changeset 5 0930554dc389
parent 3 ee64f059b8e1
child 6 5d722176514a
child 8 3b03c28289e6
--- a/qtinternetradio/irqisdsclient/src/irqisdscientimpl.cpp	Fri May 14 15:43:29 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include "irqisdsclientimpl.h"
-#include "irqenums.h"
-#include "irqfavoritesdb.h"
-#include "irlogodownloadengine.h"
-#include "irdataprovider.h"
-#include "irhttpdataprovider.h"
-#include "irqutility.h"
-#include "irbrowsecatagoryitems.h"
-#include "irbrowsechannelitems.h"
-#include "isdsclientdll.h"
-#include "irqisdsdatastructure.h"
-static const char* KDefaultIsdsUrl = "";
-void getIsdsUrlFromConfiguration(QString & aUrl);
-IRQIsdsClientImpl::IRQIsdsClientImpl() : iISDSClient(NULL), iFavPresets(NULL),
-                                                                    iLogoDownloadEngine(NULL)
-    QString userDefinedIsdsUrl(KDefaultIsdsUrl);
-    getIsdsUrlFromConfiguration(userDefinedIsdsUrl);
-    TPtrC irqissbaseurl(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(userDefinedIsdsUrl.utf16()));
-    _LIT( irqissbaseurl, "http://idirectory.xgns.net/isds" );
-    TRAPD(error, iISDSClient = CIRIsdsClient::NewL(*this, irqissbaseurl));
-    if(KErrNone != error)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    iLogoDownloadEngine
-            = iISDSClient->GetDataProvider()->GetHttpDataProvider()->GetLogoDownloadEngine();
-    delete iISDSClient;
-//used to indicate errors in retrieving data from isds server
-//@param int, the error code sent by the http receiver 
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsErrorL(int aErrCode)
-    if (KNotFound == aErrCode)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorNotFound);
-    }
-    else if (KErrCouldNotConnect == aErrCode)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorCouldNotConnect);
-    }
-    else if (KDndTimedOut == aErrCode)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorTimeOut);
-    }
-    else if (KServiceUnavailable == aErrCode)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorServiceUnavailable);
-    }
-    else if (KErrCorrupt == aErrCode)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorCorrupt);
-    }
-    else if (KDataProviderTimeout == aErrCode)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorTimeOut);
-    }
-    else
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsSearchRequestImpl(const QString& aIsdsSearchString)
-    TPtrC16 searchDes(
-            reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aIsdsSearchString.utf16()));
-    TRAPD( err, iISDSClient->IRISDSSearchL(searchDes));
-    if (KErrNone != err)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-    }
-//Send the category request by the category type
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsCategoryRequestImpl(
-        IRQIsdsClient::IRQIsdsClientInterfaceIDs aIDType, bool& aCache)
-    iCatBannerTag = false;
-    TRAPD( err, aCache = !(iISDSClient->IRIsdsClientIntefaceL((CIRIsdsClient::TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs)aIDType)));
-    if (err != KErrNone)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-    }
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsIsCategoryCachedImpl(IRQIsdsClient::IRQIsdsClientInterfaceIDs aIDType)
-    bool cache = false;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(cache = iISDSClient->IRIsdsIsCategoryCachedL((CIRIsdsClient::TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs)aIDType));    
-    return cache;
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsIsChannelCachedImpl(int aIndex)
-    bool cache = false;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(cache = iISDSClient->IRIsdsIsChannelCachedL(aIndex)); 
-    return cache;
-//Send the channels request by the channel index in the specify category
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsChannelRequestImpl(int aIndex, bool& aCache)
-    iChannelBannerTag = false;
-    TRAPD( err, aCache = !(iISDSClient->IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(aIndex, CIRIsdsClient::ECatagory)));
-    if (err != KErrNone)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-    }
-//issue a listen request to the isds client
-//@param int,bool, the current index of channel, the history tag  
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsListenRequestImpl(int aCurrentIndex,
-        bool aHistoryBool)
-    if (aHistoryBool)
-    {
-        TRAPD( err, iISDSClient->IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(aCurrentIndex, CIRIsdsClient::EChannels, ETrue));
-        if (err != KErrNone)
-        {
-            emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        TRAPD( err, iISDSClient->IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(aCurrentIndex, CIRIsdsClient::EChannels));
-        if (err != KErrNone)
-        {
-            emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-        }
-    }
-//to syncronize presets
-//@param int,QString, the preset id and the last modified tag for the preset   
-int IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsSyncPresetImpl(int aPresetId,
-        const QString& aIfModifySince, IRQFavoritesDB *aFavPresets)
-    iFavPresets = aFavPresets;
-    TPtrC16 modifySinceDes(
-            reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aIfModifySince.utf16()));
-    TInt result = 0;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(result = iISDSClient->SyncPresetL(aPresetId,modifySinceDes));     
-    return result;
-//Cacel the request sent by the UI.
-//@param None
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsCancelRequestImpl()
-    TRAPD( err, iISDSClient->IRISDSCancelRequest());
-    if (err != KErrNone)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-    }
-//to see wether category view has a banner.
-//@param None
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsIsCategoryBannerImpl()
-    return iCatBannerTag;
-//to see wether channel view has a banner.
-//@param None
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsIsChannelBannerImpl()
-    return iChannelBannerTag;
-//the api is called from the UI(nowplaying view) to download logo.
-//@param None
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsLogoDownSendRequestImpl(IRQPreset* aPreset,
-        int aNPVReq, int aXValue, int aYValue)
-    if (NULL == aPreset)
-        return;
-    CIRIsdsPreset *cirPreset = NULL;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(cirPreset = CIRIsdsPreset::NewL());
-    IRQUtility::convertIRQPreset2CIRIsdsPreset(*aPreset, *cirPreset);
-    aXValue = aXValue % 1000;
-    aYValue = aYValue % 1000;
-    TRAPD( err, iLogoDownloadEngine->SendRequestL(cirPreset,this, aNPVReq, aXValue, aYValue));//0 0 
-    delete cirPreset;
-    if (err != KErrNone)
-    {
-        emit operationExceptionImpl(EIRQErrorGeneral);
-    }
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsIsLogoCachedImpl(IRQPreset* aPreset, int aXValue, int aYValue)
-    if( NULL == aPreset )
-        return false;
-    bool cached = false;
-    CIRIsdsPreset *cirPreset = NULL;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(cirPreset = CIRIsdsPreset::NewL());
-    IRQUtility::convertIRQPreset2CIRIsdsPreset(*aPreset, *cirPreset);
-    aXValue = aXValue % 1000;
-    aYValue = aYValue % 1000;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(cached = iLogoDownloadEngine->isLogoCachedL(cirPreset,aXValue, aYValue));
-	  delete cirPreset;
-	  cirPreset = NULL;
-    return cached;
-//the api is called to cancel the current transaction
-//@param None
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsLogoDownCancelTransactionImpl()
-    iLogoDownloadEngine->CancelTransaction();
-//To know the status of downloading logo
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsLogoDownIsRunningImpl() const
-    return iLogoDownloadEngine->IsRunning();
-//takes the url as a parameter and returns the logo data which is in cache
-//this API is called form the search results for to display logo on the view
-//@param QString: the url of the img, int: the status for getting
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsLogoDownCheckCacheLogoImpl(
-        const QString& aURL, int& aStatus)
-    TInt status = 0;
-    TPtrC16 url(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aURL.utf16()));
-    TRAP_IGNORE(iLogoDownloadEngine->GetCacheLogoL(url, status));       
-    aStatus = status;
-//get the cache logo from the logodown engine. The "send" is the point from a logodown engine
-//@param None
-TDesC8& IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsLogoDownSendCacheLogoImpl()
-    return iLogoDownloadEngine->SendCacheLogo();
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsPostLogImpl(const QString &aFileName)
-    TPtrC16 fileName(
-                reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aFileName.utf16()));
-    TBuf<256> fileBuf = fileName;
-    TRAP_IGNORE(iISDSClient->IRISDSPostL(fileBuf));     
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsGetIRIDImpl()
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsGetBrowseBannerImpl(QString& aBannerUrl, QString& aClickThroughUrl)
-    aBannerUrl = iCatBannerUrl;
-    aClickThroughUrl = iCatClickThroughUrl;
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsMultSearchImpl(QString aGenreID, QString aCountryID, QString aLanguageID, QString aSearchText)
-    TPtrC16 genreID(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aGenreID.utf16()));
-    TPtrC16 countryID(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aCountryID.utf16()));
-    TPtrC16 languageID(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aLanguageID.utf16()));
-    TPtrC16 searchText(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*> (aSearchText.utf16()));
-    TRAP_IGNORE(iISDSClient->IRISDSMultiSearchL(genreID, countryID, languageID, searchText));
-//when we get the category data from low layer, the function is called and
-//we will generate the data pushed to UI, the IRQIsdsClientImpl will not free the 
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsCatogoryDataReceivedL(CArrayPtrFlat<
-        CIRBrowseCatagoryItems> & aParsedStructure)
-    iCatBannerTag = false;
-    iCatBannerUrl.clear();
-    iCatClickThroughUrl.clear();
-    /* the data is pushed to the UI and irqisds is not care when it's deleted */
-    QList<IRQBrowseCategoryItem *> * pushBrowseCategoryItemList = new QList<
-            IRQBrowseCategoryItem *> ;
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < aParsedStructure.Count(); i++)
-    {
-        if (NULL != aParsedStructure[i]->iCatBannerUrl)
-        {
-            iCatBannerTag = true;
-            if (0 != aParsedStructure[i]->iCatBannerUrl->Length())
-            {
-                iCatBannerUrl = QString::fromUtf16(
-                        aParsedStructure[i]->iCatBannerUrl->Des().Ptr(),
-                        aParsedStructure[i]->iCatBannerUrl->Des().Length());
-            }
-            if (NULL != aParsedStructure[i]->iCatClickThroughUrl)
-            {
-                if (0 != aParsedStructure[i]->iCatClickThroughUrl->Length())
-                {
-                    iCatClickThroughUrl
-                            = QString::fromUtf16(
-                                    aParsedStructure[i]->iCatClickThroughUrl->Des().Ptr(),
-                                    aParsedStructure[i]->iCatClickThroughUrl->Des().Length());
-                }
-            }
-        }// end if ( NULL != ) 
-        if (NULL != aParsedStructure[i]->iCatName)
-        {
-            IRQBrowseCategoryItem * oneItem = new IRQBrowseCategoryItem();
-            oneItem->catName = QString::fromUtf16(
-                    aParsedStructure[i]->iCatName->Des().Ptr(),
-                    aParsedStructure[i]->iCatName->Des().Length());
-            oneItem->size = aParsedStructure[i]->iSize;
-            pushBrowseCategoryItemList->append(oneItem);
-        }
-    }// end for
-    /* now we get the data and we need to signal the ui to stop the 
-     dialog and emit and call the setdata of model*/
-    emit
-    categoryItemsChangedImpl(pushBrowseCategoryItemList);
-//when we get the channels data from low layer, the function is called and
-//we will generate the data pushed to UI
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsChannelDataReceivedL(CArrayPtrFlat<
-        CIRBrowseChannelItems> & aParsedStructure)
-    iChannelBannerTag = false;
-    iChannelBannerUrl.clear();
-    iChannelClickThroughUrl.clear();
-    QList<IRQChannelItem *> *pushBrowseChannelItemList = new QList<
-            IRQChannelItem *> ;
-    for (int i = 0; i < aParsedStructure.Count(); i++)
-    {
-        if (NULL != aParsedStructure[i]->iBannerUrl)
-        {
-            iChannelBannerTag = true;
-            if (0 != aParsedStructure[i]->iBannerUrl->Length())
-            {
-                iChannelBannerUrl = QString::fromUtf16(
-                        aParsedStructure[i]->iBannerUrl->Des().Ptr(),
-                        aParsedStructure[i]->iBannerUrl->Des().Length());
-            }
-            if (NULL != aParsedStructure[i]->iClickThroughUrl)
-            {
-                if (0 != aParsedStructure[i]->iClickThroughUrl->Length())
-                {
-                    iChannelClickThroughUrl
-                            = QString::fromUtf16(
-                                    aParsedStructure[i]->iClickThroughUrl->Des().Ptr(),
-                                    aParsedStructure[i]->iClickThroughUrl->Des().Length());
-                }
-            }
-        } //end if aParsedStructure[i]->
-        if (NULL != aParsedStructure[i]->iChannelName)
-        {
-            IRQChannelItem * oneChannelItem = new IRQChannelItem();
-            oneChannelItem->channelName = QString::fromUtf16(
-                    aParsedStructure[i]->iChannelName->Des().Ptr(),
-                    aParsedStructure[i]->iChannelName->Des().Length());
-            oneChannelItem->shortDescription = QString::fromUtf16(
-                    aParsedStructure[i]->iShortDescription->Des().Ptr(),
-                    aParsedStructure[i]->iShortDescription->Des().Length());
-            if (0 != aParsedStructure[i]->iImgUrl.Length())
-            {
-                oneChannelItem->imageURL = QString::fromUtf16(
-                        aParsedStructure[i]->iImgUrl.Ptr(),
-                        aParsedStructure[i]->iImgUrl.Length());;
-            }
-            else
-                oneChannelItem->imageURL = "";
-            pushBrowseChannelItemList->append(oneChannelItem);
-        }
-    }
-    /* after we get data, we push it to the UI to show*/
-    emit
-    channelItemsChangedImpl(pushBrowseChannelItemList);
-//when we get the presets data from low layer, the function is called and
-//we will generate the data pushed to UI. 
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsPresetDataReceivedL(
-        CArrayPtrFlat<CIRIsdsPreset> & aParsedStructure)
-    CIRIsdsPreset* preset = aParsedStructure[0];
-    IRQPreset* qPreset = new IRQPreset();
-    /* we need convert the CIR to QT */
-    IRQUtility::convertCIRIsdsPreset2IRQPrest(*preset, *qPreset);
-    qPreset->type = IRQPreset::EIsds;
-    emit
-    presetResponseImpl(qPreset);
-//when we find that the preset to be syc is deleted from isds server, the function 
-//will be called to notify the UI. DISCUSSED FURTHER
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsPresetRemovedL(TInt aId)
-    if(iFavPresets)
-    {
-        iFavPresets->makePresetUserDefined(aId, 0);
-    }
-    emit
-    syncPresetResultImpl(EIRQIsdsSycPresetRemoved, NULL);
-//when we find that the preset to be syc is changed from isds server, the function 
-//will be called to notify the UI.
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsPresetChangedL(CIRIsdsPreset& aPreset)
-    IRQPreset* qPreset = new IRQPreset();
-    IRQUtility::convertCIRIsdsPreset2IRQPrest(aPreset, *qPreset);
-    qPreset->type = IRQPreset::EIsds;
-    if(iFavPresets)
-    {        
-        iFavPresets->replacePreset(*qPreset);
-    }
-    emit syncPresetResultImpl(EIRQIsdsSycPresetChanged, qPreset);
-//when we find that the preset to be syc is changed from isds server, the function 
-//will be called to notify the UI.
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsPresetNoChangeL()
-    emit syncPresetResultImpl(EIRQIsdsSycPresetNoChange, NULL);
-//called back when a preset's logo has downloaded
-//@param CIRIsdsPreset*, preset with downloaded logo
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::PresetLogoDownloadedL(CIRIsdsPreset* aPreset)
-    if (NULL == aPreset)
-        return;
-    IRQPreset * irqPreset = new IRQPreset();
-    IRQUtility::convertCIRIsdsPreset2IRQPrest(*aPreset, *irqPreset);
-    emit presetLogoDownloadedImpl(irqPreset);
-//called back when a preset's logo has not downloaded
-//@param CIRIsdsPreset*, preset with no logo data
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::PresetLogoDownloadError(CIRIsdsPreset* aPreset)
-    if (NULL == aPreset)
-        return;
-    emit presetLogoDownloadErrorImpl();
-//receive the irid from isds server, not implementated
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsIRIDRecieved(const TDesC& aIRID)
-    //nothing now
-    QString irid = QString::fromUtf16(aIRID.Ptr(),aIRID.Length());
-    emit iridReceivedImpl(irid);     
-//receive the ota info from isds server, not implementated
-void IRQIsdsClientImpl::IsdsOtaInfoRecieved(CIROTAUpdate &aOtaData)
-    //nothing now
-    Q_UNUSED(aOtaData);    
-bool IRQIsdsClientImpl::isdsIsConstructSucceed() const
-    return iISDSClient != NULL;
-void getIsdsUrlFromConfiguration(QString & aUrl)
-    QFile file("C:\\data\\QTIRConfigure.txt");
-    if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) 
-    {
-        QTextStream stream( &file );
-        QString line;
-        QStringList parameter;
-        while (!stream.atEnd())
-        {
-            line = stream.readLine();
-            parameter = line.split("=");
-            if (parameter.count() == 2)
-            {
-                if (parameter.first() == "userDefinedIsdsUrl")
-                {
-                    aUrl = parameter.last();
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        file.close();
-    }