changeset 3 ee64f059b8e1
parent 2 2e1adbfc62af
child 4 3f2d53f144fe
child 5 0930554dc389
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:2e1adbfc62af 3:ee64f059b8e1
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  ?Description
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <s32strm.h>
    21 #include "ircommon.h"
    22 #include "irdebug.h"
    23 #include "irmetadata.h"
    24 #include "irpropertyobserver.h"
    25 #include "irpubsub.h"
    27 /**
    28 *C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    29 * might leave.
    30 */
    31 CIRPubSub::CIRPubSub()
    32     {
    33 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::CIRPubSub" );
    34     }
    36 /**
    37 * Function: ConstructL
    38 * Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    39 */
    41 void CIRPubSub::ConstructL()
    42     {
    43 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::ConstructL - Entering" );
    44     // Define data properties.
    45     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSDataApplicationRunning, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    46     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSPresetIndex, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    47     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSDataChannel, RProperty::ELargeText, ETrue );
    48     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSMetaData, RProperty::ELargeText, ETrue );
    49     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSVolume, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    50     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSPlayStop, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    51     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSChannelUrl, RProperty::ELargeText, ETrue );
    52     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSBitrate, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    53     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSMultiplePlay, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    54     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSStationName, RProperty::ELargeText, ETrue );
    55     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSAppInstanceRunning, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    56     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSChannelType, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    57     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSChannelId, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    58     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSDataChannelDesc, RProperty::ELargeText, ETrue );
    59     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSChannelMusicFlag, RProperty::ELargeText, ETrue );
    60     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSBufferingState, RProperty::EInt, ETrue );
    61     //Gets the integer value for the property KIRPSAppInstanceRunning
    62     //which gives the number of instances of iRapp running
    63     RProperty::Get( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp,KIRPSAppInstanceRunning,iApplicationInstanceCount);
    64     //Increment the count and set the integer value for the property 
    65     //KIRPSAppInstanceRunning to track the number of instances of iRapp
    66     //running
    67     iApplicationInstanceCount++;
    68     RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp,KIRPSAppInstanceRunning,iApplicationInstanceCount);
    69     DefinePropertyL( KIRPSControlSetPlayState, RProperty::EInt, EFalse );
    71     IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::ConstructL - Exiting." );	
    72     }
    74 /**
    75 * Function: NewL
    76 * Two-phased constructor.
    77 * @return An Instance of CIRBufferingControl
    78 */
    79 CIRPubSub* CIRPubSub::NewL()
    80     {
    81 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::NewL - Entering" );
    82     CIRPubSub* self = new (ELeave) CIRPubSub();
    83     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    84     self->ConstructL();
    85     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    86 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::NewL - Exiting." );
    87     return self;
    88     }
    91 /**
    92 * Function: ~CIRPubSub
    93 * Destructs all the Property Instances
    94 */
    95 CIRPubSub::~CIRPubSub()
    96     {
    97 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::~CIRPubSub - Entering" );
    98     iPropertyArray.ResetAndDestroy();
    99 	iPropertyArray.Close();
   100     RProperty::Get( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp,KIRPSAppInstanceRunning,iApplicationInstanceCount);
   101     iApplicationInstanceCount--;
   103     //Delete the property only when one instance of iRapp is running 
   104     if(!iApplicationInstanceCount )
   105     	{
   106         DeleteProperty( KIRPSDataApplicationRunning );
   107         DeleteProperty( KIRPSDataChannel );
   108         DeleteProperty( KIRPSMetaData );
   109         DeleteProperty( KIRPSPresetIndex );
   110  	    DeleteProperty( KIRPSVolume );
   111         DeleteProperty( KIRPSPlayStop );
   112         DeleteProperty( KIRPSChannelUrl );
   113         DeleteProperty( KIRPSBitrate );
   114         DeleteProperty( KIRPSMultiplePlay );
   115         DeleteProperty( KIRPSStationName );
   116         DeleteProperty( KIRPSAppInstanceRunning );
   117         DeleteProperty( KIRPSChannelType );
   118         DeleteProperty( KIRPSChannelId );
   119         DeleteProperty( KIRPSDataChannelDesc );
   120         DeleteProperty( KIRPSChannelMusicFlag );
   121         DeleteProperty( KIRPSControlSetPlayState );
   122         DeleteProperty( KIRPSBufferingState );
   123     	}
   124     RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp,KIRPSAppInstanceRunning,iApplicationInstanceCount);
   126     IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::~CIRPubSub - Exiting." );	
   127     }
   129 /*
   130 * CIRPubSub::DefinePropertyL
   131 * Defines a property.
   132 */
   133 void CIRPubSub::DefinePropertyL( TUint aKey, TInt aAttr, TBool aDataProperty ) 
   134 				const
   135     {
   136 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::DefinePropertyL - Entering" );
   137     _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS(KIRExternalAccessPolicy);
   138     _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S0(KIRInternalAccessPolicy, KUIDIRAPP);
   140     TInt err = KErrNone;
   141     if(aDataProperty)
   142         {   
   143         // For data properties, grant read access for all, but write access only for iRAPP
   144        	err = RProperty::Define( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, aKey, aAttr, 
   145        			KIRExternalAccessPolicy, KIRInternalAccessPolicy );
   146         }
   147     else
   148         {
   149         // For control properties, grant read access only for IRA, but write access for all
   150 	    err = RProperty::Define( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, aKey, aAttr,
   151 	    		 KIRInternalAccessPolicy, KIRExternalAccessPolicy );
   152 	    }
   153 	if ( err && err != KErrAlreadyExists )
   154         {
   155         User::Leave( err );
   156         }
   157 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::DefinePropertyL - Exiting." );
   158      }
   160 /*
   161 * CIRPubSub::DeleteProperty
   162 * Deletes a property
   163 */
   165 void CIRPubSub::DeleteProperty( TUint aKey ) const
   166     {
   167 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::DeleteProperty Entering" );
   168     RProperty::Delete( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, aKey );
   169 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::DeleteProperty - Exiting." );
   170     }
   173 /*
   174 * CIRPubSub::PublishChannel
   175 * Publishes the property value for key KIRPSDataChannel
   176 */
   178 void CIRPubSub::PublishChannel(const TDesC16& aChannelName ) const
   179     {
   180 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishChannel - Entering" );	
   181 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSDataChannel,
   182 					 aChannelName );
   183 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishChannel - Exiting." );	
   184     }
   186 /*
   187 * CIRPubSub::PublishVolumeL
   188 * Publishes the property value for key KIRPSVolume
   189 */
   191 void CIRPubSub::PublishVolume( TInt aVol ) const
   192     {
   193 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishVolumeL - Entering" );	
   194 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSVolume , aVol );
   195 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishVolumeL - Exiting." );	
   196     }
   198 /*
   199 * CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop
   200 * Publishes the property value for playing status
   201 */
   202 void CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop ( TIRStopPlayState aPlayingState ) const
   203 	{
   204 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop - Entering" );	
   205 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSPlayStop, aPlayingState );	
   206 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop - Exiting." );	
   207 	}
   209 /*
   210 * CIRPubSub::PublishApplicationRunningStateL
   211 * Publishes the property value for key KIRPSVolume
   212 */
   214 void CIRPubSub::PublishApplicationRunningStateL( TIRPSApplicationRunningState
   215 	 			aRunningState ) const
   216 	    {
   217 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::ConstructL - Entering" );	
   218     User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, 
   219     		KIRPSDataApplicationRunning, aRunningState ) );
   220     IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::ConstructL - Exiting." );	
   221 	}
   223 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 // Publishes meta data information.
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 //
   227 void CIRPubSub::PublishMetaDataL( const CIRMetaData& aMetaData ) const
   228     {
   229     IRLOG_INFO4( "CIRPubSub::PublishMetaDataL( aMetaData.Artist()=%S, aMetaData.Song()=%S, aMetaData.StreamUrl()=%S )",
   230                  &aMetaData.Artist(), &aMetaData.Song(), &aMetaData.StreamUrl() );
   232     HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( aMetaData.Artist().Size() + aMetaData.Song().Size() + 
   233     				aMetaData.StreamUrl().Size() );
   235     TPtr8 bufferPtr( buffer->Des() );
   237     RDesWriteStream stream( bufferPtr );
   238     CleanupClosePushL( stream );
   240     aMetaData.ExternalizeL( stream );
   241     User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSMetaData, bufferPtr ) );
   243     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
   244     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
   246     IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishMetaDataL - Exit" );
   247     }
   249 /*
   250 * CIRPubSub::PublishChannelType
   251 * Publishes the property value for  KIRPSChannelType
   252 */
   253 void CIRPubSub::PublishChannelType ( TInt aChannelType ) const
   254 	{
   255 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop - Entering" );	
   256 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSChannelType, aChannelType );	
   257 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop - Exiting." );	
   258 	}
   260 /*
   261 * CIRPubSub::PublishChannelId
   262 * Publishes the property value for  KIRPSChannelId
   263 */
   264 void CIRPubSub::PublishChannelId ( TInt aChannelId ) const
   265 	{
   266 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop - Entering" );	
   267 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSChannelId, aChannelId );	
   268 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishPlayStop - Exiting." );	
   269 	}
   271 /*
   272 * CIRPubSub::PublishChannelDesc
   273 * Publishes the property value for key KIRPSDataChannel
   274 */
   276 void CIRPubSub::PublishChannelDesc(const TDesC16& aChannelDesc ) const
   277     {
   278 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishChannel - Entering" );	
   279 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSDataChannelDesc,
   280 					 aChannelDesc );
   281 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishChannel - Exiting." );	
   282     }
   283 /*
   284 * CIRPubSub::PublishChannelMusicFlag
   285 * Publishes the property value for key KIRPSChannelMusicFlag
   286 */
   288 void CIRPubSub::PublishChannelMusicFlag(const TDesC16& aChannelMusicFlag ) const
   289     {
   290 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishChannelMusicFlag - Entering" );	
   291 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSChannelMusicFlag,
   292 					 aChannelMusicFlag );
   293 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishChannelMusicFlag - Exiting." );	
   294     }
   295     /*
   296 * CIRPubSub::PublishBufferingState
   297 * Publishes the property value for key KIRPSBufferingState
   298 */
   300 void CIRPubSub::PublishBufferingState(TIRBufferingState aState) const
   301     {
   302 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishBufferingState - Entering" );	
   303 	RProperty::Set( KUidActiveInternetRadioApp, KIRPSBufferingState,
   304 					 aState );
   305 	IRLOG_DEBUG( "CIRPubSub::PublishBufferingState - Exiting." );	
   306     }
   307 //  End of File