSCRIMConnDays, EWVSettingsAll ) );
repository->Set( KIMPSCRIMConnStart, KDefaultScheduleStartTime ) );
repository->Set( KIMPSCRIMConnEnd, KDefaultScheduleEndTime ) );
User::LeaveIfError( repository->Set( KIMPSCRChatLogin, aLoginType ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
if ( aLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoAlways ||
aLoginType == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoInHomeNW )
// Start AO plugin.
RAlwaysOnlineClientSession session;
User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
TPckgBuf< TUid > param = uid;
session.RelayCommandL( EServerAPIBaseCommandStart, param );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::LoginType
// Central repository version
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TIMPSLoginType CCAUISessionManager::LoginType()
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAUISessionManager::LoginType" ) );
TInt readValue( KErrCouldNotConnect ); // initialize to an error value
TIMPSLoginType loginType( EIMPSManualLogin );
CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
TRAPD( err, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KWVSettingsCenRepUid ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
// creation of cenrep failed -> return
return loginType;
TRAP( err,
CleanupStack::PushL( cenrep );
err = cenrep->Get( KIMPSCRChatLogin, readValue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenrep );
); // TRAP
cenrep = NULL;
if ( err != KErrNone )
// there was an error
return loginType;
if ( ( readValue == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoAlways ) ||
( readValue == EWVSettingsChatLoginAutoInHomeNW ) )
return EIMPSAAConnectionStart;
else if ( readValue == EWVSettingsChatLoginApplicationLaunch )
return EIMPSApplicationLaunch;
return EIMPSManualLogin;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::BrandUIL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::BrandUIL( TBool aRefreshView /*= ETrue */,
const TDesC& aServerName /*= KNullDesC*/ )
// If needed handles are not given, then do not brand
if ( !iBrand || !iBrandMbmFullPath )
return EFalse;
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAUISessionManager::BrandUIL( %d, %S )" ),
aRefreshView, &aServerName );
TPtrC pName;
CIMPSSAPSettings* sap = NULL;
if ( aServerName != KNullDesC )
pName.Set( aServerName );
// Get the name of logged in server
sap = CurrentSAPLC();
pName.Set( sap->SAPName() );
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAUISessionManager::BrandUIL activating brand for %S" ),
&pName );
// Activate branded UI based on servername
TFileName tempPath = *iBrandMbmFullPath;
iBrand->ActivateBrandL( pName, *iBrandMbmFullPath );
TBool refreshNeeded( tempPath.Compare( *iBrandMbmFullPath ) != 0 );
// Set branding flag for connection UI
TFileName brandedResource;
TPtrC resId( KIMConnUiResourceFile() );
iBrand->CurrentResourceFileL( pName, resId, brandedResource );
if ( brandedResource.Length() > 0 )
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
brandedResource );
TInt err = RProperty::Set( KBrandingUid, KBrandingResourceKey, brandedResource );
"CCAUISessionManager::BrandUIL activation result (need to refresh): %d" ),
refreshNeeded );
// Check if anything really changed to avoid unnecessary drawing
if ( aRefreshView || refreshNeeded )
// Update status pane
iRefresh = ETrue;
if ( sap )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sap );
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
if ( refreshNeeded )
// notify resource observers
// Inform storage about the new "show nickname" value
TBool showNickname = IMUtils::IntResourceValueL(
MCALoginPC* loginPC = appUi->GetProcessManager().GetLogInInterface();
loginPC->SetShowNicknameL( showNickname );
return refreshNeeded;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::CurrentSAPLC
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CIMPSSAPSettings* CCAUISessionManager::CurrentSAPLC()
CIMPSSAPSettings* sap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewLC();
// If session is active, then current user-id should be retrieved from
// connection UI instead of SAP settings store
if ( IsLoggedIn() )
"CCAUISessionManager::CurrentSAPLC returning SAP based on ConnUI" );
if ( !iSessionSlotID )
iSessionSlotID =
iConnUI.GetActiveNWSessionSlotIDL( EIMPSConnClientIM );
iConnUI.GetLoggedInSapL( *iSessionSlotID, *sap );
"CCAUISessionManager:: \
CurrentSAPLC returning SAP based on SAPSettingsStore" );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* sapStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewLC();
sapStore->GetDefaultL( sap, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sapStore );
CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAUISessionManager::CurrentSAPLC sap uid %d" ),
sap->Uid() );
return sap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::RefreshCurrentViewL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCAUISessionManager::RefreshCurrentViewL()
if ( iViewSwitcher && iRefresh )
// this is for updating settings view
iViewSwitcher->SwitchViewL( KUidRefreshView );
iRefresh = EFalse;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::SetIMPSServices()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::SetIMPSServices( TPEngWVCspServicesTree2 aImpsServices,
TBool aBrandUIFlag, TBool aRefreshFlag )
iImpsServices = aImpsServices;
if ( aBrandUIFlag )
TRAP_IGNORE( BrandUIL( aRefreshFlag ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IsOfflineProfileOn
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::IsOfflineProfileOn() const
return ( EProfileOffLineId == iProfileApi->ActiveProfileId() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::SetcurrentServerAsDefaultL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::SetCurrentServerAsDefaultL()
CIMPSSAPSettings* currentSAP = CurrentSAPLC();
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* sapStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewLC();
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* sapList = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewLC();
sapStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *sapList, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
// find our sap.. because logged in SAP has UID of zero, we must
// find the correct UID manually from list
TInt index( KErrNotFound );
sapList->FindNameL( currentSAP->SAPName(), index );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( index );
CIMPSSAPSettings* defaultsap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewLC();
sapStore->GetDefaultL( defaultsap, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
// check if current sap is default, compare to EXACT name.
if ( 0 != currentSAP->SAPName().Compare( defaultsap->SAPName() ) )
// it's not, so change current sap as default sap
sapStore->SetToDefaultL( sapList->UidForIndex( index ),
EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, currentSAP ); // defaultsap, saplist, sapStore, currentSAP
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::CurrentServerIsDefaultL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::CurrentServerIsDefaultL()
CIMPSSAPSettings* currentSAP = CurrentSAPLC();
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* sapStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewLC();
CIMPSSAPSettingsList* sapList = CIMPSSAPSettingsList::NewLC();
sapStore->PopulateSAPSettingsListL( *sapList, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
// find our sap.. because logged in SAP has UID of zero, we must
// find the correct UID manually from list
TInt index( KErrNotFound );
sapList->FindNameL( currentSAP->SAPName(), index );
if ( index == KErrNotFound )
User::Leave( index );
CIMPSSAPSettings* defaultsap = CIMPSSAPSettings::NewLC();
sapStore->GetDefaultL( defaultsap, EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
// check if current sap is default, compare to EXACT name.
TBool isDefault = 0 == currentSAP->SAPName().Compare( defaultsap->SAPName() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, currentSAP ); // defaultsap, saplist, sapStore, currentSAP
return isDefault;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::DisplayDomainSelectionQueryL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCAUISessionManager::DisplayDomainSelectionQueryL( TDes& aSelectedDomain )
CIMPSSAPSettings* sap = CurrentSAPLC();
TInt retVal = iConnUI.DisplayDomainSelectionQueryL( aSelectedDomain, sap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sap );
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IsBackgroundTaskRunning
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::IsBackgroundTaskRunning()
CCACommandManager* commandManager = CCACommandManagerFactory::InstanceL()->GetCommandManager();
MCASessionHandlerCmd* sessionHandlerCmd = commandManager->GetSessionHandlerCmd();
return sessionHandlerCmd->IsBackgroundTaskRunning();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IsSupported
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::IsSupported( TSupportedFeature aFeature )
switch ( aFeature )
case EGroup :
return iImpsServices.iGroupFeat.FeatureSupported();
case ESearch :
return iImpsServices.iFundamentalFeat.FunctionSupported(
KPEngFFSearchFunction );
case EInvite :
return iImpsServices.iFundamentalFeat.FunctionSupported(
KPEngFFInviteFunction );
case EBlock :
return iImpsServices.iIMFeat.FunctionSupported(
KPEngIMAuthorFunctions );
case EAttrList :
return iImpsServices.iPresenceFeat.FunctionSupported(
KPEngWVAttrListFunction );
case ECLIMod:
// contact list creation/deletion is possible only if
// both CCLI and DCLI are supported
TBool returnValue( ETrue );
returnValue &=
iImpsServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncCCLI );
returnValue &=
iImpsServices.iPresenceFeat.SubFunctionSupported( KPEngWVSubFuncDCLI );
return returnValue;
case EGroupRejectList:
return iImpsServices.iGroupFeat.SubFunctionSupported(
return EFalse; // Unknown features are not supported
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::IsServerDefined
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCAUISessionManager::IsServerDefined()
// SAP settings store
TInt count( 0 );
CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* sapSettingsStore = CIMPSSAPSettingsStore::NewLC();
count = sapSettingsStore->SAPCountL( EIMPSIMAccessGroup );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sapSettingsStore );
if ( count == 0 )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::GetParameters
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::GetParameters( MCAUiLoginCmdCB::TLoginParams& aLoginParams )
aLoginParams = iLoginParams;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::FinalizeChatConstructionL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::FinalizeChatConstructionL()
// Construct views
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>(
CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::ShowPasswordSavingWarningL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::ShowPasswordSavingWarningL() const
HBufC* warningText = CCoeEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(
HBufC* warningHeading = CCoeEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, warningText );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CCAUISessionManager::DismissProcessingNoteL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CCAUISessionManager::DismissProcessingNoteL( TInt aError, TBool aValue )
CCAAppUi* appUi = static_cast<CCAAppUi*>( CCoeEnv::Static()->AppUi() );
appUi->DismissWaitDialogL( aError, aValue );
// End of File