Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Interface for CCAMainViewArrayPC, to be used by the
* single view array decorator to fill the listbox of the single view
#include <e32base.h>
#include <BADESCA.h>
#include "TEnumsPC.h"
#include "MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC.h"
#include "MCAPresenceError.h"
#include "MCAContactListModel.h"
#include "MCAPresence.h"
#include "ChatDefinitions.h"
#include "MCAListInitObserver.h"
const TInt KInitIndex = 0;
const TInt KOwnDataIndex = 0; // default value as per UI spec
const TInt KOpenChatsIndex = 1; // default value as per UI spec
//Forward Declarations
class MCAMainViewObserverPC;
class MCAStoredContact;
class MCAInvitation;
class MCAServerContactsArrayPC;
class MCASingleListViewCB;
class MCAArrayItemPC;
// Helper struct for holding the aItemID, aListID, aItemType
struct TCAItemDetails
TBuf< 2 * KMaxWVIDLength > aItemID;
TBuf< KMaxWVIDLength > aListID;
TEnumsPC::TItem aItem;
* MCAMainViewArrayPC: This is main interface of arraywrapper on
* Process component side.UI Side array decorator has to use this
* array and get the required details.
* @lib wvuiprocessng.lib
class MCAMainViewArrayPC : public MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
public: //destructor
virtual ~MCAMainViewArrayPC() {};
public: // From MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
* AddObserverL: To add the UI component as an observer to listen to the
* event from the MainViewArrayPC
* @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
* @return void
virtual void AddObserverL( MCAMainViewObserverPC* aObserver ) = 0;
* RemoveObserver: To remove the UI component as an observer to the
* events from the MainViewArrayPC
* @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
* @return void
virtual void RemoveObserver( MCAMainViewObserverPC* aObserver ) = 0;
* AddObserverL: To add the UI component as an observer to listen to the
* event from the MainViewArrayPC
* @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
* @return void
virtual void AddObserver( MCASyncObserverPC* aObserver ) = 0;
* RemoveObserver: To remove the UI component as an observer to the
* events from the MainViewArrayPC
* @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
* @return void
virtual void RemoveObserver( ) = 0;
* SetSkipStorageEvents: Called by UI component to set flag for skipping
* storage events
* @param aSkip : A flag to check whether to skip strage events or not
* @return void
virtual void SetSkipStorageEvents( TBool aSkip ) = 0;
* GetSkipStorageEvents: Called by UI component to get the flag for skipping
* storage events
* @return boolean
virtual TBool GetSkipStorageEvents() = 0;
* Count: Called by UI components to get total count of array
* @return integer: Count of array
virtual TInt Count() const = 0; // total count of array
* GetType: Function to get the type of list item
* @param aIndex: index of the list item
* @return TEnumsPC::TItem: type of the list item as EContactItem,
* EOwnStatusItem etc
virtual TEnumsPC::TItem GetType( TInt aIndex ) const = 0;
* IsCollapsed: To find if the list box item is collapsed
* @param aIndex: index of the list item
* @return bool: True if the list item is collapsed else false.
virtual TBool IsCollapsed( TInt aIndex ) const = 0;
* IsMsgPending: To find if there are any pending messages to
* decide the icons for display
* @param aIndex: index of the list item
* @return bool: True if there are pending messages else false.
virtual TBool IsMsgPending( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* IsBlocked: To find if the list item is a blocked contact
* @param aIndex: index of the list item
* @return bool: True if the list item is a blocked contact else false
virtual TBool IsBlocked( TInt aIndex ) const = 0;
* ForceExpanded: To expand or collapse all the list items
* @param aAllExpanded: True if all items have to be expanded else false
* @return bool: True if there are pending messages else false.
virtual void ForceExpanded( TBool aAllExpanded ) = 0;
* IsForceExpanded: To find if all the list items have been force expanded
* @return bool: True if all the list items are force expanded else false
virtual TBool IsForceExpanded() const = 0;
* GetOnlineStatus: To get the online status of the list item as Online,
* Away, Busy etc
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item
* @return TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
virtual TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus GetOnlineStatus( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* SetCollapsed: To set the list item to a collapsed or expanded state
* @param aStatus: The collapsed or expanded state to be set for the list item
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose state has to be set
* @return void
virtual void SetCollapsed( TBool aStatus , TInt aIndex ) = 0;
virtual void SetSelected( TBool aSelected, TInt aIndex ) = 0;
virtual void GetSelectedL( CDesCArray& aSelectedContact,
CDesCArray* aSelectedIdentifications,
TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter ) = 0;
* SetMsgPending: To set the pending messages for a list item
* @param aPendingMsgs: The no. of pending messages to be set for the list item
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item
* @return void
virtual void SetMsgPending( TInt aPendingMsgs, TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* SetBlocked: To set the blocked status of a list item of type contact
* @param aStatus: The blocked status to be set for the list item
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose status has to be set
* @return void
virtual void SetBlocked( TBool aStatus , TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* SetOnlineStatus: To set the online status of a list item
* @param aStatus: The online status to be set for the list item
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose status has to be set
* @return void
virtual void SetOnlineStatus( TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aStatus,
TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* GetItemNameText: To get item name of each list item
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose name is to be returned
* @return TPtrC: Name of the list item
virtual TPtrC GetItemNameText( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* ClearArray: clear everything in the array
* @return void
virtual void ClearArray( TBool aClearOpenChatsArray ) = 0;
// clear everything in the array.....
* RefreshArray: clear and fill with the new data in the array
* @return void
virtual void ResetArray( TBool aClearOpenChatsArray ) = 0;
* SetDefaultFilter: To set the default filters of each item
* @param aMyFilter: TEnumsPC::TFilterType to be set
* @return void
virtual void SetDefaultFilter( TEnumsPC::TFilterType iMyFilter ) = 0;
* ResetDefaultFilter: To reset the default filters of each item
* @return void
virtual void ResetDefaultFilter() = 0;
* GetDefaultFilter: To get the default filters of list item
* @return TEnumsPC::TFilterType: type of filter
virtual TEnumsPC::TFilterType GetDefaultFilter() const = 0;
* ClientType: To get the client type of list item at given index
* @return TEnumsPC::TClientType: type of client
virtual TEnumsPC::TClientType ClientType( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Selected: To know if the list item at given index is selected currently
* @param aIndex: index of list item
* @return bool: true if the list item at given index is selected currently else false
virtual TBool Selected( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* IsWatched: To get the status on whether the list item at given index is
* being watched for notifications on that contacts online status changes
* @param aIndex: index of list item
* @return bool: true if the contact is being watched else false
virtual TBool IsWatched( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Synchronised: To get the synchronised status for the list item
* @param aIndex: index of list item
* @return TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus: the synchronization status of the list item
virtual TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus Synchronised( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* IsAllSynchronised: To get the synchronised status of all the list items
* @return TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus: the synchronization status of all the items
virtual TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus IsAllSynchronised() = 0;
* AddWatcher: To add watcher to presence
virtual void AddWatcherL( TPtrC contact/*wvid*/ ) = 0;
* RemoveWatcher: To remove watcher from presence
virtual void RemoveWatcherL( TPtrC contact/*wvid*/ ) = 0;
* Refreshes friends-storage presence data.
virtual void RefreshFriendsL() = 0;
* Places all friends (from aUserList) that are online to aOnlineList
* and users that are offline to aOfflineList.
* @param aUserList List of users, whose presence data is to be fetched.
* @param aOnlineList List of users, that are online, can be NULL.
* @param aOfflineList List of users, that are offline, can be NULL.
* @param aUpdateStorage If ETrue, contact storage flags are updated
virtual void GetOnlineUsersL(
const CDesCArray *aUsers,
CDesCArray* aOnlineList,
CDesCArray* aOfflineList,
TBool aUpdateStorage = EFalse ) = 0;
* Invoke the fetch contacts method from presence component
virtual void FetchContactsL() = 0;
* Changes client own presence status, and sets status message
* @param aStatus Presence status -online,oflline etc
* @param aStatusMessage Presence status message
* @return Error code.
virtual TInt ChangeStatusL( TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aStatus,
const TDesC& aStatusMessage ) = 0;
* Changes presence status message
* @param aStatusMessage Presence status message
* @return Operation error.
virtual TInt ChangeStatusMessageL( const TDesC& aStatusMessage ) = 0;
* StatusL: To get the own status like Online, Away, Busy etc
* @return TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
virtual TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus StatusL() = 0;
* GetOwnStatusConverter: To get TEnumsPC:TOnlineStatus type of enum from
* the presence side MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus enums for own status
* @param aPresenceStatus: presence side MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus enums
* @return TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
virtual TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus GetOwnStatusConverter(
MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus aPresenceStatus ) = 0;
public :
* gets the alias of the specified contact at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of contact
* @return the alias
virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactAlias( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* gets the nickname of the specified contact at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of contact
* @return the nickname
virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactNickname( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* gets the user id of the specified contact at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of contact
* @return the user id
virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactUserId( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* gets the identification of the specified contact at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of contact
* @return the identification
virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactIdentification( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* IgnoreOfflineStatusL: To decide whether to ignore the offline status of a contact
* @param aIndex: index of the contact item in the listbox
* @return bool: true if the offline status of contact can be ignored else return false
virtual TInt IgnoreOfflineStatusL( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* SetMessageReadInterfaceL: Calls the MessageReadInterface() of engine component
* to set the read interface
* @param aIndex: index of contact for whom the read interface (conversation) has
* to be set
* @return void
virtual void SetMessageReadInterfaceL( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* ChatExistsL: Checks if there is an existing chat for the contact
* at index
* @param aIndex: index of contact for which the existing
* conversation has to be checked
* @return bool: If chat exists for contact at aIndex return true
* else return false
virtual TBool ChatExistsL( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* IndexOfList: find the index of the list if the item is a contact list else find the
* index of parent contactlist of the contact at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of contactitem or list whose list index has tto be returned
* @return TInt: If the item is a contactlist type return aIndex else it will return
* the index of the parent contactlist of the contactitem type
virtual TInt IndexOfList( TInt aIndex,
TBool aIgnoreOwnItem = EFalse,
TBool aIgnoreEmptyLists = ETrue ) const = 0;
* Check if synchronization of contact lists is done
* @return ETrue if done
virtual TBool IsSyncDoneL() = 0;
* To create a contact list with given name
* @param aDisplayName: name of the list to be created
* @return KErrNone if list is created else retrun KErrAlreadyExists
virtual TInt CreateContactListL( const TDesC& aDisplayName ,
TInt& aIndex ) = 0;
* To sort the contact list in alphbetical order
* @param alistId: list id of renamed contact list
virtual TInt SortContactListAfterRenameL( const TDesC& aListId ) = 0 ;
* Find if there is a list with given name already
* @param aNamePtr: name of the list to be searched
* @return KErrNone if theres no list with the name aNamePtr else return KErrAlreadyExists
virtual TInt ListAlreadyExistsL( const TPtr aNamePtr ) = 0;
* Check if there are any contact list in the contact lists
* @return KErrGeneral if no contact list is available else return KErrNone
virtual TInt ContactListsExistL() = 0;
* Find the no. of contact items in the contact list
* @param aIndex: the index of contact list
* @return TInt: the no. of contact items in the list at aIndex
virtual TInt CountOfContactsInList( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Count of lists.
* @return Count of lists.
virtual TInt ListCountL() const = 0;
* Delete the contact list
* @param aIndex: ID of the list
* @return Error code
virtual TInt DeleteContactListL( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Deletes one contact from server side contact list
* @param aIndex: Index of list to be updated
* @return Error code
virtual TInt DeleteServerContactL( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* gets the list id of the specified list at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of list
* @return the list id
virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedListId( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Find a contact from the store by wv User ID
* @param aContactListId List which contains contact.
* @param aId the User ID of the contact to find
* @return The contact
virtual TInt FindContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
const TDesC& aId ) = 0;
* Find a contact list from the store by wv User ID
* @param aContactListId List which contains contact list id.
* @return The contact list index
virtual TInt FindContactListIndexL( const TDesC& aListId ) = 0;
* Get the status text for the contact
* @param aIndex: Index of contact item
* @return Error code
virtual const TDesC& StatusText( TInt aIndex ) const = 0;
* Construct an array of contact list positions in model.
* aPositionArray is cleared before appending positions!
* @param aPositionArray array in which to store positions
* @return none
virtual void MapContactListPositions( RArray<TInt>& aPositionArray ) = 0;
* gets the displayname of the specified List at aIndex
* @param aIndex: index of list
* @return the displayname
virtual TPtrC DisplayName( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* SetDisplayName: To set/rename item name of each list item
* @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose name is to be changed/set
* @param aItemName: name to be set for the list item at specified index
* @return TInt: Error code to check if the name has been set
virtual TInt SetDisplayNameL( TInt aIndex, const TPtrC aItemName ) = 0;
*Sets the selectionmode
virtual void SetContactSelectionL(
TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelectionMode,
TInt aSelectedListIndex ) = 0;
*Sets the selectionmode
virtual void ResetContactSelectionL() = 0;
* Should the model show "All" item in beginning
* of each contact list.
* @param aShow If ETrue, first item in every contact list is "All"
virtual void ShowAll( TBool aShow ) = 0;
* GetFilteredCount
virtual TInt GetFilteredCount(
TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter, TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Clears all selected-flags
virtual void ClearSelectedL( ) = 0;
//for invitations
* Returns index for given invitation
* @param aIndex
* @return index of invitation
virtual TInt GetItemEngineIndex( TInt aIndex ) const = 0;
* ToUpdatePresence: To get the information on whether presence has to be updated
* by anding the two filters
* @parm aFilter1: TEnumsPC::TFilterType
* @parm aFilter2: TEnumsPC::TFilterType
virtual TBool ToUpdatePresence( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter1,
TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter2 ) = 0;
* Returns index of invitation for given wvid and
* Deletes item from array.
* @since 3.2
* @param Index of invitation
virtual TInt FindInvitationAndDelete(
const TDesC& aInviteID /*TInt aIndex*/ ) = 0;
* Returns index of invitation for given wvid and
* Deletes item from array.
* @since 3.2
* @param Index of invitation
virtual TInt FindInvitationAndDelete( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Find any contact which id is aContactId
* @param aContactId Contactid to recognize contact.
* @return ETrue if contact found else EFalse
virtual TBool FindAnyContactL( const TDesC& aContactId ) = 0;
* Set a separate filter for the single list view array items
* @param aFilter: filter to be set
virtual void SetSingleListArrayFilter(
TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter ) = 0;
* Get a separate filter for the single list view array items
* @return filter
virtual TEnumsPC::TFilterType GetSingleListArrayFilter() = 0;
* To set the filter type for engine
virtual void SetFilter( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter ) = 0;
* To get the filter type for engine
virtual TEnumsPC::TFilterType Filter() = 0;
* Fills aOnlineList with the user id's from friends-list that are
* online.
* @param aOnlineList List that will be populated with online friends.
* @param aFetchFromNetwork Fetch presence information from network
virtual void GetOnlineContactsL( CDesCArray& aOnlineList,
TBool aFetchFromNetwork = EFalse ) = 0;
* Gets the details of the given index
* like aItemId, aListId,aItemType.
* @return teh structure filled with tha above details.
virtual TCAItemDetails GetArrayItemIdDetails( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
* Gets the Index, given item details
* like aItemId, aListId,aItemType.
* @return the index
virtual TInt GetArrayItemIdIndexL( const TCAItemDetails& aItemDetails ) = 0;
* Registers the singlelistview for callback.
virtual void RegisterCallBack( MCASingleListViewCB* aSingleViewCB ) = 0;
* UnRegisters the singlelistview for callback.
virtual void UnRegisterCallBack( ) = 0;
* @return returns ETrue if any contact is found in contactlists
* else returns EFalse if no contact is found
virtual TBool IsAnyContactFound() = 0;
* Populate the group array iGroupArray with groups
virtual void PopulateGroupsListL() = 0;
* To set the group count down flag, for each logout. For the first time login
* it is set in the constructor to EFalse. This flag ensures that the
* initial deletion of groups from iGroupArray and the subsequent additions
* of user created groups are not reflected on the UI
virtual void ResetGroupCountDownOnLogout() = 0;
virtual const TDesC& GetInviteItemID( TInt aIndex ) = 0;
virtual const RPointerArray<MCAArrayItemPC>& GetOpenChatsArray() const = 0;
* @returns the index of the given item W.R.T singlelistview.
virtual TInt FindIndexOfOpenChatsItem( TEnumsPC::TItem aItemType,
const TDesC& aId ) = 0;
virtual TInt GetOpenChatsActiveIndex()const = 0;
* Sets the focus to the owndata on logout.
virtual void SetCurrentItemIndexL( TBool aFreshLogin = EFalse ) = 0;
public: //Added methods for sorting of openchats
virtual void InsertConversationItemL( const TDesC& aUserId,
const TDesC& aIdentification ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveConversationItem( const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0;
virtual TBool IsOpenChatsMsgPending(
const TEnumsPC::TItem aType,
const TDesC& aId ) = 0;
* First pending message containers WVID.
* @return First pending message WVID.
virtual const TDesC& PendingMessageInfo() = 0;
* First pending message containers groupID.
* @param First pending message groupName.
* @return First pending message groupID.
virtual const TDesC& ChatGroupPendingMessageInfo( TDesC& aGroupName ) = 0;
* RegisterObserverL: To add the UI component as an observer to listen to the
* event from the MainViewArrayPC
* @see MCAListInitObserver
* @return void
virtual void RegisterObserverL( MCAListInitObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
* UnRegisterObserverL:
* @see MCAListInitObserver
* @return void
virtual void UnRegisterObserverL() = 0;
* AIsListInitializationCompleteL:
* @return Bool value
virtual TBool IsListInitializationCompletedL() = 0;
* Refresh the conversation item in openchats to
* reflect the changes upon addation/chang/deletion of a contact
* @param aContactId: userId whose nickname is changed.
virtual void RefreshConversationItemText( const TDesC& aContactId ) = 0;
* Refresh the invitation item in openchats to
* reflect the changes upon addation/chang/deletion of a contact
* @param aContactId: userId whose nickname is changed.
virtual void RefreshInvitationItemTextL( const TDesC& aContactId ) = 0;
*Get the index of top pending conversation in single list view.
*This index can be used high light that perticular item.
virtual TInt GetIndexOfTopPendingMessage() = 0;